How to call a girl with the patronymic of Timurovna? Beautiful female names suitable for patronymic Timurovna: List. The meaning of the middle name of Timurovna for the girl and the influence of the middle name on her character

How to call a girl with the patronymic of Timurovna? Beautiful female names suitable for patronymic Timurovna: List. The meaning of the middle name of Timurovna for the girl and the influence of the middle name on her character

Do not know how to call a girl with the patronymic of Timurovna? Consider popular and beautiful names.

So came for a couple awaiting the baby, the moment when they recognize the sex of the child. "You will have a girl!" - says the doctor. Now you can think about the name. It happens that there are already somewhat selected in the head. You just need to find out and decide with what name the girl will easily go through life. After all, the name can influence fate.

There is another interesting article on our website: "The female name is given - which means: description of the name". You will find a lot of useful and information that is really useful to you.

From information below, you will learn how to call the baby with the patronymic of Timurovna. Read further.

The meaning of the middle name of Timurovna for the girl, the impact on the character


Beautiful and chased male adult Timur has a Turkic origin and means "iron". This name was the great conqueror Tamerlane. Calling the boy so, parents believe that the strength, stamina and firmness of the character, characteristic of this adversary, will be transmitted to him.

What will inherit in the qualities of the character of the baby who received the middle name Timurovna? What is its meaning for the girl, the effect on the character? She has conflicting personal qualities of power and strong nature:

  • Good, but does not know how to forgive resentment, in some cases vindictive.
  • Reasonable, but most often takes as a basis only its point of view.
  • Depending on the situation, it is quick -tempered, and can tactfully resolve any misunderstandings.
  • It has an internal flexibility of character.
  • She has a cunning, the ability to get out of a difficult situation, find the right way out, but not meanness.
  • In life, many things are easily given to her, so she goes along her, laughing joyfully.
  • It may seem restrained and cold, but this is not so. Such a woman is always ready to help, support, especially if it concerns the family.

He seeks to succeed where many are comprehended, proving to others that everything is possible for her.

The choice of the girl’s name for patronymic Timurovna: tips, what Russian name is suitable for a girl?

Name Timur It became popular in the Soviet Union thanks to A. Gaidar, his book for children Timur and his team. Moreover, his son was called that. Years passed, the boys grew up with this name and their daughters with Russian names and original patronymics appeared - Timurovna. Below you will find tips which Russian name is suitable for such girls.

There are certain ways to choose the right name for patronymic. The first is the content of several of the same type in the initials. This will create consonance and smoothness in the sound:

  • Ulyana
  • Alexandra
  • Anastasia
  • Catherine

The second method. Timurovna It sounds firmly, a name starting with a vowel letter will help to soften it:

  • Eugene
  • Elena
  • Irina
  • Olga
  • Julia
  • Yarina

No need to choose too long adhesions, the middle name is quite long and focuses on itself. Let the name, turning into it, smoothly prolong the sound: Yana Timurovna, Asya Timurovna, Iya Timurovna.

The following options will sound beautiful:

  • Zlata
  • Valeria
  • Alyona
  • Lada
  • Kristina
  • Larisa
  • Mayan
  • Mila
  • Mlada
  • Nika
  • Pauline
  • Victoria
  • glad
  • Yarina

I would like to pay attention: Do not give a name to a daughter, starting with the letter "T". Although it can sound beautiful: Taisiya Timurovna, Tatyana Timurovna, Tina Timurovna. The grown girl will have to fill out documents and write her initials, the “TT” does not sound feminine, but in a war. “TT” - “Tula Tokarev”, the abbreviation of the pistol.

Beautiful Russian female names consonant to patronymic Timurovna: a list with meaning

When choosing a name, follow its consonance and study the characteristic features of the corresponding to it. It’s good when they complement each other and compensate for the negative aspects. Here is a list with the meaning of beautiful Russian female names, consonant with patronymic Timurovna:

  • Zlata - "Zolotko". She is active and capable of initiative. The imagination is perfectly developed and looks positively at the world. Likes travel and learn something new. It does not endure society with boring and tedious people, because she is full of energy. Very demanding, happens even unnecessary. She wants everything around him to be perfect, and demands that, trying to re -educate this, not paying attention to the lack of desire to obey her requirements. She is reasonable, knows how and loves to plan her future. Zlata will not marry early, she prefers freedom. In marriage, she is the head of the family and the leader. And, as a result, not every man is able to endure this.
  • Mlada - "Young". Fragile and delicate nature. Sensual. The rupture of relations is very difficult. Love for her is an exciting journey in the knowledge of the unknown.
  • Evgenia - "Highness". It has common sense and strong endurance. She can discharge the intense situation in the conflict and reconcile the sides. Offective and does not know how to forgive the insults personally, and after waiting for time, can avenge.
  • Anastasia is "returned to life." Beautiful and pure soul. Very kind and tender. Wonderful wives and affectionate mothers come out of them.
  • Lada - "Wife". Very rarely encountered recently. Soft and compliant in nature, tenderness to children, attention paid to her husband, make her an ideal wife and mother.

Here are another options:

Beautiful Russian female names consonant to the patronymic of Timurovna
Beautiful Russian female names consonant to the patronymic of Timurovna
Beautiful Russian female names consonant to the patronymic of Timurovna
Beautiful Russian female names consonant to the patronymic of Timurovna

Beautiful and popular, modern female names in tune with patronymic Timurovna: a list with meaning

Fashion is quick and changeable, year, two and other names will become relevant. And vice versa, rarely encountered more attract attention. The naming should be consonant with a patronymic - this is one of the important points when choosing it. Below you will find beautiful and modern female names. They sound beautiful.

Among the popular names this year to patronymic Timurovna Suitable - a list with the meaning:

  • Alice - means that it happened From the "noble class". Since childhood, she is responsible. Unlike many women, punctual. Growing, seeks to achieve success in a career, material well -being is important to her. He is in no hurry with marriage.
  • Veronica is “victorious”. Light and sociable, knows how to attract attention. This is an open and sociable person. Sincere and open, this is what interests, becoming the unspoken leader of the company.
  • Christina - "Christian". By nature, an observer is more likely than an active participant. Unobtrusive and even closed to others.
  • Yana - "The mercy of God" Together with patronymic, character authority is enhanced. A strong and independent woman will grow out of the girl, setting herself clear goals and striving to achieve them.
  • Victoria - "Victory". The name speaks for itself. Volitional and hardworking, support and support to relatives. Feminine and attractive.
  • Milan - "Sweetheart". Independent and practical. It is able to act and solve issues without resorting to other people's help.

Such oriental names will also be very beautifully combined:

  • Nail
  • Laysan
  • Camila
  • Aisha
  • Shahd
  • Malika
  • Safira
  • Ramp
  • Lyayani

As you can see, there are many options. You just need to choose.

A list of names suitable for the patronymic of Timurovna, well influencing the fate of the girl

Parents always want their child to have a good fate. You can help this with the help of adversary. Below you will find their list suitable for patronymic Timurovna, well influencing the fate of the girl. This patronymic has power, but if you choose a name with similar qualities, we get a volitional person with solid characteristics:

  • Arina
  • Yana
  • Eugene
  • Alexandra

Do you want the daughter to become happy in personal life, beloved and desired? Here are the options:

  • Pauline
  • Galina
  • Margarita
  • Veronica
  • Olga
  • Mayan

Strengthen the middle name in the name, and this will bring success in the career:

  • Svetlana
  • Oksana
  • Irina

Advice: In the selection of a name to strengthen the positive qualities affecting fate, you can turn to the sign of the zodiac and the time of the year of the birth of a child.

Each name is unique in its own way and becomes even more individual for its carrier. After all, small Timurovna, growing up, gives him special character traits, obtained from the totality of the meaning of the name, patronymic, surname, parental features and distant ancestors.

Video: The most successful combination of the name and patronymic in Russian

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