How to learn how to make a retelling of the text: popular methods that will help to better retell English and Russian texts

How to learn how to make a retelling of the text: popular methods that will help to better retell English and Russian texts

Text retells train students with memory, develop logical thinking in them and contribute to the development of competent speech. Sources for retelling are usually literary works, working on which students should remember some facts, ideas and their storylines.

Typically, children have to retelling their own, as homework. But not all of them are easily given this type of memory training - some do not understand how to approach it, considering the retelling of an overwhelming task for them. Often parents are not able to help them, since few of them are familiar with memorization techniques. So they should also join the study of this material in order to figure out with their children how to learn how to retell the texts correctly.

How to retell the text?

  • The retelling implies that the given text will be set out in his own words, but its essence should be preserved and briefly reproduced. The main postulate of retelling: in no case do not pick up the given text, but understand what you read.
  • Try to throw out of your head all unnecessary thoughts that prevent you from concentrating on the work you study. If you completely fail to abstract from them, take care of auto -training, mentally, like a mantra, repeating: “I will not think about anything outsider. I'll think about my problems later " - Words can be different, most importantly, they help you switch to the text you study.
It is important to abstract from all extraneous thoughts
It is important to abstract from all extraneous thoughts

Drink into the meaning of the work:

  • If you are interested in the events that the author describes, and you will think: “And what will happen next to the heroes of this work?”, Then half the age has already been done. And so it will happen if you read the text not just mechanically, but delve into it, empathizing with literary heroes. Then it will be easy for you to monitor the logic of events that unfold on the pages of the work, and the possible motives of the actions of the main characters.
  • The texts are different, and they should be remembered in different ways. If you have to engage in a non -concrete type of text, then it is easier to delve into the reasoning on paper, if you understand how the author himself relates to the events and characters described by him.
  • First of all, remember the names characters playing the main role in the work. Next - to the allocation of key points that affected the plot lines built by the author. It is they who will become reference points for your retelling - thanks to them, you will easily remind you all those events that developed around them.

It is advisable to re -read or listen to the text. Thanks to visual perception, it is better remembered, but it will also not hurt to listen to it once again. You can use both types of memory at the same time, if you combine both repeated reading and listening to the text set to you.

  • Teachers do not always allow us to use abstracts when retelling. But for better memorization, it is worth while reading the text.
  • Before writing or oral retelling of the text in the lesson “Scroll” it in the mind, especially those moments with which you have difficulties. You can re -read rotary stories several times that prevent the mental perception of the whole text as a whole. Well, if you have a developed imagination. In this case, the narrative may be associated with some of your own images or emotions, which will also simplify and accelerate the process of memorization.
  • Do not worry about if you retell the text in a free style far from the original. As we already understood, the main thing for retelling - to catch the essence of the work, and do not memorize whole pieces from it. On the contrary, it is precisely his free presentation that will make it clear to the teacher that you have worked well on the work.
  • The retelling of the text can be: brief or detailed, oral or written, free or close to the original. Having mastered the technique described above, you can acquire retelling skills of all these types. In addition, you will be more confident in the lessons of humanitarian or social orientation, where you have to deal with large volumes of information, so you will easily remember them and, with need, retell them.

How to make a retelling of the text?

From the developed techniques, the rules that should be guided by the preparation of the text of the text can be distinguished:

  • study the set texts from 7.00 to 12.00 or from 14.00 to 18.00 - In these hours, information is better perceived by the brain, and therefore it is better remembered;
  • do not postpone the study of the text until the last moment, it is better to familiarize yourself with it in advance;
  • check out with the general structure of the text, so that a single image of your future retelling is formed in your brain;
  • take up the definition of ideas, relationships, sequence of events and key moments of the work;
  • identify the turning stories that are difficult for your perception and study them again;
  • take care of constant development of your vocabulary - Then your retelling will be high -quality and original;
  • when reading the text, lead the abstract for yourself;
Be sure to need a summary
Be sure to need a summary
  • use two types of memory for memorizing, so read and listen to the text;
  • use associative memory - Then the material will be better to digest and fix;
  • after memorizing retelling, arrange yourself relaxationAnd then secure it in your memory, re -read the work again.

Through the retelling of texts, not so much memorization is trained as understanding!

How to retell the text in English?

The English language is very different from Russian, so in the retelling of the English text there are some nuances that should not be neglected if you want to study this language more thoroughly.

There are two types of retelling of English texts:

  • detailed - this is when the text is transmitted in details without repetition of a fragment of the text;
  • selective - this is when the details in the text are not paid attention to, but attention is focused only on the topic and idea.

A detailed type of retelling

  • Teachers are usually fixed by the new vocabulary and the theme of the teacher, setting it to schoolchildren at home. Do not consider this a waste of time, because when you retell in English as often as possible, you will strengthen and develop your memory, replenish your vocabulary with new words for you, and at the same time you will train conversational English speech.
  • If you learn to retell English texts correctly, with details, then in this case you will soon be able to speak more in this, in general, difficult language for our perception. Many students do not like to retelling, but prefer to simply learn the material, without even understanding some points in it.
  • But the usual cramming will not help you quickly and quickly master the English language - you need to understand it! Use our advice on how to learn how to correctly compose detailed retelling of English texts.
A detailed retelling requires good preparation
A detailed retelling requires good preparation

How to learn to retell English texts in detail:

  • If you were asked detailed retelling of English textReread it twice, and if something is not fixed in the brain, then three times. After analyzing the given text (you need to understand the idea and plot lines of the source), take care of the clarifications of its details.
  • If you get in the text unfamiliar words or even whole phrases, they should be highlighted, translated using a dictionary into Russian, to write a transcription next to the words. When you do all this, you will reveal both semantic meaning and the idea of \u200b\u200bcomposition, and new English words will be delayed in your brain.
  • Then you need write names the main characters of the work.
  • Find the main sentences in the text and highlight them with a marker.
  • Sketch a small plan (abstract), according to which you will work on the text. If in the lesson you are not allowed to use it, but this is well -known truth: the recorded person is better remembered.
  • Retell all the points of your plan, one after another, in Russian. And then gradually, a paragraph behind the paragraph, write them down on paper. You should get a presentation in volume less than the original text. You will feel that you all slowly work out. But don't stop there! Take the above on paper and translate it now into English.
  • When you learn to retell each paragraph separately, it is time to start a complete text. Clearly say the words of your retelling, and preferably standing at the mirror. Let your parents or friends will promptly as critics - they will be able to correct you if you make a mistake in your monologue.
  • Do not forget about interruptions in work - this is what the information is better absorbed.
  • When you feel that you have already coped with the task, you don’t need to continue to sit above it, memorizing text by heart-it is better to switch to something else.
  • Fartly “run” your task before going to bed, and in the morning before going to school, fix the learned material again. This will not take you much time: just “diagonally” look at your presentation, recalling new words and phrases, and the points of the plan you wrote. It is worth quickly for the last time to completely retell the English text you learned, set yourself up to positive - and you are already ready for the lesson!

Additional tips:

  • If you do not have the opportunity to use your notes in the lesson, you do not need to get lost and scared because of this-calmly leave your notes. If you suddenly forget how some English word translates-try to recall it a synonym, or you can simply simplify the proposal.
  • But what should be learned from a zupk is at least pieces 10 stable expressions To begin with and as many English words as possible. You definitely need to expand your vocabulary, it is simply impossible to study English without this!
  • If you have such an opportunity, select an interesting text with a simple and well -known topic for retelling - the information is more easily remembered when working on it. If the teacher himself gives you a text that is not entirely interesting, “turn on” the actor. Retell it confidently and emotionally, artistically gesturing At the same time, and the audience will be delighted with you. And at the same time, most likely, no one will notice any inaccuracies you allowed.
  • If you forget something, “pull the rubber”, pronouncing introductory words-during this time you may be able to recall the forgotten phrase. Believe me, no one will condemn you for the forgetfulness of a fact, plot turn or word.
  • The main thing is to be able to properly give this little trouble: do not shut up for a long time, in panic efforts to recall what you forgot. It is better to smile in such cases and ask the teacher to tell you the moment you forgot.

Selective retelling of the English text

  • The selective retelling of the text in English is much easier to do than to engage in detailed. It is preferable to do it in written form. No need to focus on the details of the source. It will not be required to use new vocabulary.
  • With selective retelling, information is simply processed, and extra details are thrown out of the text. All this is done in order for schoolchildren to learn with understanding, and not purely mechanically, read the texts. In this type of retelling, the most basic lies in brevity and skill, and to transmit the essence of only 7-10 sentences.
The selective will make it easier
The selective will make it easier

How to make a selective retelling of the English text:

  • Read the given text several times until its meaning becomes completely clear to you. At the same time, you do not need to translate all the words unknown to you, this you can do to replenish your vocabulary a little later, when you will have time for this.
  • No need to engage in a detailed translation - it is important to understand the written globally.
  • Take a definition of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text and its theme.
  • Everything is important bringing.
  • Several of the most important offers (no more than 5) should be highlighted with a marker - they will help you with retelling.
  • Next, you will need to retell the text in the original without breaking into paragraphs. If at the same time there are some difficulties, then first make your retelling in Russian. When you understand the meaning of the text, formulate it in English and repeat it several times to fix it in your memory.
  • After that, interrupt for an hour: a short rest will allow you to better absorb new information. And then it is worth repeating the retelling in English to fix the material again.

Let you not scare the task of making original retelling - in fact, this is not at all difficult. With a correct task and creative approach, you will definitely achieve success.

Articles about children and for children:

Video: How to teach a child to quickly retell texts?

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