How to teach a child to read according to the methodology of Doman: phased steps with a description

How to teach a child to read according to the methodology of Doman: phased steps with a description

If you take your child to read, using the Doman's methodology, you need to know and constantly remember that the most important rule in this matter is that the baby is in no case forced to do this.

Learning reading is by no means a tedious and boring duty or work, but should become an exciting game for both the child and the parent.

At what age is it better to start teaching a child to read according to the methodology of Doman?

Glenn Doman has an opinion that with a child you need to start doing as soon as he is born. However, other professionals advise starting this process from the 3-4-month age of a son or daughter, since vision in a baby has some features.

The technique has the following advantages
The technique has the following advantages
  • If you want good to your child, then you should certainly use this method of teaching reading. It has already been proven that such children develop twice as fast as their peers, And, therefore, in adulthood, thanks to the knowledge gained in infancy, they will be able to achieve significant success in life.
  • Doman's cards work miracles! Time confirmed that Doman's methodology is very effective. After all, for more than 60 years, children, thanks to this learning, get a powerful impetus in their development. Therefore, do not doubt its effectiveness, and it is better to take up the job as soon as possible! Moreover, this is not at all difficult, and you will not take much time learning with the use of Doman's cards.
Useful cards
Useful cards
  • Experts, developing an effective technique for teaching a child to read according to the methodology of Doman, took into account a limited possibility of children's perception to see and remember. That is why its developers built training in stages, taking into account all the arising difficulties.
  • Knowledge is the most valuable gift to which you can reward your baby. And you need to give them dosed, and also - with generosity, not expecting or demanding from it a quick return.
  • In fact, this is an amazingly simple process, as, indeed, everything is brilliant. It does not matter at what age your baby is now. If you decide teach him to read earlierWhat the educators and teachers will do this, then you will need to master five phases of training with your child.

So, you have to do: at first - in separate words; then - phrases; Further - simple sentences, and after them - common. And already the last step will be books.

Learning to read by Doman: the first step with separate words

  • At the first stage of training, 15 words are first used. When the child already remembers them tightly, you can develop his vocabulary further, as Doman advises. To get started, choose the moment when your child is in a good mood.
  • In the future, you should focus at the time of the day when the child is most energetic “So he will better perceive his upcoming training.” If in the room you highlight for the learning process there is bright paintings and objects - Get rid of them for the time of class so that nothing distracts the baby.
  • First of all, show the child a card on which the word mother is written. In this case, you need to tell him with distinctness: "This word means mom". The card should be kept 35 cm from the eye of the child, and it is not necessary to give it to the hands. A child should look at the card from 1 to 2 seconds. No additional comments are needed.
  • At the same time, you should not ask the child to repeat the word after you. Do the same with the word dad, and then show and say three more words included in the same group. When this short activity is coming to an end, tell the baby that he is well done. In the future, each such session must end with such a praise. On the first day, this procedure should be repeated in 3 entry with a half -hour break. You should take only 3 minutes to study for training.
Learning with the baby
Learning with the baby
  • All this should be done with the same algorithm again. But, besides this, 3 more classes should be added, during which you will demonstrate 3 more new cards. In general, you will be engaged already 6 times.
  • The third day will be more complicated, since you should already have 3 sets of cards with 5 words in each of them. They need to demonstrate them in 3 doses, as before. You will be engaged already 9 times throughout the day, but only a few minutes.
  • The first 15 words To memorize your child, it is easy to find: they should be already familiar to the baby and pleasant. Kits can consist of names of relatives and friends of the family, whom he knows, nickname animals, names of indoor plants, different yumties, etc. “Your fantasy will tell you them.”

After 3 days, the child will be able to read 15 words. Next, start studying new 25 words, dividing them into 5 parts. You can read the body parts during this period.

  • Add new words and make a recess of already studied, simply. It is necessary to remove one word that has already been postponed in the child’s memory for the 5 days, and instead write an unfamiliar to him on the card (such an action needs to be performed in every set of words). Over time, begin to pass with the baby also verbs so that he memorizes how words are read with different actions, etc.
  • By this time, the baby should already familiarize themselves with one day 25th words per day (5 words in five sets). You must build your work so that he recognizes 5 new words every day. Each set should contain one new word, and at the same time one studied is removed.

Advice: On the back of each card, put down the date when you first showed it to your child - in this case you will not get confused in them.

How to teach a child to read at home according to the methodology of Doman: the second step with phrases

  • After analyzing what is contained in the vocabulary of your crumbs at the moment, reflect on the combinations that can be built to teach the child to read using the words already learned by him. At the same time, their modifications are quite allowed to obtain meaningful phrases.
  • A simple group of words can be made up from the list of colors (First, they must be the main; you will study their shades a little later). Children are given with ease and speed to remember and make differences between flowers. When the baby has already learned them, you can use already simple phrases like: “yellow sun” or “blue eyes”.
  • Over time, begin to pass with him antonyms: “Cold/warm”, “left/right”.
  • Given the age and experience of the baby, you can supplement the words demonstrated on the cards of Glen Doman with visual illustrations. The concepts of “small” and “big” baby will quickly comprehend, if you give them a logical form. His daily life is closely related to these concepts, for example: “large tree”, “small flower”, etc.

Reading by Doman: the third step with simple offers

  • The third stage is more complicated: to teach the child to read by Doman, it is necessary to apply already learned phrases in simple sentences. By this time, his vocabulary will already be replenished with 50-75 units, so possible combinations will be easily composed.
  • At this stage, take up the compilation of a set, which should include 5 simple sentences. Demonstrate and pronounce this set 3 times during the day, 3-5 days in a row. After this period, update the set, making the replacement of two previously studied proposals with new ones.
  • At the same time, you will need to reduce the font written on the standard cards of Doman Words so that they fit there.

Doman's method for teaching children reading: Fourth step with common offers

  • The same principles are used here as in the third step: gradual increase in the number of words in the studied sentences. For example, the sentence: “The child plays” supplement with another word: “The child plays fun”, etc.
  • Constantly replenish the child’s knowledge with new educational material, read his suggestions or even pages from children's books. A large role during the period of teaching a child to read Doman plays him age, language abilities and personal characteristics. At this time, he can already independently, without any forces, read some of the words interesting to him and even phrases. But he must do this himself, without any requests on your part.
  • Since the size of the cards will become small for so many words, at this stage you will need to make a font less, and the words are no longer in red, but in black.

Learning to read according to the methodology of Glena Doman: the fifth step with books

You have already led your baby to that when he will have to learn to read a small printed font on the pages of books instead of the usual large printed letters written by your hand.

  • Regarding the visual apparatus of the child, you can no longer worry, since by that time he will be already developed enough. For a 3-year-old baby, a centimeter book will already be able to force. But if he is not yet 2 years old, then you will need to buy such books for him so that their font is from 2.5 to 5 cm.
  • It will be even better if you make such a book with suggestions yourself, using the methodology of G. Doman. On each page, first you need to place one sentence, and only then - an illustration for it. In this book you can place photos of the baby when he is busy with one or another action.
  • In the book you bought or made, there should not be sentences and words with which the child is not yet familiar. If there are one in it, then you should first learn them, and only then read the book. A single proposal should be located on the page, and the illustration for it should be located either lower or on its back.
  • The book should have no more than 100 words. An interesting book will probably appeal to your baby; Having mastered it, proceed to the next. Do not throw it away already read, but place it on the shelf: when the child wants to, he himself will pick it up again for independent reading.
  • The book needs to be read in this way: sitting next to the baby, so that he can see the text well, read him page after page. In this case, it is necessary that he carefully examines the illustrations for the proposals. If the child is older, then he may want to read individual words himself. For the baby you need to read, its business is to listen and remember.
Read page by page
Read page by page

Remember that by teaching your child the basics of reading, you reward him, and do not at all impose on him some kind of burden. And the doctrine should be a pleasure and privilege for him, and not a tedious duty. To make it like that - parents will have to try!

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Video: Reading Doman, Examples of Cards

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