Top 10 Books about business and success: a list with names, rating. The best books on business and success that everyone should read: Names, reviews

Top 10 Books about business and success: a list with names, rating. The best books on business and success that everyone should read: Names, reviews

In the article you will get acquainted with the collections of the best books about business and success. The best books according to Forbes, books for motivation, stories of successful people.

TOP-10 Books about business and success: List with names, rating

Books about business are useful not only to those who think to start their job and beginner entrepreneurs. These books will help everyone to expand the scale of thought, teach you to understand the psychology of the thinking of others, make the brain not relax and begin to act with the maximum benefit for themselves.

We bring to your attention a selection of books that have become world bestsellers. Some of these books are included in the list of the best according to Forbes, many of them recommend reading at the universities of the economy, they are read by millionaires and ordinary people.

TOP-10 Books about business and success:

  1. Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". The author of the book is a simple, affordable language teaching financial literacy. The book was based on the personal story of the author. He talks about the experience that he received from his native poor father and the rich father of his best friend.
  2. Stephen Covi "7 skills of highly effective people". The book says little about doing business. Here is the sight of the identification and development of the best and effective qualities in a person, which will help to achieve success in business and personal life.
  3. Richard Branson "To hell with everything, take and do!". The book teaches that you should not spend your life on things that do not bring pleasure. If you want to do something, take it and do it now, despite the lack of experience, connections, education.
  4. Ain Rand "Atlant straightened his shoulders". The author urges people to take responsibility for their lives in their own hands. The book teaches you to trust your experience, opinion. Do what you want to do, despite the pressure and external prohibitions. If you are not doing your job, it will destroy your life.
  5. Donald Trump "Thoughts are in a large way and do not slow down!". Not everyone can become rich, in Trump. This path is only for strong people who know how to calculate their steps in advance, never give up, and do not know the word “no”.
  6. Jim Collins "from good to great". You have never wondered why some companies become great famous, and others all their lives remain nondescript offices. The author conducted a study and shared his experience with the world.
  7. Napoleon Hill "Think and Rich". The book motivates to find and embody your own ideas, to be brave, smart, persistent. After reading the book, you will understand how to improve your performance and move towards the goal without being distracted.
  8. Jason Fradey and David Heinemayer Hensson "Rework". The main message of the book - do not go hung up on problems, if you cannot solve the problem - change the situation. The book will help get rid of prejudices to become the master of his life.
  9. Bodo Shefer "The Laws of the Winners". If you decide to stop swimming and opening your business, this book is for you. She talks about the laws followed by the winners in life.
  10. Meg Jay "Important Years". The book explains and brings to the reader an important idea that young years should not be wasted. What we do or do not do in the period from 20 to 30 years will influence our future life, career growth, success.
TOP-10 business books

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The best books on business and success that everyone should read: Names, List

Important: it should be understood that not a single book will tell you what business you deal and how to conduct your business. Reading books about business and success, you must take out your lessons and learn to think largely. After all, it is not valuable that the wisdom that is written and told about. The one that you yourself have known.

Books that should be read by everyone for the development of leadership qualities, motivation. These books will introduce you to the rules and methods that will bring you closer to success:

  • Tracy Brian "Leave squeamishness, eat a frog!". The name of the book speaks for itself. The author claims that the most unpleasant and difficult things must be done first.
  • Chan Kim "Blue Ocean Strategy". Business is an ocean. The author of the book tells how to find a niche in this ocean, not to drown in it and survive among smoons sharks;
  • Tom Peters "turn yourself into a brand". The book is a kind of “magic kick”, which will make you act and achieve your goals.
  • Dale Carnegie "How to stop worrying and starting to live". If you are looking for answers to questions, how to find yourself, how to communicate with people, how to realize yourself, how to find the meaning of life, then you will like this book.
  • Barbara Cher "Dreaming is not harmful". This book will tell you how to make your dreams become a reality.
The best books about business and success

Books motivating for success, success stories: name, list

Walter Isexon "Steve Jobs".

The author had to interview more than a hundred people who worked with the legendary founder of Apple Corporation Steve Jobs. As a result, a book appeared that has not lost its popularity for many years. Read the book about a person who founded a powerful corporation from scratch, while not having higher education, connections and money. What inspired Steve? How did he lead the business? A stunning success story.

The best success stories

Henry Ford "My life, my achievements".

Henry Ford managed to establish the production of cars and bring it to a level that no one had yet been able to reach in those days. Ford had his own approach to doing business, which helped him achieve unprecedented heights. The book is incredible popular in many countries, Henry Ford ideas embodied many companies.

Books for motivation

Donald Trump "Art of conclude transactions".

Donald Trump is an example of a successful businessman, a strong man, US President. This book is the first autobiography of the charismatic leader, telling about doing business, about life, about the family of Donald Trump. It will be useful for those who set their grandiose goals and are not used to giving up under any pretext.

Books for successful people

The best business books and success that everyone should read: reviews

Anastasia: “I am not particularly carried away by books of this kind. They are incomprehensible to me, difficult for perception, I am not a businessman, but a simple office worker. But once I read the book of Robert Kiyosaki “The Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. This book was for me the discovery of financial literacy in the world. How simple and available the correct and logical things are described. Reading, I was amazed, how illiterate I am in doing business, in savings, in building relationships with the boss. This book helped me rethink my ideas about wealth and success. ”

Olga: “I have been doing business for many years. Things are going quite successfully and I want to say that business is a titanic work. But despite the fact that I have been rotating in business for a long time, I have extensive experience in doing business and negotiations, I read a lot. Successful people are inspired, motivated to achieve new heights. I recommend to everyone to read such books: Jim Collins “From the Good to the Great”, Gavin Kennedy “You can agree on everything”, Bodo Shefer “The Way to Financial Freedom”.

Alexander: “My favorite book about business“ Think and Rich ”. This book was written in 1937. The author worked on it for almost 20 years. But the principles that are described in the book are relevant today. I recommend reading to everyone who is interested in why some entrepreneurs achieve tremendous success, while others are stomping all their lives in one place. ”

Reading books about business, you will not find instructions for enrichment, you will learn to change yourself, strive for perfection, develop, expand the circle of your interests. Write what books about business and success, you liked it.

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  1. Read “What the Businessmen” Oleg Konovalenko are silent, a visual story of how to grow an all -Russian company with a half -billion turnover from the garage

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