At what age do children take to kindergarten in 2022-2023, according to amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation of 2018? At what age do children accept children and are there any nursery groups?

At what age do children take to kindergarten in 2022-2023, according to amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation of 2018? At what age do children accept children and are there any nursery groups?

Parents who are preparing to give children to the garden should know important nuances. We will talk about them in the article.

When do parents begin to think about giving a child to kindergarten? As a rule, when the baby is already three years old, the mother’s maternity leave ends and it is time for her to go to work. Of course, ideally, it should be so. Three years is considered the beginning of preschool age, the child becomes little to communicate with parents, he needs new friends, impressions, he wants to actively know the world.

But, it is not rare when parents want, or forced to lead the baby to kindergarten early. Not everyone has a grandmother who will gladly look after her beloved grandson, while mom helps dad fill the family budget.

At what age is they taken to kindergarten in 2022-2023, according to amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation of 2018?

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all small citizens have the right to free education, and they must take everyone in the preschool educational institution, regardless of registration and place of residence. In fact, there are no obstacles to send the child to the garden. In fact, many parents are faced with the inability to enter the child into the kindergarten.

The fact is that the state is able to provide places in the garden only forty percent of small citizens, and this is really a problem.

This year, the Ministry of Education amended the law on preschool institutions, which was supposed to facilitate the situation. According to the changes, state kindergartens are now required to accept children who are already three years old, subject to free space.

But whether to make a child who is not yet three years old, this decision was left at the discretion of the administration of each individual kindergarten. Thus, it turns out that even if parents very much want to send the child to the garden early, but there will be no places, you will have to look for another way out of the situation.

As indicated, in three years the child is obliged to accept in the preschool educational institution, according to the law. But here there are some difficulties. The fact is that compliance with the capital procedure is required, according to which the baby should stand in line. And if his turn came up, and for three years the child has not yet fulfilled, then they may not take him to the group.

  • Although, many preschool institutions, in particular metropolitan, make an exception and take children from two years.
  • But the children, whom the parents did not register in the commission in time, which is engaged in the distribution of kindergartens, can get into the preschool educational institution no earlier than four, or even five years.

What is the situation in reality, the parents themselves tell on various forums. And judging by the reviews, it is almost impossible to arrange a child in the kindergarten who is not yet two years old, and so that the baby can easily start a visit to the DOW in three years, then it must be put in line immediately after birth, in extreme cases up to a year.

A little easier if both parents officially work. In this case, there is a chance to get in two and a half years, at least in the GKP, that is, a group of short -term stay. Such an alternative group differs from ordinary in that here the child can be only five hours, without daytime sleep and nutrition. That is, it is assumed that after a day walk, parents should take the baby.

At what age do nurseries accept children and are there any nursery groups?

In the USSR, when maternity leave was given a maximum of a maximum of a year, a nursery group was a necessity. Now most of them are reorganized, and the remaining of them accept children only from one and a half years, and the child must be able to eat himself, go to the pot.

Thus, some mothers choose private kindergartens as an alternative. Getting into such a group is not at all difficult at any age. But, the mother’s work should be really highly paid, since the pleasure is not cheap and a month for visiting the kindergarten will have to pay from 25,000 rubles.

Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need to send a child to kindergarten?

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Comments K. article

  1. Good afternoon, honestly, the article brings incorrect information! Firstly, if the child stands in line in a kind of garden, then the GKP is offered to everyone, regardless of the availability of work and with a performance of 1.5 years! GKP, for example, in our area works from 9*00 to 12*30, without a walk, and the child needs to be taken so as not to interfere with the dignity of the processing of the room and locker rooms, which begins at 12*30!
    The Department of Education (in Moscow) promises to arrange a child in a garden for a full day, with 2 years 4 months. No complaints and appeals in the instance help to arrange a child until the execution of this age! No organization sees any violations, referring to any temporary rules, although the law on education and many other more serious normative acts than the “rules” consolidate the child’s right to education (that is, a kindergarten for a full day) when performing only 2 months From birth!

  2. For example, I have a 1.5 year to my son, but he himself does not know how to sit a pot himself and cannot eat on his own then we can’t give it to the kindergarten

  3. Yes, where to rush ... Or does someone have a strong desire to go to work? We don’t drive to the kindergarten ... We don’t get sick at all. Although, of course, the fact that we give high -quality vitamins. We really like the vitamins of the immunity. An interesting form attracts children, and the compounds. There is even fruit juice. Get sick, do not get sick and this is the most important thing))

  4. Rita, fed to the hungry is not a comrade for sure.

  5. We also do not want to take from 1.5 years old in the Tyumen region, but what if I have nowhere to put a child and benefits do not pay for a year to live after a year and a half

  6. Rita, the children in the garden are not sick that the breeze was just inflated there. They exchange bacteria. And if the child is not interrupted in the kindergarten, this is waiting in elementary school. It’s better in the garden than to catch up with the program later

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