Words that have several meanings: examples

Words that have several meanings: examples

The wealth of the Russian language lies not only in its huge dictionary, but also in the fact that the same word can be used in different contexts, from which it will sparkle with new colors and acquire a completely different meaning. We call such words ambiguous, unlike homonyms.

The most striking example is the verb “go”, which, according to Ozhegov’s dictionary, can be used in more than 20 different meanings, because rain and child, watch mechanism and time released for something can go, can even go to a person. .

Multi -digit words and homonyms: differences

Often, words that have several meanings are confused with homonyms. But in fact, these are different concepts, the basic difference is that multi -digit words have a unifying component, but homonyms are not, designating concepts that do not correlate with each other.

Multi -digit words and homonyms:

  • If we take, for example, a word "road" And we consider several examples of its use in sentences, we will single out in the obtained phrases the concept that combines them. So, speaking of a life or asphalt road, a road leading to school, or just a trip, we understand the key word “road” as a certain direction.
  • Now take the word "Spit." So we say, when we describe the female hairstyle, we also denote the sea blank, and in the same word we will call an agricultural device with which we mow grass. Nothing unites these concepts, therefore, in this case we are talking about homonyms.
  • Speaking about words that have several meanings, It must be emphasized that these values \u200b\u200bhave two components. One of them is literal, others are used in a figurative, figurative sense, which becomes clear to us on the basis of a similar sign. In turn, all these signs when using them in a sentence can form as metaphors, and what is called metonymy.
  • Metaphors are formed when we maintain similarity by any basis. The round shape gives the grounds to talk about the doorbell button, a similar color allows you to call both clouds and hair gray, and the protruding shape can call both part of the cap and a canopy above the front door.
  • Metonymy It is not so attached to external similarities, but describes more sensations and emotions more. For example, speaking of the thunder of applause, we imagine deafening, like thunderstorms, applause - there are no specific analogies in the form of form or color, but there is emotional perception.

Nouns that have several meanings

Nouns that have several meanings:

  1. Hand. So we are talking about the upper extremities, and we also call handwriting. There is a unifying concept here, because handwriting is “created” and is characterized by a hand.
  2. Hat - Her rounded outlines allow us to call us so a headdress, and the top of the mushroom, and the upper part of the nail. From the context, we immediately understand what kind of hat we are talking about in this case.
  3. Hump -With this word, we can designate both a camel hump and human, but we can figuratively say about someone that he pulls all his work on his hump. In all three cases, we imagine precisely a convex formation on the back.
  4. A pen. We use this term, speaking of stationery, with the help of which we write, so we can say about a small children's hand, we also determine the part of the door that we take, opening and closing it, or that bag of the bag with which we keep It is in the hand or wearing it on the shoulder. And in all cases, there is a “binding” to the human limb.
  5. Thunderstorm It means for us primarily the element, the natural cataclysm. At the same time, speaking of a predator, that he is a thunderstorm for small animals, it is the destructive properties of a thunderstorm that we put into this definition.
  6. Leg - At the same time, the word, which has several values, With an equal degree of probability, we can imagine the accurate female leg, and the support of the chair, and the lower part of the mushroom. In all cases, we are talking about the support on which something or someone stands.
  7. Star - This celestial body gave the name to celebrities, and a geometric figure, and a marine inhabitant. All these names are based on the similarity of properties or forms.
  8. Cloud -The celestial body formed in pairs, and at the same time we are also talking about the flying accumulation of dust, and recently the term “cloud” has appeared in Internet programs.
  9. Bread - This is a product of flour, and the matter that we earn for our own lives.
  10. CrestWe say, pointing to the growth on the head of the rooster. But we will also say about the comb, and about the wave of the foam, and about the tip of the mountain peak.
  11. Ribbon - At the same time, we imagine something narrow and relatively long. Therefore, we call the tape not only a bow in the girl’s hair, but also the conveyor and the order tape. The “tape” was also said about the tape film, the endless strip of the highway is also called the endless, losing beyond the horizon.
  12. Needle - from sewing to spruce or Hedgehog, all these sharp and long thorns are called one word
  13. Tail - This is not only what a devoted dog wags, but also the end of the train or the back of the plane, the tail (or a train) has a long dress, and even at a long line.
  14. Hearing - One of the feelings inherent in us. But we also talk about the ability to correctly reproduce the melody (about musical rumor), and about gossip transmitted from mouth to mouth and who, as a rule, do not have a specific author.
  15. Pressure - We will say about the blood pressure, and about the pressure of gas or water, we also denote both the psychological onslaught for humans, and economic sanctions.
There are many meanings
There are many meanings
Do you know how many meanings?
Do you know how many meanings?

Words verbs that have several meanings

The words are verbs that have several meanings:

  1. Run - So we can say about ourselves and athletes, about streams and time, and at the same time we understand that we are talking about moving at a very fast pace.
  2. Take - This verb which has several values, You can apply, speaking about the assault on the fortress or the city, and with equal success we can pick up any object.
  3. Hold - This is the subject, which is in our hands, and about the speech spoken, and you can also keep posture or restrain yourself from strength so as not to flare up. We say so in this case "we need to control yourself."
  4. Clap - It is used in a wide variety of contexts. Someone went out, slamming the door, the other clappers in his hands, clap the third on the back when he choked, and the other and the glass may clap.
  5. Be born - Maybe anything. We habitually say that friends had a child, and it is also clear to everyone the expression "he had an idea." Creators give birth to works, and even oranges, contrary to the saying, can be born from aspen.
  6. Go away - This can be done by leaving the train or bus. But we use the same verb by speaking of inadequate behavior of anyone if he has gone crazy. And if we want to quickly get acquainted with an unfamiliar company, we must try to go for our own.
  7. Collect You can much. We annually collect the crop of wheat or vegetables, investigators collect evidence, gathering on vacation - things, and the one who tries to concentrate, collects thoughts, as they say, “in a bun”, and the will in a fist.
  8. Hit - It applies to both the exploding rummage of thunder, and to the heavy rain that has gone, the light can hit the eyes, and an evil person - a dog.
  9. Beat - an example of a multi -digit word, which has several values, demonstrating a horse and a lazy person who demonstrates a hoof, which all day only does that, which beats the bucks. Water can beat with a key or a fountain. And the robber, attacking, beats with a stick or brass knuckles.
  10. Nap. This is what many would like to do after dinner, when they are drawn to lie down. And a forest or a city in which life calmed down at night can doze.
  11. Go. This word has a huge number of meanings, since we can talk (by the way, again “go”!) About watches or rain, a person or snow, a film or time ... According to linguists, the word “go” can be used in more than 40 combinations.
  12. Failing - It is possible that the fire of fire, and the adopted idea, about which they say that a person caught fire.
  13. Translate - You can offer a sentence or word from another language, a person across the road, and you can also translate products by tastelessly preparing.
  14. Lie - This is about who is in a horizontal position on the bed or on the beach, and about who is in the state of the disease (he lies the patient), snow on the ground or a document on the table can lie.
  15. Change -This can be done in relation to another person, having betrayed it, you can change the word in the sentence, replacing it more suitable in meaning, you can change the situation, and the memory can change someone.
There are many meanings
There are many meanings

Adjectives, which have several values

Adjectives that have several meanings:

  1. Fresh - What concepts you can’t describe with the help of this word. Fresh can be news in the same fresh newspaper. In the store, we choose fresh products, and in a person we are attracted to his breath, refreshed with mint.
  2. Cold - We note such quality when we are talking about the cooled coffee, about the permeating wind, about the unheated room.
  3. Deaf - This is not only a person, a murmur, a shot, a forest thicket can be a deaf.
  4. Gold - Relating to the product of the corresponding metal - gold, and we also talk about the character, a person, so we describe the autumn when everything around is covered with yellow leaves.
  5. Quiet - So, too, you can determine a voice, and a melting, and a temper, and the weather, and the ride, and many other concepts.
  6. Deep - An adjective, which we can indicate the depth of not only the reservoir, but also our feelings, laid down.
  7. Sour - Characteristic both for the taste of food, and, for example, for facial expression.
  8. Iron - This is about the metal lattice, and about the character, and about the discipline, the iron can be the will.
  9. Black - A huge range of definitions, from the color of the dress to the characterization of a failed day, from bad intentions to a fashionable Friday sale.
  10. Soft - We are talking about a good flexible man. But we can also say about the character, voice, determine the suppleness of clay and pleasant sensations from the toy, the same epithet is suitable for muffled dim lighting.
  11. Painful - So in a word, which has several values, Determine the state of a person, and pride and unhealthy curiosity.
  12. Literate - definition for an educated person, a qualified specialist, and even for the right approach to business.
  13. Warm - This is not only a heated object, but also a voice, and a warm welcome, and a soft deep color of paint, and winter clothes.
  14. Turbid - So they say about the state of water, about a blurred look, and you can also call a person whose intentions are incomprehensible to us.
  15. Light coloured - This is the definition of a room, a person, hair color, and the mind is also bright.

Video: unambiguous and multi -digit words

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