The terrible game of teenagers “Blue Whale”: why is it so attracted to how to protect a child from criminals?

The terrible game of teenagers “Blue Whale”: why is it so attracted to how to protect a child from criminals?

This article is for all parents without exception in order to protect your child from the deadly game "Blue Whale".

If you have a child who has already mastered the Internet and has free access to him, being even the most exemplary parent and friend for your baby, do not spare time and take five minutes to read the article. Perhaps you can protect the child from the deadly game of your classmate, neighbor or just a friend. Or maybe you will notice dangerous signals in the behavior of your son or daughter. After all, you have only 50 days to stop the running process of the Blue Whale game.

To protect the child from the deadly game "Blue Whale", you need to understand its essence why it attracts teenagers so much

Free access to the information space of the Internet made it possible to gain new knowledge and open unlimited opportunities for children. But at the same time, the problem of protection against harmful content in a virtual environment arises more and more acutely, which is becoming more aggressive and dangerous not only for their mental health, but also for life. Therefore, it is so important for each parent a rule that they will help protect the child from the deadly game "Blue Whale".

Important: “tanks” or “shooters” no longer seem so terrible compared to Internet communities that they offer increasingly sophisticated games and quests that bring adolescents to suicide. One of these, under the name "Blue Whale" appeared in the vastness of the World Wide Web a few years ago. But already during this period it led to many tragedies in different countries of the world. But children with Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are at risk!

The attention of all parents!
The attention of all parents!

The main reasons why a teenager chooses deadly games

The game "Blue Whale":

  1. Teenage difficulties. This is a misunderstanding of parents, not always mutual love, etc. And so he cannot cope with them at the psychological level, therefore he is decided on the extreme method.
  2. Lack of attention and love of parents - This is one of the main reasons. But it does not arise at the age of 15. This is an echo of constant employment of parents since childhood. When relatives have nothing to talk about!
  3. Riot against parents and the entire social system. It is associated exclusively with hormonal restructuring of the body. And the problem is focusing when parents or teachers see only the bad, trying to correct the punishment.
  4. The banal desire of adrenaline is a kind "Teenage craving for dangers."The result of the influence of cinema, computer games.
  5. The influence of peers It occupies not the last role in the life of a teenager. Especially, again the ways lead to parents when there is no one else to trust!
  6. In addition, modern disease is the creation of a virtual image to Collect more subscribers and likes!But this image is not always true. And the larger the gap with reality, the harder the child is experiencing internally, his mental discomfort increases, conflict with the outside world is aggravated and the desire to abstract him.

Important: To help and protect the child from deadly games, you need to imagine the world with his eyes. It is necessary to understand what leads to them when joining the group. And understand - now he is every thing, he feels the problem more acutely. Drop the stereotype that “first love will be forgotten” and “we were all young” - it is important for him to make it clear that you are for him in any situation!

The main reason is loneliness
The main reason is loneliness

What is the game "Blue Whale" from which you need to protect the child: Features

  • It all starts with the entry into the secret Internet community, which at first gives the child the feeling that he is understood here. After all, they talk to him on equal terms, share his painful thoughts, talk about the mortality of real life. Synonyms of the game: “Quiet house”, “sea of \u200b\u200bwhales”, “whales float up”, “death group”. But it is important that To join this group is not as simple as finding it - this is what is of interest among a teenager.
  • You can also meet the hashtags: #waking up 4.20, #Domkitov #50 days, #Rina, #nya, while,  #F57, #F58, #F53. This is only general information on how to look for a group and how to get into it. The first rule is to understand what and how a teenager is looking for!
  • The second feature is Cutting to the whales,but why is it not clear. Whales live on average 110 years. Perhaps this is such a transition to another life if the current fate does not suit. Therefore, such groups and pages of participants are based on various inscriptions of type "I want to die."
  • There is, however, another version - whales are the most calm and silent animals. And here is a teenager, like this whale, Silently suffers all the problems surrounding him around.
General concept
General concept

Features of the game "Blue Kit" from which you need to protect the child

  • Every day at dawn, the child contacts the curator and receives a task from him 4.20 - this is the time for lifting for communication and completing the assignment. This time has been chosen for a reason - after all, from the point of view of biology, it is the most difficult. Another call for parents - Carefully follow the child during this period.
  • For each task, 1 day is given. Only 50 tasks.On the last day, a teenager must perform suicide. We offer a list for familiarization:
  • The curator acts as a rather professional psychologist, because he knows how to find an approach to children. In principle, the main weapon is Communication on equal terms, with understanding of the problems of adolescents.
  • The danger is hidden in the threats that there is no way back! And inexperienced adolescents are afraid that the IP address will calculate the address of residence and loved ones. And the right people will kill relatives if the game is interrupted. And so Now the child is “driven into the deaf corner” of the virtual game.
  • We draw an analogy with “hungry games”, “labyrinth”, “nerve” - These films push children to play to survive. This gives a feeling of adrenaline, as well as the illusion of significance.

Important: parents, be vigilant! Such adolescents become closed, anxious, as well as aggressive and nervous. The thoughts and conversations of the teenager always come down to death. Partly dangerous signals are cuts, traces of blood on clothes, mockery of animals, loss/damage to property.

Never lose vigilance!
Never lose vigilance!

How to protect a child from the deadly game "Blue Whale": Important rules for parents

  • Children actually do not want to die, entering these terrible games with death. They want to find themselves in this world! To prove to yourself and others, including parents that they are worth something!

Important: inspire the child that there is nothing more valuable than life! At their age, it is generally good to inspire something, however, they open only to the one whom they trust. Emphasize as much as possible that suicide and escape from problems are not a feat or courage. This weakness and cowardice refuse!

  • It is important for them that someone believes in them. Not knowing how to cope with the problems that have fallen on them alone, they are desperately looking for understanding, including where they are offered only the illusion of one.
  • We adults cannot always notice an impending threat, because outwardly this discomfort in the teenager does not manifest itself. Except that He began to spend more time on the Internet,preferring virtual communication to the real one. But even in this case, you should refrain from prohibitions - The child will not be able to refuse to communicate online,where most of the life of youth goes now.
  • How would we not want this, but No prohibitions will help in this case.The child will only learn to lie, hide his actions, and use other sources of exit online, and will play the game “Blue Whale”. And then it will completely leave the house.
Spend more time with a child MBO to minimize pastime in social networks
Spend more time with the child to minimize pastime in social networks

Important: moralizing and punishment are categorically unacceptable - they will only aggravate the conflict and even more move you away from the child.

  • The most important thing is that the parents should be accepted as an axiom - You should become close to your child. You need to be with him on the same wavelength so that no curator and mentor can take this empty niche in his soul.
    • Try to find time for joint campaigns in a cafe, in the gym, to nature. Where the situation has for calm and trusting conversations, try to make them unobtrusively.
  • Talk to your child on those who are worried about you and his topics:
    • about dangerous groups on the Internet;
    • about life and death;
    • about virtual and real communication;
    • on responsibility for loved ones.
The louder your words, the worse the teenager will hear you
The louder your words, the worse the teenager will hear you
  • Make sure that it is precisely the heart -to -heart talk, and not moralizing.
  • Try to listen and hear your child - it is very important for him! Say that in youth all people go through the period of searching for the meaning of life, everyone tends to face certain problems and make mistakes.
    • It will work perfectly if you recall the episodes from your personal life, but not with the subtext of "But in our time it was so ...", but in the form of an interesting narrative. You can share your sorrows for that period. By the way, Remembering your experiences of youth, you can better understand the emotions of your child!
  • Ask your child about his friends -Virtual and real, but unobtrusively, in a friendly way. Support it where it is possible. Say that he can always count on your help. Better yet, show with actions that together you will definitely cope with any problems.
  • Can Ask a child directlywhat worries him, what help he needs. If he feels your sincere desire Understand and help in difficult times, and not once again “educate” -it will certainly open. And being with a child on the same wave, you will already be protected from such a terrible phenomenon in our time as a “blue whale”.
Make it clear that you are always on the side of your child
Make it clear that you are always on the side of your child

Important: to protect the child from the deadly game "Blue Whale", become a friend for him!

  • Parents should understand that in adolescence Hormonal restructuring of the body occurs.But also this period does not tolerate spiritual emptiness!
  • Therefore, it is extremely important for each child to have a nearby friend who, who He speaks with him as with an equal, and does not consider him a child! Often moralizing and pushing children to a social or even life riot.
  • If every parent could easily and convincingly talk about different sides of this very difficult life - there would be no these tragedies, and the game “Blue Kit” could not have taken place by definition.
  • But, unfortunately, our love for children is often limited only to the care that they are full, dressed, shod and study well. The spiritual side of the issue is often not considered. And if from time to time we try to talk heart to heart with our child, then such a conversation, as a rule, does not work. After all, stereotypes are too strong, which can be discussed with children, and what is not accepted about.
Do not turn away from a teenager, even if he rude to you
Do not turn away from a teenager, even if he rude to you

Tips on how to protect and protect a child from deadly games

  • Always find time for communication with your child and Listen carefullywhen he says something, sharing problems with you
  • Ask for forgiveness for your mistakes
  • Forget about stereotypes - Before you is almost an adult. You will tell him better about all the intricacies of adult life than friends from the yard
  • Express your love and most emphasize the value of the child in your life
  • Forget the manipulating phrases “It would be better if you died”, “You will bring me to the grave”, etc.
  • Threatenphrases "just try"
  • Compare with other children, Putting your child bad. Causing competition, you only increase the feeling of inferiority

And most importantly, in order to protect the child from the deadly game "Blue Kit" you need to stock up Patience and understanding! Do not respond to temper with rudeness, so you only send a teenager from yourself.

Video: How to protect children from the deadly game "Blue Whale"?

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