How easy and easy to refuel a blanket in a duvetail: life hacks, tips

How easy and easy to refuel a blanket in a duvetail: life hacks, tips

If you need to quickly and correctly tie the blanket in a duvetel, then read the article. It has many useful tips, life hacks and methods.

There is nothing better than lying after a hard working day in a clean, fresh bed, a pleasantly smelling air conditioning for linen or delicate washing powder. But for many hostesses, the process of changing bedding and, in particular, a duvetail, a whole adventure is turning, and sometimes into torture.

Read on our website an article on how often you need to change bedding at home. Mistresses rarely think about it, but you need to know such information.

In fact, this procedure can be simplified as much as possible if you know a few simple rules. Read about them in this article.

How to wear a duvetail correctly: tips

Correctly refuel the blanket in the duvetel
Correctly refuel the blanket in the duvetel

To easily change the duvetail without problems and troubles, pay special attention to even the most, at first glance, to insignificant little things. So, how to wear a duvetail correctly? Guide such advice:

Treat seriously and scrupulously to buying a set:

  • First of all, pay attention to what sizes the duvetel has.
  • If they coincide with the parameters of the blanket, no problems with the change of linen will arise.
  • In addition, the product will not be lost in lumps or puffing, and voids do not form along the edges of the duvetail.

Be sure to continue the bed set before laying it:

  • This is necessary not so much for beauty as for the absence of folds that can be confused while putting on the product on the blanket.

Never reassign the bed at the last moment:

  • Haste is an enemy of any business.
  • Start doing this a few hours before bedtime to do everything right and beautifully.
  • In addition, the appearance of a neatly covered, clean bed favorably affects sleep.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated in remiting bedding. But keep in mind that the process of putting on the duvetail itself has a direct connection with where exactly the product is on the product.

How to quickly and correctly tie a blanket in a duvetel with a hole below: the best way, video

Quickly and correctly refuel the blanket in a duvetel with a hole below
Quickly and correctly refuel the blanket in a duvetel with a hole below

There are several best ways to maximize the simplification process of the duvetor change. Previously, the most popular were products with a hole in the middle. And usually they were produced by manufacturers of rather large sizes, so the “dressing” of the blanket was not very difficult. But today you can find completely different variations of the cut, each of which has its own characteristics. How to quickly and correctly tie a blanket in a duvetel with a hole from below?

To cope with the task as quickly as possible, follow the following simple steps:

Quickly and correctly refuel the blanket in a duvetel with a hole below
Quickly and correctly refuel the blanket in a duvetel with a hole below
  • Turn out the product inside out and expand it with a cut from you.
  • Lay the blanket over the product and straighten it well. Make sure that there are no lumps, nor bent corners.
  • Turn all together with a roller.
Quickly and correctly refuel the blanket in a duvetel with a hole below
Quickly and correctly refuel the blanket in a duvetel with a hole below
  • Pass your hand through a section of the duvetail, squeeze one edge of the “roller” and turn it out. Do the same, but already on the second side.
  • Gently and slowly expand the blanket with the front. All is ready!

This is a very fast and simple way. It will help to perform the necessary actions in just a few minutes. You no longer have to spend a lot of time to replace the duvetail. For more details, see the description of this method in the video:

Video: How to refuel a blanket in a duvetail in 2 minutes? Video tutorial

How easy and easy to refuel a blanket in a duvetail with a side hole: life hack, video

We fill out the blanket in a duvetel with a side hole
We fill out the blanket in a duvetel with a side hole

You can put on a duvetel with a neckline on the side on your own. But this process will be greatly simplified if someone helps you. Here is a life hack, how easy and simply to tie a blanket in a duvetel with a hole on the side:

We fill out the blanket in a duvetel with a side hole
We fill out the blanket in a duvetel with a side hole
  1. Turn the product inside out. Spread the blanket on it with an even layer.
  2. Pass your hands through a side section of the duvetel so that they capture the edges of the product from the opposite sides.
  3. Now do the same, only with a blanket. That is, grab it with both hands from different sides.
  4. Slowly turn the laundry so that the blanket is gradually “hiding” inside the duvetail.

All that you have to do now is to gradually straighten the duvetor, checking the uniformity of the distribution of the blanket. If there are no lumps or voids, then you did everything right. Very simple and convenient. Watch more in the video below.

Video: How to quickly tie a blanket in a duvetail? It is possible in another way

How to quickly tie a blanket in a duvetel with a hole in the middle

Quickly refuel the blanket in a duvetail with a hole in the middle
Quickly refuel the blanket in a duvetail with a hole in the middle

A duvetel with a cut in the middle can be called a classic option. It was especially popular in the Soviet years, but now it can be found on sale in textile stores or in the markets. Of course, wearing a blanket in it is much easier. But here there are secrets. How to quickly tie a blanket in a duvetel with a hole in the middle?

So what you need to do:

  1. Comers the blanket so that it acquires the form of "accordion". Put it on top of the duvetel so that it is right in the middle.
  2. First, season one side of the blanket into the product. Check if there are no voids or crumpled areas, and then do the same with the other side.

In order for the blanket to lay down evenly, take it by the tips and shake it lightly several times. It is excellent if there is someone who can help next to you. In this case, the process of refueling the bed will be even easier.

A blanket that does not need to be tucked in a duvetail

A blanket that does not need to be tucked in a duvetail
A blanket that does not need to be tucked in a duvetail

If you change bedding too often, it is quite reasonable that the “adventure” with a duvetail begins to bother. And this element of the kit creates additional chores during washing. If you do not want to spend time replacing the product, then the optimal option will be the blanket, which does not need to be tucked in a duvetail.

  • This is a universal product, which, as you already understood, has two purposes.
  • It can be made of thin cotton, satin or any other soft and natural material.
  • If it is made of more durable and dense fabric, then such a product is already turning into an elegant and very beautiful veil.

In addition, this option is very convenient and good financially. Bedial sets are now expensive, moreover, their quality is far from always pleasing. The blanket is caught up completely excludes the need to buy a duvetail. If you do not regret the money and buy a really high -quality thing, it will last you for many years. You can be sure that washing will not harm the product in any way. It is quite resistant to the effects of both high temperatures and intensive push-ups in the automatic machine.

Another plus is sensations during sleep:

  • You will not even notice that you are sleeping without a duvetail.
  • The fabrics from which the blanket was made, very tender and pleasant to the touch.
  • In addition, you can find a product that will have the parameters optimal for your bed.
  • So that it also fits beautifully into the interior of the bedroom, make sure that it is 30-40 cm wider Krai mattress.

Now a little about the varieties of such blankets. Conditionally, products can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Summer. They are light and thin, made, usually from dense knitwear. They have a small layer that passes the air well, but does not allow freezing when the air temperature is reduced.
  2. Winter. Such blankets are denser, so they are warm. They are made of velsoft with satin, satin, silk or even artificial fur. The filler is polyester. You can meet blankets, hesitated from Jacquard or Sheep’s wool. This is exactly what you need to feel warm and comfort in cold winter nights.

Balts, for which you do not need to buy a duvetail, fit perfectly into any interior. In addition, this is a double savings: you do not need to spend any extra money on the purchase or time to replace the duvetail.

How to beautifully season the bed with one, two blankets?

Beautifully seasoned bed with two blankets
Beautifully seasoned bed with two blankets

A neatly covered bed is a sample of cleanliness and neatness. There are several simple and quick ways to help to do this without much effort. How to beautifully season the bed with one, two blankets?

The first method:

  1. On top of the sheet, at the base of the bed, place the pillows. If there are several of them, make sure that they are on one straight line. But they should not come into contact with each other.
  2. Next, spread the blanket or blanket. If you sleep on a single bed, but with a double blanket, then fold it along twice. It should not hang along the edges of the bed.
  3. Over the blanket, spread the bedspread. It, as you already know, should have large parameters than a mattress and a blanket. Spread it so that there are no folds on it.

This method can be called classic, since many of us use it at home daily for a beautiful coverage of the bed.

And here is another method. Suitable for covering a bed with two blankets:

  1. Spread one blanket over the sheet, straightening it well.
  2. Fold the second blanket so that it occupies the entire part of the bed, where the pillows lie. Moreover, if there are several pillows, fold the blanket not too tight that it does not look like one big lump.
  3. Now cover the bed with a veil. It is good to spread it so that there are no folds or irregularities. Cover the blanket, too, is unacceptable so that it peers out from under it. The same applies to the sheet.
  4. Finishing touch. Place the pillow (or pillows) on the place where the second blanket lies. It should be on top of the bedspread, not under it.

Such methods of catching bed are in any case. It doesn't matter if you have one blanket on the bed or two. The scheme is relevant for both options, only in the second case the process will be delayed literally for a few minutes. But your bed will look well -groomed and neat, and this is important not only if you expect guests. Every time your eye will rejoice, seeing such perfect cleanliness on the bed, and this will positively affect your mood. Good luck!

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