On which day of the week it is better to change bedding: favorable and unfavorable days of the week, signs about bedding

On which day of the week it is better to change bedding: favorable and unfavorable days of the week, signs about bedding

In this topic, we will talk about signs related to the change of bedding.

Despite the fact that we live in the progressive XXI century, various signs and superstitions haunt us at every step. They permeate absolutely every sphere of our lives, even affect the change of our plans. They can beware of conflicts or promise luck and luck. Absolutely every thing in our house is connected by some sign. This also applies to the topic, when to change bedding, which we will talk about today.

On which day of the week it is best to change bedding: signs

Often we consider the wash and ironing of bed linen as a domestic routine that we do, practically without hesitation. Few people come to mind that you need to change bedding correctly. After all, this change is an unusual ritual, which is able to protect you from troubles, bring good luck and happiness. In this action, our ancestors saw protection from dark forces, so many signs came to us.

  • There are a considerable number of superstitions regarding the proper change of linen. Their observance will help eliminate everyday adversity, as well as bring family well -being. Similar signs relate to the choice of the day of the week to conduct this household ritual.
  • Sunday is considered an extremely unfavorable day to change bedding. After conducting a similar ritual on this day, you can reward yourself with such problems as insomnia and nightmares.
  • It is also not recommended to change linen on Friday. This can lead to a wave of small, but absolutely unnecessary problems.

Important: it is strictly forbidden to engage in the change and washing of bedding during church holidays. These days, it is necessary to abandon any housework, since you can attract great troubles to your life.

Do not do it on Sunday
Do not do it on Sunday
  • The most located to the change of underwear day is Saturday. Ideally, this ritual should be combined with a weekly cleaning of the house. Conducting such rituals on a Saturday day provides family well -being, health and prosperity.

Important: the effect of the change of bedding on Saturday will increase even more, if you do it on the new moon. It provides family harmony and health.

  • It is recommended to wash bedding in different days with a change of days.Washing is best carried out at the beginning of the week, as our great -grandmothers said. Indeed, in the absence of washing and drying machines, the washing was carried out at the beginning of the week so that by Saturday it managed to dry. By the way, you can read about the right days for washing in our article “On what day of the week should bedding be washed?”
  • That's why monday and Tuesday are not the best days to change bedding. Although there are no strict superstitions on this subject, the first day of the week is considered a difficult period. And on Tuesday it is worth starting more important things than household chores, or spend a trip.
  • Oddly enough, but The environment is also considered a difficult day,in which you need to fast, and not engage in household chores. Even more, you can’t move on this day if you want to stay in a new place for a long time.
  • But Thursday, and even before sunrise, is a very favorable period for a change in linen. Moreover, the beliefs of the pure Thursday take roots from Russia. The change of linen on this day promises good luck and health. And the ease of this day will allow any routine to perform with joy.
But Saturday and Thursday are the most successful days to change the bed kit
But Saturday and Thursday are the most successful days to change the bed kit

Other beliefs about the change of bedding

  • If it happened that you They covered the bed for the wrong side- Be prepared for "beating", but not necessarily in the literal sense. That is, it can be blows or failures from fate. To avoid this, the bed should be removed, put on the floor or on the bed in a turned state and walk on it.
  • Also, do not neglect ironing bedding.Ripe linen stores dark power in itself and attracts hardships. And the ironing bedding, in turn, ensures harmony and balance in the house.

IMPORTANT: it is strictly forbidden to change the three of them, even if it is help from children. Beliefs take care of us from death.

Learn to always refuel a bed in the morning
Learn to always refuel a bed in the morning
  • Adversely affects you and your life if you be lazy to cover the bed in the morning. This can lead to health problems or even a betrayal of life not for the better.
  • But if when changing the bed kit or just at the morning you found some insect in their bed - Wait for a love adventure. For a married couple, this is a sign of a long life together. True, if you are our ladybug.
  • If your The pet went to the toilet to the bed, This promises a very unexpected incident in your life. It can be either pleasant or not very - it all depends on your reaction to the event.

Important: do not allow strangers to lie on your bed. But if guests have visited your house, then it is recommended to change the bed after them only an hour later. Since you can bring trouble to them.

  • Husband and wife are categorically not recommended to sleep in bed with orange or red bedding - The sign promises treason.
  • People of advanced age are not recommended to sew underwear to themselves, After all, this is a harbinger of an ambulance.
After guests, change your linen no earlier than an hour
After guests, change your linen no earlier than an hour

Important: if you decide to give linen a superstitious person, then you need to be very vigilant. It is necessary to take a coin from him in return to avoid quarrels and conflicts in the future.

  • Give the used bedding - Extremely bad action. Firstly, it is indecent, and secondly, with the bed you convey part of your health and prosperity.

Nobody forces you to believe and follow signs, because superstition is personal beliefs. But still try to listen to such advice from older generations to harmonize your life.

Video: bedding signs

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