How often do you need to change bedding at home?

How often do you need to change bedding at home?

In this topic, we will talk about the proper time of the change of bedding.

We rarely think about this issue, changing bedding as it is convenient for us. He also plays a role as they accustomed us to this in the family. But both of these criteria do not give the correct answer. But the frequency of change of linen affects not only our health, condition and mood, but also other aspects of our lives. Therefore, in this topic we will raise such an insignificant at first glance, but an extremely important question:

How often to change bedding at home?

Each of us is pleased, having taken a shower or bath at night, go to bed in a clean bed. After all, we have repeatedly noticed that it smells especially, and thoughts come positively. In addition, the aroma of fresh bed linen contributes to a rapid falling asleep with good dreams. And most importantly - a dream in a clean bed is extremely strong, and in the morning you wake up a rested and cheerful!

From this, the conclusion is simple - the more often changing bedding, the more useful for our state and health!

A clean bed not only shines, but also smells of cleanliness and freshness!
A clean bed not only shines, but also smells of freshness!

Why do you need to change bedding in a timely manner or what is the danger of untimely shift?

  • But the accelerated rhythm of our life, employment at work, and the financial issue, unfortunately, rarely gives us the opportunity to monitor the cleanliness of the bed and change it daily. Therefore, it is worth limiting yourself to recommendations - Do this after 7-10 days.
  • Especially if it is a married bed that you divide into two, or a children's bed. After all, a bed is an ideal incubator for all kinds of viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms.And getting and breeding on our underwear, we cannot avoid them even with daily bathing.
  • Harmful microorganisms accumulated in bed penetrate the pores of the body, and Able to cause various diseases.And with their constant inhalation, the mucosa is irritated, inhibition of immunity, allergies and even asthma can develop. And we will not even guess that the reason for this is just stale underwear.
    • A dirty bed can cause neurodermatitis and eczema, and also lead to chronic forms of rhinitis and other ailments of the upper respiratory tract.
  • The most common enemy to our health, living in our bed - This is a bed (linen) tick.These are so small microorganisms that they cannot be seen with the naked eye, but they have such a concentration and multiply so quickly that they are able to harm our health.
    • One gram of dust contains up to one hundred such microorganisms. They have special suction cups, because of which it is impossible to wipe or dust them. Each adult is defeated about twenty times a day - namely These products of their life become a strong allergen for a person.
    • It is very difficult to get rid of them, even boiling linen and furniture processing with special products does not give a guaranteed result, but you can significantly reduce their amount, up to complete deliverance, by frequent change of bed linen.
Clean bed is equal to good sleep
Clean bed is equal to good sleep
  • In addition, on our sleeping kit, in fabric textures you will find:
    • plant pollen, if there are flowers in the house;
    • mold, which is often a consequence of bacteria;
    • in the presence of pets there is also wool, and maybe even worms;
    • as well as keratinized parts of the skin, and not only yours;
    • sweat;
    • the same face or hands cream that only activates the mixing of all this composition.
  • A pillow is considered no less dangerous. Even timely Change of pillowcasesit is not able to properly protect it from tick, dust and keratinized parts. And add natural hair or possible dandruff to this.
    • Therefore, they need to be looked after at least once a year, that is, to wash and high -quality drying. The pillow needs this, which you can read in the material need a feather pillow. "How to wash a pillow from a pen?"
    • By the way, if you are used to washing your hair in the morning, then the pillowcase should be changed every 2-3 days. And do not forget that not only elements of cosmetics remain on it, the microscopic particles of which remain even after thoroughly washing, but also hair care products.
Pillowcases require even more care
Pillowcases require even more care

How long does it take to correctly change bedding?

Important: the optimal frequency of the bed kit can be considered frequency - once a week in the summer and once every 2 weeks in winter. But in this case, it is necessary to monitor the timely change of pajamas, that is, once a week.

  1. Small children and people sick Allergies, asthma or any chronic disease, the bed should be changed more often-once every 2-3 days.
  2. If a child or adult is infectious inflammation, For example, flu or chickenpox, then the change of the kit should be carried out every day!
  3. Preschoolers or primary school students You can make a change a little less often - 1 time in 10 days. It is noted that they do not pollute it so much.
  4. But here are teenagers Due to hormonal restructuring and enhanced sebaceous glands - you need to change 2 times a week.
  5. Newbornyou can change linen once a week. But then the diaper that you cover on top must be carefully monitored and immediately removed with the slightest regurgitation or pollution. Up to the point that you will change it 2-4 times a day. Even if it is clean, change it every day. After all, the baby has not yet sufficiently formed immunity.
Baby linen can be changed a little less often
Baby linen can be changed a little less often

Small recommendations

  • Washing should be carried out at a water temperature of at least 60 ° C, it is advisable to dry hot air in the machine or in the open sun, if the weather allows.
  • But each type of linen has its own washing rules, which you can read about in the article "How to wash bedding correctly."
  • Of course, in order to follow these recommendations, you should have at least 2-3 sets of bedding. And when buying bedding, give preference only to natural materials, the best of which are traditionally considered Len, cotton and satin. After all, these materials are the most hygienic, pleasant to the touch and durable, withstand up to 300 or more washes.

Video: How often to change bedding?

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  1. I change linen once every 2 weeks. The main personal hygiene, cleansing the skin from keratinized cells. I use Italian washcloths of horse hair and Sizal Aloe. I love dry peeling very much, the skin is cleaned quickly and looks younger. The mitten removes the coarse skin, which cannot be steamed and washed in the shower. I usually do light cleaning, a couple of minutes to make the skin clean. Clothing, things, bedding are not getting dirty and are easier to erase.

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