How to get rid of a spider mite on vegetable crops with the help of drugs and folk remedies?

How to get rid of a spider mite on vegetable crops with the help of drugs and folk remedies?

From this article you will find out what ways you can fight with spider mites on vegetables.

A web of a tick is the smallest insect that with its brothers in a short time can destroy large plantations of different crops, from vegetables, especially cucumbers, eggplant, to gardens, and even indoor plants. In this article we will consider vegetable plants. What to do if the leaves of vegetables, and vegetables, eat spider mites? How to destroy them?

Let's get acquainted with a spider mite

Spider mite - The smallest insect, less than 1 mm in an adult state. Without the help of a magnifying magnifying glass, the tick is visible only as a point, but there is a lot of harm. An adult of a tick is red or brown, greenish larvae.

A spider mite lives for about 1 month, but during this time he manages to bred in a large territory. In 3-5 days, laid eggs turn into larvae, and the same number of days that it turns into an adult tick. In 1 day, a female a spider mite can lay up to 450 eggs.
Females of the tick are very tenacious, and often winter in the ground, and from eggs and after 5 years, the larvae can hatch in the ground.

Attention. If you remove all plants from the garden, a spider mite can hide in the ground for the winter.

Spider mites under a microscope

Why is a spider mite harmful?

Spider mites settled on a sheet of young garden culture from the back, pierce a hole in the sheet with a trunk, and suck out all the juices from it in this area, then go to another place. After the ticks have “worked”, a whitish marble pattern is formed on the sheet. Small thin white web can hang from the sheet. The sheet then turns yellow and dries.

Attention. The spider mite is also harmful in that it tolerates spores of gray rot.

How to prevent mass propagation of a spider mite?

So that the web does not bred in a large territory, we take the following actions:

  • We maintain air humidity in the greenhouse above 70%, moisture acts poorly on ticks, and at 80% they die.
  • In the fall, we dig the earth in a greenhouse, especially try in the corners.
  • All plants, after they have been removed from them, we burn.
  • Spider mites breed perfectly if the earth is saturated with potassium fertilizers - we bring more phosphorus.
  • Ticks can remain on the frame and trellis - disinfect them.
  • Between the vegetables we plant calendula bushes.

Signs of the appearance of a spider mite

That on your plants appeared spider mites, indicate the following signs:

  • Light, dark or brown spots on the leaves
  • A white thinest web appeared on the leaves
  • The leaves began to sharply fade and fall
  • The fall of the ovary
  • The plant grows slowly

In what ways can a spider mite be destroyed?

A spider mite can be destroyed in the following ways:

  • Tolerate yellowed leaves and burn them if there are few such leaves
  • With the help of living creatures - enemies of a spider mite
  • Planting next to vegetable crops of plants and vegetables, the smells of which are scared away by a spider mite: garlic, onions, wormwood, tomatoes, calendula
  • If the leaves are not damaged by a spider mite, then you can spray them with folk remedies
  • Noticeably damaged plants are treated with biological products or acaricides

Attention. Before spraying, do not forget to remove the web from the leaves, otherwise the solution will not fall on the ticks.

How to destroy spider mites with the help of living creatures?

With spider mites, you can also fight with the help of their enemies. The worst enemies of spider mites are the following insects:

  • God's cows and their larvae. An adult ladybug is in size up to 5 mm in size, and larvae can reach 18 mm in length. These bugs live for about 1 year, rarely up to 2 years. In 1 day, the ladybug eats up to 40 spider mites, and up to 800 pieces in life. Even more voracious larvae of the ladybug, they eat up to 70 individuals of a spider mite per day. Bugs winter under the fallen leaves and in the cracks of houses.
Larva of God's cow
  • Predatory ticks (phytoseulyus, Amblyseius). Phytoseulyus - a spider in an adult state in size less than 1 mm. The female lays eggs in the colony of a spider mite. During the 1st day, a predatory tick eats 5 spider mites, and 10-15 eggs of its enemy hatched from eggs. To attract predatory ticks to your garden, you need, in addition to the main crops, planting plants that are like it: dill, mustard, decorative plant - fatselia. And in order for predatory ticks to stay on your site and next year, you need to create good conditions for wintering: to wrap the thick branches of trees with pieces of matter, and they will live there.
Predatory tick phytoseulyus enlarged under a microscope
  • Golden -eyed, another name of the flaller, and their larvae. Insects with greenish transparent wings have a length of up to 1.5 cm. The whole family of gold-grades got its name because of convex shimmering golden eyes. Fller's larvae are especially voracious - they can eat up to 150 spider mites or aphids in 1 day. To survive the winter, the gold -eyed hide under the fallen leaves in the garden, in the cracks of houses or in the attic.
Golden -eyed
  • Flies of the murmur. These insects are slightly similar to the OS-have the same yellow-black strips on their backs, prefer to sit on yellow flowers, and eat them with nectar. The female murmur lay eggs near the colonies of aphids or spider mites, then the hatched larvae eat these harmful insects. Murmaples like caraway seeds, parsley, cilantro, plantain, planting them between the rows of vegetable crops, we will save a vegetable harvest. In the winter, murmur burns in loose earth under the trees.
Fly Murmin
  • Earls, another name forceps. Their length is close to 2 cm. These insects eat everything: both few moving insects from the animal world - spider mites, aphids, and plants - vegetables, fruits, leaves. They lead a night lifestyle, and during the day they hide in dark humid places.
  • Glasses. They are both small - up to 1 mm and large - up to 10 cm in length. These beetles feed on small insects (aphids, spider mites) and plants. In agriculture, they are specially bred to destroy harmful insects and weeds.
Ground beetle
  • Spiders. All spiders are predators, they eat different small insects, among them a spider mite.

In addition to the listed insects, pests of vegetable crops eat: birds, bats, frogs, hedgehogs and lizards.

How to destroy spider mites with folk remedies?

Folk remedies are more suitable for prevention from spider mites or at the very beginning of their appearance. If ticks have already filled all plants, then acaricides need to be used.

Method 1. Hydrogen peroxide

  1. We take 2 tbsp. l. Hydrogen peroxide 3% and 1 liter of water, mix.
  2. If there are about 20 degrees Celsius on the street, we spray the plants in 3-4 doses, after 5-7 days.
  3. If the temperature is about 30 degrees Celsius, we spray the plants in 3-4 doses, after 3 days.

Method 2. ammonia

  1. We take 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 liter of water, mix.
  2. If there are about 20 degrees Celsius on the street, we spray the plants in 3-4 doses, after 5-7 days.
  3. If the temperature is about 30 degrees Celsius, we spray the plants in 3-4 doses, after 3 days.

Method 3. Lapipidar

  1. Pour the turpentine in small jars, and arrange between the plants affected at the initial stage.
  2. Plants along with jars are temporarily covered with a film. The smell of the turpentine will kill parasites.

Method 4. Tobacco

  1. Sprinkled with tobacco crushed into the dust damaged at an early stage of vegetable leaves.

Method 5. Durdish decoction

  1. 1 kg of dried dumper or 3 kg of fresh plants is poured with water to cover the grass, and boil over low heat for 3 hours.
  2. When the decoction has cooled, filter it, dilute 10 liters of water, and spray the leaves of vegetables affected by a spider mite.

Method 6. Durman infusion

  1. 100 g of a dry dope we pour 1 liter of water, insist 1 day, then spray plants with a spider mite.

Method 7. Dandelion infusion

  1. 0.5 kg of dandelion leaves pour 10 liters of water, insist for 3-4 hours, and spray plants with a spider mite.

Method 8. Calendula infusion

  1. 400 g of calendula flowers pour 4 liters of water, insist for 5 days - the infusion is ready for use.

Method 9. Painting infusion

  1. 300 g of sorrel roots we fill in a bucket of water, insist 5 hours, then you can spray the plants affected by a spider mite.

Method 10. Barrow decoction

  1. 500 g of dried yarrow grass is poured with boiling water, cover with a lid.
  2. When the decoction has cooled, dilute it with 10 liters of water and spray the leaves of vegetables with a spider mite.

Method 11. Infusion of the husk of onions and garlic

  1. 200 g of husks from onions and garlic is filled with a bucket of water, insist 1 day - and you can destroy the spider mite.

Method 12. Enough garlic

  1. We take 2 heads of garlic, chop it, pour 1 liter of water, and insist 5 days.
  2. We filter the infusion, pour another 1 liter of water, and spray vegetable plants on which there is a spider mite.

Method 13. Mustard infusion

  1. We take 60 g of mustard powder, pour 1 liter of water, insist for 3 days, and you can spray the plants.

Method 14. A solution of laundry soap

  1. We rub 20 g of laundry soap on a grater, pour it 1 liter of hot water, interfere, until the soap dissolves.
  2. We wet the napkin in the solution and rinse the leaves of garden plants on both sides. We make sure that the soap solution does not fall on the roots of the plant.

Attention. Spraying plants should be carried out in the early morning or evening - in the sun the effect of the drug decreases.

How to destroy spider mites with biological products?

Biological products are made on the basis of microorganisms and plants. They are not harmful to humans, but destroy the web. The following drugs have proven themselves well:

  • "Akarin"
  • "Aktophite"
  • "Agravertin"
  • "Vertimek"
  • "Cleshchevit"
  • "Fitoverm"

Attention. Spraying should be carried out 3-4 times, or even more, since all drugs on the eggs laid out by the female do not act, but only on adults and larvae. When the larvae hatch from the eggs - spraying needs to be repeated.

All biological products do not act immediately, but after 8-12 hours. Dilute the drug as written in the instructions on the package.

Attention. If you spray plants from a spider mite several times per season, the drugs need to be changed, since the next generations of ticks adapt to poison, and it does not affect them.

How to destroy spider mites with acaricides?

Acarcides destroy the eggs, in addition to crawling individuals of spider mites. And yet, at a time, these chemicals cannot destroy all ticks, but only 50-70%, for the second time-90%close, the third-remaining. Repeated processing of vegetable bushes, if cool, is carried out after 4-6 days, if hot, then earlier. The best acaricides:

  • « Apollo "
  • "Nisoran"
  • "Oberon"
  • "Sanmight"
  • "Fluomait"
  • "Floromait"

Attention. Acarcides are toxic drugs, harmful to people, so they need to be used last if other methods do not help.

So, now we know how to destroy spider mites if they appeared in your garden.

Video: Spider mite. How to quickly and reliably defeat the pest?

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