Perennial Batun-growing from seeds through seedlings and in open ground, care, top dressing, processing from pests and diseases: description, tips. When sowing onions for seedlings and in open ground: terms. Why does Batun onion turn yellow in the spring: what to do?

Perennial Batun-growing from seeds through seedlings and in open ground, care, top dressing, processing from pests and diseases: description, tips. When sowing onions for seedlings and in open ground: terms. Why does Batun onion turn yellow in the spring: what to do?

The article describes how to grow a baton on, how to treat it and what needs to be done to combat diseases, pests.

Perennial Batun, this culture is unpretentious, does not need special care, it tolerates prolonged frosts well. The plant has several more items: sandbox, Chinese onion, dud onion, tatar.

The sandbox is mainly grown on herbs, it is more tender, softer in taste than onions. Bulbs are small tatars, have an oblong shape. The height of green arrows can reach one meter. Luke-baton blooms in the spring-in spherical inflorescences there are small flowers.

What is a baton on and how it looks: photo

Grow dud onions on feathers. It makes no sense to wait for this type of plant will give a large developed onion. It is small in size, there are different shades, depending on the variety. The stalk of culture can have a length of 40 cm to 1 meter, the leaves, as well as in other species of such plants, have a dudchast form. The only difference is that they are wider than other varieties of onions.

During flowering, long -term onions form large spheres on the top of the stems, which consist of numerous small flowers. After flowering, seeds are formed there, they are used to grow trampoline. Sometimes a seedling option is used to obtain greens for a short period.

Batun onion red
Batun onion red

When to sow on onion on seedlings with seeds on the windowsill: Dates

To grow a baton on, you do not need a lot of effort on processing. As already mentioned, the culture is not very picky and gives a good harvest. Sowing the seeds should be carried out in the second half of April, you can a little earlier if you live in the region with a temperate climate. A culture is planted on the beds in the middle or end of June. There will be a crop in September. In the autumn period, trampolines are collected along with bulbs.

Batun onion - how to grow?
Batun onion-how to grow?

Preparation of soil and soil on the windowsill for sowing onion-baton for seedlings and herbs

If you need to grow a quality culture, you will have to take care of the right soil. Before sowing dudc onions, prepare the soil. For this:

  1. Mix equal parts of humus, sod soil.
  2. In a bucket (10 liters) add 175 grams of wood ash (5%potassium fertilizer).
  3. Pour 85 grams of nitroammophosics, mix everything.
  4. Process the Earth before planting with a solution with a 2-3%solution of manganese.
Growing onion on the windowsill
Growing onion on the windowsill

IMPORTANT: For plants, soil, rich in humus with a low content of acidity, is used. Greens grow poorly on clay areas and meager ground.

Processing and preparation of Batun onions for sowing for seedlings and in open ground

Before the landing, it is necessary to carry out seeds. If you will boil onions in early spring on greens, then dry seeds (calibrated) are used. To grow many years of trampoline, followed by planting in the ground, it is necessary to soak them in water so that a single scraping appears, then slightly dried in the ground.

Batun onion seeds
Batun onion seeds

What depth to sow on onion on seedlings?
How to care for seedlings of Batun onion?

Tatar can be sowed in small pots of several pieces. It is enough to sow the seeds to a depth of 1.8-2 centimeters. According to the standards of sowing onions - one and a half gram of seeds is enough for one square meter.

Then the pots are transferred to the box, and covered with a film on top until plants appear. After which the box with greens is transferred to the south side of the room. Comfortable temperature for such plants + 12 - +13 degrees. Then during the day it is desirable that the temperature in the veranda is 14 degrees, and at night +11. Even the plant does not tolerate drafts.

In April, the day is not so long, so it is necessary to use artificial lighting (phytolamp) to maintain a favorable microclimate green spaces. When the onion is still small, do not turn off the light around the clock for several days. And after four days, turn on the lamp from 20 pm to 6 in the morning.

Watering is moderate so that the plants are moistened and not flooded.

The soil for seedlings should be fed after the appearance of the first sprouts of Batun onions. To do this, use a aqueous solution of superphosphate (2.5g) and a solution of potassium sulfite in the same quantity per square meter. A meter of soil.

Two weeks before the transplanting of Chinese onions, already strengthened by seedlings, it should be tempered. Take out into the street if there are no colds, rain.

On the ground, onions are planted in the summer, around June. Much depends on the region of residence.

Batun on the windowsill
Batun on the windowsill

When to plant the seedlings of Batun onion in open ground?

Planting seedlings in open ground is quite laborious, troublesome, but it is worth it. After all, after a month and a half, you will have a chic greens on your table.

After the formation of three sheets on seedlings, the plant is transferred to open areas. This usually happens in May-June. Before you start planting seedlings, pour the soil in the boxes. Then carefully take the plant with the remains of the Earth and transfer to the beds. Do not sit onions too often. Between the plants, make an indentation of 8 centimeters and 20 centimeters - the distance between the rows.

Batun onion: Loves the sun or shadow?

This culture grows better in areas that are not shaded. Batun needs a lot of sunlight. Thanks to good lighting, you can collect a decent crop of greens.

Scheme of planting on onions of onion baton into open ground

For the convenience of processing onions, they are not planted close to each other, since the culture does not tolerate the proximity of weeds. If the trampoline is placed on the ground, where weeds dominated for many years, then there will be no harvest. It is not necessary to plant it in the lowlands where increased humidity is observed. Greens on soil with high acidity grow poorly.

Green Batun bow
Green Batun bow

IMPORTANT: It is better to plant seedlings in ordinary rows, leave a row of 20 centimeters. And 8 centimeters between plants in a series. Even for the convenience of processing and irrigation, you can leave a path of 45 centimeters through three rows.

When to sow on onions in the spring in open ground: Dates

The plant tolerates cold weather well, so you can sow seeds directly on the beds in the spring. The only thing that does not hurt for a good harvest is the use of tunnel greenhouses from the film.

Sowing is produced in March, calibrated dry seeds are used. Thanks to the early landing and greenhouse conditions, you will receive a crop already two weeks earlier than usual.

The soil for spring sowing is better to cook ahead of time. Already in the fall it is necessary to fertilize the earth. If the soil is sandy, then it must be applied to the soil of black soil. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain, it will not be possible to harvest a good harvest of greenery.

Batun on open ground
Batun on open ground

At what depths and to what scheme to sow onion-baton for seedlings?

There are several schemes for planting seeds for seedlings in open ground. Consider one of them:

  • Fill special boxes in advance prepared soil for green onions.
  • Make furrows with a depth of 1.8-2 centimeters and at a distance of 5 centimeters sow the entire area with seeds.
  • Distance between rows make 5-6 centimeters.

How long it sprouts, how much is the Batun on the seeds?

In nine days, you can notice the first sprouts. When clear rows appear, gently loosen the soil. Small plants look exhausted, weak - this is not a reason for concern. After a while, the trampoline will grow up and get stronger.

IMPORTANT: Seedlings for onions are grown on window sills or in greenhouses.

How to feed a baton bow after planting in spring and autumn?

In addition to the fact that onions requires regular loosening, removing weeds, maintaining soil moisture, and a plant is still necessary for the plant. In spring, greens are fertilized with organic substances ( mullein, bird drop). Out of calculation five kilograms per square meter. The process is necessary, because the plant during the period of growth consumes many nutrient components from the soil.

All other top dressing is carried out by mineral components without nitrogen -containing substances.

How to fertilize onions
How to fertilize onions?

IMPORTANT: Mineral fertilizers are applied twice. At first after the appearance of plants (about a month after a month). Then in the fall thirty days before the first frosts (potassium nitrate based on: 14 grams per 1 square meter). In summer, ash is used for top dressing.

How to treat on pests and diseases in the spring and autumn onion Batun?

If the gardeners follow all the rules of agricultural technology, then the baton will not be striking pests, illnesses. But sometimes there are incident. For example, plants suffer from flies, firewood, weevils.

  • Firing It feeds on the leaves of the plant from the inside. To destroy it, carbofos, fufanon are used. After such drugs, you can not consume greens for some time.
  • Weevil - This is a beetle, the length of which is 2.5 mm. He makes small punctures on the leaflets of the plant, after which he drinks the juice of the plant. Insect larvae make moves, as a result, the leaves turn yellow. To destroy them, in June, arrange a shower of cold water.
  • Flies (onion) - are dangerous for culture by eating the cavities of the leaves. In the fight against these pests, pollination of plants with saline solution (200 grams per bucket of water) is effective.

Unfortunately, onion-baton affects a number of diseases. Among them in the first place peronosporosis. Another infection is called false powdery mildew. The leaves of the plant are covered with mold and die over time. So that this does not happen, culture is processed copper sulfate, Hom. The interval between processing is at least ten days.

Luke-Batun diseases
Luke-Batun diseases

Regular agrotechnical work are very effective in the fight against pests, diseases. In particular, it is necessary to carry out the loosening of the soil, the destruction of weeds, then at the initial stage you will notice the manifestation of diseases and the presence of parasites. And on time, the processing will eliminate insect pests, diseases of the onion.

How to water the bow of Batun?

When watering this plant, the frequency of precipitation in the region should be taken into account. If there is low humidity, then watering is carried out two to three times every seven days. Lubrication is carried out within two to three times a week. It is impossible to allow to oversatuity with moisture and drying out of the soil.

Watering green onions
Watering green onions

Why does Batun onion turn yellow in the spring: reasons, what to do, what to feed?

When the pen begins to turn yellow, there can be many reasons, among them:

  • damage to the plant by harmful insects
  • diseases of cultures
  • incorrect watering
  • disadvantage or excess of fertilizers.
Watering onions
Batun onion-how to process?

In the latter case, it is recommended not to oversaturate the soil with fertilizers. If there is little fertilizer, then it follows:

  1. First, establish the exact cause of the lesions of the greens. Find out if there are pests on the vegetable or infection.
  2. Then do feeding. For this it is necessary in ten liters of water dissolve 55 grams of ammonia nitrate. And process about two square meters of soil with this solution.

When the areas of decay is observed on the bow, the use of superphosphate, potassium sulfate will be useful. The solution is made as follows: a teaspoon of the substance is dissolved in the bucket and used on two square meters of soil.

After a week, you will need the loosening of the earth. More should be fertilized the soil wood ash (based on: 125 grams per sq. meter).

The Batun onion goes into the arrow, turns yellow: reasons, what to do?

It often happens that Batun begins to go to the arrow. Such processes are characteristic of the following factors:

  • incorrect storage of landing seeds
  • incorrectly selected sizes of landing seeds
  • the wrong dates for planting material.

If you want to avoid the problem, then it is better to plant onions in the winter. However, this method is not suitable for regions with harsh winter. Sowing material can simply freeze.

If sowing is made in the spring, then first of all it is recommended to make calibration. Large seeds are removed from the total amount of planting material, and medium, small can be sowed.

It is advisable to buy seeds not in the market, but in specialized seed stores. There are storage conditions. In addition, planting material is pre -treated with solutions that prevent the shooting of greens.

Luke Batun goes to arrows - sources of the problem
Batun onion goes to arrows-sources of the problem

IMPORTANT: Perennial Batun often lets the arrows due to its characteristics. Those bundles that let the arrow must be cut first. Otherwise, the flower stalk can be coarser, and the feathers will not become so juicy.

How to correctly cut off onions-baton: Description

This culture is not grown for the decor of the site, therefore, in a certain period, it is necessary to harvest. You can cut greens already when the feathers have grown by 25-30 centimeters in height. If the care of a perennial plant is appropriate, then the greens are cut off about five times a season.

Batun onion: cleaning and storage

It was previously mentioned that this type of culture does not have a bulb, so their collection is inappropriate. It is enough to remove spoiled leaves from the bushes. And in late autumn, all other leaves will still die. Only a pseut will remain. It is she who will provide a second crop for the next year. Seeds for sowing new rows of greenery are collected in the summer, after flowering in July. Material for sowing is stored in a cool place, otherwise the seeds will simply become unusable.

Batun onion, when to harvest?
Batun onion, when to harvest?

When to sow on onions in the autumn in open ground: Dates

You can sow a baton on the greens up to three times in one season. Pendure of culture is carried out in October or November. The site itself for such work is prepared in the summer. A favorable time for sowing is stable cold when the temperature reaches +4 degrees. Having sowed to a depth of two to three centimeters. Sith onions rows, follow the indentation between them 25 centimeters. After the work, do mulching with peat.

In the spring - immediately after the thaw, onions will appear. For rapid growth, greens can be covered with polyethylene. When rows are formed, it is recommended to test them a little.

How to prepare a baton for wintering: description of the work

In the event of stable cold cold, batons must be prepared for wintering. The beds with culture are covered with sawdust, spruce branches, straw, burlap and pressed with boards. This is done for reinsurance. In regions with soft climate, the onion tolerates the winter perfectly. So that the plant does not bite the mice, you can use buckets without a bottom, pelvis. Cover the bushes of Batun onion.

What is the difference between onions from onions of Batun: Comparison

A bow of tears, unlike perennial Batun bow, is a two-year plant and grow it only with a seedling method. He, like the baton gives a small bulb of small sizes.

This culture is planted with seedlings, mainly in the summer. The distances between rows are 20-25 centimeters and between plants of 10-14 centimeters. Watering, departure is the same as that of Batun onion. Harvesting is carried out in September or early October.

The plant, like baton, requires fertile soil. It is necessary to store breaks in a cold room-you can in the cellar at a temperature of four to six degrees.


Batun is a long -term culture, grows up to four years on the site. Frost -resistant varieties of plants tolerate even severe frosts -45 degrees. The tears successfully tolerates a temperature of -20 degrees if the snow is snowy.

Best Batuna varieties: list, brief description

There are many varieties of such a culture, consider some of them that are especially popular among gardeners.

  1. Tenderness.The plant gives delicate greens with a large number of vitamins, minerals. During the season, up to three crops are harvested with good care.
  2. April Batun onion. This is an early variety. Greens have a spicy taste, ideal for spring salads. Just grow it, onions are not picky. Resistant to diseases, rarely the plant affects the pests. The ripening period is about 135 days. The April bow is planted in the spring, late autumn.
  3. Russian variety - This is a winter many years. Gates about 40 centimeters in height. His shade is bright, there is a wax plaque. Greens - juicy. This type is not terrible frosty winter, in the summer you can harvest twice.
  4. May Batun onion. Gives late shoots. Onions are collected in the middle-end of May or in June.
Batun onions - he is also dud onion
Batun onion-he is also dud onion

IMPORTANT: When choosing onion varieties, it is necessary to take into account the characteristic features of each culture: taste, frost resistance, harvesting time.

Video: Batun Batun Growing Tips

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