How to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend?

How to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend?

Simple tips that will help you quickly and easily get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend.

Unfortunately, sometimes two lovers are unable to build a strong alliance, and after some time they part. The separation process always occurs in different ways-some people remain kind friends, while others, quarreling, diverge ships in the sea. There is another category of former partners - in their case, a man calms down and lives an ordinary life, and the girl cannot cope with the loss of her beloved and all the time tries to remind him of herself. A similar behavior of the fair sex can strongly strain, especially if the man has already entered into a new relationship. What to do in this case? Make the former understand that she has no chance of returning an old relationship. How to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend we will tell in this material.

How to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend: tips

How to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend: tips
How to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend: tips

How to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend - tips:

  • Be adamant when she starts to put pressure on pity

Yes, such a situation can very often spoil your mood immediately after parting with a girl, especially if you were the initiator of parting. It may seem to the girl that she has a chance to return everything back, so she will try to return you with tears and tantrums. Therefore, if you definitely decided that you will no longer build relationships with this woman, be firmly like a rock. Even if she sobs, do not try to hug her. Comfort in words, and in no case let it into the personal space. Tactile contact will make your comfort more intimate, and she will think that you have feelings for her. Be sure to tell her that she is rather just a friend for you to whom you want personal happiness, and you really want her to be happy with another man. And remember, if you surrender, and begin to react to the tears and tantrums of the former, then she will understand that in this way you can attract your attention, and will act in this way constantly. Therefore, tell her a couple of encouraging words, and say goodbye, leave the field of her vision.

  • Be sure to say the former new rules of conduct

After parting, the ex -girlfriend, of course, will be very sad, which means that she will look for a way to spend time with you, even a couple of minutes. Do not give slack, and do not agree to such meetings, so you will only make the parting process more painful, and for both of you. The girl should clearly realize that from this moment you are just good acquaintances who owe nothing to each other. And the faster she will understand it, the better it will be for you both. Therefore, immediately forbid her to come to your house when she wants it. Demand that she always clarifies how convenient it is for you to meet at the moment, and if possible always find a reason to refuse her a meeting. Also forbid her to call you in the evening when you rest, and especially at night. Remember, you must do everything so that your contacts in real life are minimized, and then you will be able to easily get rid of the obsessive ex -girlfriend. Yes, and under any pretext do not depart from these rules, even if the former called for help, you can always call a qualified specialist who will solve all problems.

  • Be less emotional when meetings with the former

Sometimes men begin to feel sorry for the girl with whom they were connected by warm feelings, and they begin to visually demonstrate all these internal emotions. It’s definitely not necessary to do this, because in this way you give the girl a signal that your feelings have not yet passed, which means she can try to return everything back. Therefore, even if you suddenly felt that it was you who are to blame for the breakdown of the relationship, in no case show it with emotions. If you do this, the girl will understand that you can cause your guilt, and with it to influence your behavior. You can easily influence a frustrated person, and seek from him what he did not want to do before, therefore - control, control, and once again control. If you have too difficult a case, and the girl is always experiencing your emotional state, then just tell her that if she does not calm down, you will not communicate with her at all, under any pretext.

  • Change your daily habits a little

As a rule, when people decide to build relationships, they begin to integrate their life in such a way that as much time as possible can be spent with a loved one. Therefore, when you break up a person, some of your habits are also better to change. Start going to another store, a coffee shop, do not visit the places that you especially often went with your ex. Do you think that in this way you infringe yourself? In no case, you will just retire from your former lover for a while. She will not be able to see you often, which means she will not influence you and impose a feeling of guilt for parting. Moreover, the less you meet her in the most difficult period after parting, the faster she will understand that you are already alien to each other.

  • The radical way to get rid of the obsessive former is to send it to the block

It may seem to some men that such advice will not help get rid of annoying attention. But this is not so. In such a simple way, you will not let the ex -pride and influence your psycho -emotional state. Think about what you will feel if she sends you a tearful message with admission to love. At a minimum, you will begin to think about her, which means you will begin to strain and worry. And if she will present such surprises for you several times a day? So you can reach a nervous breakdown. In order for this situation to go around you, just block the former wherever you can. And so that she could not call you from another number, put the lock on all numbers that are not in your phone book. Live in this mode for at least a month, it is likely during this time your former lover will calm down, and you can return to the usual pace of life.

  • A little hard advice is constant criticism

The fair sex is very vulnerable creatures, they categorically cannot stand criticism addressed to them. And it is precisely this peculiarity of them that can be used if you need to get rid of the ex -girlfriend. But do not overdo it, so as not to look in the eyes of your encirclement with such an evil grasp. So, if you met with a girl, and she began her manipulations, focus on people on the fact that she behaves constantly as soon as she receives a refusal. Just tell her that during her tantrums she does not look in the most charming way, and this is clearly noticeable to everyone who surrounds her. Such behavior will discourage the girl, and she will definitely stop hysteria. You can also whisper in her ear that she has a bad taste, and today she is dressed just disgusting. So you will angry her, and most likely she will finish the conversation and leave you.

  • Demonstrate the former new happy life

To many girls who broke up with their guys, it seems that they will disappear without them. And it is this argument that they use when they are trying to regain past relationships. That is why they are intrusively offering their assistance in household matters, hoping thus as close as possible to the object of their desires. Therefore, be sure to demonstrate your independence to the girl - focus on the fact that you have found a wonderful place for household purchases and are quite satisfied with your new status. Put your gatherings with friends on the network, just cute photos in which you are happy and cheerful. Such a demonstration of "happiness" will help you show the former that your life is quite beautiful without it, and you definitely do not need its help every day. In general, you can hint to her that you already have in mind a girl with whom you plan to go on a date in the very near future. Such information will be such a cold shower for her, which will cool her ardor a little.

Change for the worse

Surely there are many positive qualities in you, because of which your former still cannot calm down, and leaves no attempts to attract your attention to yourself. And you know for sure what the girl liked most in your character when you were together. In view of this, try to recreate your antipode - rude, angry, not always adequate. No need to behave like that with everyone, it is enough to demonstrate your worst appearance of an exclusively former lady of the heart. As soon as you meet it, begin to exude negativity, and do it as assertively as possible. She should understand that she did not know the person with whom she was near, and perceived him not as he really is. After some time, your provocative behavior will push her away from you, and you can breathe freely.

How easy it is to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend?

How easy it is to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend?
How easy it is to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend?

How easy it is to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend:

  • Completely ignore the annoying lady

Very often it is this method that helps former partners disperse without unnecessary showdowns. Why? Everything is very simple - the smaller the former lovers contaminate after parting, the faster they learn to live without each other. Therefore, do not give a annoying lady a chance to spend time with you, or even talk to you on the phone. Faced with her on the street or in transport? Throw the dry "hello", and step aside with an indifferent face. No conversations, even minute, do not lead with her. You are now strangers for each other, and you do not have to try to establish relationships. If the former calls or sends messages, just do not respond to them. After some time, it will reach her that you do not intend to conduct a dialogue with her even on household topics, and this will force her to stop.

  • Be true, even if it is very difficult for you

Some men out of pity for the former continue to periodically meet with her. In such a strange way, they try to take off their guilt for the fact that the girl suffers. On such their actions, they only harm themselves even more, because the former continues to hope that he can return everything. She can take your pity for the remnants of feelings, and will try to rekindle the fire of love in your heart again. Therefore, always tell the woman the truth, let it sound bitter, but she should really evaluate your words and actions. In view of this, if you just feel sorry for a person, then be sure to tell him about it. Specify that you are simply worried about her emotional state, and you want her to have its personal life as soon as possible. And be sure to say that you no longer see your wife, mistress, and the mother of your future children. She should clearly understand that as soon as her condition stabilizes your life paths will disperse in different directions, and everyone will build their own fairy tale a love story.

  • Try to switch her attention to another person

Of course, this is a rather controversial option for getting rid of the attention of the fair sex, but sometimes he works. In this case, everything will depend on how much the girl still loves you. So, the first way - introduce the former lady of the heart with a beautiful friend or relative, if she, of course, is at least a little pretty. Let him invite her to a couple of friendly, non -binding meetings. If they like each other, then in the future they will be able to try to build a more serious relationship. The second way to distract attention from your person is a very mysterious stranger. Create a page on the social network, and write from it to the former. Make it cute compliments, write funny SMS. She should again feel like a beautiful and desired woman. As soon as she feels this, she will begin to go in case of previous relationship, and you can take a break from her obsessive behavior.

  • Flirt with other representatives of the fair sex in her eyes

A cruel, but very effective way. If you have already tried everything that is possible, then this method will definitely help you get rid of the former. Even your girlfriend can play the role of a new object of adoration, the main thing is that everything is as realistic as possible. As soon as you stop in one place, immediately begin to demonstrate your strong feelings for the new charm. Buy it by the waist, sniff your curls, all the time stroke its velvety skin. A wonderful picture, is it not true? Believe me, your former will definitely notice all this, and your behavior will sink it a little. Yes, she will be angry and jealous, but certainly will not try to return you back. If you don’t have such a close girlfriend, you can always find a beautiful girl nearby and flirt a little with her, the main thing is not to bend the stick, and not be too frank and persistent.

  • If possible, move for a while to live in another city

It may seem to you that such an act will change your life too much, but believe me that in this way you will definitely get rid of the attention of the former lover. She cannot come to you, meet you on the street or in transport. The only means of communication with you will remain a phone and the Internet, but there it can be easily blocked. Yes, and ask relatives and friends so that he is by no means telling a lady where you are currently. If you don’t want to change your life cool, then just ask you to be sent on a business trip, and then you will also disappear from the field of view of the former for a long period.

Is it possible to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend quickly: reviews

Is it possible to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend quickly: reviews
Is it possible to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend quickly: reviews

Is it possible to get rid of an obsessive ex -girlfriend quickly - reviews:

  • Alexander: For a long time I met with a girl, and already began to think that I met exactly the one with whom I will live my whole life. But the unexpected happened, at one point I realized that my feelings disappeared somewhere, and our life together ceased to seem rainbow and beautiful to me. At first I felt scared, and I did not tell the girl that I was thinking about parting. But a month later I realized that I could no longer endure, and told her everything. And then the most interesting began. Tears, tantrums, persuasion, and even threats with reprisals. At this moment, I realized that I did everything right, because it turned out that I did not know at all, with whom I lived together for more than three years. A cute girl turned into a real tantrum that simply carried my brain. And the most unpleasant, she herself did not even understand that she harms her very behavior very much. At first I tried to persuade her, and even sometimes came to sit with her in the evening so that she would not sob on my phone. But she took it for weakness, and began to obsessively demand attention at any time of the day. Therefore, I acted dramatically - completely chopped off any communication with her, and forbade her relatives and friends to tell her about himself. We met personally only two months later, and during this time she was able to accept our gap, and began to build life without me.
  • Kirill: My relationship with the girl was initially not perfect, but I always believed that we were back to each other and everything would work out. But my girlfriend accepted my behavior for their tribute and did not try to change at least a little for the better-if she wanted something, she demanded this in any way, even hysteria. Over time, I was tired of living next to a big child, for whom there is nothing more important than myself beloved. Therefore, at one point, I expressed everything in the face to her and broke off the relationship. Probably, initially she thought that I was unlikely to leave such a “princess”, so for a week she did not make itself felt at all. But then she realized that I was not joking, and began to try to return our relationship. I felt exclusively negative, and did not want to live next to such a person anymore. But the girl took me out with calls, guarded me at the house, arbitrarily came to our parties with friends. Initially, I tried to talk with her face again, and explain that I no longer want to build a relationship with her. But she still did not stop, and tried to put pressure on me. Therefore, I decided on a cardinal step. When she once again came to a party to my Druzm, I told her to all those present about all her shortcomings. She continued to smile, but I saw how unpleasant she was. After this incident, she stopped pursuing me, and I finally could breathe calmly.

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