Masculinity - definition, ways to develop masculinity to a man

Masculinity - definition, ways to develop masculinity to a man

Different eras and social groups always had their own ideas about masculinity. These unwritten standards of masculinity express public opinion rather and are not a kind of dogma, since they can change at any time under the influence of a number of factors.

A huge role in the formation of public opinion on the issue of masculinity is played by a cultural situation, a time period, and the degree of civilization of society. Inside each society, its own rules are established regarding who can be considered a man with full right.

What is masculinity: definition

  • If the conversation mentions about masculinity -this is discussed in simple words about the set of characteristic features of a social plan, behavioral forms and practices that allow you to call a particular person a real man.
  • And each social class, each ethnicity, and each age category of people, will be close and understandable to their concepts of masculinity.
  • For example, the fact that the Chechen masculinity is the norm for a Russian person a priori is unacceptable. And the masculinity of a man in years will be completely different from the masculinity of the young man.
A set of male qualities
A set of male qualities

What is hegemonic masculinity?

  • There is a concept of about hegemonic masculinity - That is, about the norm of male qualities that exist in society. We can say that hegemonal masculinity is inherent in a man successful, reliable, owning the situation and possessing the qualities of a leader.
  • Under such characteristics, you can bring different male individuals - it all depends on the social groups in which they rotate, and the historical period in which they live.
  • After all, everything is relative. For some, a professional locksmith or, for example, a bodyguard is a model of a man, and for someone a banker or minister.

Men's masculinity: what should a real man look like?

  • Speaking of masculinity, we imagine a sports type man - fit and muscular. However, here we can safely talk about relativity.
  • Nowadays, a lot of men have chosen a path for themselves programmers, web designers etc. Most of them have neither the time nor the desire to play sports, because almost always you can find them at the computer - this is the case when both work and hobbies merged for them into one.
  • But they are good in their business, and therefore, the requirements will not be presented to them such stringent straightening in terms of, as, for example, to the guards.
Masculinity has now changed the framework
Masculinity has now changed the framework
  • An example of a “real man” (hegemonal masculinity) is constantly supported in society with the help media, advertising, art, books, state policy, all kinds of festive events.
  • From the stereotype they created, it follows that real men should be, first of all, fearless defenders of their homeland. And in everyday life they should be defenders or miners, be brutal and somewhat aggressive.
  • They expect them rationality, determination, courage, competition, responsibility.
  • In a replicated stereotype, the “real man” does not show its emotions, does not bother with the kids and does not deal with “female” business affairs.

Money, power and masculinity of the image

  • Which of the women did not dream that her life partner would become a rich man and possessing power? And after all, it does not always coincide that a man simultaneously possessed iron muscles and a tight wallet.
  • So, speaking of masculinity, we can also imply a person, clothed by the authorities and owning considerable capital. By the way, such people a priori cannot be fools, otherwise they could never achieve such high position in society. We take an axiom: they have remarkable intellect, and with such people it is always interesting to be nearby.
  • And this "triad" - money, power and intelligence It is a sufficient base for the presence of masculinity in such people. And as physical strength, you can always use a muscular bodyguard. And who in this situation has masculinity to a greater extent - an absolutely unsportsmaning oligarch or a pumped -up bodyguard? There is nothing to guess here.
Virgin men are also approaching this category
Virgin men are also approaching this category

Masculinity crisis

  • There is no secret to anyone that in our society there are gender problems. About mutual discontent between representatives of strong and weak sexes, unless the lazy does not speak, the media are also connected. There, literally every day, the “dirty linen” of former family or love couples is brought to the public court, and unlawfully dismissed employees scold their employers yesterday.
  • It should be noted that women in our society are much more complicated, because compared to their men rights are largely infringed on. And their wages are usually lower than in men who perform the same functions, and when hiring, they often prefer to take representatives of strong statues.
  • But, as it turned out, this state of affairs does not work out very well for men. In some cases, during the collapse of families, their former chapters begin to be angry, believing that they are infringed on in parental rights and they are not so often seen with their children, as they would like. Moreover, to everything else, and alimony has to pay or hide from them, which is not very pleasant for representatives of the stronger sex.
  • Those who are more weak in spirit begin alcohol drown out stresses. And alcohol is an insidious thing and poorly affecting health. Against the background of stress, this pernicious habit may well quickly bring a person to the grave. And so it turns out that the bulk of men goes into a world of other women much earlier - this is evidenced by statistics.
  • So, as we see, the problem of the crisis of masculinity It really exists, and to talk about it, and it is necessary to find ways to resolve it. After all, harmonization of relations in society is impossible without a comprehensive study of male psychology and their behavior.
Masculinity crisis is quite acute
Masculinity crisis is quite acute

The problem of masculinity: How does stress affect the health of men?

  • The existing ideas about masculinity often damage the health of the stronger sex. Masculinity means hierarchy and competition, and in the constant struggle for leadership the loser will always be present.
  • Achieve recognition, money, success, honor and glory Not everyone succeeds. And the less a man succeeded in all this, the lower his social situation. And that means he gets much less.
  • Having not achieved success in any field, the man begins to envy others, he is developing inferiority complex. And if a person constantly thinks about his own inferiority, then this is a direct road to deep and prolonged stress.
  • What about women? So it happened in society that the best of them go to the most successful and confident men, because every woman wants to feel protected from adversity and disorder.
  • Again, like a future mother, she cannot help but think about those benefits that only a successful person can provide her children. And in the event that the woman he liked makes her choice in favor of a more successful competitor, then the rejected man from this may well fall into a depressive state with gloomy thoughts that he is loser.
  • All this taken together can bring a person to suicide, because the next one after another failures may seem to him a real psychological humiliation or “wobbling”.
  • Statistics say that men decide to put an end to life much more often (1.8 times) than women. This figure is taken from the calculation of the average level level, but in Russia the case with this is even more deplorable.
  • Representatives of the stronger sex in fact turned out to be weaker and unsuccessful to the vicissitudes of fate than women - they commit an act of suicide 6.5 times more often.

What is the difference between European masculinity and Russian?

  • Europe has shocked Europe for a long time-it began in the late 60s, and over time under its influence Women radically changed their behavior and attitude towards men.
  • They were tired of being ordinary housewives with their husbands and completely depends on them in material terms. They began to massively get a job, thereby increasing their economic well -being, which positively affected the level of level gender equality. Now European men take this state of affairs for the norm - unlike Russian.
European men easily divided the majority of responsibilities with women
European men easily divided the majority of responsibilities with women
  • Russian men, apparently, did not even notice how much their compatriots became different. They are constantly developing and changing, unlike men, far back up somewhere on the way from representatives of weak statues. And at the same time do not want to understand and adopt new rules of gender masculinity.
  • Why are Europeans and Russians so different in the perception of the gender issue? Our country has long been different from many other states. For example, in pre-revolutionary Russia, a woman (if it belonged to the highest or middle class) was not accepted at all, and the rights of voting, if this did not concern the issues of family and at home, she, in general, had no.
  • During the Soviet regime, women gained the opportunity to work along with men, Sending their young children to a nursery and kindergarten. In the crisis of the masculinity of that time, the state was to blame - after all, almost all Soviet men depended on it very much.
A striking example of masculinity in women
A striking example of masculinity in women
  • The Russian man was far from the authoritative and authoritarian head and breadwinner of his family, as it was before. And at this time in Western countries, although it was in full swing emancipationBut the man still remained the main guarantor of the well-being and prosperity of the family.

Masculinity and childbearing

  • In the 90s, A new type of masculinityto which criminal authorities were equated. But their era quickly ended, and the new century was marked by the development of gender policy, aimed, first of all, at women due to a sharp drop in fertility.
  • Russia has turned into an aging country, which is a very serious economic problem. That is why they appealed to women of childbearing age with an appeal to produce babies. Even agites were somehow released with the slogan: “The country needs your records”-they depicted the happy mother of the family surrounded by three children.
  • Of course, the state is beneficial for the state to prevail in society young people, Which could work, pay taxes and maintain a pension fund. The economy will fascinate if the country lives in a larger number of old people who exist for deductions of people working. That is why they urge potential mothers to give birth to children.
  • But before these babies begin to work and make deductions to the state treasury, they still need to grow and purchase a profession. It is precisely in this matter that consists the benefits of conservative policy for the state.
  • Of course, it is understood that the family will lay the solution of all the main social issues to itself - and the children will grow children, and the elderly to be abdicated. Such very independent families should have many children, and the state will allocate a small part of the funds for their education.
  • In such a family and for a man, a traditional role is destined. He must assume obligations to maintain all his households. But where can an ordinary man find such astronomical amounts from? Honestly make money so that there is enough money for everyone? He hardly succeeds. And what remains in the end? Again, the same traditional conversations in which the image of a “correct real man” is assigned to militarized people.
Will a man for a salary fully satisfy all the needs of the family?
Will a man for a salary fully satisfy all the needs of the family?
  • If a man, as they say, “whistles the wind in your pockets”, then it becomes unusually difficult for him prove your masculinity over and over again. And if he is not able to independently correct his financial situation, he has no choice but to join powerful structural masculinated army unit.

Are men in masculinity inherent in all men?

  • So, we figured out that a model of a “real man” is just a stereotype imposed on society, and nothing more. Of course, it would be ideal if men were always ready to take the side of the weak, had the ability to make important independent decisions, experienced strong feelings and could eloquently express them.
  • But let's speak directly, not all men are capable of it. So what, all of them because of this refuse masculinity? The man in any case will remain a man, even if he made momentary weakness, and therefore does not look like a hero in the eyes of others.
Not everyone
Not everyone
  • At the present time, to the existing the manifestation of masculinity, factors such as Sexual attractiveness, achievements in sports, a fashionable well -groomed look, prestigious accessories. But those who have already achieved all this, and those who dream of getting all this have to work a lot and hard for this.
  • Not everyone is capable of this and therefore do not comply with the desired standards. Modern society is slowly starting to move away from the usual stereotypes of a “real man”. After all, not all representatives of the stronger sex are now treated with women as weak beings who need to be constantly patronized, protected and supplied with money. And not everyone wants to serve in the army, and they also do not want to pump muscles in the gym day after day.
  • But, unfortunately, Russian society is not yet ready to give such men a chance so that they can give their Masculinity are new qualities - It can be care, involved in paternity, equal partnership etc.
  • However, by masculinity it would be worth mentioning the usual anatomical difference of a man and a woman, and nothing more. And, therefore, in every masculine representative it is already there, and for everyone it is unique.
  • Men should not constantly think about how a “real man” would have acted in his case - you need to live your own life without looking back at the stereotypes.

How to develop masculinity to a man?

  • There are three principles that are basic for the development of attractive masculine energy in a man. First of all, you need to forget about the insufficiency of funds, about your not quite model appearance and all other far -fetched problems.
  • In order for the masculine energy to develop, a man must simultaneously develop his inner world and remain true to his beliefs.

So, here are the three basic rules, following which you can develop masculinity:

  1. Be unshakable. Male unshakability is meant balanced behavior and prevention of reaction to petty external stimuli. This will help create the impression that you are easily walking in this world. Unshakable confidence and energy seemed to come from you, and this feeling should feel, including you. Your words and actions should also completely obey the influence of this energy. This is somewhat reminiscent of a huge Senbernar, who was taken to a walk. Small street shavas yap on him from all sides, and he goes to himself with a majestic tie, without receiving the attackers of the dogs with a single look. This behavior causes not only respect, but even admiration.
How to develop masculinity in yourself?
How to develop masculinity in yourself?
  • To develop such unshakability in yourself will help you understanding that the necessary mood must be caused from the inside of oneself, but not outside.
  • The environment can be deceiving, hostile and subject to chaos, so you should not rely on it, but only for one yourself. And it is not worth expecting someone’s rewards and approval-it is not worth it-enough that you approve of yourself.
  • In this case, you will never the alien quiliness will not hurt and does not hurt. If a calm balance will reign in your soul, then you will always have a quick and beautiful answer to someone else's rudeness.
  • Do not worry about how you look. Even a very calm person is easy to infuriate if he worries about the state of his hairstyle. Remaining yourself, at the same time strive to become better.
  1. Be purposeful. This means that a man should decide on the goals and objectives and systematically achieve their implementation - without chaotic throwing, without turning from once a chosen path. Many people have no goals in life and often do not understand the meaning of their existence, and this is the wrong position. Purposefulness can be achieved if you are fully aware of what you want to achieve in this life. And at the same time, you firmly know what and why you are doing to achieve your goal, and no one must ask anyone for this. You need to firmly understand your purpose and your own path in this world. Do not give any concessions to yourself or others on this path, be purposeful!
  2. Go around the world easily. This means internal freedom and denial of all superfluous. The essence of masculine energy is to achieve freedom and complete emancipation. To achieve such a state, you should learn not to perceive anything too seriously and not overload your heart with excessive experiences. Feel in the depths of yourself the permissiveness to what you are striving for. Do not take into account someone else's opinion. Do not identify yourself with other personalities, because you are an individual! Do your favorite business, find an interesting hobby for yourself. But do this exclusively for yourself, without looking back at others and not expecting a anyone praise.
  • Forget about passivity and lethargy, overcome laziness and spleen And finally start the realization of your desires.
  • No need scatter other people's condemning words - After all, the masculine culture is based on the fact that a man should not engage in self -flagellation and be afraid of someone else's opinion. You do not need to force events, and therefore you allow everything to happen.
  • You do not resist anything and take different development of events from the universe. You must develop in yourself fearlessness And learn to peacefully solve problems arising with other men.
  • Whatever events take place in your life, stay in a relaxed state. All this must really be felt, because freedom is not subject to fake.

We advise you to read articles about men and for men:

Video: Masculinity test - part 1 and 2

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