How to choose one of two men: reliable tips that will help make a choice

How to choose one of two men: reliable tips that will help make a choice

This is only in novels this happens when one single ardent love, and for life. In reality, everything can be different. In the soul, suddenly unexpectedly, warm feelings were born at once to two men. But you still need to choose one of them, because mental harmony is impossible with such a split.

And what to do in this case, if both of them like and the soul opposes the fact that one of them disappears from your life once and for all? First of all, to calm down, think, to weigh all the pros and cons. And logic and intuition will tell you what you should opt for. Take advantage of one of the methods described in this article.

How to choose from two men?

In order to choose one of two men as soon as possible, use the methods below. These are a kind of psychological tests that will help you figure out both yourself and the feelings of men.

The choice between men
The choice between men

I don’t know who to choose from two men: what to do?

Identify the positive qualities of men

  • You should think about the positive qualities of both applicants. During the next date enter the man in the conversation and analyzethan he attracts you.
  • Try find out about his character As much as possible, because in this case it will be much easier for you and easier to understand who is more suitable for you. When talking with guys, think about the following questions.
  • Do you have fun to be next to him? Will his jokes mix you, or are you just pretending that you were made? Does he have a good sense of humor? After all, we are usually drawn to those people who can easily raise the mood from the interlocutor and amuse him. Next to them easy and comfortableAnd at this time, even the problems seem very insignificant.
  • To understand which man to choose from two, Listen to yourself. If he suddenly wants to tickle you - will it be pleasant for you? And if he hugs you, takes the hand, or decided to kiss you? Are you ready for this, or is it all a rejection in you? Remember that no one has the right to touch you if you do not want it yourself. Therefore, without your consent and your chosen one, you should keep yourself restrained.
  • Are other people interesting to him? Is it not fixated only on himself, and all his conversations - only about himself, love? Basically, all egoists are still bores! Various liberated guys have their own unique inner world, They are usually surrounded by friends, and they have a lot of interests. Most likely, you will want to continue relations with just such a confident, self -confident young man.
  • Does he show his emotions openly? Are his concerns of other people worrying? Some men hide their increased emotionality. But if your chosen one openly shows his feelings, then this speaks of his maturity and self -confidence.
  • Does he know how to look beautifully? Does he admire your appearance or is he interested in your inner world? Does it show for compliments that your appearance alone or appreciates you also for other qualities?
  • Is he not very ruteous person? If a man does not hurry anywhere and does not constantly look at the dial of his watch, then he likes to be next to you. In any second, in any second they can switch their attention from you to another girl.
What are the qualities of men?
What are the qualities of men?

Identify the reigning features of men

  • Remember Negative features of the character of both applicants. Maybe you are at the moment only their positive qualities and thoughts about which of them evokes more emotions in you. But at the same time it is necessary soberly realize What causes you in their behavior.
  • If you decide to choose from two applicants the best for you, then you need to evaluate the following situation for yourself. Does the guy stretch a train from the past, overwhelmed with a load of negative experience and experiences? Were they in his past Difficulties, troubles or big unrequited love? Maybe it’s nice to be with him now, but will you be happy if his past will constantly wedge into your life?
  • Take a closer look, by chance manipulation - Is this not his horse? It is unlikely that you will like it if a person who is next to you constantly ruled you - after all, you are not a puppet, isn't it? If he expects that only his desires and interests will be taken into account in absolutely everything, then, of course, before you is an egoist, or even an egocentric with whom it is incredibly difficult to find a common language.
  • Every woman feels when a man is lying to her. Have you noticed behind your boyfriend, is he lying to you? Surely you want to see himself beside a man who is able to tell the truth, despite whether it is pleasant for you to hear it or not - such people are usually reliable. The same guys who flatter your eyes, and with friends they can share the most unpleasant for you, do not cause confidence - communication with them is better to avoid for their own calmness and internal comfort.
  • What about troubles, which, as if from a cornucopia, pour on it? Do such “black stripes” often happen in his life and whether he copes with them on his own, or does it involve you in all this? In addition, if he has constant problems, then he often will not be up to you - but do you need it?
  • Does he often remember his ex -girlfriend with you? If so, then for sure he still has love for her. You can, of course, fight with his thoughts about the past, but be prepared for the fact that this will take some time.

Understand your feelings

What emotions do you have at the thought of these two guys? After all, your personal feelings are important in the same way as those sets of qualities that you like in each of the applicants for the role of your second half.

  • It may happen that one of them has characteristic features that are very impressed with you, but at the same time you feel happy when at least a short SMS comes to your phone from another.
  • The time has come not just to ask the question of why these young people cause sympathy in you, but to understand what feelings you are experiencing next to them. Does you fill the feeling of joy and self -confidence in the presence of your friend? Does your heart knock more often, the head is spinning, and the world suddenly begins to play with new bright colors? Do you have a feeling that you, together with the outside world, change for the better?
  • To choose between two guys, take a closer look In him with a detached look: the guy shows interest in you, or he, like an avid pickper, “eats a look” of all the pretty girls who fall in his field of view?
Understand yourself and your feelings
Understand yourself and your feelings
  • Is he trying to help you In your desire to develop or is it all quite satisfied with it?
  • Does he delight your hearing unobtrusive, but meaningful compliments? Does the blood come to your cheeks from his affectionate gaze, fleeting touch or delicate words? Doesn't it seem to you that you are a little girl who will protect your faithful knight from any adversity? Does he give you to feel that you are special, and also a real lady?

How strong are the feelings of men to you?

  • If a girl chooses from two guys, it is worthwhile to understand how strong the feelings of potential partners are. It will not be easy for you to choose one of them if both of them at the first call will be ready to respond and help you in everything.
  • Naturally, you do not need to opt for a person who nourishes deeper feelings for you, only with the purpose of getting settled in this life more complicated.
  • You should weigh the consequences of your refusal - how will the guy react to him? If in the first second you truthfully answer yourself that most likely he will rush to look for a new passion for yourself, then most likely, intuition does not bring you and is unlikely to continue to go on dates to him. And if you feel that one of them has a deep affection and sympathy for you, then this is a serious argument to choose.
  • There is no need to put direct questions, of course, it can be frightened and alerted by applicants. But after all, every woman is clear from the views and conversations whether the man wants to be constantly with her.
Evaluate the feelings of the guys
Evaluate the feelings of the guys

Let your guys appreciate your girlfriends

  • The opinion expressed by close friends is worth a lot. Real friends usually honest and sincere, After all, they wish you good, and from the outside, as they say, it is always more visible.
  • If you have such bosomed girlfriends who are always ready and supported in everything, then take into account their opinion. But still, it is finally solved only to you, which of the men will remain with you. And do not try to ask girlfriends to choose the best of them, let them simply express the positive and negative qualities of the guys on their part.

Determine the similarity and difference between men

  • It's time to take up paper and a pen - to make a few lists that will help you figure out which of the men should give preference.
  • In the first list, indicate those positions in which they are almost the same, and in which they differ diametrically. Thoughts set forth on paper will allow you to understand, first of all, in yourself - what you expect from a potential partner and what feelings you experience for him.
  • In the second list, indicate the qualities that you would like to see in your partner. And, conversely, which I would not like. Next, with the pros and cons, indicate the features that you like or do not like these two young people.
Determine their similarity and difference in appearance and character traits
Determine their similarity and difference in appearance and character traits

Prophet yourself to understand which guy out of two to choose:

  • Which of the men in the future will, in your opinion, be better to treat you?
  • Is any of them to be near you both in grief and in joy?
  • Who can perceive your troubles as your own?
  • With which of them are you most of the common interests and tastes?
  • Which of them do you want to see as often as possible?
  • Which of them will be happy to accept your friends and relatives?
  • Which of them has become so expensive for you that you cannot live a day without meetings?

Trust your intuition

  • It is impossible to live life, choosing and doing only what we like. We all come to this light, already having a certain set of qualities, and growing up, we acquire our own worldview, addictions and tastes. Do not hesitate about the dilemma for a long time - Trust intuition.
  • Test fate by means of a coin, making to yourself what side of it will be in favor of one young man, and which one will. Throw it away, and while the coin has not fallen, intuitively feel what you want to see - an eagle or turnips? So, the one you thought about at that moment - and there is your choice, which you subconsciously made for yourself for a long time.
  • If you have decided that you are irresistibly attracted to one of the applicants, but its character traits leave much to be desired, and the second does not particularly attract you, then you should have a rest from both of them. Temporary freedom from all obligations - It's cool too! And, on the contrary, mental suffering did not bring anyone to good.

Do not rush, but don't get too much time

  • You yourself are free to choose when to make a final decision, because it is about your fate, everything must be considered well and weigh. While you are thinking, one of the guys can offend you with something inadvertently, or, on the contrary, do something incredibly kind, and this will help you decide you with the choice.
  • If you are with anyone No obligations are connected And you do not have unpleasant sensations of a certain betrayal, then you should not rush to make your final decision.
  • But at the same time, do not pull for a very long time: a young man who will stay with you, after a while, can find out that you also went on dates to another guy. This awareness can hurt his pride and even lead to a break in relations.

How to choose from two men of the same: solution and consequences

How to choose from two men of one, h.then do after making a decision?

After you finally chose between two men, develop relations with your chosen one. You should not deviate from the decision, continuing to continue to rush between the two guys.

  • It is not at all necessary to tell the rejected young man that you have connected yourself with obligations with someone else-this can greatly offend him. With your feelings and actions Build a strong relationship Only with the man where you opted for, and try to throw thoughts about the second out of your head.
  • If you appear in your life emptiness From the realization that you lack meetings with the second young man, this means that you made the wrong choice. Most likely, you just liked to flirt with the person with whom you are now trying to develop relationships.
  • Be friendly To the guy you left, but often you should not be alone with him, because he can try to win you again. Think, do you need it? Moreover, jealousy will flare up with the young man with whom you decided to stay.
If you have already chosen a person, do not rush about
If you have already chosen a person, do not rush about

Possible consequences of choosing from two men

  • Prepare yourself for the fact that your choice may entail not very pleasant consequences for you. The problem of choice cannot but affect your relationship with both men.
  • If the fan you rejected is seriously passionate about you, then he will suffer because of the inability to be near you. He will need to tell him something about why you decided to part with him (if he does not suspect the existence of an opponent). Of course, having made your choice, it will be much easier for you to explain with him, but you cannot avoid unrest.
  • If these guys are familiar with each other, and suddenly they are also friends, then in this case the conflict cannot be avoided. It is unlikely that after such a shock they will continue their friendly relations. If you do not like this situation, it is better to leave them both and start dating someone else.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the rejected guy will disappear from your life, because not everyone will agree to a simple friendship with a woman with whom he had previously been associated with romantic and close relations.
It is important to break off relations with the guy as diplomatically as possible
It is important to break off relations with the guy as diplomatically as possible

Come consciously to your decision

  • You yourself are free to dispose of your life, but try not to cause strong suffering to other people if possible, giving them ghostly hopes for reciprocity. Maybe you feel guilty of a young man you abandoned, but time will put everything in its place.
  • And the sooner you explain to him, the better it will become for your entire "love triangle." Of course, the gap of any relationship is always painful for someone, but it is better to do it in one fell swoop, without delaying this for a long time. And you should be proud that you found the strength to say yes one “yes”, and to break with the second forever. This is an adult way. Of course, you can, succumbing to the impulse, make the wrong choice. But - they learn from mistakes.
  • And do not worry too much and torment yourself because of other people's grievances - After all, it is simply impossible to please everyone. The choice is such a vital solution in which the injured party will always be present.

How to choose from two men alone: \u200b\u200btips

  1. How to choose from two men alone? Whatever you advise you friends, relatives or strangers, remember, The solution is only you.
  2. If you are nervous due to the fact that you cannot independently decide which man to choose from two, And at the same time, they put pressure on you and rush, the easiest way to throw them all and start dating someone else. Otherwise, it is not far from depression, and to remorse. And who will become easier from this?
  3. Try impatiently take a closer look How one and the second are treated to you. Now I mean not love, but the attitude. After all, it immediately catches your eye if one of them suits your rare meetings, and the second on a date cannot part with you.
  4. No one has the right to force you to instantly make your choice. Than a solution More balanced, especially since it is correct.
  5. If you are in love with both, then make a choice in favor of number two. After all, it is clear: if you simply could not live without your first number, you would not meet with the second.
  6. It may happen that both guys will ask you to date at the same time. Make your choice in favor of the one who takes your thoughts more.

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Video: How to choose from two men?

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