The syndrome of "at least someone" or the fear of loneliness in women: why does a woman need a man, even if there is no sympathy for him?

The syndrome of

There is such a category of women who cannot do without a man. Perhaps they are pressure from their relatives, or they cannot come to terms with loneliness.

Often they have relations with men who do not suit them at all. However, it is quite difficult to cope with the “at least someone” syndrome. From this article you will learn what such a syndrome arises from, and why women need a man nearby.

The reasons for the appearance of "at least someone" syndrome

At least someone appears for several reasons:

  • The woman is alone for a long time. Because of this, her relatives, relatives and friends begin to rebel, and possibly humiliate. That is why a woman decides on a relationship with a man who does not cause her any emotions. For her, the main thing is to stop riding.
  • Fear that neither good, nor smart, nor beautiful A man will not pay attention to a woman. He arises when all her friends get married, and she only has to play the role of the eternal girlfriend of the bride.
Because of loneliness
Because of loneliness
  • Emotional exhaustion, which arises due to experiences for the relationship. Then the woman decides to find at least someone, if only to cope with the emotional load. So it protects against ridicule and reproaches from relatives and friends.
  • The fear that a woman will spend all her life alone. Despite the development of the modern world, some people adhere to established standards. They believe that a woman who has not married until 30 years will remain alone forever. In order not to fall into this category of women, and not spend her whole life with cats, a woman decides on a relationship with any man.
  • Cruck complexity. The woman is convinced that she cannot be loved. Therefore, she decides on any relationship with a man, just to feel necessary.

The consequences of the "at least someone" syndrome for a woman

Psychologists are convinced that the syndrome of “at least someone” can negatively affect the emotional and psychological state of a woman.

In her new relationship, she will try:

  • Present a relationship where they are not;
  • Force a man to start a relationship, even if he does not want to;
  • To come to terms with disrespect and humiliation from a man;
  • Justify the actions of an unloved man;
  • Adapt to your companion.

Why can't women find a man faithful and reliable?

  • Most people are convinced that during the search for the future partner it is enough to put on beautiful clothes and look spectacular. However, this is not quite true. The opposite sex will pay attention to you, but this will be a key factor in building relationships.
  • For example, consider the situation that has developed in the film "Moscow does not believe in tears". In it, the main character said to Catherine: "You have an unmarried woman". This is what makes it clear that the main thing is not clothes, but the energy that a woman radiates.

Modern women have such character traits as independence, self -sufficiency, initiative and self -confidence. Unfortunately, men are afraid of such women. That is why they do not dare to build relationships with them, because they are afraid that a woman will suppress them. And during communication with men should be shown weakness, care, love and tenderness. These character traits should be in every woman.

Men need weak and tender, not strong and independent
Men need weak and tender, not strong and independent

The main reasons why girls cannot show their best qualities to men:

  • Belief. Some women believe that normal men are no longer left. Perhaps this opinion was imposed on her in childhood. To overcome this, a woman must believe that he has the right to happiness. To do this, she will have to review many of her views on life.
  • Idea of \u200b\u200bideality. Each woman has her own understanding of the phrase "perfect man." Unfortunately, there are no ideal people. Each of us has advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is to learn how to accept them. No need to constantly be in search of an ideal partner and lover. Start building relationships with a man who really attracts you and motivates to become better. Perhaps, after a close acquaintance with him, you will understand that he is the same.
  • Fear. Some women are afraid to show their weaknesses, because this can lead to ridicule. They are also afraid that the new partner uses their weaknesses against them. Fighting fear is not easy, but you need to study. First of all, believe that you are a wonderful person who has the right to error.
  • Past relationships. If the girl was infringed or criticized in past relationships, it becomes difficult for her to open before other men. Therefore, she agrees to a relationship with someone who is not trying to find out or criticize her. Remember that each person is unique. Not all men in your environment are trying to infringe you. Give them a chance to prove themselves. This will give you the opportunity to build a real relationship, without an internal struggle with yourself.

If you started to notice that you are ready to build relationships with the first man who hit-drive such thoughts from yourself and do not succumb to the syndrome of "at least someone." You should not spoil life with relations that have no future. Take a deal with your thoughts, and try to find the opportunity to build a real relationship with a man who will really be your narrowed. Remember - you are alone, do not exchange for trifles.

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