What to do if the ex -husband does not lag behind, pursues, threatens? The former is not behind: the reasons, reviews, tips of the psychologist, where to go?

What to do if the ex -husband does not lag behind, pursues, threatens? The former is not behind: the reasons, reviews, tips of the psychologist, where to go?

Where to go if the ex -husband threatens and pursues.

Unfortunately, most of the married couples breaks up due to the fault of both partners. Indeed, in recent years a huge number of divorces have been registered. In this article we will tell you what to do if the ex -husband does not lag behind, and pursues you. 

Why is the ex -husband not behind?

It is necessary to deal with the reasons for the persecution and act on the situation.

Why the ex -husband is not behind: 

  • The man realized that his wife was actually good, he lacks female affection. Usually, evenings spent in solitude, when children's laughter is not heard, there is no delicious dinner, no one is waiting for men. The man begins to regret the loss, so he tries to restore relations in order to improve his comfort and return his own circles. 
  • Men are owners, so often after loss they believe that a woman should belong exclusively to him, Even after divorce. Accordingly, if the representative of the fair sex has another man, this seriously affects the self -esteem of the ex -husband. He begins to make claims, pursue a woman, and try to restore pride. After all, a serious blow was inflicted on it. 
  • The man is obsessed, or mentally sick. In this case, even threats, soul -hearts and persuasion do not help. A man can call a woman to work, guard her near the house, track her near the school. Such men act through children, unexpectedly taking them from school. 
  • Revenge. Very often a man believes that the ex -wife is to blame for all troubles. That is why she tries to take revenge on her in every possible way, spoil her life. Many of them can threaten, endlessly naming the mobile phone several times a day, and in every possible way try to prevent the creation of new relationships. 

The former is not behind: the reasons

Despite the constant scandals, the need to break the relationship, not all participants in the marriage are ready to come to terms with this. It is beneficial for many men to beat their wives, humiliate children in order to assert themselves.

The former is not behind, the reasons:

  • If these people are no longer in the life of a man, he has no one to splash out his negativity, anger, for his lousy life. Such people definitely need a sacrifice that needs to be mocked. Accordingly, the care of the wife is perceived very aggressively, and in hostility.
  • Therefore, even after a divorce, one should not hope that a person who regularly beaten his wife will just leave her behind her. Most often, a divorce does not solve such problems, since people have the need for constant meetings and supporting relationships.
  • Most often these are children, because for normal existence, a man must pay child support, somehow help the child. Often men themselves want to participate in the life of their children, to help them. However, along with this wife, it is very difficult to communicate with his ex-husband because of a frank negativity. 

What to do if the husband is pursuing, and does not leave alone: \u200b\u200bthe tips of the psychologist

It all depends on how pressure is carried out. Speaking from the point of view of psychology, a man is a psychisadist, looking for a real sacrifice that you can mock, eating her emotions.

What to do if the husband is pursuing, and does not leave alone:

  • Most often, such men enjoy tears, shame, oppression, and the fear of a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the husband no longer receives these emotions from you. If regular beatings, bullying took place in the marriage, in no case, after breaking the relationship, it is possible to allow the ex -husband to engage in assault.
  • In this case, it is imperative to apply to law enforcement agencies, remove beatings, and, if necessary, file a lawsuit in court. However, most often it all ends at the level of ordinary threats, and the trepidation of nerves. This is very much pissing out a woman, morally depleted, she quickly wants to get rid of the obsessive, intrusively husband. 
  • There are several behaviors.It is necessary to make it clear that you are not determined to restore relations with a person. That is, completely break the connection. Do not answer calls, do not listen to curses, block it in all messengers and not respond to contacts. 

The ex -husband threatens children, what to do?

If you want to receive alimony, this can be done without the participation of a man. You must go to the registry office and apply for alimony.

The ex -husband threatens with children what to do:

  • It is not necessary that the man gives you money in his hands. It is best if transfers to the card are carried out.
  • As for communication with the child, during the trial, it is best to establish when a man can meet with a child.
  • It is worth establishing the rules when a man can come to your house, or you will take the child to him. 

The ex -husband pursues and threatens what to do?

If threats constantly come, a man comes to his wife, meets near the entrance, does not allow a normal life, it is necessary to resort to more radical measures.

The ex -husband pursues and threatens what to do:

  • Of course, our law enforcement agencies very reluctantly open such cases, believing that these are ordinary household conflicts that people are able to solve on their own.
  • In most cases, this is the case, but sometimes, nevertheless, the interventions of law enforcement agencies are necessary. Therefore, in order for the district police officer to react to your request and application, it is necessary to provide evidence.
  • Talk to your husband on the phone and write down the conversation on the recorder. That is, it is necessary that the district police officer hear that a man threatens, insulting, and does not allow living calmly. It is worth finding witnesses who will tell that the man really came to work, or guarded near the house.
  • An excellent confirmation of the annoyance of the former can be a video where he finds out the relationship. It is necessary to prepare for the accusations to sound convincingly. Given all possible evidence, the district police officer will not be able to dismiss this case, he will be forced to conduct an explanatory conversation. Most often at the stage of the conversation, the ardor of the ex -husband fades away. This is due to the fact that such men in most cases are very cowardly, and are not ready for serious showdowns and communication with the police. 

The ex -husband threatens the murder: where to go?

Initially, it is necessary to evaluate whether your ex -man can engage in assault, and carry out actions of a violent nature. If his threat is just a way to return you, then do not succumb to provocations.

The ex -husband threatens the murder where to go:

  • Ignore a person, trying in every possible way to avoid him. If he does not understand, you can threaten, contact him to work and tell the management about his behavior. Usually men who value their work do not want to publicize their personal life in the workplace.
  • Accordingly, such threats always work. But sometimes a person does not have a permanent place of work, he does not delay anywhere for a long time, so the trick with work can be ineffective. In this case, it is necessary to proceed to active actions.
  • The only right option is to contact the police. There is a special article in legislation that protects people from persecution. This is an article 119, it is called the threat of murder. It is suitable if there is evidence that a man threatened to interrupt your life.
  • It is necessary to take care of reliable evidence. Best of all, if it isvideo recording, testimonies of witnesses, as well as audio recording calls from a former lover. Usually everything ends after a conversation between law enforcement agencies with a man. This works if a man has never been prosecuted, had no problems with the law. 

If the ex -husband is pursuing, where to go?

Initiallycosts To figure out why a man behaves like that, haunts.Men act in different ways. Someone is trying to resolve the situation peacefully, and someone understands the hopelessness of the situation, trying to return the woman by force. In this case, the only right option is to appeal to the police. However, they can now refuse the police, motivating the fact that there are no real threats, no one attacks anyone, there is no beatings.

If the ex -husband is pursued, where to go:

  • If they refuse to accept the application, citing the fact that there is no serious corpus delicti, tell me about contacting the prosecutor's office. In fact, for the police this is extra red tape, so they do not want to open a new business, although there are grounds for this.
  • After refusing the police, write a statement to the prosecutor with a complaint, refusing to institute criminal proceedings. Many advise to connect to disassembling a new partner. But why start a relationship with negative points?
  • The current man does not need these extra problems, so you should not get him into disassembly with his ex -husband. You must try to figure it out yourself. In no case should you resort to the services of dubious guys who can threaten the ex -spouse and cause bodily harm.
  • In this case, he will have all the reasons to contact the police and write an appropriate application, with the removal of beatings. Therefore, if you do not want problems with law enforcement agencies, do not do nonsense. Try to solve the issue peacefully, in compliance with the Criminal Code. 

The ex -husband is not behind: reviews

Of course, first of all, a woman suffers psychologically. In order to establish a mental state, calm down, relieve irritability and stress, you can visit a psychologist, contact an organization for women affected by violence. Almost every city has similar organizations in which professional lawyers and psychologists give advice. Below can be found with reviews. 

The ex -husband is not behind, reviews:

Veronica, 28 years old. We lived with my husband for 5 years, we have a common son. Unfortunately, she married, being pregnant, although she understood the hopelessness of the situation. Despite this, after 5 years of marriage, I had to divorce, but my husband did not want to live without me. Constantly pursued, called to work. I was not very afraid of threats, or physical influence on his part, it was unpleasant for me psychologically. After all, I wanted to completely cross out this person from my life. He did not lag behind, so I had to change your mobile phone. I asked the employee to bring me home from work. After the former saw my employee, the calls stopped. Perhaps he realized that there is no chance of restoring marriage. 

Marina, 40 years old. I lived with my husband for 12 years in marriage. Prior to that we met for 3 years. The gap was painful due to constant betrayal, and frequent assault, alcohol. Therefore, I decided to break this vicious circle, divorced. And she did it through the court. He was not at the hearing, so we were divorced without his participation. Initially, he threatened me that he would not pay child support, and that I would die of hunger. But I found an additional work for myself, so the level of wealth has improved. It became much easier for me to raise the child to my feet. Mom, who took the child from school, taught me the lessons, spent almost all her free time with my son helped me very much. After all, I spent most of my time at work. My husband threatened me, came home several times and pushed me. It got to the point that I fell, hit my head. Without thinking twice, she turned to the police, an ambulance, took off his beatings and wrote a statement. After the district police officer visited him, the persecution stopped.In trade for The fact that he will cease to pursue me, I took the statement. Now I have started a new relationship. I am not in a hurry, as I burned a lot. 

Olga, 30 years old. I met my husband 10 years ago, when I was practiced at the university. He seemed to me a sweet, pretty, quiet guy. How was I mistaken then. After the official official registration of marriage, everything has changed. Very often came to drunk and aggressive. Often rolled scandals, always suspected me of treason. It got to the point that I forbade putting on a dress above the knees, high heels. In his understanding, you need to go to work like a nun. After 3 years of marriage, I am all tired of it, I filed for divorce. Since we had a small child, they did not divorce in the registry office. I received divorce through the court. However, after the divorce of marriage, he believed that he could appear in the apartment, and sort things out. I was forced to rent this apartment and move to my friend. Fortunately, over time, everything got tired, the ex -husband stopped pursuing me. I was lucky that I did not have to contact law enforcement agencies. 


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Video: The ex -husband is not behind


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