How to use activated carbon for teeth whitening: how to clean at home?

How to use activated carbon for teeth whitening: how to clean at home?

Few people know that activated carbon is used to bleach tooth at home. How to do this correctly, described in the article.

Activated carbon is a natural substance that can remove pollution, bacteria and toxins, as well as helping to restore the natural color of the teeth. It consists of carbon atoms located unevenly, which gives carbon a porous structure. As a result, teeth whitening and raising plaque using activated carbon occurs, as it were, mechanically.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The best toothpastes that remove stone: rating". You will learn that it is better removed by the tooth stone - the irrigator, ultrasound or toothpaste.

Activated charcoal copes with a raid from tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, juices, red wine and cigarettes. More details are described in the article. Read further.

Why teeth turn yellow: reasons

Teeth turn yellow for various reasons
Teeth turn yellow for various reasons

For each person, it is important that his smile is beautiful. After all, it is the smile that adds to the image of charm and attractiveness. However, to make your teeth always be white is not so simple. They turn yellow for various reasons. It should be remembered that not all changes in the color of the teeth are associated with poor hygiene or malnutrition. There are other factors that do not affect the color of the enamel:

  • Taken medications
  • Genetic diseases
  • Pancreatic diseases
  • Blood pathologies

All this can contribute to the formation of discolorite. Of course, malnutrition also has a huge impact on the condition and color of our teeth. First of all, you should take care of their health, and then start bleaching. It is worth knowing that a strong and persistent color change and plaque can be too complicated for removal with activated carbon because it cannot penetrate the tooth enamel. But still, this method is worth trying, as it helps and many people use it.

Does activated carbon really whiten your teeth?

Many people, facing the choice of toothpaste, often ask the question, is it possible to whiten the dentition with home products? Activated carbon is in the list of such funds in the first places. Everyone knows that this is good absorbent, and it also absorbs toxins and removes pollution. But does activated carbon really whiten your teeth?

  • Its main task is to cleanse the teeth from plaque and food residues located between the teeth.
  • Activated carbon is especially useful for removing plaque from coffee, tea and cigarettes.
  • To a large extent, it helps to eliminate the consequences of improper nutrition that affects the condition of the teeth.

However, such a tool will not help people whose enamel is significantly painted yellow. They should turn to the dentist, which should offer another way to combat the color of the enamel.

Is it safe to use activated carbon for teeth whitening?

Activated carbon for teeth whitening
Activated carbon for teeth whitening

If you decide to use the toothpaste with activated carbon or this tool for teeth whitening, then you may have doubts. Is it safe to use activated carbon for teeth whitening? Here are a few nuances:

  • Among dentists, there are various opinions about whitening toothpastes with activated coal.
  • This is due to the threat associated with the presence of carbon particles in such means that can increase the risk of mechanical damage to dental enamel and gum irritation.
  • This leads to an expensive procedure for installing veneers, due to the inability of the enamel to regenerate. In practice, this means that the enamel, which was damaged once, is not capable of self -healing. The only option is to artificially replace it with the above veneers.

Another criticism of black toothpastes is the lack of fluorine in their composition:

  • In large doses, it is toxic to health, but its small amount in the composition of the toothpaste protects the teeth from changes in color, caries and destruction, as well as remineralizes the teeth, thereby they become stronger and stronger.
  • Dentists also pay attention to the lack of studies on the effect of carbon on the absorption of other substances that are naturally present in the human mouth.
  • This tool should be used carefully, for a short period of time.

As you can see, even activated carbon can be used to bleach tooths, but for this you must first consult your dentist.

How to use activated charcoal: how to brush your teeth for bleaching at home, photo

In pharmacies, stores and pharmacy points there are many whitening drugs that contain activated carbon. They are usually sold in the form of capsules, tablets or powder. Coal in a tablet form is often used to treat constant diarrhea or flatulence. You can also independently prepare a paste with activated coal, whose cost will not exceed 200 rubles. Look at the result in the photo:

Blealing tooths with activated coal
Blealing tooths with activated coal

So, how to use, how to brush your teeth for bleaching at home?

  1. The tablets must be thoroughly chopped, and just open the capsule, pour the powder into a small container and add a small amount of water or coconut oil. Paste in this way can be used as a conventional tooth brushing tool
  2. Another way is to apply to your teeth for a few minutes, after which thoroughly rinse your mouth. This method can prevent enamel abrasion when rubbing activated coal.

Similar methods are best used for several days in a row, and then repeat once a week to maintain the desired effect.

IMPORTANT: When rubbing, it is recommended to observe greater caution, since activated carbon paste is quite porous and can lead to abrasion of tooth enamel.

What is important to consider when choosing an activated coal for home -made teeth?

A toothpaste with activated coal, used too often, can poorly affect the gums and tooth enamel, and the lack of fluorine will help increase the risk of caries and dental destruction. What is important to consider when choosing an activated coal for home -made teeth?

  • When choosing a suitable tool, it is best to consult your dentist.
  • A good idea is to make your own toothpaste (just buy coal in tablets or capsules).
  • It must be used wisely so that instead of a bleaching effect, you do not have increased sensitivity.
  • Activated carbon paste sold in stores may differ in composition and quality of ingredients.
  • There are many pastes on the market containing many unique ingredients, such as the extract of birch leaves, chamomile or banana, as well as Bromelein from pineapple.

It is worth knowing: The price of pasta often reflects its composition. More expensive products may contain various types of the component of the ingredient: wood, activated or bamboo coal.

Tooth whitening with activated coal: reviews

Bleaching tooths with activated coal
Bleaching tooths with activated coal

Activated carbon gives an effect after the first use, so it will be willingly used by people who do not want or cannot wait for results for many weeks. Read the reviews of other people who conducted teeth whitening in this way:

Sofya, 36 years old

In order for the effect after the brushing of the teeth with activated carbon is preserved for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to the correct diet and avoid products that contribute to changes in the color of the teeth. After the whitening procedure, I began to drink a lot of coffee, because I love it, and of course, the yellowness returned quickly. I had to repeat the cleaning. She made it with caution, as she was afraid to damage the enamel. But I did everything right, the teeth became much lighter.

Adele, 34 years old

This is an excellent bleaching tool if it is used reasonably and for a short time. It can definitely replace expensive bleaching in dental offices, but its careless use can result in an even more expensive procedure associated with the installation of veneers. After such homemade whitening, the teeth became white, but sensitivity appeared, which is not very pleasant. My teeth were sick, I had to contact the dentist. The doctor scolded me and said that you should not resort to this type of career care, since I damaged the enamel. I have not yet set the veneers, took advantage of the special “resin”, which is covered with the surface of the tooth. The sensitivity has passed. Now I go to cleaning only to dentistry.

Ekaterina, 30 years old

The “coal method” of teeth whitening attracted me with its cheapness. I bought only a pack of pills, explained them in a mortar, put them on the teeth, then brushed and washed off with water. Naturally, I wanted to rejoice at the result, but problems appeared. The teeth began to hurt, as the doctor said, this makes itself felt increased sensitivity, since part of the enamel is erased. I had to install veneers, seal some teeth. As a result, I do not advise anyone to do with activated coal cleaning at home. It is dangerous for your teeth.

Video: How to whiten teeth at home with activated coal?

Video: Activated coal bleaching

Video: 10 natural ways to whiten teeth at home

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  1. I am a toothpaste with coal and papain whitening the Horse forces, I really like it as it does and whits well with the raid

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