How to quickly get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: tips, examples of phrases

How to quickly get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: tips, examples of phrases

From our article you will learn how to quickly get rid of an obsessive boyfriend if you categorically do not like it.

Love, love is a very mysterious and complex feeling. It is able to make a person happy, and moments of proximity to the object of adoration give him many positive emotions. But this does not always happen. Sometimes a person shows his sympathy, and the other does not perceive it correctly. In this case, two people receive negative emotions at once. What to do if a guy or a man does not really like it? Of course, as soon as possible to put everything in their places - to make it clear to the man that he is not your dream. We will tell you how to quickly get rid of an obsessive boyfriend if you do not see a man of your dreams in it.

How to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: Tips

How to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: Tips
How to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: Tips

How to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend - tips:

  • Immediately defeat all his illusions - It is better to do as quickly as possible, immediately after you understand that you do not like the boyfriend. You must clearly realize that a man, the same person as you, and at the moment when his feelings are blinded, he will slightly embellish reality, and in this state he will definitely not notice the semi -people. Therefore, tell him loudly and clearly that you will not be able to build a strong alliance, due to the fact that his feelings did not find a response in your heart. Of course, at the same time you must be prepared for a negative reaction and repeated attempts to charm you with your male charisma. But even in such a situation, stand on your own, and try to keep the distance. Better yet, do not let the man into your personal space, show him with all your appearance that you do not want to be as close as possible to him.
  • Reject all his requests - It will be easy to do it, since you will not have a feeling of pity. Why should this be done? Everything is very simple. Very often, the fair sex, in their spiritual kindness, agree to do something for the failed boyfriend, it seems to them that one meeting will definitely bring nothing bad. But men perceive this situation in a completely different way. For them, consent to meet is a signal that the girl has sympathy for their person, which means they can begin to act more assertive to win her heart. Therefore, if you do not plan further relations with the guy, then always refuse him everything - going to the cinema, park, cafe, just a friendly meeting, everything should be prohibited. If you make your contact with him to a minimum, then it will come to it faster that it is not particularly important to you.
  • Turn on the full ignore - A modern representative of the fair sex will be easy to do. Now most people have transferred their communication to the Internet. There, people correspond, communicate in the video, send vocal messages to each other. Surely your boyfriend, to attract your attention, just fills you up with cute emoticons and draft messages. If so, then act. Close it everywhere wherever possible, make it so that he cannot “reach out” before you. And when, at a personal meeting, he tries to find out what is the reason that you have disappeared from the network, make an innocent look and answer that you don’t understand what he is talking about at all. Yes, and try to reduce your conversations in reality to a minimum. Throw a couple of phrases and immediately leave, leaving it in bewilderment.
  • Forbid him to give you gifts - Even the simplest and most inexpensive. Gifts are another way that a man attracts the attention of a woman, and very often they cannot refuse to such small surprises. They do not see anything wrong with taking a gift from a boyfriend, let him not really like it very much. But you must understand that, taking a gift, you give a person hope for response feelings, and he will definitely want to get closer to you even more. But you want to achieve a completely different result? In view of this, always force yourself to abandon the cute surprises that the boyfriend presents - even if he gives you what you dreamed about for a long time. Behave in such a way that he does not even think that you can be bought for a banal trinket.
  • Offer a man friendship instead of a relationship - Categorically insist that the perfect friend will make him. You can even list all its virtues that he can show in friendly relations. But even when a man agrees with your opinion, do not lose vigilance. Some representatives of the stronger sex, even moving to the Frend Zone, continue to live with illusions that over time they will be transferred to the rank of a loved one. Therefore, they continue to meet with a woman with thoughts about a joint beautiful future. And such a man is easy to figure out. No matter how much the guy is masked, feelings will make themselves felt at a certain moment. He will hold your hand in his hand, invite you to evening sessions in the cinema, at meetings with friends will always try to stand near you. If this happens, just talk to him again, and say that he is only a good friend for you, and you know for sure that he has no chance of becoming a loved one.
  • Distract his attention from yourself - For example, with the help of a beautiful girlfriend. Yes, such advice may seem strange to you, but still it has the right to exist. And the strangest thing, sometimes such a trick works quickly. So, if you have a beautiful girlfriend, of course, free, then go for it. Take up their meeting with the guy, and be sure to introduce yourself. Ask a girlfriend to get dressed as spectacular as possible so that she attracts attention as much as possible. Believe me, no man can resist a beautiful woman, she will at least attract his gaze. When the acquaintance takes place, leave them together under a far -fetched pretext, and let the girlfriend turn on all her charm. You just have to wait for the result. If they poke well, then the man will switch to her, and forget about your existence. If he still admits love, you will have a reason to roll up a loud scandal, and indicate the boyfriend of his inconstancy. In short, in any case, you will receive what you want.
  • Invite a man to go shopping with you - This advice may seem a little strange to you, but believe me, he helped many men understand that they do not know their chosen one quite well. We all know that for representatives of the stronger sex, going to purchases is not the most pleasant thing. They do not like to spend their free time to look at the windows, this leads them out. And this is exactly what you need to ensure that you can quarrel hard. Therefore, lead the boyfriend to the nearest shopping center and begin to experience his patience. Be sure to measure 100 outfits, but do not buy more than one, look at the windows of expensive boutiques as long as possible, and ask him, how much money he took with him. Persistently, let him understand what you want some of your purchases to pay him. Surely such your impudence and assertiveness will be confused, and he will begin to think how much he wants to build a further relationship with you. If one shopping trip has not made the proper impression on the boyfriend, repeat such a pastime again. He must understand that you like to spend money, which means he will have to work hard to give you everything you want.
  • Demonstrate the boyfriend your bad character “He must understand that he liked only a beautiful picture, and inside you are a completely different person.” Try to play the role of an unbalanced tantrum for some time, which wants her word to be always the last. It is unlikely that a man will want to continue relations with such a difficult person. At the slightest opportunity, rude to him, indicate the shortcomings of character, and show with all your appearance that you consider yourself above him. Start discussing people around you with him. At the same time, focus on the fact that you do not like them - they have cheap clothes, they eat like pigs, do not know how to talk correctly. Be sure to roll up scandals on trifles. You have broken nails - sob loudly and for a long time, as if the end of the world has come. You do not like too much wind outside the window - be sure to discuss this in a negative way. Believe me, such behavior will definitely scare away a man, and he will think a hundred times whether he needs to meet you again.

How to quickly get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: tips

How to quickly get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: tips
How to quickly get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: tips

How to quickly get rid of an obsessive boyfriend - tips:

  • Become a real chatterbox - Even if this is not characteristic of you, force yourself to speak in the presence of a boyfriend literally incessantly. The excessive talkativeness of the beautiful half of humanity strongly strains men, and they try to stay from such ladies as far as possible. Therefore, when meeting with your potential boyfriend, start talking quickly and about everything in the world. Start the story from one topic, go to another, and end the third in general. Believe me, the brain explosion will be provided with him. If he withstands such a verbal attack, try to strain it even more. For example, retell the story of your life over the past 10 years, with the smallest details, and at the same time do not let him insert even one word into your monologue. If he starts to interrupt you, immediately stop such attempts, and calmly continue to chatter further. The longer you withstand this pace, the faster the man wants to run away from you forever.
  • Change the image radically - for the worse. Why, you ask? Initially, a man falls in love with a visual picture, and only then he gets acquainted with the inner world of his chosen one. And since you know what approximately the style of the woman’s clothing likes your boyfriend, you can go from the negative, and start wearing outfits that are uncharacteristic for you. If you wore calm classic outfits before, then put on bright dresses, short skirts to meet a man, complement everything with massive accessories and extravagant makeup. He must see a completely different person in front of him. With all this, behave in such a way as to constantly attract the attention of people around you. But do not overdo it so that you are not mistaken for a lady who requires a psychiatrist's consultation.
  • Meet him with your mother - Unless, of course, she agrees to play in your play. Acquaintance with mom is an important step for a man, because he will confirm that he is very seriously configured for a woman. And at the very beginning of the relationship, not every man will go to a similar step, and your boyfriend can also abandon such a pastime. But you do not retreat, and again, and again, invite him to a family dinner. If he agrees to the meeting, you will have to play for him the play “The Evil Future Mother -in -law”. Pay your mother so that during such a meeting she is all the time by your boyfriend, and is persistently interested in his income and living space. And let it praise you greatly, and focuses on the fact that such a smart and beautiful girl like you, you need an adviser to. Mom should make it clear to the boyfriend that he certainly does not fit her son -in -law, but to your husband.
  • Demonstrate a man that your heart is busy. The easiest way to get rid of the attention of a man is to show him that you are married. But such advice is only suitable if he does not know anything about you yet. If so, then feel free to act - put on the wedding ring on the finger, and always hold your hand in sight. When a man asks you about him, confidently answer that you are married and very happy in marriage. If a man knows for sure that you have not tied to marriage, then there is another way to discourage him to get closer to you. Try to persuade a male friend to play your beloved guy. Appear with him in public, hold your hands all the time, and smile sweetly for each other. Let him whisper for you something in your ear and gently strokes your hair. In short, demonstrate complete idyll, and then a potential boyfriend will definitely retreat.
  • Try to always be surrounded by people - If you leave home, there should always be a girlfriend, mother or sister near you. And it is they who should distract attention from you when meeting with a potential boyfriend. If he tries to speak with you, then they must get into the conversation, interrupt him so that he could not quickly convey his thoughts to you. Do this constantly until he stops trying to meet you alone.
  • Demonstrate a man that he is not so important for you. To do this is very easy - just do not find time for communication with him, even the minimum. He called you, and you picked up the phone on the machine - tell me a couple of phrases and say goodbye immediately. Say that you are very busy and gain it when you get rid of, but, of course, do not do this. If it so happened that he met you on the street, then you can also use a technique with the phone, tell him that you need to urgently call someone, and as long as possible, lead a conversation with a person. At the same time, show how fun and good you are. Or stick a headphone with loud music in one ear, and constantly ask for a potential boyfriend what he said. Well, if the meeting took place in a crowded place, then be sure to interrupt the conversation in the midst, and go talk to other people. Such your behavior will definitely not like the man, and he will give up attempts to start meeting with you.
  • Be calm - Some men resort to manipulations to attract the attention of their favorite lady. They try to demonstrate their inner pain due to unrequited feelings, believing that in this way they can pierce the girl. And many do it. In view of this, if your goal is to completely exclude the failed boyfriend from your life, then do not see a cheap blackmail. Even if you want to agree to one meeting out of pity, throw it out of your head. Always stand on your own - relationships are impossible, and there is no hope that in the future you will love him, either. Play the role of a cold improper that awaits the prince on a white horse. You can even describe to him in bright colors how to look, and how to behave, a man of your dreams.
  • Be sure to flirt before the boyfriend with other men “And he certainly quickly realizes that he is not a man of your dream.” Perhaps this is the easiest advice, which absolutely any woman can cope with. Now imagine the situation that you are in a crowded place, and the boyfriend simply does not give you a passage, surrounding you with your attention. And at the same time, no arguments are on him. To solve this problem, try to flirt with another representative of the stronger sex. You do not have to go to him, and contact as close as possible. You can find a beautiful man with your eyes, and initially just gathering at him. If he makes contact with you, start to smile sweetly, and be sure to periodically glance at him. If such a man decides to approach you, be sure to get a conversation with him and switch all your attention to him. Imagine your potential boyfriend as just a friend or colleague, thereby letting him know that it is to this category of your environment that you attribute him to him.
  • Make a conversation about marriage - Literally at the first meeting. Yes, it may seem strange to you, but many men are frightened by the prospect of entering into a relationship with a woman officially. They are very freedom -loving by nature, so it is very difficult for them to decide on marriage. For them, this is a great responsibility, and they try to live free as much as possible, without obligation. Therefore, boldly press on the patient - you are brought up in a strict family, and you can spend time with him only if he becomes your official groom. And this means - first acquaintance with parents, engagement, wedding planning, and only after this meeting and date. Believe me, he will definitely not like such conditions, and he will stop insisting on your mutual rapprochement.
  • Bad habits to help you - In this case, we are talking about the fact that you will have to demonstrate your dependence on alcohol or cigarettes to the guy. This advice will be especially relevant if a man does not drink alcohol at all and does not smoke. When a man invites you to a date, be sure to order champagne, and eagerly drink it when it ends, ask for also wine. At the same time, do not forget to tell the boyfriend that you love to relax your nerves very much with alcohol. And do it often enough. He definitely will not like it, and he will surely try to dissuade you from this method of relaxation. At this moment, you can roll up a scandal and ask him to get closer to you anymore, since you have different interests in life.

How to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: examples of phrases

How to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: examples of phrases
How to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend: examples of phrases

How to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend - examples of phrases:

Examples of phrases
Examples of phrases
Examples of phrases
Examples of phrases

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