How to deal with obesity in children: factors, clinical recommendations, food

How to deal with obesity in children: factors, clinical recommendations, food

Obesity in children of preschool and school age is a modern problem. How to fight overweight is described in the article.

Recent studies of the Foundation of Filanthropia Fund gave food for many adults. Every fifth Russian child has overweight! It is very important to understand this in order to create programs that will fight the problem of child obesity.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "A healthy diet to get rid of extra pounds". You will find out what sweets are useful, what can be eaten, and what is better to refuse.

With the help of the formation of children in kindergarten and school, much can be undertaken to stop the epidemic of obesity. But what to do when a child, unfortunately, is already one of those 20 percent of children with overweight? Where to start and how to make the baby grow healthy and happy? Read further.

How to determine that a child has an obesity disease?

The child has obesity disease
The child has obesity disease

Despite the growing problem of excess weight and obesity in children, parents, unfortunately, often underestimate the problem, claiming that "the child will grow." But the truth is completely different. Basically, children with obesity suffer from their ailment and in adulthood, they have much more health problems than slender people. How to determine that a child has an obesity disease?

Excess weight is defined as excessive accumulation of fat in the tissues of the body, leading to adverse consequences for health. The easiest and most common method for assessing the degree of excess weight and obesity in children is determination of the ratio of body weight to growth - body mass index (BMI). Until 2 years, the baby can be hollowed, and he can really “develop”, but after two years-the weight should begin to be controlled.

So, in children and adolescents during growth to determine normal weight, an indicator of the body mass index is used, taking into account sex and age. You can calculate BMI by the formula:

  • BMI \u003d body weight (kg)/(height in m) ² - body weight in kilograms must be divided into a square in a square.

Here are diagrams from BMIs that show the real picture of your baby's body: your baby:

BMI in children
BMI in children
BMI in children
BMI in children  
  • If the body mass index is within the blue zone, then the child has a lack of mass.
  • In the green zone - the norm.
  • In yellow-the boundary between the norm and obesity, that is, there is still excess weight.
  • In Red - this is already obesity.

To assess the degree of excess weight or obesity, it is better to consult a doctor. Parents should be vigilant. A noticeable excess of fat in the body in the child should cause a visit to a specialist with a “naked eye”.

Exogenous or genetic obesity in children: what is it, factors

Obesity of exogenous-montance or genetic in other words can be called hereditary. Word " exogenous " - means that many calories are entered in the body, which are deposited in the form of adipose tissues, and constitutional means that a person has a predisposition to accumulation of fats.

Of course, there are certain genetic factors that contribute to the development of excess weight, but obesity develops only in those children where adverse factors will coexist - malnutrition, and too small physical activity.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Psychological tricks in the fight against extra pounds". You will learn about motivation, believe in yourself, realize why you need to lose weight.

How to fight overweight? Below you will find recommendations that are suitable for children with any type of obesity. Read further.

How to start the fight against excessive children of preschool, school age suffering from obesity: clinical recommendations, treatment, nutrition

The fight against children of preschool, school age suffering from obesity
The fight against children of preschool, school age suffering from obesity

In the treatment of overweight and obesity in children, the best results are achieved by providing comprehensive assistance to specialists in various directions: doctor, nutritionist and psychologist. For children whose body weight is only slightly exceeds the norm for age and gender does not require weight loss, it is necessary to maintain it at the current level until the child “grows” to this weight. In this situation, the implementation of the principles of proper nutrition will bring tangible results.

Reducing body weight is necessary for children who have BMI (body weight index) above 25, in particular, when health problems appear due to excessive weight. Physiological rates of weight loss in children and adolescents should be within 0.25-0.5 kg/per week. The main methods of treating overweight and obesity in children - diet and increased physical activity.

It is worth noting: Losing weight of a child cannot be based on hungry diets, which are usually intended for adults. Their use in children can cause dangerous consequences associated with the lack of some components necessary for the correct growth and development of a young person.

How to start the fight against excessive children in preschool, school age suffering from obesity? The effectiveness of excess weight and obesity therapy in children depends on the degree of compliance with a number of clinical recommendations:

  • The whole family, primarily, parents should take part in the weight loss of the child.

Getting sustainable effects requires the correction of the power regime and other lifestyle elements, for example, physical activity in all people in the immediate environment of the child. The rule is not allowed that the child eats special food, and parents eat something else. The participation of the family in this case is a huge support for the child.

  • The regularity of eating is the key to success.

Nutrition is of great importance. The menu should consist from 4-5 meals - Breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner, the difference between which is about three hours. It is important that the child drinks only non -core drinks, for example, water or natural freshly squeezed juices between meals. It should be borne in mind that several crackers, apple or sweet juice from the store are already food, so there is no need to allow children such snacks.

  • The diet should be based on complex carbohydrates.

They are located in the form of whole grain products: bread made of coarse flour, natural flakes (oatmeal, barley), whole grain pasta, rice, buckwheat and other cereals.

  • A well -composed diet should include products containing full -fledged proteins.

They are necessary for the correct growth and development of the young organism. The source of protein should, first of all, is lean meat - chicken, turkey, beef, veal, as well as fish, degreased milk, ugly dairy products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. Legumes and eggs - these products should be an addition to the diet, not its basis. Often, it is these products that prevail in the diet of full children, causing an increase in overweight.

The fight against excessive children suffering from obesity
The fight against excessive children suffering from obesity
  • A small amount of fat.

The source of fat should be vegetable oils - olive, as well as others - natural unrefined sunflower, linseed, corn, sesame, pumpkin, soybean, etc. It is useful and natural butter (homemade) in small quantities, like a porridge - 5 grams each.

You can prepare Ghee oil (or ghee butter - this is the same thing). How to make Ghee oil described in another article on our website.

Healthy fats are extremely necessary for the proper development of the child, but they should beware of their excessive amount in the diet. That is, no frying, use only to refuel salads, and Ghees to add to porridge.

  • Significantly limit (or better exclude) sources of simple carbohydrates.

These are sugar, sweets, various confectionery, sweet jam and cheeses, flakes, pastries, desserts, sweet drinks, etc. You can prepare a sweet dessert (for example, home pie). Sweets can be replaced with sweet fruits or a small number of nuts.

  • Exclude fast food and fat snacks.

Crace sticks, chips, salted nuts and crackers are especially harmful to the growing organism. They are a source of a large amount of unhealthy, hidden fats, as well as different preservatives and excess salt. They can be replaced with fresh vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes), as well as in limited quantities with bread, bran and a small number of natural nuts.

  • An important element of the diet is vegetables and fruits.

These are natural sources of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Vegetables should be supplemented, at least one of three dishes per day, while fruits can replace sweets on a diet, but you should consume them moderately due to a large number of simple sugars contained in them. 300-400 grams of fresh fruits per day are enough.

  • It is important to use the correct cooking methods.

You can use cooking in water and steamed, extinguishing, baking, grill. These methods greatly reduce fat use and its use in cooking.

The fight against excessive children suffering from obesity
The fight against excessive children suffering from obesity
  • If the child complains of hunger between meals, you can give him low -calorie products.

Always carry raw vegetables, or fruits, for example, an apple with you. Gradually, the baby will get used to that there are no sweets, but there is a sweet apple, orange or just a cucumber.

  • You can use special methods of serving dishes.

This will help the fact that portions will seem larger. For example, you can serve food on a small plate, tire on vegetables and fruits very thinly.

  • The house should not have stocks of high -calorie snacks.

These include: sweets, chips, bread sticks, crackers, peanuts, etc. Children at the time of inattention of adults can eat these high -calorie snacks. Their accumulation in the house makes children feel offended. Therefore, what you can’t eat your baby, it is better not to buy.

  • Do not let the children spend a lot of time before the TV or computer.

These situations increase the time that children spend the fold of hands, which causes an increase in adipose tissue reserves. In addition, watching TV or during games behind a laptop or tablet, I would like to eat more.

  • Walks, playing in the park, physical exercises, going to the pool are a great way for joint pastime.

Daily physical activity is as important as compliance with the rules of the diet. In the case of children with overweight and obesity, activity is required for burning excess adipose tissue. It is important that the child choose the form of the activity that will bring him pleasure. The higher the mass of the child’s body, the more reasonable it is necessary to approach the choice of the appropriate form of activity, so as not to load the joints of the body excessively.

In the unquestioning observance of the above rules, the treatment of obesity is. Undoubtedly, compliance with these recommendations will lead to a gradual decrease in body weight. The correct approach to such treatment will lead to weight loss, the appearance of the right habits in food and the formation of a healthy person in adulthood. Good luck!

Video: How to solve the problem of excess weight in a child? Dr. Komarovsky

Video: causes of obesity in children. Recommendations of the nutritionist of the center of Dr. Bubnovsky in Kharkov

Video: The main cause of excess weight in children. TOP-7 of the most harmful snacks

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