Changing the rules of delivery to Aliexpress. New rules for delivering goods to Aliexpress to Russia, Belarus: Description

Changing the rules of delivery to Aliexpress. New rules for delivering goods to Aliexpress to Russia, Belarus: Description

What innovations are introduced to Aliexpress? Why were the innovations on Aliexpress? So what's now?

"Everything, there will be no more freebies!" -So one could call what happened in the relationship of the famous trading Internet site Aliexpress and residents of former CIS countries, and in particular Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.

From February 7, 2017, the site administration Aliexpress introduced mandatory registration of parcels, the cost of which exceeds 2 dollars. Moreover, only Russia was so lucky. For Belarus and Ukraine, a track number must be assigned to goods with any cost.

And how was it on Aliexpress with delivery earlier?

What are the conditions for Aliexpress earlier?
What are the conditions for Aliexpress earlier?
  • For those who do not own information about how traded earlier, we explain.
  • Until February 7, 2017, many sellers on Aliexpress They saved on the delivery of goods to the countries of the former CIS.
  • They succeeded due to the fact that parcels, the cost of which did not exceed $ 5, was allowed to be sent without a tracker.
  • Trackkeeper is an individual number that is assigned to the product.
  • Thanks to such a personal number, both the seller and the buyer have a unique opportunity to track the parcel at all stages of the route to its destination.
  • Such a state of affairs was satisfied with both sides - the buyer received the goods at the most minimum price (without the cost of delivery), and the seller saved on delivery.

Why did it happen?

What happened on Aliexpress?
What happened on Aliexpress?
  • The answer to this question is simple: “Well, we can’t pass by the“ balls ”!”
  • In other words, at one point, our people realized that on such a system you can get into a very good job.
  • Many buyers began to scold and deceive sellers with Aliexpress.

How did you manage to deceive sellers for Aliexpress?

How did Aliexpress fraud occurred until 7.02.2017?
How was Aliexpress fraud?
  • Website Aliexpress It is arranged in such a way that its main task is to protect the rights of the buyer.
  • When the buyer transfer money for the goods, they do not get directly to the seller, but are credited to the site deposit.
  • Only in the event that the goods reached the destination, the buyer checked it and confirmed its receipt, the buyer's money falls on the seller’s balance.
  • If the buyer did not receive the goods or was not satisfied with its quality, compliance with the description, etc., he has the right open dispute, during which the site administration may decide to return the money to the buyer.
  • Moreover, the fact that at the appointed time the package did not reach the buyer was the most significant and decisive in the dispute - such disputes were almost always allowed in favor of the buyer at 100%.
  • In this case, it did not make sense to send the goods back, since neither the seller nor the buyer wanted to pay for return delivery.
  • That is why the perspicacious buyers realized that if there is no tracker on the product, and it is impossible to track it, then they had a chance to get what was desired absolutely for free.
  • Many simply started order goods, receive it in the mail, wait for the end of the end buyer protection And open the dispute.
  • Naturally, Aliexpress remained on their side and returned the money back.
  • Thus, the scammers had a desired thing in their hands, for which they did not pay.
  • But not only buyers caused the opening of numerous disputes.
  • The scammers were also joined by postal workers, customs and carrier companies.
  • Many of these people simply stole goods without a tracker - it is impossible to track at what stage of the path it disappeared.
  • After the number of deceived sellers exceeded 10%, the site administration was forced to take measures.

How to make orders for Aliexpress now?

How to order goods for Aliexpress now?
How to order goods for Aliexpress now?
  • For those who ordered Aliexpress equipment, devices and other expensive goods, there is good news - their problem will not affect.
  • Those goods that cost more than $ 5 and previously without fail went to us only with an individual mail number.
  • Therefore, for this category of goods, the situation has not changed at all.
  • Only those who ordered any trifle in China will suffer from the innovations.
  • In addition, inexpensive goods up to $ 2 and can continue to be ordered with free delivery (only for Russia).
  • Residents of Ukraine and Belarus will have to pay for the delivery of even the cheapest product.
  • The site administration assures that their clients will not suffer severe losses.
  • The fact is that large sales are very beneficial to sellers, therefore, perhaps they themselves will compensate for the delivery by laying its value in the price of the goods.
  • Other sellers promise to slightly reduce the prices for the goods, for the delivery of which the buyer will have to pay on their own.

Innovations for Aliexpress: Video

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