Why do women Muslims should not go to the cemetery?

Why do women Muslims should not go to the cemetery?

Almost all Muslims, after the ID-namase, visit the graves of their loved ones. However, Muslim women are often forbidden to go to the churchyard.

There are several reasons for this, which will be described in more detail in this article.

Why can't Muslims go to the cemetery?

  • There are several points of view regarding whether Muslims can go to the cemetery. Some people are convinced that women have the same rights as men. Therefore, they can visit the graves of their relatives. The same information is spelled out in the noble Sunnah.
  • There are people who believe that women can visit the churchyard, however, it is undesirable to do this. This point of view is called Makrukh.
  • The third point of view-Muslim women should not visit the cemetery. The ban is called Haram.
The opinion of visiting the cemetery is very different
The opinion of visiting the cemetery is very different
  • Positive arguments are taken from The hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. He wrote that they would not allow us to go to the cemetery before, however, from now on he has nothing against this. Most believers believe that he spoke about all Muslims, both men and women. In addition, the Qur'an says that the wife of God's envoy with the name Aisha was present at the grave of her brother.
  • People who agree with the prohibitions believe that the Prophet Muhammad spoke only in relation to men. They also refer to the fact that the Prophet wrote: "The Almighty was a curse on women who regularly go to the cemetery". There is also an opinion that women should not visit the cemeteries when the rite of lamentation or grave walls passes. These rites are held during the Jahilia period.
  • Based on all of the above, we can conclude that opinions regarding the visits by women of the cemetery were divided. This question now remains open. Despite this, most scientists agree that there are no prohibitions.
  • The only ban on women is that Muslims cannot be present during a person’s burial. The opinions of all theologians converge in this.

The conditions under which the Muslim can visit the cemetery

  • In Islam, women can go to the cemetery together with a man. She can also visit the grave of a loved one if she receives permission from the male relatives.
  • At any moment, a Muslim can come to the grave of the prophet. To go to the churchyard, a woman should be dressed according to Sharia. It should also be remembered that it is forbidden to cry on a graveyard in Muslims.
  • The husband has no right to prohibit his wife to go to the grave relatives or child.
  • It is important to remember that you can not step on the grave. You can step over it if there is no other chance to approach the tombstone. Before crossing the grave, the sole should be cleaned. Remember a man and a woman need separately.

As you can see, Muslims have every right to visit the churchyard. However, it is important to take into account the traditions that they adhere to the family. If it is open that a woman does not have the right to go to the cemetery, this rule should not be violated.

You can go to the Muslim women to the cemetery: reviews

  • Dilara, 34 years old: It is not forbidden to visit the cemetery in our family. However, you must first specify all the nuances with the eldest in the family. Women also have the right to go to the churchyard if a man accompanies it. This is done for security purposes.
  • Zulfia, 21 years: When I lived with my parents, only men went to the cemetery. Even after the death of my grandmother, I could not say goodbye to her. After I got married, it turned out that the new family has other rules. I can calmly go to the cemetery, only after warning my husband.
  • Asia, 50 years: As far as I remember, I have never been to the cemetery. Once I asked my husband why I could not go with him to express my respect to dead relatives. He replied that in this way it protects me from stress. I am very grateful to him.

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