The game "Goat" on cards: rules for three, two, 4, 6 cards. "Bour goat": Rules

The game

A fun company gathered, and you want to spend time interesting? This article has the rules of the game in the goat in cards.

"Goat" - playing cards designed for 4 players. It appeared in Germany (the period of the XX century), and later came to Russia. There are many variations "Goat". Read more in this article.

The rules of the game c "Goat" on cards for four - 4, 6 cards: total 36, 32, 24 cards

Rules for the game in the goat on cards for four
Rules for the game in the goat on cards for four

If participants 4, play 2 teams. They sit through one. Participants use a deck from 36 cards, they play directly 32. “Sixes” take on the role of a specific scoreboard, with the help of which “couples” are considered. Here are the rules of the game in "Goat" on cards for four - by 4, 6 cards:

  • The task is to push the scoreboard on 6 "Pars" earlier than the opposites.
  • A line of two designations of the card suit is called "pair" on the "body" 6.
  • The participant who first gives the cards at the beginning must mix them. At the same time, ask a question to the player who performs the first move, does he want to “boast”. Or distribute a deck from 32 Cards to everyone 4th players, each by 8 cards.
  • “Boast” - denotes the action of a person who makes the first move in the party, has the opportunity to indicate the method of distributing the mixed deck.
  • Or do not "boast", then you should give out 8 cards All four participants in the game.
  • There are many varieties of “praise”: a mirror, cheerful, pants or double pants.

The purpose of the game - Collect the largest number of points among all participants. Besides:

  • Participants should also play one suit with a coming player. When there is no suit, just throw off the card or beat it with a trump card.
  • If the “boasting” entering simultaneously, then such a person can walk with a trump card.
  • There is a total of a total of 120 Possible points that at the end of the party will go to a particular team.
  • If any participant takes out 4 aces, he is immediately considered the winner, while the game ends. This situation is often called the "royal goat."
  • Fraud is also often used. Often this is accompanied by steaming, that is, pre -agreed signs, which would indicate this or that situation. But conversations in the game are completely prohibited.

It is worth knowing: It is better for beginners not to sit at one table during this game with strangers and play for a certain amount of money. Most schulnians understand the meaning of body movements, unlike beginners.

The points correspond in this way:

  • Nine - 0 b.
  • Valets - 2 b.
  • Ladies - 3 o'clock.
  • Kings - 4 b.
  • Dozens - 10 b.
  • Acers - 11 b.

The goat can be laid out on 24 cards. Read further.

The rules of the game c "Goat" on cards for four: only 24 cards

Rules for the game in the goat on cards for four: only 24 cards
Rules for the game in the goat on cards for four: only 24 cards

To play in "Goat" on cards for four in 24 cards, you need to leave only such cards in the deck - all:

  • Nine
  • Dozens
  • Valets
  • Ladies
  • Kings
  • Acers

There will be a total of all 24 cards. Here are the rules:

  • The compliance of the cards by points will be the same as in the game with 32 cards.
  • Distribution goes on 4 cards.
  • You can play such a game together. Although it is more convenient for four or the senior.
  • For example, for team members of 6 people, the whole deck is heard 4 cards.
  • The last card will be a trump card.
  • The game takes place according to the same rules as 32 cards.

You can lay it out until one of the participants takes 60 points. But you can agree on fewer points. All the players themselves decide.

Game "Goat" on cards: Rules for three

Game "Goat" on cards: Rules for three

You can play three players in the game "Goat", but the rules will be slightly different. However, this is still interesting. Here are the rules for three:

  • The people are called such a distribution “with blind” or “with a boob”.
  • A person who does not have a teammate walks his own and “Bolvan” cards in turn.
  • But the team of opponents and even the partner of the “blind” does not see the maps of a non -existent player.
  • In this case, the obligation to lay out the suit (trump card in the absence of a suit) is violated, therefore the initial meaning and purpose of the card competition is lost.

The game turns into the killing of time. Attempts are known to hold a game with two or more “boobs”. The best thing to play in the goat is with 4 or 6 players. Such a alignment will be very interesting.

Game in "Goat" To cards: Rules for two

"Goat" is rarely played only with 2 participants. Two players can lay out the game, but with 24 cards. The rules of such a game were described above. The rules for two are simple. Look above the text.

"Bour goat" - game of cards: Rules

"Bour goat" - playing cards

Bour goat - A variety of card -contest "Bura". Also called the "drill" - thirty -one. The book "Fraudish Blood" describes it as the game of the thieves world, that is, the world of villains and thieves in law. Known from Soviet cinematography. Here are the rules of the game in cards "Bour goat":

  • They can participate 2-3 people or more. Total cards in the deck - 36.
  • The process of the draw determines the player handing over the deck of cards.
  • Players get software 3 cardswho will later give up by all participants in a couple of circles.
  • Then the players open one by one, which determines the trumped suit of the party.
  • A person to the left of the player who passes the deck makes his move first.
  • Then this is done by the one who took the bribe.

The purpose of the game - Get the faster 31 Pts., It is necessary to say about your victory at your own speed.

  • The man who took cards from the deck intended not for him immediately loses.
  • The move is made with 1st card, a teammate needs to put one card.
  • Such a combination is carried out by all players in a circle.
  • In the case when the cards are bits with a partner’s cards, a partner picks up a bribe.
  • In a situation, if one or more cards are not beaten - they are taken by the one who made the move.
  • The necessary cards, participants get from the deck in turn.
  • The first to get from the deck the participant who took the bribe.
  • The precipitation of two cards at 1 time or the case of lifting an extra card is considered a loss.

Above, we told the rules of many varieties of playing cards "Goat". Collect the company and have fun. Such a game is popular among lovers of cards. Good luck!

Video: How to play a card goat?

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