How to play backgammon correctly: the process of playing in a long type and a description of the main actions in short backgammon - a strategy leading to victory. Distinctive features between short and long backgammon

How to play backgammon correctly: the process of playing in a long type and a description of the main actions in short backgammon - a strategy leading to victory. Distinctive features between short and long backgammon

It is important to play backgammon correctly, as in any game. The rules will be discussed in the article.

A beginner who wants to study the game of backgammon will probably scare away the rules of the game and the very appearance of the game. But you do not need to be afraid.

How to play backgammon?

To begin with, carefully study the general requirements of the backgole, which will allow you to get acquainted with other options for this entertainment in the future.

And there are very few options. The main ones are as follows:

  • The backgammon are short
  • The backgams are long

They are almost no different. The differences are only in knocking the enemy’s checkers and the initial arrangement of chips. However, in the 1st version, and in the 2nd version, there can be, both a loser and a successful player. The participant who will always build his own chips overboard the boards will always win.

What will be needed for playing backgammon?

Each game includes the following elements that will be needed to play backgammon:

  • Board. As a rule, there are recesses designed for chips on this board.
  • Chips. There are 30 chips in the set. Of these, 15 dark, and 15 light.
  • Dice. The gameplay will require 2 cubes. Often, many players call them “bones” or “bones”.

Hipples for beginners

The game can have 3 variations of winning. Each option is built at the expense of the advantages of the participant at the time of winning.

There may be 3 winnings options
There may be 3 winnings options
  • The situation when a player who could not start his own chips into the house, and a successful player was able to remove the chips over the surface of the board. Such a result is called "Mars".
  • The next option is when the loser of the participant nevertheless brought his own chips to the house, but did not take the borders of the board, has a name "Home Mars".
  • In both versions, the NARD COX has its own designation. According to the rules, this victory is considered counted if the loser did not shift the chips from the house. In a short variation, this happens if the loser is late to remove the chips from the "bazaar".

Long type of game: Description of the process of playing backgammon

As the rules show, here participants play on the board that consists of 24 cells. The playing board is divided into 2 identical parts by board. Each side is equipped with 6 cells.

For the game, participants take 15 chips identical color.

  • Initially, all light chips are placed in the hole first, and dark in 13 cells.
  • 1 cell and 13 cells are the “heads” of the chips of each player. The main goal of the gameplay is before the opponent to move his own chips to the house, removing them before a partner.
  • The house belonging to the dark chips is located from 19 cells of 24 cells. A house for light chips - from 7 cells of 12 cells.

The beginning of the gameplay

The game begins with a consistent throwing of cubes. They must be thrown so that they move into one half of the field, falling clearly on the verge. If one cube fell abroad of the field or stood up somehow incorrectly (for example, touched the board or to the chip), then the participant must re-throw the bones.

  • The first begins to throw bones A player who is chosen like this: participants throw one cube. The one who has more points on the bones must make the course first. If the players have the same glasses, then they throw cubes again. At the end of the 1st round, 2 batch begins. There is a participant who was a winner in 1 round.
  • At the beginning of the gameplay Participants should capture the most profitable locations. In one move, the player can remove only one chip from his head. The exception is a double double on the bones (5-5, 2-2 and so on).
  • To seize the most profitable positions for yourself, It is worth using every move to the maximum. If a combination of 5-5 or 2-2 falls after the initial throw of the cube, then the participant must remove 2 chips from the head, since he will not be able to walk 1 time with one chip. The opponent’s head will just hurt him.
Long backgammon
Long backgammon

The purpose of the gameplay

In this game, the participant must go through the whole circle with each chip, heading against the clock arrow. He should enter his own house with chips, throwing them behind the playing field faster than a partner.

House - This is every 1 \\ 4 game board. It begins with a cage, which stands from the head with exactly 18 cells.

How should chips move?

In this form, the Nardman must throw 2 cubes at the same time. As soon as the player abandones, he begins to move any of his chips to the number of cells equal to the number of one bone. Then the next any chip on the number of cells, coincided with the number of the remaining cube.

  • For example, the number “3” fell on one bone, on the other - “4”.
  • Consequently, the player moves one of his own chips to 3 cells, the other by 4. He also has the right to move one chip for 7 cells.
  • In such a situation, a big role does not have what kind of move the player decides to make the first. But he must remove only one chip from his head.
  • It is forbidden to move 2 chips to the number indicated on one cube, and then to the number indicated on the other cube. For example, a combination of numbers 5-4 appeared on the bones that fell on the field. It is forbidden to go with one chip on 2, then a different chip on 3. Then play 4 in the same way.
  • If an identical number of points falls on the bones, then the number of points of the player is multiplied by 2. It turns out that the participant at the same time threw 4 cubes and can take 4 moves at once.
  • On one field is allowed Set out any number of chips. You can not put your own chip on the cell, which is busy with the opponent’s chip. If the chip in the course of the game falls on the cell that is busy, you can say "the cell is busy." If the opponent’s chips occupy all 6 cells in front of a certain chip, then it is considered closed.
  • You can build blocksconsisting of 6 chips. But all 15 chips of the opponent cannot be closed. There are exceptions to the rules: the participant can build a “fence” of 6 chips only in that situation, if at least 1 feature of the opponent is already in the house.
  • If the participant is not given a chance to make a move, then the fallen points simply disappear, and the chips remain in their places. If the participant may be like using the entire course, he cannot reduce it. That is, if it is more profitable for the participant to make 2 strokes, and he has 5 and he can go for 5 moves, then he must go just that way.
  • In the event that the player has a number that allows you to make only 1 move, regardless of the bone itself, then he chooses the largest. Smaller points burn.
We play long backgammon
We play long backgammon

How do you need to throw the chips?

To throw out the chips means to make the moves so that the chip goes beyond the boundaries of the board.

Conditionally, recommendations for the release of chips are divided into 3 categories:

  • Assigning a position of 4 quarters.
  • The necessary input of chips into the ejection area.
  • Display of chips.

The participant has the right to throw the chips, If all his chips are placed in the house. During the withdrawal of their own chips from the house, the participant can use points that fell on the bones, of his own free will. That is, he can play a chip on the territory of the house or throw it overboard the field.

You can clean the chips only from those fields that correspond to the falling points on the bones. Consider a small example: it fell 5-4, then the participant can remove the checker from the board from the 5 cell, and the saber from 4 cells.

From his house, the player can remove chips from the lowest cell in the absence of chips on the high cell field.

The result of the gameplay

There can never be a draw. If the participant has a chance to remove all the chips from the field, the other loses, even if in the future he can remove the chips too. In this case, the party ends.

There can be no one
There can be no one

How to build and hack a "fence"?

The "fence" is customary to call the built series of chips of one participant. If one player was able to build a “fence” consisting of 6 or more chips, then he is considered deaf, since the other player will not be able to jump over him.

Lack of moves

During the game, participants have a different number of moves. There are situations when, when 3-3 cubes fall out, a player can only be like 2 times, not 4. So he loses his own moves. The effective use of “lack of moves” of both own and the moves of the opponent is the most important and difficult process in the game. Not many players use this process, but only those who have vast experience in this game.

Short type of game in backgammon: how to play correctly?

The principle of the gameplay in this type is identical to the game of the previous option. Here, players are also provided with 4 fields, in which there are 6 cells in each. As a result, only 24 cells are obtained. The essence of the gameplay - transfer the chips to the house, take each chip outside the board and do it faster than it will succeed in the enemy.

But the gameplay has dramatic differences from long backgammon. Here the chips can move on each other. Players even have the right to hit the opponent’s chips from cells. The only thing is only if the opponent’s chip is in the cage alone.

Having made a move, the player has the right to knock down several chips at the same time. Any chopped chip is placed in the "bar" located in the central part of the board. The player can make moves either 1 chip, or at the same time 2, unless, of course, a double combination falls on the cubes (1-1, 3-3, 5-5 and so on). If the participant has not yet been able to return his own chips on the playing board, which are in the “bar”, he does not have the opportunity to walk the remaining chips.

The result of the game is identical to the results in a long version. The participant who managed to move his own chips to the house and was the first to take the chips abroad of the board is considered the winner.


Tactics and strategies

  • High -speed gameplay. The main goal is to quickly move the chips to the house.
  • Game with deduction. The participant must hold 2 chips in one cell until he knocks out the opponent's block.
  • Blocking. The main goal is to build a long wall of chips in order to block the opponent’s moves.
  • Blitz tactics. The main goal is to quickly close the house.
  • Backheim. The main goal is to build a cell in the opponent’s house, which should include 2 chips.

Strategy leading to victory

For her you will need 6 checkers, which need to be placed in 4 quarters. Such manipulation has the name - "bring home." As soon as the player puts the last chip of 4 quarter, the chips are “thrown away” by throwing playing cubes:

  • The player must drive the same chip, given the number on the dropped cubes.
  • The player must drive the chip under the number that turned out during the compilation of the total number.

Distinctive features between short and long backgammon

Short backgammon are significantly different from long:

  • The initial arrangement of chips in short backgammon is more complicated.
  • In short backgammon, the participant knocks down the single checkers of the opponent. But in long backgammon, such a process is considered unacceptable.
  • In the short version, there is a “cube of Dave”. This enables players to double their own bets, thereby increasing interest.
  • The experience of participants plays an important role in order to win. In long back backwards, the usual case is in the first place.

The result of the gameplay is sometimes quite unexpected. Sometimes one participant seems to be in a hopeless position. But sometimes only one move is able to change all subsequent events. That is why this game is loved by many people. Long calls, like short, very popular all over the planet. But they have simpler rules.

The difference in backgammon exists
The difference in backgammon exists

Neds are an ideal version of the game that allows you to develop logic and thinking. The game helps to come up with various strategies and tactics. It is in the second position after chess among logical games.

If you can easily master the long version of the backgole, we recommend that you complicate the process by switching to a short game. The rules of this option will not seem very difficult for you, since you will already be familiar with the basic at that time.

Video: Rules for the game in long backgammon

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  1. I want to buy backgammon strategy and tactics

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