How to understand that the husband became a gamer: signs. Husband-player-what to do, how to behave: a psychologist, reviews, forum. How to deal with a game-muzhd: methods, treatment

How to understand that the husband became a gamer: signs. Husband-player-what to do, how to behave: a psychologist, reviews, forum. How to deal with a game-muzhd: methods, treatment

In this article, we will talk about how to understand that my husband has become a gamer, as well as how to deal with this dependence.

Gambling is a rather serious problem, because this dependence is comparable to alcoholism or drug addiction. Its danger is that it is very difficult to recognize the gamer, and in some cases it is almost impossible to do. If the husband has become a gamer, then this is damaged for the whole family. Ultimately, everything can end very badly. Let's figure out how to recognize the gamer and what can be done in such situations?

How to understand that my husband has become a gamer: signs

Husband is a player
Husband is a player

For every woman, it is important that there is a reliable and beloved man nearby. She always tries to follow the mood and well -being of her relatives, because she takes care of them. When everyone is happy, then she enjoys life. But now, at one point, the behavior of a loved one can radically change and then the woman begins to worry.

Of course, gambling has certain signs by which it can be recognized. Just keep in mind that some may appear hidden, that is, they will be, but you may not notice them. So, the signs of dependence are as follows:

  • Delays after work. Every woman is worried if after work the husband is constantly lingering. The very first thing that in this case comes to mind is treason. If the wife is sure that the husband does not go to the side, then it is worth considering the option with playing addiction.
  • Fields from home. A man, if he is a gamer, will constantly look for a reason to leave home. Although, he can play via the Internet. Then he will not go to the halls, to some events and so on, but simply to the Internet cafe, so that no one would interfere with him.
  • Cash problems. Gambling always needs money. When an addiction arises, a man loses the ability to distribute funds. He will try to save, but not for the family, but for his passion. If you learned that he was sharply reduced by his salary, he became a miser or something like that, then try to find out what caused this.
  • There is no time for the family. Previously, a man gave you all his free time, but now he suddenly stopped? This is an occasion to think. His thoughts are aimed at pondering a new bet, and his wife, who walks around and constantly asks something to make it annoying him.
  • Values \u200b\u200bfrom home disappear. When gambling is already crossing reasonable limits and becomes a pathology, the man becomes like a drug addict. He is constantly nervous, his mood changes sharply every minute, he is constantly looking for money. This can lead to the fact that he will begin to take out values \u200b\u200bfrom the house. This is due to the fact that he is no longer able to stop.

For the family, the Husband is a huge problem. The wife should be carefully about this and not accept the entertainment of the spouse as something frivolous. This is what can cause the destruction of marriage.

Husband-what to do, how to behave: a psychologist's advice

How to behave with a gamer?
How to behave with a gamer?

Most psychologists argue that the playing husband can be cured with the help of antidepressants and lithium salts. This may partly work because these means regulate the mood and adjust the emotional background. But not everyone will want to use this method. Many want to help their spouse in more traditional ways.

If you also do not want to resort to such radical methods at once, try the following:

  • Control expenses. This is the very first thing you should do. Take control of all family money. The husband should not have access to them, because otherwise he will spend them on entertainment. On bank cards, change the PIN codes, remove all the cash. When the husband will ask for money, then say that you do not even have food.
  • Refuse to repay his debts. Women often regret negligent husbands. Often, the gamers take loans or even loans, but they do not give them to give. As a result, on your threshold, collectors may appear unexpectedly, requiring money to return. It is possible that the husband will borrow from your friends. Place the question immediately and say that you are not going to give anything. Otherwise, you will have to constantly pay his debts.
  • Refusal to support. Dependence is not a physical disease. Remember this always before starting to regret my husband. You will have to show persistence and patience, because it is the spouse that will have to solve his problems. If you show him that you are ready to help, then he will not draw the wrong conclusions.
  • Go to the therapist. Do not refuse this option. You can go to group consultation or personal. In any case, they will help to deal with the problems and reasons for their appearance. At the same time, group sessions are even better, because having talked with others, the man accurately realizes his addiction.
  • Divorce. If your husband is ready to even lay the apartment in search of money and it does not matter to him that you have children, then temporarily tear off the relationship with him. If nothing helps at all, then divorce and share the property. Even if there is nothing to share, change the place of residence. This will either help your spouse start changing, or you just save yourself from future problems or those that are already available.

Yes, love can be strong, but even it does not always help to overcome addiction. If you can’t overcome the problem at all, then think about whether this relationship is worth continuing. All your life you will have to fight the excitement of a man. Do not forget that you are not required to sacrifice yourself, especially if you have children.

What to do if the husband is a grambler of computer games - how to behave?

Computer gamer
Computer gamer

If your playing husband is a hostage to computer games, then your task is to assess the situation. First of all, think about your income from his hobbies? Do you have enough attention from him? If the answer is negative to all questions, then there is nothing to worry about, because in this case the man just gets tired and moves little. Even if it annoys you that your husband spends free time so, just accept it because it is his hobby.

However, if the husband is not interested in anything other than the games, he refuses to solve problems together and help at home, or helps, but “through the sleeves”, then it is already worth considering.

In this case, the games are unlikely to be a simple hobby and we must fight this. Remember that hysterics and scandals in this case will not help, on the contrary, it will only make it worse. So collect all the will into a fist and start acting differently.

As always, first you need to understand the reasons why a man plunges into a computer world. To do this, just talk with him frankly. There should be no reproaches on your part. Do not make yourself a sacrifice and do not go personal. Just ask what does not suit him and try to find a solution to the problem together.

Your husband must understand that you need him and you want to help him. And do not think now that he did not deserve such an attitude. In this case, selfishness and pride are inappropriate. Remember that during the quarrels the first is the wise.

To get a husband from the virtual world, show him that reality is also attractive. Go on a trip with him, go fishing or in other interesting places. And also, always surround him with love, affection and support. Gradually, he will go out of the games and he will not want to leave reality, because here his beloved wife and children, with whom it is very interesting, they love and appreciate him.

What to do if the husband is a gamer on bets - what to do, how to behave: tips, recommendations

Gamean on bets
Gamean on bets

Everyone loves easy money. That is why, despite all the prohibitions, the game industry continues to develop. Of course, many people capture excitement and gambling develops. If you notice that your husband is a gamer, and he loses on bets, then it is important to pull him out of there as soon as possible. Many usually do not attach importance to this, but only until the moment, until it is too late.

When the spouse makes the first bet and loses, and then a couple and that's it, then this is still okay. But if the bets become regular, and even the spouse takes money, then this is the reason to start doing something. Perhaps you have a professional player, but then he will not play a minus. And without a forecast, he will not make a bet, relying only on luck. So professionals can really earn here, but not everyone is given this.

The simplest thing you can do if the husband suddenly began to deprive the family of funds due to losses:

  • Try to talk. Explain that his behavior will affect the whole family and that gambling is very dangerous. Until the problem has gone too far, such conversations can still help.
  • Arrange an intervention. If you are not sure that the conversation will help in private, then attract relatives who have at least some authority for him. Friends and relatives are able to find the right words and influence your spouse. Moreover, in such a situation, the spouse will become ashamed, so he will no longer want to repeat such a conversation. When it presses public opinion, and even condemns, this is a great way to reach him.
  • Limit money access. For the one who plays on bets is the perfect option. At first, you might think that this is not necessary, but then it will become clear that it will not work without it.

It is important to understand that before you do something, you need to understand the reasons why your husband seeks to make a bet. This will find the right solution. A man can spend money even simply because he is bored. Then it is enough to find an interesting lesson for him and everything will stop. Perhaps he will be interested in making a blog or shooting a video. Or maybe he just wants to give you an expensive gift? Then tell him that this does not matter to you, the main thing is that the family be good.

There are some things that cannot be done if the husband has lost:

  • Arrange scandals and tantrums. Now he is so on a platoon from his loss and your hysteria can be even more angry with him. He will definitely go after a quarrel, to prove to you that he is well done. Be sure that if he wins, he will also throw money into you. This will push him even more bets and with enthusiasm. After all, he is not a loser! And all this was provoked by your reaction.
  • Spread. If you do not love him, then, let's feel free to get together and leave. Otherwise, you must stay. Do not think that if you leave, he will immediately worry that he has lost you. After all, the alcoholic does not stop drinking when the left is left. So the gamer will not do that. He will begin to devote even more time to games, and amounts will increase over time. So while you live there separately, he will make himself such debts with which you can pay for more than a dozen years.

Therefore, in this case, your husband needs your support, which you must give him, and then deal with the solution to the problem.

How to prove to a husband that he is a gamer?

How to prove to the gamer that he is dependent?
How to prove to the gamer that he is dependent?

As a rule, when the Hygroman husband, he does not realize and recognizes the problem. In general, he does not consider himself dependent and what needs to be treated. So one of your main tasks in this case is that you must make it clear to your spouse, that everything is not so simple. He must understand that he became dependent.

  • To begin with, to talk seriously enough. Try to convey to him that he does not behave normally. Tell us about what his behavior can lead to.
  • If he does not react to you, then already proceed to action. Ask him to do some kind of house or beyond. Distract him in every possible way. Be prepared for the fact that he will refuse, put pressure on pity, or maybe he will just say that he does not want. It doesn’t matter what the answer will be, but you should insist on your own. You can show any pity.
  • Show him that he spends a lot of time at the computer, if it is in games. Put an alarm for him or cut off time. Let him understand how much time it takes. It is also advisable to show him something interesting. For example, you visited some place where you had long wanted to go together. He will be offended that you went without him.
  • If the problem is in money, then just do not prepare him the next dinner or do not buy something that he asked you. Answer all questions that there is no money. He must understand that he really spends a lot. Another in a good way is to record all the amounts spent by him.

This really helps, but not when the problem is already very neglected. Usually, in such cases, a person already perceives something around him. He does not care about the material well -being of others and no persuasion helps. Here you will have to turn to a professional for help. We'll have to try to persuade your husband to come to him, but you must do it. Otherwise, your family life can turn into a real hell.

How to deal with a game-muzhd: methods, treatment

How to treat gambling?
How to treat gambling?

If your playing husband and you yourself cannot cope with this problem, then be sure to seek professional help. It can be psychological help or special centers. In any case, individual treatment programs are being developed for patients and subsequently rehabilitation.

As a rule, treatment consists in conducting trainings, as well as group therapy. In some, especially complex cases, drug treatment consisting of antidepressants is required. They allow you to improve the emotional state.

At the same time, often the gamers face a condition resembling withdrawal syndrome. This is due to the fact that the patient has lost the source of satisfaction of his dependence. During this period, it requires constant observation so as not to lose already achieved results.

When a person plays, then in his body there is an active production of adrenaline. The action of this hormone is similar to narcotic substances. So the task of professionals is to help a person change his attitude towards himself and teach him how to control himself so that the former gamer does not make misconduct after returning from the clinic.

The treatment period is determined by the doctor. In many ways, it depends on the stage of the disease, contraindications to various kinds of methods.

Igroman husband: reviews, forum

With the problem when the Hygromanian husband, more than one woman came across. Often, girls discuss many problems on the Internet and ask for advice. No exception and gambling. Some recommend immediately running away from such a man, but as we recall, there is still a chance to fix everything. So the advice is really worth using if nothing helps at all. In addition, you can find a lot of information about what to do and who happened in the end. Remember that all people are different and everyone needs their own approach.

Here's what some of the girls say about the problem when the husband is a gamer:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: Mikhail Labkovsky - game addiction

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