Coniferous oil. Essential oils of pine, cedar and spruce: properties and use at home

Coniferous oil. Essential oils of pine, cedar and spruce: properties and use at home

Healing properties of coniferous oils. Where are essential coniferous oils used?

In coniferous trees from the pine family, where pine, spruce and cedar belongs, needles, cones, resin and oil are therapeutic. These are such therapeutic properties:

  • antimicrobial
  • anti -inflammatory
  • painkillers
  • diuretic
  • the diaphoretic
  • choleretic
  • anti -cysted

In addition, the coniferous and cedar nuts contain vitamins A, E, C, P, K, PP, Group B, and there are the following from minerals:

  • copper
  • chromium
  • cobalt
  • iron
  • manganese

The essential oils contained in the coniferous and resin have an antibacterial effect. Therefore, even in ancient times, people knew about the healing properties of coniferous trees. Some tribes left the sick person for several days in the coniferous forest, and he was cured.

If you have people close to you in your family often sick with colds, put a real Christmas tree for the New Year, and not artificial.

Therapeutic properties of coniferous oils of pine, cedar, spruce and coniferous resin

Coniferous resin

A drop of coniferous resin

Coniferous resin or it is also called it zhivitsa, has antiseptic, anti -inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic and antibacterial properties.

In folk medicine, various diseases are treated with Zhivitsa.

Skin diseases:

  • fungal diseases
  • herpes
  • trophic ulcers
  • praise
  • boils


  1. We apply to the sore spot, several times folded and greased with resin, gauze, for 30 minutes, then we wipe this place with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, alcohol solution).
  • Life compresses are made when radiculitis, burns.
  • To increase immunity, if the bones are poorly fused after a fracture, with osteoporosis First, the tar is frozen, then chopped into powder and taken orally 0.5 teaspoon, 1 hour after eating, 2 times a day or more.
  • Sore throat, bronchitis, oral cavity (stomatitis, caries, periodontal disease) They treat this: 1/3 of the teaspoon of the gum is placed under the tongue and absorbed.
  • With gastritis, stomach ulcer and colitis People's healers are recommended to eat a sandwich of bread from 5 g of Zhivitsa in the morning.

Sosnovy oil oil

If you mix May pine gum with some vegetable oil, it will turn out glass oilwhich acts stronger than the living.

For sore joints and muscles You need to prepare the following oil, and rub them with sore spots before bedtime.


  1. Mix 50 g of pine gum, vegetable oil and vodka, insist 1 week in a cold place.
  2. We filter the mixture into the jar and close the lid.

With mastopathy 20 g of pine gum oil with 100 g of olive oil are mixed, heated in a water bath and compresses are made for 35 minutes, every day. The oil remaining on the skin after the compress is rubbed into the chest.

Pine, spruce needles and young branches

Coniferous oil is extracted from needles and young, still soft branches of pine, spruce, cedar, a steam extraction method, but the process lasts a long (5-6 hours), and the oil output is small, only 0.3%. The healing properties of such an oil are the same as that of Zhivitsa.

Cedar oil

Cold push -up pine oil

Cedar oil Get from cedar nuts. There are 2 methods of cooking oil: cold and hot. The most delicious and healthy oil prepared by cold spin. It is transparent, has a golden color with a delicate pleasant smell of cedar nuts.

The oil prepared in a cold way is used to take orally for therapeutic purpose and in cooking, and hot spin in perfumes, cosmetology and medicine.

Cedar oil contains, in addition to vitamins and minerals, the optimal amount omega-3 and omega-6 fatty polyunsaturated acidsAnd this is a great opportunity:

  • clean the vessels of cholesterol
  • prevention of heart attacks and strokes
  • improve the composition of the blood
  • cure inflammatory diseases in the body
  • restore damaged tissues

Discovered in oil phospholipids, with regular use, improve the functioning of the brain, nervous system.

Chlorophyllcontained in cedar oil, has wound healing and bactericidal effects, stearinsantitumor and antifungal properties, a essential oils help to kill in the body inflammatory processes.

Contraindications to the use of cedar oil. You can not use people who are allergic to cedar oil suffering from obesity and those who have an exacerbation of the disease of the gallbladder.

The use of coniferous oil in medicine

Based pine for wax and vegetable oils In industrial production, life -giving ointmentwhich is used to treat such diseases:

  1. Skin damage (wounds, burns, boils, abscesses, stretching and pressure sores) Lubricated with ointment in warm form.
  2. With gynecological diseases (erosion of the cervix, fibroids, fibroma, ovarian inflammation) Lubricate the skin over a sore spot with ointment together with the treatment that the doctor prescribed.
  3. With colds and viral diseases (flu, bronchitis, cough) Warm ointment rub in the back, chest and feet, wrapped in a warm blanket.
  4. With a runny nose, sinusitis The mucous membrane of the nose inside, as well as on top of the nose, lubricate the night with ointment.
  5. With angina 0.5 teaspoon of ointment is kept in the mouth until completely absorb.
  6. With pneumonia, tuberculosis Drink 3 times a day for half a glass of warm milk with 1 teaspoon of ointment dissolved in it.
  7. With mastitis and mastopathy The chest is lubricated with warm ointment, applied cellophane, and wrapped in a woolen scarf on top. In addition, you can do massage, but first you need to consult a doctor.
  8. With hemorrhoids The ointment is introduced in the morning and in the evening into the anus.
  9. With gout, rheumatism Sick joints are rubbed overnight, and wrapped in a woolen thing.

Important: Zhivichny ointment cannot be used if the patient has a body temperature.

Important: Zhibichichnaya ointment is stored at room temperature and used only warm.

According to the same principle, ointment is made of spruce and cedar.

Firing in pharmacological enterprises is made from needles camphora, and then they cook on it then:

  • injection solutions
  • camphor ointment
  • camphor alcohol
  • ear drops of a solution of camphor with paraffin
  • homeopathic anticonvulsant drug "Camphor"
  • dent drops "Dent" to calm the severe toothache
  • the drug "Campocin" for rubbing with arthritis and rheumatism

Inhalation with pine oil

Cold inhalation
Hot inhalation

Inhalations with pine essential oil are 2 species: cold and hot.

Cold inhalation - This is inhalation in the room of essential oils, hot - inhalation of essential oil with hot steam. Hot inhalations are more effective than cold. But there are times when the hot method is contraindicated, for example, small children who are suitable only by cold inhalations.

Inhalations with pine oil have an expectorant property of coughing.

Hot inhalation is done as follows:

  1. In a vessel with hot water we drip pine oil (1 l boiling water 2 drops of oil).
  2. We cover with a blanket with your head and inhale the hot air, first with your nose, and exhale through your mouth, and then vice versa.
  3. The duration of inhalation is 5 minutes.

For cold inhalation, pine oil drip on something that can be removed. It can be carried out much longer than hot, but still you can’t leave essential oil at night, it can interfere with the child, calmly sleep.

The use of pine oils and spruce for hair

Beautiful hair after using pine oil or spruce

Pine oil and ate useful for hair and scalp. It is added to shampoos, air conditioners, masks, and screening.

If you often carry out procedures with pine oil and ate for hair in return, get:

  1. Improving blood flow to the skin and strengthening the hair follicles with severe hair loss. This result is achieved, thanks to the active substances of oil, the hair begins to grow faster.
  2. Good blood circulation will improve hair structure. The result will be even more effective if the procedures with butter are done along with the massage of the head.
  3. Regular procedures with spruce and pine oil will give shine to the hair.
  4. Thanks to pine buttons and ate without a trace dandruff will disappear.
  5. Thin and lifeless hair with pine oil or spruce will be it is easier to comb.
  6. Very oily hair will become less oily After several masks with spruce or pine oil.

How to use pine oil or spruce?

  1. Oil can add to shampoos, masks and other productsyou use, but you need to do this before use, and not in advance, since essential oils are disappeared. This is done like this: squeeze a little shampoo on your palm, drip a few drops of oil, mix well and apply to your hair.
  2. Flavoring hair with pine oil and spruce, to give the hair a lively shine and volume. The comb for this purpose should be wooden with natural bristles.
  3. Preparation of hair masks at home with the addition of pine oil or spruce.

Egg mask

The mask improves appearance, eliminates dandruff and hair loss.


  1. Mix 2 yolks, 1 tbsp. spoon of floral honey and 3 drops of each of the oils: pine, orange, lavender, cloves. Stir the mixture well, apply to the entire length of the hair, first we wrap the hair with cellophane, and then with a towel for half an hour and wash off.

Note. Water for washing the hair should be warm, not hot, otherwise the egg will turn off and it will have to be washed out of the hair for a long time.

The use of pine oils and spruce for the face

Pine oil and spruce add to everyday face cream

Oil obtained from needles, young pine and spruce branches, when exposed to the skin of the face, has the following properties:

  • powerful antiseptic
  • helps to remove swelling From the face
  • with his help wrinkles are smoothed, and face is rejuvenated
  • facial pores are cleansed, and blood circulation is enhanced

How to use pine or spruce oil?

  1. Oil can be added to face or masks, 3 drops per 5 ml of cream.
  2. 5-6 drops of pine or spruce oil can be added to a massage oil for cosmetic massage.
  3. Pine or spruce oil (2 drops) can be added to cosmetic ice, and wiped the face and neck twice a day.

Also, remedies with pine or spruce oil help to deal with pigmented spots, eels and rashes on the skin of the face.

How to make coniferous oil pine, cedar and oil at home?

A drop of coniferous oil

Grandowing ointment You can easily make at home.


  1. We take it 100 g of pine gum (you can spruce, cedar, fir) and natural bee wax, 200 g of olive oilMix everything and cook for 10-12 minutes.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey And cook another 10 minutes.
  3. Then add 2 g propolis And we continue to boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Cool, pour into glass jars with twisting lids. The ointment is ready, you can be treated.

You can get oil from coniferous trees at home, but this is a very tedious procedure.


  1. Clean pine needles, ate, cedar We cut, place in a ceramic vessel, pour water to the topWe close and let it brew for several weeks.
  2. After the required time, on the surface of the water, it will appear the raid is oil.
  3. Gently absorb the oil with a wool from the surface of the water and squeeze into a small container, store in a glass bottle, tightly closed.

The use of coniferous oil for baths

Bath with coniferous oil

Each coniferous tree and essential oil from it has its own healing properties:

  1. Pine oil Helps with diseases of the bronchi, lungs, arthritis, stones in the gall bladder and kidneys.
  2. If the oil It copes well with bruises, bruises and scratches, helps with edema, fatigue, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Cedar oil It helps best for diseases respiratory organs, overwork and restores strength after a serious illness.
  4. Fir oil Helps with diseases of the lungs, bronchi, arthritis, osteochondrosis, with eye overwork.

Baths with coniferous oil help:

  • improve the condition of the body, and especially the skin
  • with overwork and insomnia
  • with coughing and bronchitis
  • in diseases of the joints and osteochondrosis
  • calculate with nervous disorders
  • with inflammation of the bladder
  • improve the condition when the body is intoxicated
  • increase immunity
  • restore the metabolism
  • in diseases of the heart
  • with kidney diseases
  • restore strength after a serious illness

To prepare a bath with coniferous oil need:

  1. Pour almost a full bath of warm water 37 ° C and add 10-15 drops of coniferous oil to it.
  2. Plush into the bath, but so that the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart is not covered with water.
  3. Take a bath for 15 minutes before bedtime. The course of treatment is 10-15 sessions, you can every day or every other day.
  4. You can not take a bath on an empty stomach or if they just ate. After eating, at least 1-2 hours should pass.

Contraindications to the use of a bath. Coniferous baths cannot be taken for oncological diseases, atherosclerosis, hypotension and if there is an allergy to the needles.

Hair cedar essential oil

Cedar with cones in which cedar nuts are located

The essential oil of cedar is obtained from wood, bark and branches of cedar. First, everything is crushed, and then, by distillation with steam, they get an oily mass. Essential oil is no less valuable than from nuts.

Cedar essential oil has such beneficial features:

  1. Accelerates blood circulation and strengthens the hair follicles of the head.
  2. It has anti -inflammatory, wound healing and antifungal effect.
  3. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and eliminates excessive fat content of the scalp and hair.

Contraindications: Cedar essential oil is an allergenic product before using it, apply oil on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and wait a few hours, if there is no redness or itching during this time, then it can be used.

Healthy shine of hair after washing them with cedar essential oil

You can use the essential oil of the hair cedar in several ways:

  1. Flavoring With a few drops of oil.
  2. Add to shampoos, air conditioners A few drops.
  3. Hair growth masks, they are done as follows: in 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of burdock oil add a few drops of essential oil from the cedar, mixed and applied to the hair, so hold for 1-2 hours, wrapping their heads with a towel, then washed off.

Essential oil for the face

Cedar essential oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is especially useful for oily skin. The oil penetrates deeply and calms the inflamed skin of the face, cleans it with acne rash.

Smooth skin after the use of cedar essential oil

Several recipes for using the essential oil of face cedar:

  1. With acne. In the cream (20 ml), add 1 drop of cedar essential oil and 2 drops of bergamot oil, use as a day cream.
  2. Facial cleansing with steam bathsthat contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged skin. For 0.5 liters of hot water, 1-2 drops of cedar essential oil are needed.
  3. Facial ice. It is used to wipe the face in the morning and evening. Prepare the ice simply: we take 1 cup of mineral water, 3 drops of essential oil, 1 teaspoon of sour cream and honey, stir, pour into a special vessel with cells, and freeze in the freezer.
  4. Fading leather. Grind the pulp of ripe avocados, mix with 1 drop of cedar essential oil and 0.5 teaspoon of cream or sour cream, apply on the face, and after 15 minutes we wash off.
  5. If you add 1 drop of cedar essential oil to cosmetic milk, it will turn out makeup remedy with a tonic effect.

Rinse of the mouth with coniferous oil, benefit

Rinse of the mouth with coniferous oil
  • The language will tell us about the state of our body. If the tongue has a thick layer of white plaque, then our body is clogged with slag and clogged with bacteria.
  • You can clean the body from toxins with the help of rinse of the mouth in the morning.
  • A good effect gives rinsing olive oil (not refined) with the addition of coniferous oil.
  • Rinse of the mouth with coniferous oil. In warm water (1 cup), add 1-3 drops of any coniferous oil, stir and rinse the mouth, spitting out the liquid.
  • Rinsing the mouth with oil. In 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive) we drip 1-2 drops of coniferous oil and roller mouth until the foam begins to form between the teeth from the oil, and the oil will become liquid as water (5-10 minutes). Then we spit out the oil.
  • The theory of rinsing the mouth is new. It began to be studied only in Russia and in the post -Soviet space. In the West, this treatment method is silent. In the east, in Indian medicine there are similar procedures, but there they rinse their mouths with a few drops of oil, spit out, and then brush their teeth toothpaste.
  • The healing abilities of coniferous oil have been proved for centuries. To date, there are many serious diseases, for the treatment of which you can not do without coniferous oils.

Video: obtaining pine essential oil

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