Hirudotherapy - how many leeches can be placed at a time at a time? After how many days can you put leeches again? How many times a year can leeches be put?

Hirudotherapy - how many leeches can be placed at a time at a time? After how many days can you put leeches again? How many times a year can leeches be put?

Technique of treatment with leeches.

Hirudotherapy is one of the most ancient methods of treatment, which is used for more than 2,000 years. The treatment technique acquired the greatest distribution in the XVII century. At this time, almost all diseases were treated with leeches. In this article, we will tell you how to treat the treatment with leeches, how much they can be put in one session.

Hirudotherapy, the benefits of leeches

This technique was used more than 2,000 years ago, including the construction of pyramids. There are legends that Cleopatra became pregnant due to the healing strength of leeches. It was from that time that images of leeches on burials in ancient Egypt appeared. Now hirudotherapy is still popular, and is included in the register of drugs in Russia. Now the treatment methodology has changed significantly compared to the 17th century.

Hirudotherapy, the benefits of leeches:

  • At first it was believed that the benefits of leech were only that a small amount of blood is drained from the body. This starts recovery processes, blood is updated. However, later it became known that this is not the main effect of the use of leeches. It is proved that the therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the saliva of leeches, which contains a large number of biologically active substances. The saliva contains girudin, a significant amount of amino acids and trace elements, whose analogues of which, despite the development of medicine, are not yet anywhere in the world. Despite the fact that millions of dollars were allocated in the developed countries of Europe, it was still not possible to artificially develop substances that are in the saliva of leeches.
  • It is proved that it is these biologically active substances that penetrate 8-10 cm inside the organs, contributing to their renewal and healing. The composition of saliva contains a substance that resolves blood clots, helps to collapse of connective tissue. Due to this, scar tissue disappears, the patient's condition improves. Basically, leeches are used in the treatment of increased pressure, vascular diseases, as well as in the ailments of the heart. Thanks to the removal of a small amount of blood, it is possible to reduce blood pressure, improve the patient's condition.
  • In this case, blood viscosity is reduced, its fluidity improves, which reduces the risk of new blood clots. Blood clots that prevent normal blood flow are destroyed. Basically, hirudotherapy is effective for people who suffer from excess weight. It is proved that in the XVII century, thanks to hirudotherapy, it was possible to lose 10 kg of weight without sitting on a diet, without taking any serious manipulations. This became possible due to the presence of components in the composition of the saliva of components that stimulate metabolism, split fat. They destroy harmful cholesterol, remove it from the body. Substances in the saliva leeches improve the thyroid gland, which helps to quickly reduce weight. With this treatment method, it is possible to reduce blood glucose, which is useful for people with diabetes.
In the process of saturation
In the process of saturation

How many times a year can leeches be put?

Basically, the number of sessions is calculated, depending on the presence of contraindications, characteristics of the patient's diseases, his age and weight. In addition, blood pressure, concomitant diseases are taken into account.

How many times a year can you put leeches:

  • Experts recommend holding 2-3 courses, which consist of 7-11 procedures. When setting the leech, a small wound is formed, which can bleed.
  • This is due to the fact that in the saliva of leeches there are special enzymes that liquefy blood that provoke bleeding.
  • The presence of this substance is due to therapeutic properties in relation to thrombosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How many leeches can be placed at the same time?

The 1st rate may need from 30 to 50 leeches. Depending on the disease, severity of the patient.

How many leeches can be placed at the same time:

  • At a time it is recommended to put from 2 to 10 leeches. At the same time, it is not recommended to carry out manipulations more often than 1 time in 3-4 days.
  • When conducting the first session, it is not recommended to put a maximum of leeches. Only 2-5 pieces are enough to understand how the human body reacts to treatment.
  • Each of the blood -sucking worms eats up to 15 ml of blood. Some individuals can suck 20 milliliters of blood. After the leech is removed from the skin, a small amount of blood can be released. Therefore, you should not use the maximum of leeches on the first day.

In the process of treatment

In the process of treatment

How much leeches do you need to have an effect?

A leech is a worm that evolves extremely slowly, so it has retained almost all miraculous properties and has not changed for several millennia. It is proved that such worms in nature live 4 times longer than at home, even with good care.

How much leeches need to be made to have an effect:

  • There are diseases in which it is recommended to conduct sessions without a break, that is, for several days in a row. These include angina pectoris.
  • With this ailment, treatment is prescribed, which consists of 5 procedures daily-2-5 pieces. Only then breaks are made in 3-4 days.
  • It calculates the number of sessions, as well as the frequency of manipulations, a hirudotherapist, which comes from the general condition of the patient, the severity of the disease.

How long can you put a leech?

As soon as hirudotherapy appeared, it was believed that the leech should be reused in any case. There is no data confirming that these worms tolerate diseases from humans to humans. In Tibet, it was believed that in addition to blood, leeches take negative energy. Accordingly, it cannot be re -put to another person.

After how much you can put the leech again:

  • Modern hirudotherapists believe that if a person regularly practices hirudotherapy, grows leeches for himself, then they can be used again. However, for this they must be properly kept. It is necessary to place a spent leech into the water and leave it at a temperature of +8. It is believed that this temperature is ideal for the habitat of leeches. It does not need to feed her.
  • In order for the worm to be hungry, it takes 4-6 months. There are studies that prove that leeches that drink blood from one person produce special healing substances that cope with the blood of a particular patient. That is, they produce certain components that treat the ailments associated with the circulatory system. You can not use leeches on friends, acquaintances, you can’t.
  • From time to time it is necessary to take care of them. Once every few days, you need to change the water to clean. In the liquid in which they live, there can be transparent films. The worm removes this shell as a result of its growth. As a snake, he drops the skin, updating it to a new one. By the color of water, its smell, you can understand in what condition the leeches are. If the color of the water changes to blue, there is a persistent fish smell, this suggests that some of the leeches inside the jar died. Leeches can let a greenish or yellowish secret into the water to normalize pH of liquids.

What time is it better to put leeches?

It should be borne in mind that in most cases the leech helps to thin the blood. Be prepared that after removing the worm, a small amount of blood will appear on the surface. The wound can bleed up to 24 hours. The main feature is that it is not blood, but lymph and intercellular fluid. This means swelling, but the beneficial substances of the blood remain inside. A slight dizziness and weakness can be observed.

There have been cases of fever, as well as an increase in lymph nodes in those areas near which leeches were placed. This is due to the fact that the body activates its protective functions, therefore, an exacerbation of chronic diseases can be observed. In this case, do not cancel treatment. You need to continue it. If itching is observed near the bite, it is impossible to comb it and it is not worth it to apply the drugs that relieve itching. The best option is alcohol or antiseptics.

At what time it is better to put leeches:

  • It is recommended to put leeches not in the morning, but a few hours before bedtime. After manipulating some other period of time, blood is released from the wound. In order not to dirty clothes, it is recommended to hold sessions 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Also, during this period, you can not take a bathroom, sauna or go to the pool. After manipulations, you can not go to the gym, it is worth excluding physical activity.
  • This is due to the fact that during sports, the circulation of blood increases, the pulse increases, blood pressure can grow, as a result of which the wounds will bleed.

Until how many centimeters leeches grow?

Leeches are very smart organisms that prefer to bite near a sick organ. Somehow they feel that there are problems. It is worth noting that the bite resembles a nettle burn. This feeling takes place very quickly due to the fact that in the saliva of the worm there is a special substance that resembles an anesthetic. That is, it relieves pain. Therefore, soon after the bite, pain passes.

To how many centimeters leeches grow:

  • In general, the session lasts from 30 minutes to one hour. This is due to the fact that leeches are of different sizes, can increase several times, depending on the problems of the patient. Therefore, after the worm drinks a significant amount of blood, it falls off itself.
  • Before the worm sucks blood, its mass is up to 3 g. The length of 5 to 8 cm. However, there are cases when the leech grew up to 50 cm and weighed around 40 g.
  • Due to the features of the structure of the gastrointestinal tract, these animals are quite rare. If we compare the weight before the power and after, then it can increase by 8 times. After the worm is saturated, it becomes inactive, seeks to hide in a dark place.

Read on the topic:

Do not tear off into the worm from the place where he sucked. The fact is that this may not stop the sucking of blood, but will lead to injury, release more blood from the wound than if the leech fell off itself. Therefore, in most cases, they wait for the worm to independently move away from the sore spot.

Video: Stages of leech development

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