What group of bacteria is considered the orderlies of the planet? What is the reason called the orderets of the planet that destroy the dead organic residues?

What group of bacteria is considered the orderlies of the planet? What is the reason called the orderets of the planet that destroy the dead organic residues?

What are saprophys, why are they called the orderlies of the planet?

In nature, there is a certain cycle of organic substances, which contributes to equilibrium. Both plants and representatives of the animal world regularly die. With the participation of a certain bacterium, it all decomposes and turns into nutrients for the soil. In this article we will talk about the orderlies of our planet.

What group of bacteria is considered the orderlies of the planet: features of the life of saprophytes

This is the name of a certain group of bacteria, which are called saprophytes. They feed on nothing more than the remnants of dead organic substances. For their full existence, nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, as well as many peptides and amino acids are necessary. All these substances are in organicism, so dead particles, as well as dead animals are an excellent source for nutrition of saprophytes. At the same time, these bacteria are not parasites, because they are rarely parasite on living organisms.

Basically, the decomposition process occurs precisely with dead animals or plants, organic residues. After the death of the animal, a film of saprophytes is formed on its surface, which gradually decompose protein. At the initial stage, the decomposition occurs to simpler peptides, and then directly to the amino acid, ammonia and some chemical elements. Thus, everything that falls into the soil regarding organic substances turns into nothing more than humus.

Saprophytes on meat
Saprophytes on meat

Saprophytes - representatives of the animal world

Saprophytes include not only bacteria, but also some animals. Separately, rainworms can be distinguished, as well as some crustaceans. The fact is that these living organisms are also engaged in the absorption and processing of dead organic substances. Everyone knows that crayfish collect garbage and eat the remains of other animals, as well as plants. The rainworms do the same. It is on this unique ability that the process of obtaining compost is built.

Thus, organic residues are immersed in a container with rainworms. These are mainly food waste. Over time, they receive humus, compost, nutrient mixture, which can be used to fertilize the soil. It is thanks to saprophytes, rainworms that such a process occurs. They eat these organic residues and secrete compost - a mixture that is nutrients containing nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, ammonia, as well as a large amount of organic substances that can improve the quality of the soil. Saprophyta bacteria do the same. Only they are much less and processing processes are slightly different.

Sprofit worm
Sprofit worm

Why does an unpleasant odor with decay?

This is due to the process of splitting proteins and organic substances.

The reasons:

  • The fact is that at the very beginning of the decay, amino acids are formed, which then break up into simpler substances. As a result of decay of organic substances, Indol and Scatol are most often released, which smell unpleasantly. Basically, these substances are produced in the large intestine of living organisms.
  • But they can also occur in the process of work of saprophytes, which cope with the decomposition of organic substances. After that, the formation of substances that contain ammonia compounds occurs, and also cause an unpleasant odor.
  • We can observe the action of saprophytes if we leave cottage cheese, meat or fish for several days at room temperature. The unpleasant odor is just caused by the work of these microorganisms. They gradually begin to decompose products, thanks to this, a peculiar sticky film forms on the surface of the meat. This is nothing more than an accumulation of saprophytes and half decomposed substances.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to store food in cold conditions. This is due to the fact that the ideal temperature, for the propagation and development of saprophytes, is 25-35 degrees. Accordingly, in the summer, in the heat, products tend to deteriorate. This is due to the rapid propagation and development of saprophytes. To slow down the process, products are stored in the refrigerator and freezer.
  • In the refrigerator, the decay process does not stop, but only slows down. Therefore, with very long storage of certain products in the refrigerator, saprophytes still multiply and products can deteriorate, even at low temperatures. In this case, a prerequisite for the propagation of these microorganisms is sufficient humidity. In very dry conditions, saprophytes also do not multiply.
  • That is why, many foods are dried in the oven or in special heat cabinets. This is done in order to dry the product. At the same time, decay processes do not occur due to the fact that humidity is insufficient.
Rotten on meat
Rotten on meat

As you can see, saprophytes - these are bacteria that maintain balance on Earth and allow you to split organic substances to simpler components that fade the soil. These processing products become the beginning for the formation of minerals.

Video: mushrooms saprophytes

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