Why should pregnant women go to the cemetery? Can I walk pregnant women to a funeral?

Why should pregnant women go to the cemetery? Can I walk pregnant women to a funeral?

In this article, we will talk why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery and funeral according to different experts.

Today's society is no longer very believed in all signs and superstitions. At the same time, some of them have already entered our lives so tightly that even no one even thinks about why everything is just like that. For example, everyone knows that pregnant women should not go to a cemetery and even for a wake. But where did it come from? What is this in visiting the cemetery? After all, medicine does not prohibit this, if only because there are no proven facts. What will happen if you disobey this? Let's find out.

Why should pregnant women go to the cemetery according to the church?

Why is pregnant women not in the cemetery?
Why is pregnant women not in the cemetery?

If you read the Bible from crust to crust, you will not see any clear indications about when you can visit the grave of the deceased. There are no prohibitions there and to visit the cemetery. On the contrary, Christianity even supports the desire of people to accompany the deceased. Therefore, priests do not prohibit visiting cemeteries and commemoration.

In Christianity, and in other religions, it is believed that death is simply a transition to another world. So the funeral is not considered some kind of terrible event. And the cemetery is a place where the deceased simply wait in the wings to resurrect when God will call them.

By the way, believers Christians are not afraid of leading, because they simply do not exist. The dead never become ghosts and do not go around their graves. It is also important, if a person is baptized, then the evil power will definitely not harm him. Such protection also helps children in the womb. Priests assure that bringing is simply superstition, in which a Christian is simply impossible to believe. Of course, there are evil forces and all know this, but only in the cemetery they are not.

Why should pregnant women go to the cemetery according to psychologists?

Why don't psychologists advise pregnant women to walk in a cemetery?
Why don't psychologists advise pregnant women to walk in a cemetery?

Psychologists, unlike clergymen, adhere to a slightly different point of view. Undoubtedly, at least no good arguments regarding the ban on visiting the cemetery, but it is still better to abandon such a venture. Pregnant women should not go to the cemetery, because they can experience severe stress, being among the graves. If you come to the funeral, it will be very difficult to control your own emotions. And this is bad for the well -being and condition of the baby. It is especially difficult when this is a close person.

We all know that experiences and strong stress during pregnancy do not affect the child. Often this causes his nervousness and anxiety. So be careful if you are going to visit the cemetery until the baby is born yet.

If the pregnant woman wanted to visit the graves for a long time dead, or a famous person, then this is not at all prohibited. It is important that there is no discomfort internally. Therefore, before visiting the cemetery, think if you are scared, are there any bad emotions, is everything good. If you think that you are able to cope, then everything is fine and you can go.

Why should pregnant women go to the cemetery according to philosophers?

Can a pregnant woman in a cemetery?
Can a pregnant woman in a cemetery?

Philosophy considers each aspect of life from a certain angle. There is an opinion about visiting pregnant cemeteries. In fact, pregnancy is considered the beginning of something new, in particular life. And the cemetery is a place where those who have already ended with life. It turns out that they are opposite to each other. But our whole life is full of opposites.

Therefore, pregnant women are not forbidden to go to the cemetery. If you want to go there, then it is quite possible to afford it. For some, visiting the cemetery is even useful, as they realize that they give a new life.

Why should pregnant women go to the cemetery according to mystics?

The cemetery is associated with mystically the world, and therefore adherents of the opinion that mystical forces exist, like no other “know” how the cemetery has an impact on expectant mothers.

Mystics are sure that all people have their own aura. When a person dies, his energy remains and settles in the cemetery. Depending on the essence of man, his energy can cause weakness, dizziness, panic, or even loss of consciousness. In pregnant women, the energy is more vulnerable and therefore it is especially dangerous for them. That is why pregnant women can not go to the cemetery.

There is another opinion. On some people, the cemetery, on the contrary, acts soothingly. After all, the "perfumes" of the ancestors live here, who help and protect.

How to relate to the conclusions of mystics? It is better to include healthy skepticism in this situation. But everyone knows that the emotions of women are not distinguished by stability, and therefore should be started from their sensations. If you think that you really get bad in the cemetery, then it is better not to go there. Well, those who seek support can come to the deceased at any time.

Why should pregnant women go to the cemetery according to doctors?

Doctors forbid to visit the cemetery to pregnant women
Doctors forbid to visit the cemetery to pregnant women

Medicine in terms of energy and everything else is of the opinion that no entities exist and they cannot affect people. So visiting the cemetery is no different from going to other places. If we take into account that the cemeteries are usually located outside the city, then the air there is cleaner there. Accordingly, their visit can be even more useful.

However, there are situations when visiting the cemetery is still not worth it:

  • When there are a lot of people. This happens during Easter or any other holiday, when everyone remembers the deceased. At this time, a lot of people come to the cemetery, and therefore there is a risk of getting an infection. Moreover, you can’t eat near the burial, because you can poison.
  • On funeral. Bad emotions will appear in any case and this will affect the woman and her child. From too much stress, the uterus may begin to contract and this will lead to a miscarriage or health problems.

The ability to visit the cemetery during pregnancy depends largely on the woman herself. For example, many are scared to go there even in the usual state, graves and the situation in general seem so terrible. Therefore, of course, you should not even appear close there. But on someone cemeteries act pacifying and they, on the contrary, try to be there more often. In this case, the visit will be even useful.

If the gestational age is already such that the stomach is visible, then you need to consider that there are many people who consider the presence of the pregnant woman in the cemetery unacceptable. If you cannot claim that you can control yourself, it is better to stay at home.

When visiting the cemetery in the later stages, be sure to tell the relatives where you went. And it’s better to take someone with you. Even if you feel perfectly, then support will not hurt you anyway.

Where did the opinion come from that pregnant women cannot be in the cemetery?


In general, of course, not a single science or religion imposes a special ban on the trip to pregnant women in the cemetery. But where did it come from then? In reality, such a belief has developed from different religions and signs. Such folk art has been transmitted for thousands of years and we know it as signs. Despite everything, even the fact that sometimes the statements are unfounded, they still believe in them. Just because it happened. In the same way, people continue to believe that pregnant women are prohibited from entering the cemetery.

If you view all possible explanations, then the most popular of them say the following:

  • In the cemetery, the energy of death is hiding. Although death is a consequence of life, you should not visit places with the accumulation of the latter. It is believed that there is a lot of dangerous energy. That's just the fact that no one is able to fix it does not bother anyone.
  • The child will not have an angel-guardian. When a person is baptized, he receives a defender for himself. Until that moment, it is considered weak and can easily succumb to evil. Therefore, a pregnant woman cannot go to the cemetery. Although, religion is sure that the baby is still protected from his mother. And now, after birth, he is exposed to danger until he is baptized.
  • The soul of the deceased can move into the fetus or he will kidnap it. This statement is supported by mystics. Although, according to religion, this one is simply impossible. In addition, science does not recognize that the soul exists, and even more so since the fetus in the womb generally has it.
  • How then to relate to such prohibitions? Like any terrible fairy tale. After all, they still know that Kolobok and Baba Yaga do not exist, so similar prohibitions belong to the same category.
  • Every woman who does not believe in beliefs and signs can visit the cemetery if there are no medical contraindications. Everyone decides to go there or not. If some doubts are laid in the soul, it is better to stay at home.

If the opinion of others is too important for you, then it is also better to abandon campaigns in the cemetery, so as not to argue with condemnation and not prove your opinion. After all, any stress is harmful to you.

Can pregnant women go to a funeral?

Is it possible for pregnant women to a funeral?
Is it possible for pregnant women to a funeral?

Losing a loved one or just a loved one is always scary and this is a very great grief. It is much more difficult to experience this during pregnancy, when you can’t worry, and even all feelings become sharper. Moreover, it is believed that pregnant women cannot appear in the cemetery, and there is nothing to talk about the funeral. But what if it is important, but you are pregnant?

So, first of all, you need to understand that you are in wait for two dangers:

  • Emotional tension. Of course, the funeral is grief and therefore the situation is always appropriate on them. This all can greatly crush and provoke attacks of panic, fear, severe stress and so on. Often, at such events, women are very tanned and therefore their uterus can go in tone, and also jumps up the pressure, which can also be dangerous. Moreover, a stress hormone is actively thrown into the blood, and this is bad for the baby.
  • A large cluster of people is always dangerous to health. Maybe not much, but a cold and other diseases can be obtained. It is worth being careful, because during pregnancy even a cold can leave behind the consequences.

So, if possible it is better not to visit the funeral. If not very close to passed, then your condolences can be conveyed on other days. The best that you can do is go to church and put a candle for the rest. Do not worry about conviction, because everyone knows your situation, and pregnant women are not accepted to go to such events.

If you are very superstitious and you still decided to go to the funeral, then put your red handkerchief in your pocket. So you can protect yourself from the influence of evil forces.

Pregnant women cannot be for a funeral
Pregnant women cannot be for a funeral

It is important to think about how exactly you will transfer a funeral procession. If you are so too emotional and it’s hard for you to keep yourself in your hands, then ask for advice from your doctor, he can choose the allowed sedatives. You can still not remain until the most difficult moments in emotionally. For example, say goodbye to the deceased, but do not stay on the burial.

Surely, you have already heard a lot of signs from why pregnant women should not go to the funeral. The very first states that if the pregnant woman sees the dead man, then the baby will be born to the sick. Moreover, a visit to the cemetery can provoke a miscarriage or the birth of a dead child.

By the way, since ancient times it is believed that witches often conjure or take some things with them at the funeral. Most of the attributes of the funeral, for example, candles located near the coffin and others can be used in black rituals. The expectant mother should follow her things well and not touch anything in order not to be subjected to possible spells.

Many might think that all superstitions and signs are nonsense. This is their right and no one dares to argue with this. However, there are people who believe in signs. So, if you belong to the second group, then you definitely cannot go to the cemetery during pregnancy.

Video: Why should pregnant women go to a cemetery and funeral - signs

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