Galega: therapeutic properties, contraindications, drugs, reviews. How to take a galga with diabetes and lactation?

Galega: therapeutic properties, contraindications, drugs, reviews. How to take a galga with diabetes and lactation?

Galega - grass with many useful properties. Galega is actively treated with diabetes and other diseases. This article offers recipes for making a decoction and syrup from the Galega.

Galeg grass, kids: where it grows, what it looks like - photo

Galegaharvested plant, which reaches no more than a meter with its height. This is a rather powerful grass with non -parting foliage. Flowers Galegs have the shape of a bell of lilac, blue and purple shades. The plant is more known under the name "Kitty".

It is interesting that after flowering the plant can give fruits in the form of beans with seeds. Gradual begins its lush flowering At the end of May, early June. Flowering continues until September. Grass is growing everywherebut most of all she loves a swampy or lake area, the banks of rivers and a shadow of high shrubs.

Galega has long been recognized as a medicinal plant. Grass in large quantities actively uses traditional medicinebut not traditional. All parts of the plant are used: flowers, leaves, and even galega seeds. The grass is dried, stored in canvas bags. The seeds are accepted to grieve and sift from the husk.

Galega is a very useful plant with many medicinal properties

Galega medicinal, Kitty: Therapeutic properties

The plant has several varieties. For example, "Eastern Kitty" - A plant that occurs most often in the forest or forest -steppe. It is noteworthy that it is actively use people to treat diabetes.

Galeg diabetics helps reduce blood sugar. For this, decoctions and infusions should be prepared from the plant. However, like any vegetable medicine, the kids are effective only in the initial stages of the disease.

Regularly using decoctions and infusions from a kid, you can not only diabetics. The decoction is capable improve digestion and even contribute to the natural the release of toxins from the body. That is why this tool is used for getting rid of worms, a variety of parasites, the treatment of intoxication and poisoning. In addition, plants have a powerful diuretic action.

Unique in their properties the leaves of the plant are considered. They can be consumed fresh, adding to vegetable salads. Grass favorably affects lactation In nursing women, it increases the influx of milk. Also, the leaves of the galga can be used as antibacterial agent In the presence of abrasions, wounds, scratches and ulcers on the skin.

Galega is actively used by traditional medicine

Galeg grass for diabetes: Application

Decoctions and infusions Galegs favorably affect a person, patient with diabetes. The unique properties of the plant are capable of reduce the amount of sugar in the blood and improve the metabolic processes of the body. Everything is due to the active active substance of the plant - galegin.

You can use a kid without special restrictions, because specific he has no contraindications. The course of treatment takes about half an ode. Over this time the patient's health improves, there is a decrease in cholesterol. However, people with high pressure should be taken with caution.

Galega improves the well -being of people with diabetes

Recipes for making medicines from the Galega:

Cooking a decoction:

  • For a decoction, you should use galegs or an interpreted dry plant.
  • Only one teaspoon of mass is useful to you, which should be steamed in a glass of boiling water.
  • A glass of grass and boiling water is covered with a saucer, it remains for about two hours.
  • Take such a medicine before each meal of two tablespoons.

Galega should be taken no more than four times a day, given also that you can achieve a strong diuretic.

Preparation of tinctures:

  • For the treatment of diabetes, you can also prepare tincture for alcohol.
  • You need to prepare such a tincture in proportions one to one. On a half cup of a dry part of the plant, the floor of a glass of vodka or alcohol should be used.
  • The medicine is insisted for about a week in a dark and cool place. After that it is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Tincture should be consumed twenty drops and only after eating.
  • The course of treatment with tincture from the Galega should not exceed thirty days in a row.

The infusion should be taken carefully because it is able to increase blood pressure.

Infusion Galegs with blueberry leaves:

  • Approximately 50 grams of dry grass galegs, mint and blueberry leaves should be chopped.
  • The dry part is poured with boiling water, half a liter (two glasses)
  • In this state, components are insisted for about an hour
  • After insisting, the liquid must be filtered
  • Drink the infusion should be half a glass per day
  • Takes should be interrupted in a month of treatment for ten days

Video: "Galeg from diabetes"

Galeg tincture: recipe for cooking

The infusion of gallega is very easy to prepare. All you need is to fill the dry part of the plant with boiling water and give the grass the opportunity to “saturate” the liquid with useful properties.

Simple recipe for infusion:

  • You should insist the medicine based on the proportions: one teaspoon per glass of boiling water.
  • When insisting, the dishes should be covered with a lid
  • Insist Galeg should be a couple of hours. It is advisable to do this in the thermos, wrapping it for two hours.

You can supplement the infusion with any other components: mint, lemon balm, linden, acacia, chamomile, depending on the desired result.

How to brew an infusion of gallega?

Galeg: Syrup, Balm - Application

Syrup Galegs is actively used in the treatment of many diseases. It can be bought at a pharmacy, but it is much easier to cook at home. For cooking, natural honey (not sugar syrup) is useful.


  • The glass of the dry part of the plant should be poured with two glasses of boiling water and put on slow fire.
  • The decoction should be evaporated until it becomes half as much.
  • After that, the mass is filtered through gauze
  • The decoction is mixed with a glass of natural honey and is thoroughly mixed.
  • Syrup is poured into jars and is used for treatment
Syrup prepared from galegi - a drug

Galeg for lactation: application

As already mentioned, galeg positively affects the lactation process In nursing women. To achieve a good effect, you can use fresh leaves of the plant Or cook a decoction. Even a simple infusion by pouring leaves or flowers with boiling water.

Take a galegs decoction It follows before each meal. It should be taken into account that the galga is a plant product. That is why take a broth carefully, minimal portions, paying attention to your well -being and well -being of your child.

The decoction of the galga can cause an allergic reaction with excessive use. In the worst case, if a person has increased individual sensitivity, the galeg can be toxic.

Galega improves lactation during breastfeeding

Galega, contraindications for use

If a small portions Galegs improve lactation nursing women, even minimal portions of decoctions and infusions of grass during pregnancy, poisoning can cause poisoning. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not using medicines from this plant during pregnancy.

In addition, in any case do not exceed doses of the use of drugs from the gallery. This plant component can have a negative effect on those who have problems, as well as diseases of the digestive system.

The most negative impact of the gallega is ability to increase blood pressure. In no case can hypertension be treated with decoctions and infusions from this grass so as not to provoke a hypertensive crisis.

Galega decoction should not be taken during pregnancy

Where to buy a galga?

Galega in dry form, syrup and even tincture easy to purchase at a pharmacy. The price for this healing grass pleasantly pleases. The medicine without a prescription packaging is released 50 and 100 grams.

Some Internet sites offering traditional medicine also offer dried galga in the assortment.

Galeg from diabetes: reviews

Vadim: “Of course, the Galeg is not a panacea and not a miracle that will relieve the disease. But personally, I want to say that this grass is quite capable of giving little relief. My head often dizzy, there was a feeling of dry mouth and nausea every morning. ”

Marina: “I took the habit of drinking a decoction at every eating and felt relief. I advise you if you are not treated, then at least try to relieve unpleasant symptoms of diabetes with galega. ”

Zhenya: “It is the galga that helps me cope with diabetes of the second degree. The decoction that I take three times a day helps to keep me sugar normally and “smoothly” feels throughout the day.

Video: "Medicinal Gag"

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Comments K. article

  1. I ordered 4 bubble bubbles on the manufacturer’s website. And only then I thought of reading a review. Apparently she hurried to the order, it was necessary to take one for the sample. But oh well, as I buy, then I will write off about the results.

  2. I drink tea with medicinal galga (Olijima tea)-It has a pleasant taste, and there really is an effect (sugar always holds on normal). But I don’t follow the reception rules at all)) I drink when I want it 2 times a day usually. It is natural completely, so this is certainly not dangerous. It is thanks to him (well, and proper nutrition, of course)-I live a full-fledged life, I hardly remember diabetes))

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