Florography, FLG is made on an empty stomach or not: is it possible to drink and eat, is smoking and drinking alcohol before the procedure?

Florography, FLG is made on an empty stomach or not: is it possible to drink and eat, is smoking and drinking alcohol before the procedure?

Every year, every adult should undergo a diagnostic medical examination - fluorography, which allows you to detect lung diseases in the early stages. The frequency of pulmonary diseases increases every year. Therefore, it became a vital need to conduct a physical examination and a planned medical examination in a timely manner.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The study of the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a person using radioactive isotopes". You will learn about the modern diagnosis of heart and lung diseases.

From this article you will find out, on an empty stomach you need to do FLG Or not, and also whether it is possible to smoke, drink alcohol on the eve of this examination. Read further.

General characteristics of the randed of the lungs, FLG: what is it, the essence of the diagnosis, what diseases are detected?

According to the X -ray of the lungs and FLG, the doctor identifies the pathology of the pulmonary system
According to the X -ray of the lungs and FLG, the doctor identifies the pathology of the pulmonary system

The X -ray of the lungs, mainly, shows the condition of tissues and organs of the chest: lungs, chest glands and heart. To diagnose the disease, bones are rarely used.

If the disease is not manifested in any way and the diagnosis is difficult, then florography of the lungs (FLG) Allows you to detect tuberculosis or a malignant tumor at its first stages that can be treated. Such diseases and pathologies are also revealed:

  • Areas of inflammation
  • Bronchitis
  • Cysts, caverns, abscesses
  • Neoplasms
  • Hernias
  • Ulcers
  • Sclerosis
  • The presence of foreign objects

The essence of the method fluorography It consists in the fact that it is quite simple and relatively cheap. You can make a FLG in any clinic in every village.

Is it possible to eat and drink before fluorography: do it on an empty stomach or not?

When the doctor prescribes an examination of the lungs, each patient asks questions: is it possible to eat and drink before fluorography and how to prepare for it? Do it on an empty stomach or not? To get an answer to these questions, you need to understand what this procedure is, and what and how it can diagnose.

  • The procedure is very simple to execute and lasts only half a minute.
  • To perform a fluorogram, the patient undresses to the waist, enters the cabin of the apparatus.
  • The radiologist recommends to stand in the correct position and press on the apparatus with breasts, then you need to hold your breath for a while.

The principle is as follows:

  • The rays of the device shine through the human chest, creating an image that is transferred to the screen.
  • Organs are printed on a film and processed using digitizing for viewing on a computer.

The pictures see all organs of the upper half of the human body:

  • Right and left lung
  • Bronchi
  • Rib cage
  • Vertebrae
  • shoulder blades
  • Partially visible the digestive tract and other fabrics

The stomach does not participate in the process of diagnosis, therefore, with full confidence, you should give a positive answer to the question - is it possible to eat and drink before fluorography?

  • Consequently, whether the FLG is made on an empty stomach or not, does not matter.
  • You can perform an examination, both on an empty stomach and after eating.

For the FLG procedure itself, you do not need to be specially prepared. On the very day of the examination, you can do everything:

  • To live an active lifestyle
  • Work
  • Do sport

Even if a woman has critical days at this moment, this circumstance will not be able to influence either the procedure or the result of the examination. It cannot interfere with the procedure and light cough.

Basic rules for preparing for x -ray of the chest, lungs

Basic rules for preparing for x -ray of the chest, lungs
Basic rules for preparing for x -ray of the chest, lungs

In preparation for an X -ray study, it is necessary to remember some moments, following which you can get high -quality diagnosis of the patient's health. Here are the basic rules for preparing for x -ray of the chest, lungs:

  • The examined place from clothing should be released.
  • The study area should be free from extraneous subjects, otherwise it can worsen the quality of the picture.
  • The patient should not have any chains, hours, belts.
  • The radiologist will recommend that the patient take the right position.
  • Only the region needs for examination remains open. Everything else is covered with a special apron that protects against x -ray radiation.

The chest radiography is not prepared somehow on purpose. This examination allows you to diagnose the pathology of the skeleton, pulmonary tissue with great accuracy, evaluate the size of the heart and blood vessels, the condition of the pleural cavity.

It is worth noting that there are still diagnostic methods similar to FLG are bronchography and bronchoscopy. With their help, pictures of bronchi and trachea are obtained by introducing contrast. The examinations are carried out to study the departments of the lungs when clarifying the diagnosis of a pulmonary disease or planning an operation. Preparing for the study, the lungs need to be cleaned of sputum, taking expectorants for several days. During these procedures, it is forbidden to eat and drink on the study day itself.

Is smoking and drinking alcohol before the procedure?

One cigarette, which the subject could smoke before fluorography, cannot affect the result in any way. The fluorography apparatus does not show whether the patient smokes or not. But the pathological changes that occurred in the lungs of an avid smoker will definitely be visible in the picture.

Alcohol, adopted before the procedure, will not be able to influence the result of fluorography. In this case, it will be unpleasant that the surrounding people and the medical staff of the clinic can insist that the patient intoxicated leave the office or building of the medical institution in alcohol intoxication.

For the same reason, on the day of the examination, it is better to exclude from the diet dishes with garlic and onionsWhat will show a good attitude towards medical personnel. Thus, on the day of a fluorographic examination, you can eat, drink, smoke and drink alcohol moderately.

Contraindications to the execution of fluorogram, fluorographic examination

Contraindications to the execution of fluorogram
Contraindications to the execution of fluorogram

Despite the fact that there are no special requirements for a fluorographic examination, contraindications still exist. There are few of them, but the medical staff of the FLG Cabinet should keep in mind.

  • Children under 15 years of age do not make fluorography.

It is replaced by a more gentle examination, such as ultrasound. This is dictated by measures to maintain children's health, since irradiation of the X -ray apparatus can harm an imminent organism, which can lead to violations dangerous for the child’s health: reducing immunity, worsening the general condition of the body, and the appearance of neoplasms.

  • Restriction that acts for pregnant women

All types of examinations using x -ray radiation: fluorography, cystography, x -ray are prohibited during pregnancy. Especially if they need to be carried out only for preventive purposes. The exception is, if you need to conduct an examination in late pregnancy, somewhere after 25 weeks. Indications for fluorographic examination should be quite significant when the risk of damage to the fetus due to the diagnosed disease may exceed the risk of irradiation. In this case, the procedure is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

  • Refusal to examine seriously ill people.

Also, patients weakened after a serious illness are released from the fluorographic examination procedure. People who are not able to hold their body vertically, disabled, patients with strong cough and shortness of breath will physically not be able to endure the examination procedure.

A fluorographic examination is the most accurate and in demand in the diagnosis of lung pathologies. It allows you to detect changes in the lung tissues in time, detect a liquid and diagnose a neoplasm. And given the epidemiological atmosphere in the modern world, it plays an urgent role for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Video: Why do you need fluorography?

Video: Be sure to eat in front of an X -ray or CT

Video: How often can you do fluorography?

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