Pneumonia and inflammation of the lungs: one and the same or not, what is the difference, signs. What is the difference between pneumonia from coronavirus pneumonia?

Pneumonia and inflammation of the lungs: one and the same or not, what is the difference, signs. What is the difference between pneumonia from coronavirus pneumonia?

Pneumonia and pneumonia are the same disease. Read more about these and other pathologies of the respiratory system in the article.

In connection with the latest events - the appearance of a new coronaviral infection, terms "pneumonia" and "pneumonia" Everyone is heard.

Pneumonia and pneumonia are two different words, but as with meaning? This is the same? Let's try to figure out the article below. Read further.

What is the name of pneumonia is more simple?


In simple words, pneumonia is a disease of the lungs, inflammation. But we can say that this is a group of diseases, which is characterized by the course of inflammatory processes in the lungs, which is infectious. Doctors argue that there are no differences between these two concepts. Such pathologies are always based on viruses, infections, microbes or bacteria.

Streptococcus pneumoniae: What is it?

To Streptococcus pneumoniae a special type of bacteria from the family of streptococcal - should be attributed to diplococcus lanceote or diplococcus Weixelbaum and Frenkel. These are special gram -positive bacteria, which are also anaerobic. They are activated with an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

There are more 90 types Pneumococci, but the main part of the diseases is caused by serials or serotypes.

Pneumonia and pneumonia - what is it, one and the same or not: what's the difference?

As already mentioned, pneumonia and pneumonia are similar. In this case, the occurrence of lung inflammation provoke the following factors:

  • Allergic cough and its complications.
  • A neglected or not treated state after acute respiratory viral infections, colds, bronchitis, influenza, other infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Poisoning by harmful substances.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Chest injuries.
  • Finding a stationary treatment.
  • The effect of fungi, bacteria and viruses, for example, mycoplasm, legionell, chlamydia.

Risk factors include people:

  • With heart diseases
  • Chronic lung diseases and nasopharynx
  • Weakened patients in terms of immunity
  • Older people and children up to one year old
  • A group of people with bad habits

The pathogens of lung inflammation penetrate in several ways: lymphogenic, hematogenous and bronchogenic. As soon as the immune barrier decreases, the inflammatory process begins in the alveoli, and from there, pathogens penetrate through the partitions into pulmonary tissues. As a result, a specific fluid is formed, which prevents normal gas exchange between blood vessels and lung tissue. Respiratory, oxygen, and later heart failure develops.

In this regard, several stages of the disease can be distinguished:

  • The tide lasts about three days. At this time, the vessels of the lungs are filled with blood, and the alveoli - a specific bacterial fluid.
  • Red strongholds - up to three days. The fabric of the lung is compacted in the likeness of the liver, and a large number of red blood cells are in the alveoli liquid.
  • Gray strongholds - up to six days. At this moment, the red blood cells massively break up, and the leukocytes in large quantities move to the alveoli.

All types of pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs can be divided into several varieties:

  1. Atypical course
  2. Nosocomial
  3. Caused by immunodeficiency
  4. Navalic
  5. By type of pathogen - mixed, bacterial, fungal, mycoplasma, viral
  6. According to the degree of defeat - total, bilateral, segmental, shared, one -sided
  7. Based on the signs - focal, parenchymal, interstitial
  8. From the severity of leakage - heavy, medium, lungs

Among other varieties, it is worth noting nosocomial pneumonia. They get sick at the moment when people are hospitalized with a completely different disease. This is a special, stable type of infection in which antibacterial therapy does not always help, if only because people are weakened or already get a whole “set” of drugs. Patients on Ivl are especially susceptible to inflammation.

Signs and symptoms of pneumonia or pneumonia

Signs and symptoms of pneumonia
Signs and symptoms of pneumonia

Suspicion of pneumonia and inflammation of the lungs can be judged by such symptoms:

  • The presence of signs of intoxication
  • Improving body temperature
  • Abundant sweating
  • The occurrence of coughing and shortness of breath
  • The presence of pain in the chest with a deep breath, the difficulty to take a deep breath
  • The occurrence of headache
  • Weakened state
  • The presence of coughing and shortness of breath

A typical and most common sign of this disease should be considered an increase in body temperature up to 38-39 degrees. Chills join this state. And temperature jumps can be observed within the limits 1-1.5 degrees. In this state, a person can abide up to 10 days, and in some cases more.

During illness, the body experiences the strongest intoxication or poisoning of toxins and tissue decay products. Therefore, such a process is always accompanied by:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abundant sweating
  • Weakness
  • Muscle and headaches

Often, doctors talk about the psychosomatic component of such a disease. It can cause stress, nervous disorders, heavy loads.

In some cases, antibiotics are powerless in the treatment of pneumonia. It is necessary to take into account the factor that in this case the restoration will go for a long time, because not only the lungs, but also the nervous system, the body as a whole, suffered.

Complications of pneumonia

Depending on the complexity of the course of the disease, complications can occur of varying degrees of severity. And the outcome of such a disease as pneumonia depends on their severity. Complications can be divided into two groups:


  • Heart failure
  • Psychoses
  • Myocarditis
  • Anemia
  • Meningitis
  • Infectious toxic shock
  • Glomerulonephritis

Pulmonary complications:

  • Exudation pleurisy
  • Obstructive syndrome
  • Acute respiratory failure
  • Gangrene or lung abscess

In order not to have complications, it is necessary to contact the doctor in a timely manner. Read further.

Diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia or pneumonia

Diagnostics of pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs is extensive measures, among which it is worth noting the following:

  • Laboratory studies include a general urine and blood analysis, a bacterial analysis of sputum.
  • Physical examination determines the degree of lung tissue compaction.
  • Ultrasound of the pleural cavity and echocardiography can identify pleural effusion.
  • The radiography of the lungs at the beginning of the disease and after a month reveals various kinds of pathologies, helps to make a more accurate diagnosis.

Treatment in each case is individual. It all depends on the pathogen, the degree of neglect, and other features. But in general, all therapeutic measures can be divided into several parts:

  • Undoubtedly - it is antibacterial therapy. In this case, you do not need to wait for the identification of the pathogen. The doctor, based on the available data, appoints a group of antibiotics. But most often it can be macrolides, penicillin row or cephalosporins, less often - aminoglycosides, carbapenems. If the causative agent is unknown, then a combination is assigned from 2-3 funds. The treatment lasts up to 14 days, often an antibiotic is subject to replacement.
  • Symptomatic treatment aimed at immunostimulation, detoxification.
  • Physoalization It begins at the time of fading the acute phase. It includes UHF, electrophoresis, massage, exercise therapy.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

What is the difference between pneumonia from coronavirus pneumonia?

Coronavirus pneumonia
Coronavirus pneumonia

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to do if you prontact with a sick coronavirus so as not to get sick?".

Now we are experiencing hard times - a coronavirus infection is raging around the world. Pneumonia, in particular, can be caused by coronaviruses - SARS-COV-2, Mers-COV, SARS-COV-1. What is similar and what is the difference between pneumatic pneumonia from coronavirus?

  • Usually it all starts with a light cold, it also applies to coronavirus: sore throat, coughing, fever up to 38 degrees, reducing the function of smell, muscle pain, general breakdown. Such a picture can last up to eight days.
  • A week later, the temperature jumps up to 40 degrees, the processes of intoxication are rapidly increasing, chest pain and shortness of breath appear. When coronavirus develops into pneumonia, then their symptoms are similar - chills, fever, weakness throughout the body, sweating.

But there are some differences, for example, a cough in coronavirus is always dry with a slight presence of sputum. Doctors assure that often a cough is rusted - this is a consequence of the capillaries of capillaries during a cough reflex.

The next significant difference can be considered the inability to take a complete breath. But with an uncomplicated disease, a breath can be taken, but shortness of breath is preserved even at rest. A feeling of lack of air is preserved, the inability to take a full breath.

As a result of a lack of breathing, the patient has a brightly maneuver nasolabial fold, he tries to find the best poses to facilitate inspiration and exhalation. And due to insufficient intake of oxygen in the brain, panic attacks, confusion of consciousness appear.

What is pneumonite?

Under pneumonitis or pulmonitis, the inflammatory process is understood, which proceeds in the vascular wall of the alveoli, which is characterized by scarring. Sometimes by this term the occurrence of atypical pneumonia is meant. Basic symptoms:

  • Sputum cough
  • There is often a fever
  • Astmatika symptom - lack of air

What is the general forecast for recovery and relapse? It all depends on the age of the person, the presence of other chronic diseases, the immune system, as well as on the treatment. With timely treatment and not complicated version, as a rule, everything ends safely. But there are other options:

  1. Pulmonary tissue can recover by 70%
  2. Local pneumosclerosis can be formed - 20%
  3. Local carnification occurs - 7%
  4. The share in size is reduced - 2%
  5. The clutching of the segment is 1%

Which doctor to contact with these pathologies? Read further.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that pneumonia and pneumonia - This is the same group of diseases of the respiratory system. But pathogens are always different, which means that research and treatment methods will also vary. A doctor who deals with such problems is a pulmonologist.

Video: pneumonia or pneumonia. Causes of the disease, symptoms and treatment

Video: how the pneumonia caused by Covid differs from pneumonia - a “healthy environment” with a pulmonologist

Video: How to distinguish pneumonia from coronavirus?

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