Fluorography and X -ray of the lungs - what is the difference, difference: comparison, dose of irradiation. Which is better, more precisely, stronger, more effective, informative, safer: fluorography or an X -ray of the lungs? What is better to do with pneumonia, pneumonia: fluorography or x -ray?

Fluorography and X -ray of the lungs - what is the difference, difference: comparison, dose of irradiation. Which is better, more precisely, stronger, more effective, informative, safer: fluorography or an X -ray of the lungs? What is better to do with pneumonia, pneumonia: fluorography or x -ray?

From the article you will learn how the x -ray differs from fluorography.

X -ray is a method of studying internal organs, based on the education of x -rays. Thanks to this study, you can find out the placement of organs, shape, tone, peristalsis, also the state of the mucosa. But you can also undergo fluorography. And what difference does it make, we will find out in the article.

What is an X -ray and fluorography: definition

Today, X -ray is used to diagnose many diseases, and with its help you can consider almost all organs:

  • In order to recognize gastritis, tumors, ulcers make a rectish intestine and stomach
  • Cholecystography - the rh of the gallbladder, is more often done in order to find out the size and consistency of bile
  • Irrigoscopy - the colon, is made to recognize polyps, obstruction and tumors
  • Rengenography of the chest
  • RI spine
  • The departments of the peripheral skeleton are annoyed in the event of a fracture or injury
  • O radiation of the abdominal cavity allows you to find out the condition of the kidneys, perforations of organs, etc.
  • Orthopantography - RE of TEEN, is done mainly before removing the tooth in order to understand the placement of the root
  • Metrosalpinography - uterine study
  • Mammography - breast irradiation
X -ray and fluorography
X -ray and fluorography

Fluorography is a method of medical research, as well as an X -ray based on irradiation, allows you to obtain an image of organs and tissues. Such a procedure should be done once a year or if a doctor prescribes.

Thanks to fluorography, you can investigate:

  • The condition of the pulmonary tissues
  • Inflammatory processes in the lungs
  • Recognize various neoplasms
  • Heart condition and recognition of the disease associated with it
  • Tuberculosis

What is the difference between x -ray and chest radiography?

X -ray is one of the main methods of radiological examination, to obtain a constant negative image of the object under study on a photosensitive layer. In other words, radiography is the same fluorography.

X -ray, unlike x -ray, affixes only a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe condition of the chest, in particular pulmonary tissue. This can be explained by the fact that radiography is done in two standard projections. X -ray will allow you to see a more detailed picture and it is prescribed for examination of the chest in such cases:

  • Damage to the lung tissue
  • Fracture of the ribs
  • By purpose and necessity

Despite the fact that an X -ray is a fairly safe procedure, there are a number of contraindications, for example:

  • It is forbidden to make an X -ray to people in serious condition
  • Forbidden people with bleeding
  • With open pneumothorax
Difference between
Chest x -ray

There is no special preparation for the X -ray, the main thing is to make sure that the patient is not prohibited from undergoing a procedure and you can start diagnostics.

What is the difference between fluorography from the fluorogram of the chest?

A fluorogram is a reduced image of an X -ray, and this is exactly the same as fluorography. This procedure is done once a year, or, if necessary, depending on the diagnosis. Various research methods recognize:

  • Film
  • Digital
  • Digital scanning

More often use a film method in which the patient needs to be placed behind the patient and a picture of the chest will be scanned on it. Despite the popularity of the methodology, film fluorography has a high radiation load, a rather low quality of the picture and the result can not be obtained immediately.

Flyorogram of the chest
Flyorogram of the chest

Digital fluorography can be done to children, because This method has no high load. The pictures remain digitally, but they can be printed. The methodology with the most minimum dose is irradiation - this is a digital scanning of the chest. The irradiation is fan -shaped, and therefore not the most effective.

Fluorography and X -ray of the lungs - which is the difference, where the more dose of irradiation is: comparison

X -ray is prescribed for more serious diseases or damage to the integrity of the chest. This is a strict research method, but effective.

  • RI and fluorography are based on one research method, but different equipment is used for diagnosis. Due to the fact that film fluorography has a low cost, it is done for mass examination as a planned diagnosis. And X -ray is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.
  • In any case, all types of diagnosis where radiation is used carries a negative effect on the human body. In an X -ray, the radiation dose should not exceed 0.8 mZv/g. And for fluorography (film) - 0, 5 mZv/g, with digital - 0.04MZV/g.

Which is better, more precisely, stronger, more effective, more informative: fluorography or an X -ray of the lungs?

Fluorography and radiography are similar procedures, but the first method is often used in order to identify the disease in time, but this procedure is not often carried out, even if a doctor prescribes. This is a cheaper and affordable method, but, if necessary, the doctor prescribes radiography in a more detailed and accurate picture. Since the fluorography of dates is only a common picture of organs.

Flyorography of the lungs
Flyorography of the lungs

X -ray is used to study pathological changes by irradiation and fixation on film, fluorography is done in the same way, but due to the fact that this procedure is cheaper and has not such a high level of irradiation, not the most effective and informational. Of course, it is possible to recognize diseases with fluorography, but if the doctor has any questions that need to be clarified, then he will give a referral to an X-ray.

What is more harmful, more dangerous for health: fluorography or an X -ray of the lungs?

The process of lighting with rays is painless, but still carries insignificant harm to the general condition of the body, which is why it is not recommended to do fluorography more than once a year. Under the influence of x -rays, compounds between molecules are torn, but thanks to modern technologies, the dose of radiation is minimized, and practically does not affect the structure of molecules.

Important: it is forbidden to do fluorography for children under 15 years of age, but if necessary, it is better to do an ultrasound or x -ray. The radiation that enters the fragile organism can provoke the development of cancer cells.

During pregnancy, you should also not do the procedure, because It can affect the development of the fetus and its condition. But with breastfeeding, radiation does not harm the mammary glands. Unfortunately, radiography is not the most gentle, but the only method due to which you can identify a more terrible disease than a slight dose of radiation.

Is it dangerous to do an X -ray after fluorography?

Despite the radiation, which is emitted during fluorography or x -ray, the methods allow us to study the condition of the internal organs or the integrity of tissues and bones.

  • With a fluorographic study, different diseases can be detected: pneumonia, malignant tumors, tuberculosis, etc. Annually, an examination must be done to make sure that these diseases are not available.
  • The X -ray is not done after fluorography, this is not rational, also fluorography is not done after the X -ray. Doctors recommend waiting a few months after the X -ray, and then do the examination procedure.
  • Due to the fact that during the X -ray is radiated at least 1 m3v/g, then it should not be done simultaneously with fluorography of any type, even digital scanning.

There should be a period of time (at least 2 months) between the irradiation so that the damaged cells can recover.

What shows pneumonia, inflammation of the lungs, seal in the chest: X -ray or fluorography?

Thanks to fluorography, a number of diseases can be determined, for example:

  • The presence of fluid in the lungs
  • Tumors and neoplasms in the first stage (more than 4 mm)
  • Pathological changes (cyst, cavern)
  • Fibrosis
  • The last stages of inflammation

In order to study the situation in more detail, of course, you need to make a chest x -ray. If, after passing fluorography, the doctor set the seal and released, then there is no reason to worry. But if, a specialist has any suspicion, he will write a referral for an additional examination by X-ray, or send to preventive procedures to the anti-TB dispensary.

Pneumonia on X -ray
Pneumonia on X -ray

X -ray is prescribed in the following cases:

  • The manifestation of strong shortness of breath
  • Severe pain in the chest area
  • A stretch strong cough

The doctor can also prescribe an X -ray for diseases such as pleurisy, pneumonia, malignant neoplasms and seals, bronchitis or tuberculosis. It is imperative to undergo examination to people who have been ill with tuberculosis in order to identify in time in the event of a relapse.

Is it possible to do an X -ray instead of fluorography?

Of course, an X -ray can show a state of internal organs better, but fluorography is considered a more gentle examination method.

Important: for the diagnosis of the chest, the second method is more often used, because This is a cheaper procedure, due to the fact that a film that is used is much smaller than the one that is taken for x -ray. The image is respectively less high -quality.

Of course, there are various types of fluorograms, and today the digital research methodology is very popular. The radiation dose is quite low and practically does not affect organs, and also affects the chest only, at a time when ordinary old devices are arranged in such a way that during the procedure not only light, but also surrounding organs are irradiated.

To some extent, X-ray is much better than his subspecies-fluorography. At a minimum, using a more clear image, you can recognize the disease at its initial stage, which is not always possible to consider on ordinary films after fluorography.

Is it possible to do an X -ray and fluorography in one day?

Doctors do not recommend undergoing procedures that are based on irradiation. Unless in the event that this is necessary, and the radiation dose will be minimal. Per year you can get a maximum of 5 msv/g, at a time permissible radiation dose of not higher than 1 mZv/g.

Of course, you can do fluorography and chest x -ray on one day, but it depends on the equipment and the dose of irradiation. Modern technologies are many times less radiation and are considered harmless to the body. If the equipment is old, then it is better to wait some time before doing procedures.

The most important thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations, because with the help of such equipment you can identify the presence of very terrible diseases that require urgent intervention. Therefore, if the doctor has doubts, it is better to undergo diagnostics, even if you have to get an increased dose of irradiation.

Why, after fluorography, is they sent to an X -ray?

Since fluorography does not show a clear image, then if there are any doubts, the doctor must prescribe an additional examination, and gives a direction to the chest x-ray.

Important: darkening more than 4-5 mm is visualized on a fluorographic film, while with the help of an X-ray you can consider focal darooners of more than 2-3 mm.

Due to the fuzzy picture on the fluorogram, it is difficult to see small foci, so they are considered under a magnifying glass, or patients undergo additional diagnosis.

How often can an X -ray and fluorography be done?

Fluorography, as everyone knows, can be done once every two years or once a year. But the X -ray must be done as much as it is necessary for medical requirements. If a person is sick, he needs diagnosis and control, which can only be done with an X -ray. Also, an X -ray is needed to clarify or confirm the diagnosis. In such cases, a more radiograph is suitable than fluorography, because In the presence of a disease, it is necessary to track a more accurate image of the chest.

X -ray or fluorography does not need to be done too often
The frequency of an X -ray and fluorography

Without a doctor’s prescription, the chest x -ray is strictly forbidden, without the need, you should not once again subject your body to irradiation. It is also better to use modern technologies and equipment, because The radiation dose is ten times lower than that of old equipment.

Why do children make an X -ray, not fluorography?

Children of the X -ray are prescribed only in the most extreme cases when the doctor has suspicions of the development of pathology. If the child has a strong protracted cough or chest pain, you should consult a doctor who may prescribe radiography. Irradiation is done only if the harm from the procedure is much less than the danger of the disease.

If you choose that it is better to make an X -ray or fluorography to the child, then you should choose the first option, because In the process of fluorograms, not only the chest is irradiated, but also the organs that are nearby. Also, a huge advantage of the X -ray is that using this method you can immediately get a clear and accurate image, which allows you not to repeat the procedure. What is quite possible, if you make fluorography, the doctor ate will have doubts, you still have to do an X -ray to clarify the diagnosis.

How to check the lungs, except fluorography and x -ray?

In order for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis, he needs to conduct various methods of examination and diagnosis. The most popular method, today, is considered to be a radioscopy of the chest and respiratory tract. But there are cases in which it is undesirable to expose its body to irradiation, although X -ray is considered the most effective diagnostic method.

There are many procedures that work according to the same principle as an X -ray, but have a slight effect on the body, for example:

  • Computed tomography - makes it possible to see a clear image of the transverse "sections". Thanks to this method, you can see changes in the lymph nodes, pulmonary tissues and the trachea.
  • Bronchography takes place under local anesthesia. It is aimed at the diagnosis of the bronchi, for this a certain fluid is poured, which is filled with a bronchial tree. This substance is not shone under the rays, and in the image you can clearly consider the state of the bronchi.
  • Bronchoscopy, is made under local anesthesia, a special device with a small chamber is lowered inside, which allows you to clearly view the condition of the respiratory system.
You can check the lungs in another way
You can check the lungs in another way
  • Thoracopia is also performed under anesthesia and resembles bronchoscopy. Often use this procedure in order to get a sample of fabric.
  • Ultrasound. Used only to study the presence of pleural effusion.
  • Pulmonary ventilation. Allows you to find out the degree of respiratory failure.
  • From laboratory methods, microscopic and bacterioscopic are often used. In such ways, various diseases and infections can be detected.

Of course, there are quite a lot of diagnostic methods today, the above methods are the most common and effective. To obtain a more accurate result, it is worth carrying out several diagnostic methods, only before proceeding with diagnosis and treatment, a doctor’s consultation will be simply necessary.

Video: What is the difference between fluorography and radiography?

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