Do -it -yourself Florarium for beginners - in the technique of Tiffany, in a round aquarium, in a bank, with an orchid: step -by -step instructions, photos, videos, ideas

Do -it -yourself Florarium for beginners - in the technique of Tiffany, in a round aquarium, in a bank, with an orchid: step -by -step instructions, photos, videos, ideas

Do -it -yourself Florarium is an original craft. Make it with your own hands.

Terrarium, or container. Another name is “Bottle Garden” or “Flower composition in a glass container”. Florarium is used to create the design of rooms, small rooms and apartments.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “Aloe and a hundred -year -old is the same plant, which is between them the difference, comparison of succulents”. You will learn how Aloe and the hundred -year -old look like, and how and from where you got into our country, as well as what is the similarity and difference between the composition, care, therapeutic properties, methods of using aloe and centennial.

In this article we will tell you how to make a florarium with your own hands. In fact, it's simple. You almost do not spend finances, but you can create a unique interior decor. Read further.

Florarium: What is it?


Florarium is a container for a floral arrangement made of glass or dense transparent plastic. To create a florarium, an aquarium, a glass vase of an unusual shape is suitable. Even chemical flasks are used. Some craftsmen were able to adapt small tubes and small glasses.

Florariums are used for growing plants requiring special care: maintaining the necessary lighting, humidity and temperature. From above, the container can have a round hole, or a narrow narrowed neck. Therefore, a certain microclimate is formed inside, without drafts and with certain humidity. In this container, you can grow living plants or create artificial gardens.

What cultures can be planted when creating a florarium?

For growing in such a flalorarium container, various species of plants are suitable. Everything will depend on the conditions in which it will then be: a shaded room or brightly lit, cold or with normal temperature. What cultures can be planted when creating a florarium?

So that there are no disappointments, beginner florists should try to grow unpretentious plants in containers - cacti, succulents or moss. If the room is poorly lit, plant fern. In a well -lit place, try growing tropical and subtropical plants. They are not so whimsical in care. To grow orchids, a certain experience is needed.

For the florarium they are suitable:

  • Submissive cacti and succulents - olocation, echinopsis, non -acactus, rebuke
  • Folstyanki - fellow, monetary tree, ehevereria
  • Mosses - sphagnum, pheris, multi -row, assplenium
  • Fern
  • Dwarf senpolia (violets)
  • Different types of miniature fittonium
  • Jiling a croton

Sometimes up to ten different plants are placed in one kindergarten.

DIY tools, materials and equipment for decor: what will you need to make a florarium?


To create conditions for growing a mini-garden, a beautiful decor with your own hands, appropriate tools, consumables, equipment are required. So what will you need to make a florarium?


  • First of all, you should take care of the ground. It must correspond to the selected plants.
  • For cacti and succulents, sand mixed with peat in the ratio is suitable 1:2.
  • To grow moisture -loving plants, nutritious soil is necessary. Therefore, turf land, ready for humus or compost, is added to the peat, for the looseness of perlite and vermiculite.
  • Simplified option - get ready -made soil in a flower store.
  • It is worth noting that all the consumables can be collected in the forest, if there is such an opportunity.


  • In order not to start rotting the roots of plants, you should definitely choose drainage.
  • It can be small pieces of brick, pebbles or expanded clay.
  • You can use activated coal.


  • A set of garden inventory is a small spatula, a hook for loosening, a miniature leerch for watering.
  • Sometimes you can use a regular medical syringe.
  • Pinzet and household gloves are also useful.
  • When trying to grow tropical crops, a thermometer and a hygrometer for measuring temperature and humidity may be needed.
  • It is possible to establish artificial lighting.

When everything is ready, you should think about the container. Read further.

Which container is suitable for florarium?

Floorium capacity
Floorium capacity

Florariums use containers of various sizes and shapes. Which are suitable? But for the successful cultivation of plants in this way, containers must meet the following requirements:

  • Save humidity

Balloons or vases with holes overlooking the side prevent the evaporation of excess moisture. Aquariums, banks and other containers, the hole of which goes upstairs, are more suitable for succulents and cacti, are of little demanding to moisturize. They can be divided into open and closed. The creation of an open container is less problematic. To grow flowers in an open container of tropical plants, you should take care of the lid.

  • Correspondence in height

All the necessary layers should fit in the container: drainage, soil and the plant itself. In order for the culture to develop freely, two -thirds of free space should remain over the planted flowers.

  • The light should penetrate well inside

To penetrate light to plants, glass or plastic should be colorless - transparent.

You can plant a mini-site in unusual vases, glass teapots, salad bowls and other containers. They are identified in geometric form:

  • Round
  • Cylindrical
  • Square
  • Capacities created individually

All containers can be classified by the location:

  • Wall
  • Desktop
  • Floor

The most common are table options.

How to make an original home, glass geometric florarium with your own hands for beginners using Tiffany: step -by -step instructions for creating glass from a photo, video

Tiffany technique It consists in wrapping each piece of stained glass (along the end) of a copper strip, the edges of which are bent on a flat surface of the glass. Then these elements are laid out in turn, alleged by the sketch, and lose each other around the entire perimeter on both sides. Thanks to this method, a light but durable tin frame is formed.

DIY geometric florarium for beginners using Tiffany technique
DIY geometric florarium for beginners using Tiffany technique

How to make an original home, glass geometric florarium with your own hands for beginners in tiffany technique? Below you will find step -by -step instructions for creating glass with a photo. But first you need to know the following:

  • With your own hands, you need a regular window glass for the manufacture of a glass container, 4 millimeters thick. You can use more subtle 3 or 2 millimeters.
  • If there are glass cutting skills, you can do it yourself, and if not, it is better to contact a glass workshop.
  • To obtain a beautiful geometrically correct vessel, it is necessary to accurately calculate all sides of the polygon.

So, we proceed:

  1. Make a stencil. We'll have to recall the geometry. You can collect a container of triangles, but it is more convenient to do this from pentagons.
  2. According to the prepared paper template, cut the blanks made of glass.
  3. Turn the finished blanks along the edge to remove sharp edges.
  4. Glue a copper ribbon. Lay out individual parts on a flat surface and put them in the correct figure.
  5. Fold the blanks in a regular polygon and fasten with the help of solder and soldering iron. Be sure to remember that it is impossible to overheat copper tape, otherwise it will rise from the glass and this can lead to the crack of the workpiece. If you notice the irregularities of the seam, correct them with a spatula.
  6. Make sure that drops of solder do not form in the corners.
  7. To obtain beautiful and neat seams, soldering is covered with a patina from above.
  8. Clean the finished product of pollution.

Such a technique was developed for the manufacture of stained glass compositions by a designer in the interior Luis Tiffany in 1880. And then it began to be widely used in jewelry. Try to make a florarium, it will turn out very original and stylish.

When the container is ready, prepare the soil and plant culture as you like. Watch the video how the craftswoman makes such a composition the glass terrarium itself.

Video: How do I make a florarium using Tiffany's technique?

How to create a florarium in a round aquarium with succulents-DIY manufacture: master class, video

Florarium in a round aquarium with succulents
Florarium in a round aquarium with succulents

The creation of a florarium in a round aquarium must begin with the selection of plants that will grow in it. Succulents are most unpretentious in terms of care. They do not require withstanding the moisture regime, and they do not need to be watered often. So, how to create a florarium in a round aquarium with succulents? We make it with our own hands-a master class:

  1. The first step is the preparation of drainage.
  2. It is necessary to pour a layer of pebbles, or small pebbles to the bottom of a clean washed aquarium, and you can also take small pieces of broken brick.
  3. Instead of drainage, you can pour large sand to the bottom.
  4. Before placing such materials in the aquarium, it is advisable to wash them and pump them in the oven.
  5. Pour activated carbon on top of the pebbles with a thin layer. They do this to avoid excessive moisture and decay of plant roots.
  6. Pour a layer of soil on the drainage. As already mentioned, the volume of the composition should occupy only one third of the total volume of the aquarium. You can use the purchased soil from the cacti store, or you can cook it with your own hands. Then take one part of the river washed sand and add two parts of peat.
  7. Moisten the soil and leave for several hours so that the earth absorbs moisture well.
  8. With the help of tweezers, gently, place cacti or younger (stone rose) in the aquarium. They will look great - not flowering haworths or a pharmacy, with a small lilac flower.

To revive the composition well with the help of ceramic figures of the corresponding size, or by the addition of granite stone depicting a mountain landscape. Watch more in the video below.

Video: Florarium for beginners

Florarium in a bank with your own hands: step -by -step instructions, video

Florarium in a bank with your own hands
Florarium in a bank with your own hands

Sometimes you can use improvised containers to create a florarium, for example, banks. The maximum volume of the container depends on which room to install it. There is a known case of using a can of 45 liters. The sequence of actions will be approximately the same as it was described above in the manufacture of other types of florariums.

Here is a step -by -step instruction for performing a composition in a bank with your own hands:

  • First prepare the container. Wash and dry well the jar.
  • Wipe the inner surface with alcohol. So you should get rid of the strongly released fingerprints on the glass.
  • Do not use a plexiglass product to create compositions, scratches appear on them and such glass begins to quickly cloth.
  • Then you should decide on the plants that will be placed in a jar. What you will choose depends on the size of the can.

It should be remembered: Choose the plants the same in the intensity of growth in the composition, otherwise some species will overlap the light and interfere with their nutrition.

Then do the following:

  • Determine the place where the mini-garden will be placed. The volume of the can also depends on the location. Floor florariums have large volumes, small walls are up to a liter, desktop can be very different in size.
Put the drainage
Put the drainage
  • At the bottom of the container, pour drainage: it can be large river sand, pebbles, pieces of fine broken brick or perlite.
Pour activated carbon
Pour activated carbon
  • On top of the drainage, lay out activated carbon, which will remove excess moisture, bacteria and toxins.
  • Pour both layers with a layer of earth, with a total volume exceeding the layer of drainage and coal in two, or even three times.
Put the soil
Put the soil
  • For cacti and succulents, a mixture of sand and peat in the ratio is suitable 1:2, for mosses - ordinary turf land, for other plants - soil suitable for plants.
  • Moisten the earth and leave for a while.
  • With the help of tweezers, plant small plants or cacti, lay out the moss (sphagnum can be assembled by yourself, somewhere in shaded places in the forest, plantings or parks).
  • Carefully moisten the finished composition.
Plant the plants
Plant the plants
  • If you plant moisture -loving plants such as fern or tradescantia, close the jar with a lid. If these are cacti or succulents, you can leave it without a lid.

Install the jar in the designated place. Water such a mini-site no more than once a week. Watch more in the video below.

Video: How to make a terrarium (florarium) in a bank?

How to decorate a room with your own hands without money - Florarium with an orchid: step -by -step instructions, video

Florarium with an orchid
Florarium with an orchid

If you need to revive the interior that has already bored, then make a florarium. Especially, it will be good if you have flowering homemade flowers, for example, orchids. They can be used for a flower garden in the aquarium. Thanks to this approach, you can decorate the room with your own hands without money.

But remember that orchids and other flowering plants are very demanding on special conditions - temperature and humidity. Particular attention should be paid to their size. Large and tall flowers will require large containers. Small and slowly growing species are more often used. So, we make a florarium with an orchid. Along with this flower, Fittonia, Mosses and ferns are well combined.

Here is a step -by -step instruction:

Florarium with an orchid
Florarium with an orchid
  • Prepare a glass container, it can be an unused aquarium, banks of different sizes, a decanter or a transparent glass kettle.
  • Prepare the container for planting plants. Wash and wipe it dry.
  • If there is a desire and opportunity, make a geometric glass container by Tiffany. Instead of glass, you can use transparent plastic.
  • On the bottom of the container in a layer of two to three centimeters, lay out drainage. Pour on one centimeter of activated coal on top.
  • Comers both layers and pour the soil, taking into account the variety of orchids, and which earth it is desirable for it to use. It is best to buy the soil necessary for the composition used. You can put a layer of colored sand as a decorative insert.
  • Place the orchid in the recess. If required, set the support for the peduncle. But, be sure to make sure that the plant does not touch the leaves of the walls of the vessel. Otherwise, with an increase in humidity, the culture will rot and disappear.
  • Water the florarium with orchids under the root, occasionally conducting spraying. Moisturize the substrate should be after completely drying the surface. In closed containers, this happens quite rarely. In open ones, you need to monitor the condition of the substrate constantly.
  • The temperature depends on the type of orchid.

Florarium with orchids should not be placed on open sunny rays. Plant leaves will receive burns and culture will die. More details on how to make a florarium with an orchid watch in the video below.

Video: Florarium with an orchid. Orchidarium

Florarium with a waterfall with your own hands: step -by -step instructions, video

Florarium with a waterfall with your own hands
Florarium with a waterfall with your own hands

For the manufacture of a mini-garden with a waterfall, you need to prepare:

  • Large cylindrical vessel, flask or round aquarium
  • A basin or a bowl with a dimeter slightly smaller than the diameter of the flask
  • Transparent epoxy resin
  • Acrylic paint of different colors
  • Pieces of foam
  • Liquid Nails
  • Transparent bottle of plastic

At first it may seem that making a florarium with a waterfall with your own hands is difficult and it will not work. But this is not so, try and create an interesting interior decor. Here is a step -by -step instruction:

  • Put pieces of polystyrene in a basin or bowl, in such an order to get a hill. Foam can be cut for complete reliability so that there is the appearance of a fragmented cliff. With the help of an adhesive gun, fasten all parts, fix it with wooden skewers to guarantee.
  • Color the "stones" in the colors corresponding to natural. You can add green to simulate moss on stones. Cut the plastic bottle with small ribbons and fix it over the “stones”.
  • Dilute the epoxy resin and pour into the “pool”-myska.
  • Apply part of the resin to plastic tapes to increase their volume and natural appearance of the falling flow. The waterfall is ready. It can be placed in another vessel, or in a flask.
  • We fill the bottom with pebbles or sand for drainage. Pour on top of the soil mixed with wood coal. We plant selected plants.

Such mini-sads made by their own hands will bring a lot of pleasure and will delight on long winter days. It is clear how to make such a mini-garden, look in the video below.

Video: Workshop Florarium with a waterfall

Artificial closed florarium: what form to use, how to assemble yourself, video

Artificial closed Florarium
Artificial closed Florarium

The peculiarity of the closed florarium is that this is a self -supporting system. Care, behind which is minimized. It is watered only a couple of times a year. First, the container is selected. You can use a glass jar, a bottle or make a geometric container according to the Tiffany method. The use of such mini-sads is an economical way to create a green interior of premises.

How to assemble it with your own hands? Perform step by step:

  • Prepare the container. Wash and dry and dry the jar or bottle. Carry out disinfection if possible.
  • Put the finished compost on the bottom of the vessel, pour the soil on top of which. Another soil can be mixed with coffee grounds.
  • Pour the soil with a sufficient amount of water. And leave for a while until complete moisture.
  • Gently plant the plant, making a hole in the ground with a spatula or stick.
  • Pour over again using a small watering can, a bottle or syringe. So that the stream of water does not erode the soil and roots of the plant.
  • Lay next to the decor elements: marble “mountains”, ceramic figures, houses.
  • Close the container. Ready.

In closed florariums, you should choose plants that grow well at air temperature about +20 ° C, moisture from 60% and above, and not suffering from lighting during 12 hours.

You can make a fully artificial terrarium with an interesting composition. For example, using only sand, artificial flowers, different figures and objects, it will turn out to be a great decor for the interior. It does not need to be looked after as a composition with fresh flowers, but in beauty it is almost inferior. Watch more in the video below.

Video: Production of a florarium. Master Class. Florarium with artificial succulents

DIY crafts from all sorts of things: ideas for creating florariums, jewelry for mini-garden, original ideas

A floral terrarium can be made quickly and from improvised materials. No wonder they are attributed to crafts from all sorts of things. First you need to understand what you want to do. If the composition is made of fresh flowers, then almost every house has suitable flowers, cacti, etc. For an artificial composition, you can take any objects and even children's toys. Show the imagination and you will manage to make a beautiful “bouquet” in the bank. Use unique jewelry for such a mini-garden.

Here are the ideas of creating florariums - original ideas:


Video: Florarium with your own hands!

Video: How to make a Florarium from indoor plants? Master class of practical floristry

Video: Florarium in a bank of several types of moss

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