How to transplant a cactus to another pot at home?

How to transplant a cactus to another pot at home?

Despite the fact that the cactus refers to perennial plants, it must be periodically transplanted. After all, the prickly plant is constantly growing, and a small pot does not allow this to do this.

This article will talk about how to properly transplant the cactus, and when you need to proceed to the mandatory procedure.

When do you need to transplant a cactus?

  • If you notice that the root system of the cactus began to stand out from the drain holes, then it is time to transplant the cactus. The same procedure is carried out if the ground part of the plant protrudes the edge of the container.
  • Young cacti need a transplant annually. Adult plants need to be moved to other pots with an interval in 3-4 years.

How to transplant a cactus into another pot - step by step: choosing a container

  • Before transplanting a cactus to a new pot, think over drainage system. It is necessary so that moisture does not linger in the soil, and does not lead to rotting of the root system. Each subsequent container for transplanting should be most 2-3 cm.
  • If you grow cactus with a developed root systemChoose deeper pots. Varieties with bundle roots are transplanted in a wider container.
  • If you do not know what material a pot is bought from, you can buy anyone. Cacti are not whimsical to the material.
Cacti are not whimsical
Cacti are not whimsical
  • But, it is better to give preference to copies from clay, whose internal walls are unglazed.
  • Plastic containers are not stable, so they can often turn over and spoil the structure of the cactus. If you think about how to fix the pots of plastic, you can use them.

Cactus transplant soil

  • When choosing a substrate, keep in mind that it should be loose and well performed moisture. Give preference low -level soil pH.
  • If you purchase a ready -made substrate in the store, choose the basis for desert cacti. If this is not, use a universal substrate. It needs it mix with sand and a small amount of gravel.
  • If you transplant cacti with white pubescence, add an egg shell crushed into the substrate with a powder. This will provide good water permeability, and fill the soil nutrient components.
The soil
The soil

Features of the root bath during a cactus transplant

  • Before transplanting a cactus to a new container, you need to carry out a root bath. To do this, immerse the roots of the plant in warm water. Optimum temperature - +50 ° C. Hold at this position for at least 15 minutes. This will provide stimulation of the development of the root system.
  • When the procedure is completed, hang a cactus so that the roots are dried. They need to dry them for at least a day.
  • Such baths contribute stimulation of growth and flowering. The cactus will delight you with beautiful flowers almost every year.

How to transplant cacti at home?

  • First of all, prepare the soil and a container for planting. Pour the substrate potassium mortar, and place for 20 minutes in the oven. Thanks to this procedure, all harmful bacteria will die.
  • After you need to cover the substrate with plastic film, and place in a dark warm place. Within 14 days that it will be in such conditions, useful microorganisms will begin to develop. On the day you land the cactus, blow the substrate with boiling water. Mix with a drainage material. It can be expanded clay or crushed stone.
  • Fill the pot with the mixture with a mixture and sprinkle it with a clean substrate. After you need to prepare the cactus itself. Take it out of the old pot. In order not to damage the plant, first draw a knife between the walls of the container and soil. After take the cactus carefullyso as not to hurt the thorny needles.
Gently take it out
Gently take it out
  • Remove from the root system Old soil and substrate. If the procedure is too complicated, you can moisten the roots in a small amount of water.
  • In case of detection of damaged or rotten areas of the root system, carefully cut them with a sharp knife. Pre -disinfect the tool so as not to bring bacteria. Treat the cuts of the cut with wood ash, and leave to dry for several hours.

Planting technology:

  1. Place the cactus in the container.
  2. Correct the roots to evenly fill the space.
  3. Sprinkle with a substrate and compact a little.
  4. Leave the basal neck above the surface of the earth so that oxygen and moisture are entered into the roots.

Cactus care at home after transplanting

  • If you transplanted an adult cactus, install support next to the pot. Literally a few weeks later, when the roots are strengthened in the ground, you can remove the support.
  • During the first weeks after the transplant no need to water the plant. Thanks to this, all the wounds that could appear in the process of transplantation will be dragged.
You need to start watering in a week
You need to start watering in a week

So now you know how to correctly transplant at home. Get the procedure during the growing season in order to maintain the resistance of the plant to adverse conditions. Carefully choose the container and substrate so that the cactus feels comfortable, and develops correctly.

Interesting articles about cacti:

Video: Fast cactus transplantation

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