How American cacti differ from other succulents: comparison, similarities and differences. What is better to choose: American cacti or other succulents?

How American cacti differ from other succulents: comparison, similarities and differences. What is better to choose: American cacti or other succulents?

The differences between American cacti and succulents.

Many of us love flowers and indoor plants. For many, this is a kind of hobby and even earnings. But it is worth noting that there is a separate category that does not belong to the cactus family, but is very similar to them.

What are American cacti and succulents: definition

American cacti - Plants that belong to the cactus family and grow mainly in South America. Mostly the surface of the plants is covered with thorns or their beams. It is worth noting that cacti grow in almost all corners of the planet and also in Greenland, where eternal glaciers.

Succulents - Plants that can accumulate moisture in tissues and leaves and hold it for a long time. Actually, this term has nothing to do with the classification, that is, almost all cacti are succulents. But the most interesting thing is that some plants are not at all similar to cacti, but they belong to succulents. Actually, there is no concrete definition in the botany, but in the dictionary you can find a definition that these are plants that accumulate water in the leaves (aloe) or stems (cacti). Some sources indicate that in almost each of the 40 species of plants there is at least one succulent.

American cacti
American cacti

What is the difference between American cacti and other succulents in appearance: photo

In the appearance of the difference is not so much or it is huge. After all, cactus belong to succulents. But the fact is that the plants of other families, such as aizine, fat, and agave, also include succulents. For example, wealth and money tree belongs to succulents. But there are no thorns on these plants and they are not at all like cacti. Below are a photo of cacti and succulents.

O cacti of cacti from other succulents:

  • The presence of a thick stem and tree -like, corco -shaped coating
  • The surface of the cactus itself is quite stiff and resembles the bark. This prevents the rapid evaporation of water
  • Almost all cacti have a pile, hairs or thorns. There are halos in the place of thorns or bundles of hairs
  • On the surface of the succulents of other families except cakes, there are no spines
American cacti
American cacti
American cacti
American cacti
American cacti
American cacti

What is the difference, the difference between American cacti and other succulents in growing and care?

In fact, the difference in care can be huge. The fact is that among succulents there are plants that do not really like the sun and vice versa. In this case, it is worth considering a specific plant and the natural conditions for its growth.

Cactus care:

  • Good lighting. It is best to install vases with such plants on the windowsill.
  • Watering in the summer time more plentiful. In winter, it is enough to water once every 1-2 weeks. For some cacti, watering stops completely. Only after the appearance of small processes, watering and even spraying resumed.
  • In the summer, watering is carried out daily, but it's okay if you forget once or two about watering.
  • Plants are transplanted once a year in a larger pot.
  • Fertilized with special compounds for cacti.

Caring for other succulents:

  • Some succulents do not like the sun, such as a Decembrist or Christmas. It refers to succulents due to dense leaves that accumulate a lot of moisture. The plant belongs to zygocactus. That is, to forest cacti.
  • Basically, in natural conditions, such succulents grow in sunny forests, shaded by crowns of trees. Actually, the Decembrist is characterized by growth in impoverished soil, but at the same time the humidity in the room should be high.

Actually, there is no single algorithm in the departure of cacti and succulents, since plants can belong to different species and grow on different continents.


What is better to choose: American cacti or other succulents?

It all depends on which plants you like. If you like thorns and are infrequently at home, then the ideal option for you is American cacti. They are very unpretentious in care, they are not necessary to often water. In the summer, they can be put on the balcony on the sunny side. If you are a fan of sitting at the computer, choose a cactus. Scientists have proven that cacti absorb radiation from PC and prevent the accumulation of fatigue.

If you are a flower breeder with experience, then you will get succulents of a different type, for example, a Decembrist or aloe. They require more careful care and certain mineral fertilizers. When leaving, such plants should often be sprayed from the sprayer and maintain a constant level of humidity and temperature in the room. That is, you will have to purchase a humidifier. Some succulents with wax and fleshy leaves should be shade and not put on window sills. They feel better inside the room.

Difficulties in caring for non -cactus succulents:

  • Humidity control and maintaining it at a constant level
  • Shading and frequent spraying is necessary
  • Periodic fertilizer with special compounds

As you can see, almost any cactus is succulent, but not any succulent belongs to the cactus family. This is the differences in care.

Video: American cacti

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