Emphysema of the lungs: what is it, causes, symptoms, prognosis of the disease, prevention

Emphysema of the lungs: what is it, causes, symptoms, prognosis of the disease, prevention

Emphysema of the lungs is a serious illness that is important to identify early. Read more about him in the article.

Pulmonary diseases are some of the most complex pathologies that are difficult to treat or are generally incurable. Often such diseases have complications that are incompatible with life. But sometimes the forecast of doctors is comforting.

Read on our website article on the topic: "Fibrosis of the lungs". You will learn useful information about treatment and average life expectancy after diagnosis.

There is such a disease as pulmonary emphysema. What it is? What are the forms of this pathology? How to treat the disease? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read below.

What is a diffuse pulmonary emphysema?

Diffuse emphysema of the lungs
Diffuse emphysema of the lungs

Diffuse emphysema of the lungs - From Greek, translated means "Bloating, swell". This is a disease in which airspace expanding, located more distal than terminal bronchioles, and accompanied by destructive changes in the alveolar walls. Annually, such a disease as pulmonary emphysema is observed in 4% of patientsAnd as statistics show, in women it occurs twice as less common than in men. Pathology has several types. The disease is classified into:

  • Congenital
  • Primary -arising independently
  • Secondary -arising against the background of extraneous diseases that provoked the pathology

What are the causes of this disease? Read further.

Emphysema of the lungs: Causes, what does development come from?

Emphysema of the lungs It remains a controversial object for doctors and doctors of medical sciences, despite the fact that this disease has been studied for about two hundred years. Due to the fact that it is not fully studied, it is impossible to say exactly what pathology may appear from. What reasons? What is the development from? The main reasons are:

  1. The presence of a patient with bronchial asthma
  2. Development of chronic and inflammatory problems with lungs and alveoli
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Long smoking
  5. Work at the enterprise hazardous for health
  6. Accommodation in contaminated ecological areas
  7. Hereditary lung diseases
  8. Disrupted hormonal balance

All these causes can provoke the development of pulmonary emphysemes. As we see, not only diseases acquired or chronic affect the onset of the disease, but also smoking, ecology and even work with difficult and difficult working conditions.

Emphysema: symptoms, clinical signs

The main symptoms of pulmonary emphysemes are such clinical signs:

  1. Labored breathing. The sealness at first in the patient is practically not noticeable, in the subsequent shortness of breath will be felt more and more.
  2. In the attacks of cough, the face begins to blush significantly.
  3. Abundant work of the respiratory tract.
  4. Sharp weight loss. Losing weight is directly related to the excessive operation of the respiratory tract.
  5. Bloating of the cervical veins. Bloating of veins is very noticeable during inhalation and exhalation, due to high intra -breeding pressure.
  6. Cyanosis. This is the color of the skin on the hands, earlobes, the tip of the nose in a bluish color.
  7. The appearance of edema. Edema appears already at the late stage of emphysema due to severe complications of such as heart failure, an increase in liver and fluid retention in the body.
  8. Changes in appearance. People with chronic emphysema change in their appearance, the neck seems visually shorter, the stomach sags a little due to changes in the position of the organs, the chest expands.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Emphysema Emphysema syndrome

The acute emphysema of the lungs is also called diffuse. Such a syndrome can develop with a disease of bronchial asthma. With strong seizures, lungs are very stretched.

With the course of the disease, three periods of emphysema can be distinguished. With a complicated form, the patient weakens the heart, due to impaired blood circulation and excessive load on the heart. In addition to impaired work of this organ, the chest is complete, which can lead to thermal heart decompensation.

Emphysema of the lungs: what complications can be?

Emphysema of the lungs
Emphysema of the lungs

Emphysema of the lungs leads to the rapid development of changes in the heart system. Many complex processes during illness lead to the fact that not only the heart and lungs, but also the kidneys, pulmonary surfaces are damaged. Such complications begin to develop:

  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Swelling of the lower extremities
  • Ascites
  • Hepatomegaly
  • Pancreas

The most terrible outcome can be the development of pneumothorax, which requires air aspiration.

Emphysema: Forms

Despite the fact that the disease has not yet been fully disclosed by scientists and remains almost unknown to the scientific sphere, doctors can already distinguish several forms of pulmonary emphysemes. As a rule, pathology is divided into such types:

  1. Congenital. Emphysema of the lungs can be an innate disease that experts do not immediately notice. It usually manifests itself throughout life.
  2. Developing as an individual and independent disease or as a complication associated with other diseases. Most often, such a disease is bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  3. Localized and diffuse emphysema - differ in the degree of prevalence.
  4. Panlobular, or as it is also called panacinar emphysema, almost all acinus is damaged.
  5. Centerilobular. With this form, emphysema, the risk of damage is not an acinus, as in the past form of the disease, but the alveoli in its central part.
  6. Periacinar -It affects the whole structural-functional unit of lungs.
  7. Carrowal. This type of emphysema is able to damage the lungs unevenly.
  8. Bulleous. This form of emphysema is observed not in all patients with lung pathology, but only in those who suffer from the presence of cysts, bubbles and erosions.

Doctors and scientists give particular importance and attention in an innate form of emphysema, which is called lobar. Doctors are still trying to figure out to the end in this form of the disease. It refers to the vice of development, which is characterized by the stretching of the parenchyma of the share of the lung.

Bulleous pulmonary emphysema: what is it, treatment, what to do with complication - spontaneous pneumothorax?

Bulleous emphysema of the lungs
Bulleous emphysema of the lungs

Bulleous emphysema of the lungs - these are irreversible changes in tissues characterized by destruction of alveolar partitions and the formation of bulls in size more than 1 cm. Not always sick knows about their ailment. If bullet emphysema proceeds in an uncomplicated form, then the symptoms may be completely absent and not felt by a person. This will continue until the appearance of spontaneous pneumothorax appears. It is the bullet disease of the lungs in 80% of cases leads to this complication.

  • If the disease proceeds easily and the patient does not have any symptoms of pathology, then he is prescribed simply constant observation by specialists.
  • With complications and a progressive disease, in the presence of symptoms of bullous incidence of lungs, surgically treatment is performed.
  • The cut -off operation can be performed in an open way or thoracoscopic resection of the lung using video endoscopic technologies.

As practice shows, in 90% of cases Such a pathology is acquired by those patients who have smoking experience 15-20 years. Also, the development of pathology and its severe course depends on how many cigarettes smokes the patient per day. Even if you are a passive smoker (you are simply present next to smokers during the process, but do not smoke yourself), the likelihood that you can develop a bullous emphysema. 43%. But not only smoking can affect the development of pathology. Air pollution with flue gases or chemicals, as well as smoking, provokes the development of bulls in the lungs. The main signs of this pathology are:

  1. Violations of the vegetative-vascular system
  2. Curvature of any spine
  3. Change (deformation) of the chest
  4. Muscle hypotrophy
  5. Complication in breathing

When the bulls reach too large sizes, they begin to squeeze certain areas of the lung, which leads to impaired respiratory function.

The most common complication after bullous disease is pneumothorax. It appears due to too increased intra -heading pressure. This leads to a rupture of the thin wall of the air cavity. The main signs can be called sharp and acute chest pain, which go to the hands, neck, clavicles, accompanying the inability to take deep breaths.

Reveal pneumothorax in various ways:

  • The very first thing a doctor prescribes is an X -ray of the lungs.
  • If deviations were noticed in the picture, but the diagnosis was not confirmed, then diagnostic thoracoscopy helps to be convinced of the presence or absence of bull.

As mentioned earlier, sick people whose illness proceeds without symptoms are not treated with special drugs, drugs. They are simply observed among experts and observe simple medical prescriptions:

  • Reduction in physical activity. Perform light gymnastics daily or just walk, walk along the street 3 km per day.
  • Care for your health so that there are no infectious diseases of the lungs and in general. It is important not to hypothermia and not overheat, so as not to sweat.

If the disease proceeds with complications and leads to pneumothorax, then urgent treatment and pleural puncture are required.

Paraseptal emphysema of the lungs: what is it, treatment

Paraseptal emphysema of the lungs
Paraseptal emphysema of the lungs

Paraseptal emphysema of the lungs - This is a disease that affects the peripheral areas of lung lobes. In most cases, cicatricial lesions of lung tissue can also be observed. With the progression of the disease, complications occur in the form of the formation of cystic cavities that are filled with air.

In treatment, if the patient smokes, he has to completely abandon this bad habit and adhere to other doctor's recommendations. Tablets and other drugs are not used. Such a pathology does not require special treatment. It is important to quit smoking if a person has this bad habit.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Easy to quit smoking". You will learn about Nicoin - a spray against smoking, as well as where to buy a spray from smoking Nicoin.

Bronchial emphysema: what is it, treatment

Bronchial emphysema - This is a chronic type that affects the respiratory tract and lungs due to the expansion of the volume of alviol, which can subsequently lead to respiratory failure.

At this stage of pathology, there is no special therapy. All treatment is directed to slightly reduce the rate of progression of the disease. Doctors may recommend changing work if you work at an enterprise with hazardous substances, change their place of residence if you live in a contaminated area.

The exercise therapy will develop breathing exercises that will not relieve the disease, but partially facilitate your health status. In certain cases, when the patient already has a severe form of emphysema, doctors immediately prescribe an operation to remove the bull to prevent the appearance of pneumothorax. With all this, the most effective and reliable way to cure emphysema today is a light transplant.

Emphysema and pneumosclerosis of the lungs: can they proceed together?

Pneumosclerosis - This is a disease of the lungs, in which an inflammatory process of organ tissues occurs, as a result of which the replacement of normal tissue with a connecting one may take place.

Doctors call the causes of pneumosclerosis:

  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Diseases caused by infections or viruses
  • Alviol's allergic reactions
  • Injury, lung wound
  • Genetic lung diseases transmitted at birth

Chronic diseases that occur in the patient in acute and which were not properly cured are the main source of development of pneumosclerosis.

During pulmonary emphysema in lung tissues, a large amount of air is observed. At the same time, pneumosclerosis develops after pneumonia. Emphysema and pneumosclerosis are similar in that they affect inflammation of the branches of the respiratory channels. In rare cases, these pathologies proceed together, and for the patient this is fraught with complications that often lead to surgical treatment.

Cobble - chronic obstructive emphysema of the lungs: what is it?

Hobble - chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema
Hobble - chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema

Hobble - This is a chronic obstructive disease or pulmonary emphysema, in which an irreversible restriction of the passage of the air flow in the respiratory tract occurs. At the moment, this disease is in sixth place among the leading causes of mortality. During the disease Hobble It is very important to identify the disease at an early stage, as it progresses quickly enough. The main factors in the development of the disease are:

  • Heredity
  • Infections and breathing viruses
  • Systematic smoking
  • Environmental pollution
  • Professional costs - work in an enterprise with health -hazardous substances
  • Impact of harmful substances of the environment

Symptoms Hobble are considered:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Cough. Every day, it becomes more and more often for the ballroom, and as a result, it manifests itself daily and many times not only during the day, but also at night.
  • Sputum. At the initial stages, sputum is distinguished in small quantities, priority in the morning.

In order to diagnose Hobble Use various means:

  • Radiography
  • ECG
  • Broncholytic test
  • Blood analysis
  • Identification of the level of oxygen in the blood

Treatment COBL It is appointed individually. One patient will help just quit smoking, and others need more complex products:

  • M-cholinoblocrators, for example, Spiriva, ATRECTION.
  • beta-two-agonists of long-acting, for example, formoterol, salmeterol.

It is also important to reduce the effects of external factors that affect the development of the disease. If a person works in harmful production, then he is transferred to easier and more safe work. If he lives in a contaminated area, then you need to change your place of residence, etc.

Chronic bronchitis can lead to pulmonary emphysema: what to do, how to treat?

Chronical bronchitis - it's a disease with a diffuse-inflammatory process in  bronchs, affecting the mucous membrane or the entire thickness of the wall of the bronchi. She isit destroys fabric in the respiratory tract. After that, the bronchi begin to become inflamed, narrow, and difficult breathing appears. Doctors call the symptoms of bronchitis:

  • Zoom.
  • Painful sensations in the thoracic region.
  • The bluish color on the legs, lips and skin in other areas of the body, due to insufficient oxygen in the blood.
  • Heart failure.
  • Breathing problems.

Just like that, the doctor will not make the patient a diagnosis "Chronical bronchitis". Patients usually last for three months, a weakness manifests itself, a subfebrile temperature can remain - 37.0-37.5 ° C..

Chronic bronchitis can lead to pulmonary emphysema, if the disease is not treated in a timely manner. These pathologies have several similar signs and the same causes of development. For example, smoking 90% Promotes the development of both emphysemes and bronchitis. Both diseases have the same symptoms: regular cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, heart disease. What to do, how to treat?

The same methods can be used for the treatment of emphysema and bronchitis:

  • Hormones. They will be able to relieve pain during cough and wheezing.
  • Bronstillers. These are drugs used inward to expand the respiratory tract in artificially, due to which breathing is facilitated.
  • Oxygen therapy. In particularly difficult cases, the patient may lack oxygen to perform even elementary everyday things.
  • Antibiotics. If an infection has got into the lungs, this can provoke severe consequences and complications. Therefore, antibiotics will be needed for treatment.
  • Operation - Often requires surgical intervention, especially with emphysema, when the affected lung is cut off.
  • Lung transplant. In very rare cases, but still this happens in practice, especially with emphysema - lung transplants are required. This usually happens with very severe organ injuries.

With any ailment, contact the doctor for advice. It is important to start the treatment of pulmonary diseases in time so that they do not lead to complications.

Centerlobular emphysema of the lungs: what is it, how to treat?

Centerilobular emphysema of the lungs
Centerilobular emphysema of the lungs

Centerilobular emphysema  lungs -This is a pathology that appears as a result of excessively strong expansion of the lungs due to abundant accumulation of air in them. The main symptoms of the disease are called:

  • The gradual manifestation of shortness of breath.
  • A sharp weight loss, even with abundant nutrition.
  • Increase in the thoracic region.
  • Abundant clusting in the abdominal cavity.
  • Heart failure.
  • The appearance of a bluish color on the fingers, the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose.

The causes of the occurrence of the disease are mainly the same as described above, with other forms of pathology. This can be a complication of bronchitis or asthma, after prolonged smoking, exposure to harmful chemicals, living in contaminated areas.

For treatment, drugs that help reduce symptoms are used:

  • Bronchodilators (block coughing bouts)
  • Antispasmodics (reduce bronchial cramps)
  • Mucolytics (dilute and remove sputum from the lungs)

To prevent the increase in blood pressure against the background of fluid accumulation in the body, the patient is prescribed diuretics. In order for the body to respond not so violently to treatment, taking corticosteroids is necessary. To prevent oxygen starvation, ozone therapy is carried out. Using a special mask, a person is injected with air saturated with oxygen. The course of treatment is usually does not exceed 3 weeks, But after a while, a repeated procedure is required.

Subcutaneous pulmonary emphysema: what is it, treatment

Subcutaneous pulmonary emphysema - This is the penetration of air into the soft tissues of the chest. Such a pathology affects the state of the body. The disease indicates a violation and damage to the lung tissue.

  • Subcutaneous emphysema can occur due to damage to the lungs.
  • During a closed injury, subsequently a breakdown of the organ, the air penetrates into the cells. The most common injury is the fracture of the ribs with the displacement and violation of the integrity of the tissues. The gap can lead to closed pneumothorax.
  • If the patient has a more complicated injury, then the air will spread throughout the chest.
  • Also, subcutaneous emphysema may appear due to lung barotrauma. This pathology is developing, for example, due to the use of aqualanga. This is due to a sharp increase in pressure in the lungs, air comes out of the alveoli, as a result of which emphysema develops then.

Subcutaneous emphysema may also appear due to a nose fracture with a rupture of the mucosa. With injury, a characteristic sound occurs, crunch and bleeding from the nose is observed. After some time, swelling appears in the nose, which is subsequently accompanied by the bluish color of the lower eyelids.

Subcutaneous emphysema can be diagnosed in several ways:

  • Inspection at the doctor. With subcutaneous emphysema, there are characteristic external differences that the doctor will be able to notice and make a diagnosis.
  • X -ray. If subcutaneous emphysema is suspected, a picture is taken, showing whether there are fractures of the ribs. With injuries on the face, an X -ray of the nasal bones, cheekbones are performed.
  • Tomography, Ct - Only the doctor appoints.
  • Endoscopic methods.

Treatment of subcutaneous emphysema implies a stop of bleeding from the nose or in the chest area and the imposition of a dressing on the wound area. After stopping blood and bandaging, painkillers are given to the patient, which help relieve pain after the fracture. Subsequently, a fracture is treated and a pulmonologist is watching the patient. In the case of respiratory failure, the patient is done by oxygen therapy and other methods are used.

Chronic emphysema of the right, left lung - gymnastics: how to breathe correctly?

Chronic emphysema of the right, left lung - gymnastics
Chronic emphysema of the right, left lung - gymnastics

As we found out above, chronic emphysema of the right, left lung is an unpleasant and complex disease that prevents a person’s normal breathing. It is not always possible to treat medicines and drugs with drugs. Therefore, doctors developed special breathing exercises to relieve pain and provide the possibility of normal breathing. The patient's condition is relieved due to reduced rhythm of muscle contraction. In addition, respiratory gymnastics helps improve:

  • Vision
  • Memory
  • Nasal breathing
  • The sound of the voice

Neuroses and other negative conditions associated with a psycho-emotional background also completely go completely.

Gymnastics for healing the lungs has collected exercises that strengthen muscles and help the patient to make an unhindered full -fledged deep breath. The main thing is to inhale and exhale the air correctly. Inhale it deeply, through the nose, exhale through the mouth or as it turns out - you can also through the nose. Typically, gymnastics is carried out daily 15-20 minutes a day, 4 times a day. If the state of health worsens, it is better to postpone the exercises and continue the next day or after a few days. If you feel good, then it is worth increasing the training time and the number of approaches.

Basic exercises:

  1. Walking in one place lasting at least 30 seconds.
  2. Turning the torso on the sides.
  3. Tilts to the sides.
  4. Rotation of hands forward and back.

If the patient belongs to the elderly group and, due to age, cannot perform exercises independently, there are special breathing simulators that help perform positions. When working with the simulator, a specialist who checks the load and health status of the patient is obliged next to the patient. The effect of such exercises will be noticeable after about four weeks of regular training.

It is very good to do respiratory gymnastics on Strelnikova. How to breathe and how to do exercises is told in another article on our website on this link. It has detailed descriptions and videos that will help to do gymnastics correctly.

Diagnosis "Emphysema of the lungs": forecast

The diagnosis of
The diagnosis of "Emphysema of the lungs"

In the complete absence of any treatment, therapy, and in case of non-fulfillment of the doctor’s recommendations, the disease will progress rapidly, affecting not only the lungs, bronchi, but also the heart. The prognosis of the disease can be as follows:

  • The complicated course of the disease can lead to consequences that, in turn, develop the patient's incapacity and early disability.
  • Emphysema of the lungs is a diagnosis of pathology that triggers irreversible processes in the body. But when applying funds and recommendations prescribed by the doctor, health can not only be supported, but also improve the quality of life.

The rapid detection of pathology in the patient’s lungs will allow you to act in a timely manner, and with a complication and threat of life, to perform surgical intervention, which relieves the patient from spontaneous pneumothoraxes.

Emphysema: Prevention

Prevention of pulmonary emphysema, which helps reduce the amount of such a disease among the population, can be anti -tobacco propaganda, showing the actual harm of smoking for their health and surrounding people. It is also very important to monitor the state of your body and quickly diagnose diseases that contribute to the development of life -threatening complications.

Important: Timely pass medical examinations when complaints appear - see a doctor.

Light patient emphysema: on CT chest, X -ray, sound

During the examination of the chest in a patient with pulmonary emphysema, at the late stage of the disease, its barrelness is revealed. X -ray Helps to identify the real picture of the organs of the chest cavity. Such diagnostics shows the bone structures of the patient, ribs, spine and sternum.

CT (computed tomography) - This is a more detailed diagnosis than an X -ray. It can identify the presence of inflammation in the light foci, neoplasms, accumulations of gases and liquids, as well as the presence or absence of foreign objects in the pulmonary cavity. Patients often have a stupid percussion sound, due to the complete absence of air in one part of the lung and the accumulation of fluid in the pleura cavity.

Watch the video below and you will find out how a person breathes a sick emphysema. Just listen to the headphones so that the display of the sound is correct.

Video: noise with auscultation of the lungs

Video: Emphysema Cobble - causes, pathophysiology, symptoms, therapy

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