Lung fibrosis: treatment and average life expectancy after diagnosis

Lung fibrosis: treatment and average life expectancy after diagnosis

Long fibrosis is a dangerous disease that is almost not treated. Read more in the article.

Now, in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection, doctors are advised to pay more and more attention to the health of the respiratory system. You can perform special breathing gymnastics, play sports, eat right, etc.

Read to another article on our website about bronchitis of the smokers - What is this disease and what treatment exists?

If you are sick with pneumonia or coronavirus, you may be diagnosed "Fibrosis of the lungs". What is this pathology? What are her symptoms? What is the treatment? Look for answers to these and other questions below. Read further.

What is lung fibrosis, the entire organ or site: is dangerous or not, can oncology cause oncology?

Fibrosis of the lungs
Fibrosis of the lungs

Fibrosis of the lungs - This is the pathological state of the lungs, which begins its progression, when pulmonary tissues tend to be damaged and scarred. This thickened, solid fabric makes more difficult the work of the lungs. As the pulmonary fibrosis spreads, shortness of breath is enhanced.

  • Roaxing related to the pathological process can be caused by a large number of factors.
  • If you do not pay attention to the symptoms, and do not treat pathology, then this is very dangerous and can lead to unpleasant consequences, and even death.
  • Moreover, it does not matter that such a pathology develops on the entire organ on both sides or only in a separate area.

Fibrosis of the lungs can cause oncology, so the patient should contact the doctors in a timely manner and fulfill all the doctor’s recommendations if the diagnosis is already made.

Important: Do not ignore the symptoms of this serious illness and turn to the doctor in a timely manner.

Video: What is the dangerous disease of the respiratory system?

Forms of lung fibrosis: linear, lower lobe of the left, right lung, roots, idiopathic, interstitial, local and others

There are several forms of lung fibrosis:

  • Spilled (linear) or diffuse - It grows to connect. the cloth. The disease affects the basis of the organ more often. Dense fabrics abruptly become small in size. Such a pathology is characterized by extensive defeat. Disorders of gas exchange functions begin, the processes of tissue changes in the structure of the lung occur.
  • Limited or local - Scars are usually located in the specific boundaries of a particular share. Sick tissues thicken and become small in size. The functions of gas exchange and mechanical performance of the body remains unchanged. The disease takes a long time in a hidden form.
  • Acinar - The disease proceeds rapidly, affects the acinar organs molecules.
  • Focal- With this pathology, several inflammatory foci appears at once. The defeat can be sweeping, and have clear faces.
  • Basal  lower lobe of the left, right lung - At the same time, the pathological process is growing. Fabric in the lower parts of the lungs.
  • Procornev - parts of the anatomical compound of the respiratory organs with the mediastinum (aorta, heart, pulmonary artery) are affected.
  • Fibrosis of the roots of the right or left lobe - Growing up connecting. The fabric that leads the root of the organ to poor work. It is necessary to observe the vascular system at the base of the respiratory organ, since it is subjected to the most risk.
  • Apical - the apical part is affected. Connect. The fabric becomes large and voluminous at the top of the organ.
  • Interstitial - Scars appear between alveolar partitions, as well as around the pulmonary vessels.
  • Idiopathic - Such a pathology is called pneumonia among doctors. It often happens in a strong half of humanity. It develops more often in men aged 50-60 years who smoke from youth. The disease can develop for several years. Her root causes are not fully clarified. But scientists are more inclined to the genetic and environmental factor.

As you can see, there are many forms of such a disease. It is important to know the signs of the disease in order to notice changes in the body in a timely manner. Read further.

Symptoms or signs of lung fibrosis: List

Fibrosis of the lungs
Fibrosis of the lungs

Fibrosis of the lungs can sometimes occur without any symptoms. Below are general symptoms and signs. Here's a list:

  • Shortness of breath, as a rule, is the first symptom that can develop
  • Long coughing
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Increase and curvature of nail plates
  • Loss of body weight
  • Discompletion in the chest

It is known that this disease affects primarily men and women aged over 65 years old. At first, symptoms may seem insignificant. Over time, pathology becomes more serious and dangerous for the body. Symptoms can vary from one patient to another. Some people with this pathological condition become seriously ill.

What causes pulmonary fibrosis: Reasons

The causes of pulmonary fibrosis can be divided into several subcategories. This pathology is caused by such conditions and diseases:

Autoimmune diseases:

These pathologies lead to the fact that the cells of the body attack themselves. Immunity diseases that can lead to pulmonary fibrosis include:


Pulmonary fibrosis may be the result of various infections:

Environmental impact:

If a person is exposed to a wide range of things on the street and workspace in the room, these things may lead to the development of pulmonary fibrosis. For example, smoke from tobacco contains many chemicals. substances that can ruin the health of your lungs. Other things that can harm:

  • Asbestos fibers
  • Specific gases
  • Silver dust
  • Radiation
  • Ground particles of dust


Some medical remedies can also increase the risk of pathological fibrosis. If a person takes the drugs regularly, he may need a consultation from the doctor:

  • Antimicrobials such as nitrofurantin and sulfasalazine
  • Chemotherapeutic drugs, such as cyclophosphamide
  • Heart tablets such as amiodarone

Idiopathic fibrosis:

Often the exact reason is pulmonary. Fibrosis is incomprehensible. Sometimes this condition is called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).


Few studies show that some genes are responsible for this state. But still, scientists still continue to study factors regarding the role of genetics in pulmonary fibrosis.

Risk factors for lung fibrosis: List

Fibrosis of the lungs
Fibrosis of the lungs

The risk of developing lung fibrosis increases under certain factors and conditions. Here is their list:

  • Male gender
  • Family history of this state
  • Smoking
  • Age group 40-70 years old
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Taking drugs leading to this disease
  • Passing course of cancer treatment
  • Irradiation of the chest with radiation

Professional dangers can also be for people working in a high -risk zone, such as mining and construction.

What complications of lung fibrosis are most common?

Often a complication of lung fibrosis is pulmonary hypertension. Such a state affects only arteries in the lungs. This increases the pressure in the lung veins. Some forms of pulmonary hypertension become very severe. Other most common complications:

  • Right -sided heart failure: This serious condition occurs when the lower right side of the heart should download more than usual.
  • Respiratory failure: This happens when the level of oxygen in the blood falls dangerously low.
  • Lungs' cancer It can develop a few years after the occurrence of fibrosis.

Only a doctor should diagnose certain pathologies. It is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner in order to prevent complications.

Diagnosis of lung fibrosis

The doctor can use various tools for the correct diagnostic measures of lung fibrosis and the exclusion of other conditions. They can include:

  • Pulsoximetry - This is a non -invasive test for checking the level of oxygen in a biological fluid
  • Blood tests are carried out to identify autoimmune pathological conditions, infections and anemia
  • Analysis of the gas composition of the blood can be used for a more accurate assessment of the level of oxygen in biological fluid
  • Sample Secret (sputum) can be used to check signs of infectious condition
  • Test of the functionality of the lungs used to measure the capacity of the organ
  • Echocardiogram or heart stress test used in order to see whether the problem with the heart is the cause of any of the symptoms
  • Sample of fabric or biopsy - in cases where the diagnosis is unknown
  • Ct - Computed tomography helps to notice a change in the tissues in a timely manner

By combining your clinical data and the results of a certain type of computed tomography of the chest, the doctor will be able to make a more accurate and correct diagnosis.

Video: Diagnosis of lung disease saves life

What is the average life expectancy after the diagnosis of “lung fibrosis”?

Fibrosis of the lungs
Fibrosis of the lungs

The average life expectancy of patients with pulmonary fibrosis, after making this diagnosis, can be from three to five years. Early identification of this state is a way to slow down progression. The speed with which pathology affects people's lives can vary.

Pulmonary fibrosis is a common type of lung disease that exists. It is often mistakenly diagnosed as asthma, pneumonia or bronchitis. There are several methods of conducting a biopsy. Therefore, you will need to seek help from a doctor, and he will recommend you the best procedure.

How to treat pulmonary fibrosis - how to stop the progression of pathology: effective drugs, drugs

The doctor cannot cope with scars on the lungs, but he can prescribe medications that will help improve breathing and slow down the progression of the disease. How is pulmonary fibrosis treated? How to stop the progression of pathology? Here are effective drugs and drugs:

  • Additional oxygen
  • Prednisone suppresses the immune reaction and helps reduce inflammation
  • Azatioprine given to combat a resistant system

Special attention deserves in the treatment of pathology of Longidase. More recently, pathology was treated with hyaluronidase. This drug helped:

  • Increase tissue permeability
  • Facilitate the movement of fluid between cells
  • Reduce swelling of the tissues
  • Reducing the level of inflammation
  • Increase the elasticity of connective tissues (including scars)

It is worth noting that the effectiveness of this active substance is reduced with parenteral administration due to blood serum inhibitors. But in our country they solved this problem with the help of the drug LongidaseIt has the positive properties of hyaluronidase and more stable inside the body.

Lung transplants can be recommended to patients over 65 years old with a serious illness. The doctor can also recommend you pulmonary rehabilitation. This treatment plan includes a program of exercises, training and support. This will help to breathe easier.

Fibrosis of the lungs: treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of lung fibrosis with folk remedies
Treatment of lung fibrosis with folk remedies

To prescribe treatment with lung fibrosis, consult a doctor. Only he can prescribe drugs or choose another method that will contribute to the recovery of the patient. Treatment with folk remedies can be prescribed as an addition or during rehabilitation. Only in this case it will be effective. So, here are some tips:

  • Rosehip decoction - 1 tbsp. Pour rosehip fruits with a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then pour this broth into a thermos and let it brew for several hours. After that, strain and drink during the day.
  • Anisa seeds - 1 tbsp. Pour the seeds with a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool, strain and take 1/2 cup - 2 p. in a day.
Treatment of lung fibrosis with folk remedies
Treatment of lung fibrosis with folk remedies
  • ROSEMARY Helps improve blood circulation in bronchi and lungs. Add the leaves of this plant to food or make a decoction: pour a few twigs with a glass of water, stretch a couple of hours in the oven, cool and take during the day.
  • FLAX SEEDS - Thanks to this tool, shortness of breath will pass and well -being will improve. One table. a spoonful of seeds pour 1 stack. boiling water, boil on fire, cool, strain and drink the entire glass before bedtime.
  • Herbal collection From Omela, Eleasil, hawthorn, roots of Sinyukha, Ephedra. Mix all these herbs in equal amounts. Take 1 table. a spoonful of the collection, pour a glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain and drink during the day.

In general, many herbs and fees are useful. For example, a decoction of flowers of horse chestnut - 1 table. l. On a glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, strain and drink every day 1/3 stack. - 3 p. in a day. Helps to make blood vessels elastic and dilutes blood.

Fibrosis of the lungs after pneumonia, coronavirus (Covid): Are the lungs restored completely?

There is an opinion that lung fibrosis, appearing after pneumonia or coronavirus (Covid), no longer absorbed. Who can get under the blow in this case? Are the lungs restored completely?

Pathology in coronavirus threatens patients who had a severe course of infection and who was on the Ivl. But even in this case, it does not mean that all of them in the outcome will necessarily have irreversible fibrosing. In many patients, pulmonary fibrosis after pneumonia is not formed. Their lungs are completely returned to normal life.

Video: pneumofibrosis as one of the complications of covid_19

Which doctor treats lung fibrosis?

To make the correct diagnosis, if you find certain symptoms of pathology, it is worth first to contact at least the general practitioner is a therapist. With any suspicion of this complex pathology, he will direct to Pulmonologist. This doctor is engaged in the treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory system. He will prescribe diagnostics and select suitable methods of treatment.

Fibrosis of the lungs: why not approach each other?

You can not approach each other with cystic fibrosis. This is a hereditary disease, the treatment of which is only an organ transplant. During illness in the lungs, other respiratory organs and intestines, many mucus accumulate. Bacteria can multiply in it. Therefore, a sick person must comply with a distance and wear a mask.

Respiratory gymnastics with lung fibrosis

Respiratory gymnastics with lung fibrosis
Respiratory gymnastics with lung fibrosis

There is another way to alleviate the condition with pathology, which is considered one of the simplest. Respiratory gymnastics with lung fibrosis gives a positive effect. But it is important that patients remember that before starting the exercises, you should consult a doctor. You also need to follow the rules for performing each exercise. Here are a few of them:

Respiratory gymnastics with lung fibrosis
Respiratory gymnastics with lung fibrosis

Important: At first, when you just started to do exercises, it is better to seek help from an exercise therapy specialist. He will show how to properly perform each position and how to breathe.

It is also useful to perform such a series of exercises that will facilitate breathing and general condition:

Respiratory gymnastics with lung fibrosis
Respiratory gymnastics with lung fibrosis

It will help very well respiratory gymnastics in Strelnikova. In another article on our website you will find a description of these miraculous exercises and videos for better perception and teaching gymnastics.

Prevention against lung fibrosis

In order to prevent the development of the disease, even during pneumonia or coronavirus, it is worth conducting preventive measures. Such measures against lung fibrosis include the following:

  • A complete rejection of bad habits - do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  • Strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to fully rest, avoid serious physical exertion. We need good motor activity - walk, go on a bicycle, make breathing complexes every day.
  • Normalize the psycho-emotional background: prevent depressive states, stressful situations, nervous breakdowns.
  • Eat correctly. Exclude fatty, salty, sharp dishes. The basis of the diet: cereals, fruits containing vitamin C (citrus), vegetables (spinach, pepper, tomatoes, cabbage). Include in the diet: fish, meat, milk, kefir, classic ugly yogurts.
  • Plan a therapist to prevent various pulmonary pathologies.

Progressive pathology requires constant observation and control of a specialist, compliance with mandatory medical recommendations.

Fibrosis of the lungs: reviews

Preparations for lung fibrosis
Preparations for lung fibrosis

In the reviews of the treatment of lung fibrosis, people write that various folk recipes very often help relieve severe symptoms of the manifestation of pathology. For example, people praise a decoction of flax seeds, herbal infusions and the use of rosemary. Only tablets help others.

Olga, 49 years old

She suffered heavy bilateral pneumonia. As a result, lung fibrosis. The doctor warned that in the framework of the treatment of pathology it is necessary to remember that unfortunately it is impossible to completely recover. Therefore, patients with the help of folk recipes are carried out only by supporting and symptomatic treatment that relieves the course of this disease as a whole. Others have to drink drugs for a long time. I try to be treated only with herbs.

Inna, 45 years old

During rehabilitation, I was prescribed respiratory gymnastics with fibrosis of the lungs. At first I performed exercises with an exercise therapy specialist, then I began to do it at home. Helps to recover a lot. I liked Strelnikova exercises - simple, but effective.

Christina, 27 years old

Do not neglect your doctor’s prescription, since refusal to treat can cause the patient’s deterioration. I saw this in my uncle, who refused to drink pills. As a result, pathology has grown into serious condition. They gave a forecast for only 3 years, but the aunt treated it with folk methods, and of course, he began to drink the necessary drugs. 4 years have passed, my health is normal. Now says that doctors need to obey.

Video: Fibrosis: causes, diagnosis, treatment. Health

Video: Recovery after SOVID-19. The most effective exercises from a rehabilitologist

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