How to clean lungs and bronchi from harmful substances with the help of: infusions of herbs, food, inhalations, baths, breathing gymnastics, drugs? When do you need to clean the lungs and bronchi?

How to clean lungs and bronchi from harmful substances with the help of: infusions of herbs, food, inhalations, baths, breathing gymnastics, drugs? When do you need to clean the lungs and bronchi?

From this article you will learn how to clean the lungs and bronchi with colds, smokers, with lung diseases and bronchi in the chronic stage

We know that the environmental situation is now bad around the world, the air is contaminated, and we breathe it. Some of us smoke, suffer from chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, so their lungs and bronchi are clogged with harmful substances. When accumulating toxins, lungs and bronchi must be cleaned. And how to clean the lungs and bronchi to return the previous health than? We find out in this article.

For what reasons can the lungs and bronchi be clogged with sputum?

For what reasons can the lungs and bronchi be clogged with sputum? Sputum in smoking people is especially formed. After accumulating the secret in the lungs and bronchi, a person begins to cough, and the longer he smokes, the more harmful savings he has inside. To help yourself get rid of sputum, you need to clean the lungs and bronchi.

Also, a lot of sputum is formed if a person is sick:

  • Colds and flu
  • Acute bronchitis and pneumonia
  • Chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi (pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis)
  • Astma bronchial

If a person is healthy and does not smoke, sputum also forms, but in a small amount that stands out themselves without special cleaning of the lungs and bronchi.

To clean the lungs and the bronchi need to be smokers

Signs by which you can find out that the lungs and bronchi are clogged with harmful substances?

If you have some or all symptoms, then your lungs and bronchi are clogged with harmful substances, and they need to be cleaned:

  • You have a cough or asthma
  • A lot of sputum from lungs, and bronchi, expects a lot of sputum in the morning
  • Frequent colds
  • Often there is an allergy
  • Sometimes a flux
  • Facial skin
  • Unpleasant smell from the body
If you have a cough, this is the reason to clean the lungs and bronchi

What is sputum for lung diseases and bronchi?

Sputum is a liquid or thick mucous secret in the lungs and bronchi.

Sputum, depending on the severity of the disease of lungs and bronchi, can be as follows:

  • Watery, transparent - with bronchial asthma and viral colds.
  • Thick greenish or yellowish - with purulent bronchitis, infectious pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • With veins and lumps of blood (indicates the destruction of the wall of the bronchus or lung) - with tuberculosis, a malignant tumor in a lung or bronchi, a lung heart attack.
  • Brownish in color (indicates prolonged damage to the lung or bronchus) - with pneumonia after the flu, tuberculosis.
  • Gray or black - In avid smokers, miners.

Do I need to clean the lungs and bronchi, and to whom?

If a person does not smoke, and breathes relatively clean air, his lungs and bronchi are self -cleaned. But if for some reason there are too many harmful substances in the lungs and bronchi, then the lungs can no longer cope.

The next groups of people need to clean the lungs and bronchi:

  • Those who have been smoking for many years
  • Working in harmful work related to chemical production or in too dusty workshops
  • Living in large cities with a poor environmental situation

What will clean the lungs and bronchi?

  • The work of lungs and bronchi will improve
  • You will get sick less
  • The cough will leave
  • The work of other organs will improve, since all of them are interconnected
  • Rejoice your body
  • Health will improve

The procedure for cleaning lungs and bronchi is advisable to carry out Once a year.

Smokers with experience need to clean the lungs and bronchi once a year, otherwise it may be too late

How to prepare to clean the lungs and bronchi?

If you drank an infusion of expectorant herbs for several days during an illness - this is only a small cleaning that is suitable for non -smokers. People who have been smoking for many years need to start cleaning the lungs and bronchi from the perennial clusters of tar and toxins not spontaneously, but thoroughly prepared.

What needs to be done to start cleaning the lungs and bronchi from toxins?

  • Consult a doctor.
  • Quit smoking.
  • The intestinal cleansing first cleanse the smokers with great experience, since nicotine and resins have already accumulated here.
  • If you work in harmful production, it is advisable to change it.
  • Before the procedure in a few days is not there: fatty, fried, spicy dishes; Do not drink coffee and alcohol.
  • During the purification, drink from 1.5 liters to 3 liters of pure water.
  • Part of the water can be replaced with green tea.
  • During purification, there are more vegetables and fruits with vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi, cabbage - fresh and sauer, bell pepper), drink rosehip decoction.
If you smoke for a long time, then before cleaning the lungs and bronchi, you need to consult with the doctor

How to clean the lungs and bronchi with the help of infusions of herbs?

To clean the lungs and bronchi you need to start:

  • Quit smoking
  • Do not overcool

If there is a cough, and sputum is thick and does not expect it, for its discharge, the people advise:

  1. Infusion from the leaves of coltsfoot. 1 tbsp. l. Dry leaves pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist for 10 minutes, drink 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.
  2. Infusion of herbs of plantain, thyme, luggage and root roots. Mix the herbs and roots (2-3 tbsp. L. a mixture of herbs), pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drink 1 glass, 3 times a day, filtered in the infusion.
  3. Infusion of pine cones. 2 tbsp. l. We pour chopped dry young cones into a thermos, pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour or more, drink half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. The course of treatment - so far it becomes easy to breathe.
  4. Tea from the root of the licorice. We brew the crushed roots of the licorice (0.5 tsp. Powder from the roots of licorice per 1 cup boiling water), a twig of mint, insist for 5 minutes. We drink like tea with honey.

All infusions and teas of herbs need to be drunk until a cough passes.

Attention. If you are going to clean the lungs and bronchi from many years of accumulation of toxins, this is a long path. In avid smokers, the process of cleansing the lungs and bronchi will last months. If you did not smoke for long, then you can cleanse the lungs and the bronchi can be in 2-3 weeks.

You can clean the lungs and the bronchi can be the following herbs

How to clean the lungs and bronchi with eucalyptus tea?

Eucalyptus has an expectorant, anti -inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Eucalyptus tea is well removed from lungs and bronchi, reduces the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses, will help cleanse the lungs and bronchi with colds and after them.

Tea from eucalyptus leaves: recipe

For tea, let's take:

  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 tsp. eucalyptus and honey

Pour the leaves of eucalyptus with boiling water, insist when it cools a little, add honey. We drink tea before going to bed, until you recover.

Attention. To help with eucalyptus tea help, after tea you can not go out into the cold air, and smoke.

You can clean the lungs and the bronchi can be eucalyptus tea

How to clean the lungs and bronchi with garlic?

Garlic contains allicin, killing viruses that cause influenza and colds. Also, with the help of a garlic infusion, you can clean the lungs and bronchi after smoking.

Garlic infusion: recipe

For the infusion, let's take:

  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 4 gear of garlic, crushed
  • 1 tsp. honey

Pour chopped garlic with boiling water, insist for 5-7 minutes. We drink 1 cup of at room temperature in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second glass - in the evening before bedtime.

We drink an infusion of garlic until the state of health improves.

You can clean the lungs and bronchi with garlic

How to clean the lungs and bronchi with a drink from ginger, turmeric and onions?

A drink from ginger, turmeric and onions is very effective in folk healing, with its help you can clean the lungs and bronchi with colds:

  • Ginger heals a cough, removes sputum
  • Onions removes toxins and mucus
  • Kurkumin, located in turmeric, reduces the inflammatory process in the lungs, does not allow infections to develop

Drink from ginger, turmeric and onions: recipe

For a drink, take:

  • 3 glasses of water
  • 1 small ginger root
  • 0.5 tsp. turmeric
  • 1 average, chopped bulb
  • 1 tsp. honey


  1. The chopped onion, finely chopped ginger, pour the turmeric powder with water, bring to a boil, and turn off.
  2. Let the drink brew for 5-7 minutes, and add honey.
  3. We drink a warm drink 2 p. per day, 3 days.
You can clean the lungs and the bronchi can be a drink from ginger, turmeric and onions

How to clean the lungs and bronchi inhalations?

To clean the lungs and bronchi during a cold, the following essential oils are suitable:

  • Fir
  • Mint
  • Lavender
  • Wormwood
  • Juniper
  • Eucalyptus
  • Anise

These essential oils have bactericidal and mucolytic (thinning sputums) properties.

Attention. Inhalations cannot be done to people with bronchial asthma and allergies.

Cleaning lungs and bronchi inhalations is carried out in the following ways:

  • Rubbing the chest with essential oil.
  • Breathe over the steam (in 0.5 liters of hot water drip 20-30 drops of essential oil) for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 p. for a day.
  • Inhalation with essential oil (2-3 drops of oil per 0.5 l of boiling water) through the inhaler.
  • Inhalation with food soda (1 tsp. Soda per 0.5 l of boiling water).
  • Inhalation over pots with potatoes cooked in "uniforms". We express water from it, sit comfortably, cover with a towel with your head above the pan with potatoes, open the lid a little, and breathe steam. We continue the procedure until the potato cools down.

Inhalations with essential oils are as effective as the adoption of grass infusions inside.

Attention. After inhalations, you can not talk, smoke and go out into the cold for about half an hour.

If you do not have essential oil, it can be replaced by 1 tbsp. l. The grass of the same name, brewing it in 1 glass of boiling water, strain it, and while it is hot inhalation.

You can clean the lungs and bronchi can inhalations with essential oils or brew the plant and breathe hot steam

How to clean light and bronchi with food?

You can clean the lungs and bronchi even with the help of food. What foods help to clean the lungs and bronchi?

  • Oatmeal jelly
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Horseradish
  • Hot milk
  • Kalina juice
  • Spruce or pine cones
  • Honey, propolis, parch

Milk and sour jelly: recipe

We take in jelly:

  • 1 cup oats
  • 0.5 l of milk


  1. We wash the oats, pour milk and cook, until the porridge in the pan is doubled, about 1 hour.
  2. We wipe the porridge through a sieve, from it it turned out to be half a glass of jelly.
  3. Store jelly in the refrigerator.
  4. We accept before breakfast, lunch, dinner (in 20 minutes), 1-2 tbsp. l. jelly.

Honey with wine "Kagor" and aloe juice: recipe

Let us take in the wine-honey mixture:

  • 250 g of honey
  • 300 ml of wine "Kagor"
  • 15 ml of aloe juice


  1. Mix honey, freshly squeezed aloe juice, wine.
  2. We insist in a warm place for 1 week.
  3. We drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 p. For a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Black radish juice: recipe

My radish, clean, chop, squeeze the juice from it, mix equally with honey. We drink 3-4 tsp. Half an hour before meals.

Coniferous shoots syrup: recipe

Coniferous shoots (young bright green processes of this year) from pine, we tear off from the end of spring to the beginning of summer, my, dry, put in a jar. Pour sugar and ram. We put a jar of needles in a cold place for 3 weeks. Then filter through gauze. It turned out greenish juice. Store it in the refrigerator. We drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals, about 2 weeks. It is advisable to carry out such cleansing the lungs and bronchi once a year.

You can clean the lungs and the bronchi can be syrup from coniferous shoots

How to clean the lungs and bronchi with a bath?

You can clean the lungs and the bronchi can be gone to the bathhouse, and there it is good to scraise. Doctors advise to do this to smokers, at least once a week. The fact that hot steam room removes all harmful substances from the body was known in ancient Russia.

You can clean the lungs and the bronchi can be using a bathhouse

How to clean the lungs and bronchi respiratory gymnastics?

You can clean the lungs and the bronchi can be a complex of breathing exercises. It is aimed at making more sputum gathered overnight. Exercises should be done in the morning, pre -ventilate the room in the apartment, who has a personal courtyard - then in the fresh air.

First, we make ordinary morning gymnastics for about 10 minutes, then proceed to breathing gymnastics:

  1. We stand. Stop the legs shoulder -width apart. We spread our hands to the sides and take a deep breath. Grasping the torso with our hands, hit the shoulder blades on the shoulder blades: the right hand is on the left shoulder blade, the left is on the right. Exhale sharply.
  2. Deep breath. Standing, legs shoulder -width apart, bend down. Smoothly raise the hands up, then lower it to socks. We make 3 exhalations to the devastation of the lungs.
  3. Inhale. Standing, legs shoulder -width apart, spread our hands to the sides, then we reduce and cross in front of ourselves. We make 3 exhalations to the devastation of the lungs.
  4. Standing, legs shoulder -width apart, breathe right. We put one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. We breathe slowly, we follow the stomach: when inhalation, it is drawn off, when exhaling it, it protrudes. The chest in the breathing exercise does not take part.

We do each exercise 10 times, you can not immediately, but with interruptions. The duration of breathing exercises is about 15 minutes a day. Respiratory gymnastics helps to clean the lungs and bronchi with colds, influenza, after prolonged smoking or harmful production.

After breathing exercises, we go to the bed on the stomach or sit on a chair, we hang your head down, so sputums will go better.

You can clean the lungs and the bronchi can be with the help of breathing gymnastics

How to clean lungs and bronchi: traditional medicine

Expending drugs help at any stage of the disease. If you cough, or you have purulent sputum or with blood, then the sooner you go to the doctor, the better. He will write out medicines for the treatment of the disease, and for sputum.

Expecting drugs:

  • "Mukhaltin" - consists of a plant base with food soda
  • Plant syrup "Gedelix" from ivy
  • "Sinupret" - the composition includes the flowers of an elderberry, the root of the bitterness, the leaves of sorrel, herbs: primrose, verbena
  • "Fluimucil"
  • Ambroxol
  • Tincture and syrup from licorice root
You can clean the lungs and bronchi with the help of expectorant drugs

Who is contraindicated to clean the lungs and bronchi?

Not everyone can clean the lungs and bronchi with medicines and folk potions. Here's a list of those people who are cleaning at the moment or at all contraindicated:

  • Intolerance to the drug
  • Strong exhaustion in humans
  • There is a disease with convulsions
  • Patient tuberculosis in an advanced form
  • People with bronchial asthma
  • With exacerbation of chronic lung diseases and bronchi
  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding

So, we learned to clean the lungs and bronchi with herbs, drugs, essential oils and breathing gymnastics.

Video: how to clean the lungs: asthma, bronchitis, caviar, colds, smoking, poor ecology

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