Extrovert and introvert: who is it, what is the difference between them?

Extrovert and introvert: who is it, what is the difference between them?

In this article, we will consider how the extrovert and introvert differs among themselves.

Introversion and extraversion are the main aspects in psychology, which make up a five -factor personality model. Extrovert and introvert are two opposite poles of the psychological characteristics of a person that describe his interaction with the social environment. Let's get into their essence and find out how they differ.

Who are extrovert and introvert: brief description, characteristics

To understand the differences in the extrovert and introvert among themselves, consider their features separately.

Extrovert (from lat. - external) - this is a type of personality that always finds or creates opportunities for communication with the environment, he is passionate about friendship with people. In fact, communication nourishes, and extroverts are vital. They spend a lot of time talking, eye contact. At the extrovert, energy always “hits a fountain”.

Briefly about the main thing: This was started by a generator of fresh ideas, a master of direct contact.

The main features of the extrovert:

  • Numerous broad interests;
  • Loves to communicate, talk;
  • Loves to be in the spotlight;
  • Seeks to be the first;
  • Not guided by the opinion of others;
  • Loves group work;
  • Feels isolated and devastated if it spends a lot of time alone;
  • Looking for external sources of ideas and inspiration;
  • First acts, then thinks.
It cannot stand loneliness!
It cannot stand loneliness!

Introvert (from lat. - inside, inside) is a person who is focused on his inner world. They make up for their energy alone. It is difficult for him to establish contacts with other, especially unfamiliar people. But introversion in no case is a synonym for shyness. They only consider their inner life more important than external communication.

Briefly about the main thing: This is an honest and devoted friend, strategist and chess player.

The main features of the introvert:

  • Has an internal focus;
  • It does not feel very comfortable in large companies;
  • Rarely opens up to strangers;
  • Uses logic in solving problems;
  • Carefully builds conclusions;
  • Trusts experience;
  • Rarely uses social networks for entertainment and communication;
  • Draws up short and long -term plans;
  • He says little, thinks more.
Often immersed in his thoughts and fantasies
Often immersed in his thoughts and fantasies

Important: the introvert looks into the distance - at its details, and the extrovert near the general silhouette. At the same time, the introvert does not see himself on her, he watches (like a director). But the extrovert sees and mentally even participates in the episode.

The main differences between the extrovert and introvert: comparison

The main difference is communication and attitude towards other people:

  • The extrovert has many friends, always in the spotlight, takes part in all public acts, and finds a topic for conversation in any company. He directly contacts society!
  • The introvert often remains in the background. He lets only a few friends, tested by time into his inner world. And rarely participates in active acts. Society is watching more.

Extrovert and introvert are distinguished even by appearance:

  • The first type loves bright colors, and clothes are decorative - for beauty to shine and delight the world around him.
  • Introverts prefer practical and more modest clothes that they will not distinguish them from the crowd.

Relations with colleagues:

  • Extroverts in the professional sphere often use informal tactics - it will easily treat his colleagues with candy, decorate his workplace and prepare delicious tea for a warm conversation.
  • The introvert is maximally immersed in work and isolates itself, its workplace from society. At the same time, it is more responsible for any task and its implementation. He does not disperse energy to others.

Attitude to work:

  • The extrovert will never take anything to be seriously like an introvert. An extrovert person has a carefree approach to things. Although he thinks creatively, knows how to focus on the main thing and gives good ideas. But to bring them to their lives often have colleagues.
  • Introverts can spend a lot of time on the analysis, carefully analyzing every detail. In addition, they use other areas of their brain, for example, they plan and remember well. For decision making, they are looking for as much information as possible.
Behavior at work
Behavior at work

Width or depth of hobbies:

  • Extroverts are taken a little, on the surface. But capturing a large area - width. They need impressions. Therefore, they often grab onto new cases without yet processing the previous information.
  • Introverts are more calm without variety and vivid emotions. In any task, he needs to find its essence - maximum depth. It is difficult for them to switch from one type of activity to another, because you need to carefully study and process each work.

Thoughts, words and feelings:

  • Extroverts are ready to share their thoughts and feelings with everyone. They say more than I think, support any conversation, filling it with bright emotions. But often this communication is superficial. They do not focus on experiences. In any decision, they are guided by emotions.
  • Introverts are more silent and will never chat to maintain a conversation. They are used to exploring and systematizing their thoughts and ideas. Therefore, they often experience any emotions within themselves for a long time. They are warmer than mental conversations with them. Introverts rely on the mind and always think about alternative results.
Brief comparison in the table
Brief comparison in the table

Optimism or pessimism:

  • Studies have shown that extroverts are happier than introverts. And they do not hide their emotions - in this matter they are free, because they are not afraid of the opinions of others. On the other hand, extroverts are also more prone to risky behavior and spontaneous decisions. This impulsiveness often concerns finance.
  • Introverts are more realistic at the world and will never take a rash and carefully balanced step. Although it cannot be said that they are absolute pessimists, they simply share their happiness with loved ones. For the surrounding world, they are thoughtful and calm, restrained on emotions.

Important: in life, a pure type of extrovert or introvert is rarely found! More often in nature, ambivers are the middle between two extremes, to a greater or lesser extent. Moreover, many of us can notice that in one or another we behave differently-as an extravert or introvert.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that these types of personality cannot be made on the “best” or “worst”. Each has their own pros and cons. It’s fun to spend time with some, but with others it will go on intelligence more reliably.

Video: comparing an introvert and extrovert

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  1. Thank you. Interesting.

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