Do people change for something or after something: the opinion of a psychologist, reviews

Do people change for something or after something: the opinion of a psychologist, reviews

Reasons for changing the nature of people.

There is an opinion that people do not change. In fact, this is not so, because changes occur almost every day. This is a statement of psychologists. In this article we will tell you why people are changing.  

Are people changing: Psychology

A person is inclined to change every day. After all, it is affected by the social environment, the environment. An individual who communicates with a certain group of people is inclined to adopt their habits and traditions. Accordingly, after prolonged communication, people can negotiate phrases after another, or think the same way. These factors are considered external, but are directly related to the internal characteristics of a person.

Do people change, psychology:

  • Almost all people are suggestible, and tend to imitate. In order to get closer to a certain person or group of people, it is necessary to accept their habits, gestures, and try to copy. This happens at a subconscious level.
  • Of course, internal factors and nature are most actively affecting human behavior. All personalities are different, differ in temperaments, as well as the characteristics of the psyche. If the social environment of a person is favorable, this contributes to the disclosure of human potential, as well as the nature of the individual.
  • Inside a person, the need for self -realization, self -determination is laid down, and is a kind of engine of changes. It is the desire to become better, to self -realize, drives a person, contributing to the occurrence of various kinds of changes.  

Do people change over time: psychology

People change for some specific reasons. For example, a person understands that this way of life or classes is harmful to him, can threaten life and health.

Are people changing over time, psychology:

  • A person changes if he understands that this profession does not bring income. It is necessary to change your personal qualities, habits and skills in order to earn more.External factors are a kind of motivation, and it is very poorly affected by human changes, in contrast to the internal. That is why it is much more difficult to change for someone than for yourself.
  • Egoism and pride play a key role, because most of all a person is able to do for himself, and not for someone. That is why the treatment of bad habits associated with alcoholism is much faster and easier if a person wants it himself, agreeing to rehabilitation. At the same time, alcoholics are absolutely not able to change for the sake of their wife, children, despite the fact that they agree to treatment.  
  • The main reason for the changes is the internal motivation of a person. Next, willpower enter the game. People change only if they want to do it. After all, any changes are accompanied by conscious work on themselves. Thanks to painstaking work, individuals get rid of a large number of bad habits, and character characteristics. Only thanks to work on yourself can you get rid of talkativeness, aggression, isolation, and secrecy. These are mainly character traits, and they are also amenable to adjustment. People who complain about their character are actually simply lazy, are not ready to change anything.  
Wise quotes
Wise quotes

Why does a person change?

It is impossible to change the psychotype of a person and his temperament. Indeed, from birth, each person laid certain character traits, which create the main line of behavior. Affects his environment on human development. But in general, the rod remains what was from birth. However, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to relax and go with the flow.

Why does a person change:

  • Some negative character traits can be smooth out, and try to get rid of them. As a result of constant work on himself, a person can adjust his behavior, and get rid of negative character traits.  
  • Irritability, as well as the ability to build relationships with people, is hereditary. Accordingly, people who do not like to communicate with society are quite difficult to change themselves. This does not mean that a person is obliged to sit locked up, or work at remote work.
  • If you constantly work on yourself, then even from the introvert you will get a person working in public. All character traits can be developed, and if necessary, hide. The main genetic component is the ability of people to change. Which contributes to the adaptation not only to climatic conditions, but also to a certain social environment, the standard of living.  

How quickly people change?

Repeatedly from various sources we heard that people do not change. However, psychologists and psychiatrists claim the opposite.

How quickly people change:

  • Instantly. Most often, spiritual shock contributes to internal changes. Usually this is the death of someone from close people, or the birth of a child. As a result of these events, the emotional shake is very strong, which makes us rethink life attitudes.
  • Gradually. Promotes changes in the development of consciousness. This is a kind of spiritual growth of a person who is invisible to others. A person improves himself every day, and develops his consciousness. All these changes occur very smoothly, and as a result, friends who used to surround a person disappear. This is due to a change in the worldview of man and his desires. Develops consciousness the inner experience of a person who accumulates over the years. Thanks to this, the individual looks at the world with different eyes.  

Why does a person change sharply?

Temperament is an innate quality that is difficult to change. It lends itself to adjustment as a result of work on himself. Choleric is unlikely to be able to become a melancholic and vice versa. But some of the most striking character traits can be changed or hidden. This is possible as a result of work on oneself.  

Why does a person change sharply:

  • Circumstances can change human psychology. As in the first case, this is a strong emotional experience. Promotes changes not only for the best, but also for the worse. This is usually due to moving, changing work. If a person is returned to previous conditions, then his behavior will be restored.  
  • Finance. They are also able to change a person, both for the best and for the worse. Indeed, very often in the soul of a person who has become rich, a coup occurs. People who were very greedy begin to spend money on charity.  
  • Severe loss, family disease, the death of a dear person.

Do people change for their loved ones: Psychology

The relationship between people always seems very difficult. Sometimes girls meet young people who do not meet their ideas about an ideal man. In such conditions, a woman begins to change a man, or try to do it. Which often causes a break in relations, and a large number of divorces. This does not mean that a person is not able to change. A man is able to transform beyond recognition, however, in certain conditions.  

Do people change for their loved ones, psychology:

  • There is a category of women who live with rude, despotic men with sadistic inclinations. Such men are able to arrange tantrums, wind nerves, raise a hand on a woman. The relationship is established between the man and the woman, where she is the victim, and he is a persecutor or maniac. In this case, a woman gives her energy to a man, and he eats it. In order for such a man to change, changes are needed in psychology, perception of the woman herself.
  • It is necessary that the victim ceases to give energy to the man, she is tired of the role of the victim, she is tired of living in such a relationship. A woman puts an ultimatum to a man and says that she leaves. However, do not manipulate, so makes a huge number of women. It is impossible to play “departure”, since it will soon stop working, and it is not a fact that it will work the first time. It is necessary to gain determination and change yourself.
  • It is necessary that in the soul a woman wants to stop dating this man, and live in the old way. Only in such cases a man is able to change. There are also two options for the development of events. Due to the changes in the woman and her unwillingness to give energy, the man changes, his worldview is transformed, as well as the attitude.

Sometimes a man does not want to change, but relations in the old version are no longer impossible, the couple breaks up. In approximately 80% of cases, a rupture of relations occurs. Only 20% of pairs really change for each other. This applies not only to men, but also to women.  


Why do people do not change: psychology

There are several reasons why a person is not amenable to changes.

Why do people do not change, psychology:

  • His reluctance. It is absolutely comfortable for an individual to live in such a situation and promote a certain lifestyle.  
  • A person feels very weak. He does not have enough strength to carry out some changes, as they are associated with a certain work.  
  • Wednesday and the environment holds back a person, preventing him from changing. In fact, this reason is not so important, since changes occur due to the desire of the person himself, not the environment. But the environment can affect some features of human behavior. For example, a woman wants to lose weight, but spends time in the company of relatives and friends whose remote control is. They are used to drinking unhealthy foods. Accordingly, in such an environment it is very difficult to sit on a diet, sign up for a gym. Because everything is different around. It is necessary to gradually change the environment, and do how convenient you are. Of course, in no case should you break off relations with your relatives and friends. However, try to reduce communication with them. Communicate with them only when there are no risks for you. Over time, when you lose weight, you will find like -minded people, perhaps some of the relatives will be inspired by your example, they will also want to change.  
  • The main reason for fear of a change is the fear of what others think when you begin to change. People who are confident, even somewhat selfish, always change much faster and more effective than people with a weak character.  
  • Weak willpower. Very often, after several failures, a person throws his idea. Although it is necessary to develop your willpower and character, try to fulfill the dream an unlimited number of times.  
  • Lack of severe pain. After a certain shock, a person is able to change. In comfortable conditions for yourself, there may not be a desire for change.  
  • Ignorance where to start. The most difficult thing is to start a transformation, and establish your goals. Therefore, at the initial stage of changes, it is necessary to clearly build an action plan, and understand what you want from yourself. It is very difficult to change if there is no understanding of how to do it, for what.  

Why do people change for the worse?

There are several reasons why a person changes for the worse.

Why do people change for the worse:

  • Unwillingness to perform constant work on oneself. As you know, it is always easier to degrade than to develop and improve. For degradation, there is no need to perform work on oneself. It is enough to be lazy, and follow the occasion of your desires or instincts.  
  • Environment. If a person has a specific environment, he is surrounded by dishonest people, thieves or deceivers, then it is very difficult to remain honest, true to their principles in such an environment. As a result of the influence of others, a person changes for the worse, adjusting to them. And  
  • Deception from other people. Simply put, a person is disappointed in his environment, in loved ones, relatives, therefore he does not see the point of developing and being good for someone. First of all, it should be convenient for itself.  

Do people change in relationships?

People change in relationships, and these changes can be initially invisible. Indeed, the family is the closest people who surround a person.

Do people change in relationships:

  • The habits of a spouse or spouses can significantly affect the psychology of another person, changing her. That is why colossal changes are often observed, as a result of which a person changes, both for the best and for the worse.
  • Although in 70% of cases, changes occur for the worse. Usually people tend to adopt negative features from each other. That is why people in marriage often change not for the better, but rather copy the character traits of their partner. However, there is a reverse situation, this happens in pairs in which very strong feelings and affection for each other.
  • People are ready to change for each other, fully transform the life way. This is a habit, and we notice positive changes in the lives of some people. First of all, this is due to strong feelings that overpower a person’s desire to do as it is convenient.
  • It is necessary to make a person’s desire to change, become a priority. This is very difficult to do. If partners have no feelings, strong affection, then no changes will occur. At the initial stage, there may be promises that will not lead to anything. A person is able to change only if he is very attached or loves.  
Internal struggle
Internal struggle

How does a person change when he rushes to drink?

Serious changes are visible after a person quit drinking.

How a person changes when he rushes to drink:

  • For several years, a person may remain psychological dependence, as a result of which the character changes greatly.
  • Many note that from a good and patient person, the teetotaler turns into evil, hot -tempered, and frank. This happens for several reasons. 
  • A person is simply uninteresting in the previous environment, as his interests have changed.
  • In the company of drinking people, it is very difficult to be a sober person, their conversations are not interests, they cannot interest the sober. 

Why is a person changing: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of those who are faced with changes in people. 

Why a person is changing, reviews:

Victor. I drank all my life, I had a huge number of friends. Thanks to this, he settled drunk several times. Since he worked as a driver, he did not have time to move away from constant work. On one of these days, he had an accident at work. As a result of this, he lost his workplace, and was in a coma for several days. After that he quit drinking. I am sure that only difficult life situations change people. Then I was between life and death, and God gave a second chance. I could not spend it on alcohol, constant booze and clarification of relations with my wife. 

Valentine. I got married, at the age of 17. However, my husband did not work out with my husband, since the marriage happened because of my pregnancy. The husband apparently did not walk up, and did not feel any special feelings for me. Therefore, my life was unbearable. One day I said that I was leaving, but he did not attach any importance to this. I collected things, moved to my parents. A week later he came, begged to return. I decided to give him a chance. Unfortunately, nothing has changed. Two years later, I left and did not return anymore. I am very glad that she was able to break the relationship, and change her attitude to marriage. I believe that it was not necessary to marry from pregnancy and force a person who does not love you to marry. 

Veronica. She lived with her husband for 10 years. He is a rather calm person, but recently he began to change. It’s too late to come home, justifying himself with delays at work. However, I understood something wrong. Later I found out that he has a woman. Over time, this was confirmed, he said that he was leaving. He accused me of excess weight, and unwillingness to change. I really got better during the decree, and became uninteresting. And what was his surprise during the meeting after 2 years. I lost a lot of weight, and began to treat men differently. I think he gave mepush, which allowed to change for the better. 

People are able to change more after incidents, tragedies, shocks. If fate puts a person in a complex and strict framework, life becomes unbearable, he is forced to leave the comfort zone and not to act at all as he is used to it.  

Video: Why don't people change?

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