Ambivert: Who is this, how to recognize? Who is more - introverts, extroverts or ambivers?

Ambivert: Who is this, how to recognize? Who is more - introverts, extroverts or ambivers?

Who is an ambiver? Look for an answer to this question in this article.

Everyone knows that there are such psychotypes of people as introvert and extrovert. This characterizes either too closed and detached, any, on the contrary, very sociable and ready for any dialogue.

But recently, it also appeared the concept of a psychotype - this ambiver. It has not been used at all at once, not simultaneously with the emergence of words "Extrovert" and "introvert", and only after some time, when it became clear that such a “golden mean” really exists. Read more about who the ambivers are, read on.

Ambover or Ambivert: how correctly, where is the stress put?

The stress in the word Ambiver is placed on the letter
The stress in the word Ambiver is placed on the letter "e" in the last syllable

Many people incorrectly pronounce this word. The interlocutor may not understand you, so it is important to know how words should be pronounced. "Ambotrast" or Ambivert: How is it right, where is the stress put?

The correct way to record this concept is the use of the word Ambivert. Stress should be placed on the third syllable, that is, the vowel letter is shock "E".

The meaning of the word "ambiver": an explanation

The meaning of the word
The meaning of the word "ambiver"

From the point of view of morphemics - science that studies the composition of the word - Ambivert can be represented in the form of a set of two components: "Ambi" and "Vert". Here's an explanation of the meaning of the word Ambivert:

  • First part, "Ambi", is a prefix of Latin origin, which has a synonymous meaning to concepts "two" or "both". It is found in words denoting the duality of a phenomenon.
  • The second component of the word is the root. The same -rooted words for this concept are "Extrovert" and "introvert".
  • Word Ambivert It is actively used in psychology to designate a psychotype, characterized by the development of personal qualities inherent in both extroverts and introverts.

According to the features of word formation, by the presence of prefix "Ambi", you can understand that Ambivert combines two these concepts and, thus, denotes an intermediate state between them.

Ambiver is a person who is: who is a description in simple words

Ambiver is a “two in one” person
Ambiver is a “two in one” person

From the above, it becomes clear that ambiver - This is a person who combines in his character the features of both an extrovert and introvert. It is easy to explain it. Who it ambiver - Description in simple words:

  • This psychotype combines the characterological features of the extrovert and introvert.

Depending on life circumstances, on the environment and on his own state at a particular moment, such an individual accepts the style of behavior of one of the pole characterological types.

Signs of an ambiver: Description

Signs of an ambiver
Signs of an ambiver

Among the most characteristic features of the ambiver, the following features are distinguished. Here's a description:

Alternating needs for active communication and loneliness:

  • It should be understood that the first mentioned need is a manifestation of extroversion, when, as the second, it is a manifestation of introversion.

Alternation of opposite types of behavior In various situations and the light switching between them:

  • This psychotype is characterized by unique flexibility and mobility, as it is able to adapt to people and circumstances, sometimes showing opposite aspects of character.
  • Such adaptability is the reason for the ability to successfully overcome difficulties, without serious costs and losses to get out of difficult situations.
  • Possessing a more stable character than extroverts, they, at the same time, are deprived of special fear of introverts, which, coupled, helps them at the right points to make informed and deliberate decisions.

Discomfort with too long communication or loneliness, the inability to be at one of the poles of extrovertness-intertword for a long time:

  • For this psychotype, it is important to include in activities that imply the subsequent shift to the opposite in terms of the level of activity of interaction with the outside world.

The possibility of obtaining energy from two opposite activities - Communication and stay alone with yourself:

  • That is, the ability to replenish with energy through the use of both communication channels - external and internal.

Developed sense of empathy, strong intuition:

  • They strive not to cause psychological discomfort to others.
  • Selective formation of a circle of close friends. Despite the fact that the ambivers form a wider circle of communication than intraventions, they do it more carefully than extroverts.
  • The presence of some friends in a circle of communication, considering an ambiver an extrovert, and others that notice in it exclusively introversive features.
  • That is, in a particular company and in the implementation of a specific type of activity, Ambiver is able to manifest itself as one of the opposite types on the extrovertness-intert impaired scale.

The occurrence of doubts when trying to counting introverts or extroverts:

  • When studying the theoretical aspects of introvership-examination, it is possible to attribute to yourself the features of both pole types.
  • When passing tests to determine the psychotype, difficulty can be observed when choosing the most suitable answer option.
  • Similar situations are often caused by the presence of ambiversia.

If you notice these signs in yourself, then you are a true ambiver.

Ambiver - what does this mean: characteristic in the psychology of women and men, psychotype

Ambiver - what does this mean: characteristic
Ambiver - what does this mean: characteristic

Ambiver - what does it mean? Here is a characteristic in the psychology of women and men by psychotype:

  • This type of personality is found and manifested in the same way in representatives of both sexes.
  • Women and men, who are ambients, have the stability of mental processes, mobility in communication, successfully manifest themselves as leaders.

The only serious difficulty is the inability to stay in a noisy company for a long time or in complete solitude.

Who is an ambiver: definition from Wikipedia

AT Wikipedia There is also a definition who is ambiver:

  • This is a person belonging to a group of persons occupying a middle position on the scale of introversion-examination.

Despite the fact that Ambiver combines the features of both an extrovert and an introvert, an ambiversius as a personal characteristic is a separate category from them.

Types of ambivers: a type of personality that consists of an extrovert and introvert

Ambiver is a type of personality that consists of an extrovert and introvert
Ambiver is a type of personality that consists of an extrovert and introvert

In order to study this type of personality, you should familiarize yourself with the presented pole psychotypes, among which extrovert and introvert are distinguished. Without analysis of these concepts, it is impossible to understand who the ambiver is and what types of this psychological “portrait” can be distinguished.


  • They call a person with openness, sociability and energy.
  • Such a person always seeks to be in the company of interested communicants and is extremely difficult to endure periods of loneliness.
  • The extrovert easily gets acquainted with people, however, it is often indistinguishable in choosing the closest friends or does not have them at all.
  • This type combines people prone to the manifestation of leadership qualities.
  • Extroversion is also characterized by the desire for general recognition, a painful attitude to criticism.
  • Extroverts are often frivolous, which sometimes leads to hasty rash decisions.
  • In addition, such people are usually little familiar with their own inner world.
  • Introverts are reasonable people who are not characterized by the commission of a reckless act.


  • It is a diametrically opposite psychotype.
  • It is characterized by isolation, concentration in its world, discomfort with a long stay in a noisy company, and a desire to be alone more often with oneself.
  • Introverts are calm balanced people, extremely voting in communication and in life as a whole.
  • Dating people of this type is not easy to start, with the first oncoming people they do not enter into active interaction.
  • However, if the introvert finds a suitable person, then such a alliance promises to be long, reliable and deep in quality of communication.
  • Representatives of this type do not strive to gain attention among others, preferring to stay in the shadow of extroverts.

Ambiver Combines the qualities of both personality types, varying the style of their behavior depending on circumstances, environment and their own mood.

  • Ambiver is an intermediate type of personality between an extrovert and an introvert.
  • At the same time, it must be understood that an ambiver type of personality is an absolutely independent psychotype.
  • Such a psychotype is able to relatively easily adapt to the surrounding reality, feeling comfortable both in the manifestation of extrovert features and in the realization of his personality as an introvert.

Swiss psychiatrist and teacher, Karl Gustav Jung, when delimiting the types of personality introduced by him, he paid special attention to their way of obtaining and replenishing life energy. Detailed explanation:

  • This criterion is indeed significant and defining in the study of psychotypes.
  • The extrovert draws energy from the communication process, that is, from the outside, therefore it always turns out to be interested in establishing numerous contacts and avoiding loneliness, which depletes it.
  • The introvert, on the contrary, opens the bottomless source of resources in contacting, into his own mental life - feelings, emotions, experiences in which he is well versed.
  • Ambivert combines not only the characterological features of two pole psychotypes, but also methods of replenishing energy.

Thus, people related to such a “golden middle” actively use two channels of reception of life resources - external and internal.

Ambiverta: Suitable professions

Suitable profession for Ambiver - business manager
Suitable profession for Ambiver - business manager

Ambiverses are able to interact with other people perfectly. They are have good qualities man. Due to the presence of well -developed intuition, they catch the motives of the interlocutors, very subtly feel insincerity in communication.

  • In view of their dual nature, ambivers can act as a leader, adopting the features of extroverts.
  • Also, on the contrary, to manifest themselves as a third -party participant in communication, likened to introverts.
  • Due to the developed sense of empathy, ambivers can selflessly work for the benefit of other people.

Based on all of the above, the choice of a profession associated with interaction with people can be called quite successful for the ambiver. Here is a list of suitable professions for such people:

  • Business manager
  • Manager
  • The organizer of the events
  • Shop assistant
  • Exchange worker

Ambiverses often become especially talented politicians and diplomats. A developed sense of empathy also contributes to the successful implementation of ambivers as doctors.

Work for ambivers: what is suitable?

Work for ambivers
Work for ambivers

The main advantage of ambivers is rightfully considered the flexibility manifested in social contacts. Therefore, it is not surprising that such people are advised to associate professional activities with communication. Being excellent interlocutors, ambivers are able to achieve impressive results, acting as an organizer, leader or other participant in the service sector.

However, despite the apparent simplicity of work for ambiver, one should understand some subtleties available on this issue. This is what suits such people:

  • Persons related to this psychotype is not able to adhere for a long time to the poles of the scale of introversion-extroversia.
  • They need such an organization of labor activity in which active communication with people will be replaced by periods of detachment from contacts.
  • In this case, the types of work with the periodic change in the activity of interaction with people are most preferable.
  • So, creative activities are suitable, in the implementation of which the ambiver manifests itself as an introvert.

The work can be combined with the holding of exhibitions, other public events, at the organization of which a person can act as an extrovert, linking his work with communication.

Ambiver - temperament, character traits: sanguine, chlerik, phlegmatic, melancholic

Ambiver - temperament, character traits: sanguine, chlerik, phlegmatic, melancholic
Ambiver - temperament, character traits: sanguine, chlerik, phlegmatic, melancholic

Ambiver can show features of various temperaments, types of character. As you know, they are distinguished by four types:

  • Sanguine
  • Choleric
  • Phlegmatic person
  • Melancholic

Now let's look at these temperaments in more detail, and what will be a person with one or another character trait.

Ambiver Sanguine:

  • It is a type of temperament, the characteristic features of which are balance, mobility and strength.
  • Sanguine ambivers are predominantly cheerful and friendly people with an active life position.
  • The sociability of such people makes the presence of a large number of friends, however, can lead to a superficial acquaintance with the inner world of another person.


  • It is characterized by energy, strength, unbalanced mental processes with the prevalence of excitement over braking.
  • Ambiver-chorer stands out with its emotionality, temper and inconsistency.
  • Such people react violently to the events of life that interests them, not having the opportunity to restrain themselves.
  • Under the influence of emotions, they can commit a rash act.


  • It is a type of temperament having balance, slowness and strength.
  • Illformability and calm are also manifested.
  • Ambiver-phlegmatic experiences difficulties with quick switching between activities.


  • It has such features as the imbalance of mental processes with a predominance of inhibition over excitement, weakness and high sensitivity.
  • Melancholic ambiver is characterized by inanimate, passivity and suspiciousness.

These varieties are extremely rare in its pure form, most often the temperament in humans is a combination of two or more basic types. It is worth noting the following:

  • The classification feature is the level of human neuroticism.
  • By neuroticism is understood the manifestation of anxiety, instability of mental processes.
  • With its indicators above the average, an ambiver may have a choleric or melancholic type of personality.
  • In turn, with small meanings of neuroticism, an ambiver is a sanguine or phlegmatic.

If the boundaries between temperaments are often blurred, temperament may include features of all its main types at once. This type of temperament exists with an average indicator of the level of neuroticism and is the most characteristic of ambiver.

Who is more - introverts, extroverts or ambivers?


Any person who will study the information presented above will ask the question: who is more - introverts, extroverts or ambivers? It is worth noting the following:

  • The accurate compilation of statistics of the prevalence of personality types is very difficult due to the blurry of the boundaries between them.
  • According to foreign researchers, ambivers are a group with the percentage of prevalence of about 30-40 %.

However, an increasing number of researchers express the opinion that manifestations of exclusively one pole psychotype in a particular person are rare. So, most people are representatives of the "golden mean" - ambivers.

Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert: Compatibility

Ambiver is compatible with extroverts and introverts
Ambiver is compatible with extroverts and introverts

After a sufficiently detailed lighting of the characteristics of the presented psychotypes, it is worth moving on to the consideration of the relationship between them. In this matter, a significant place is given to the idea of \u200b\u200battracting opposites. What is the compatibility between the introvert, extrovert and an ambiver? Here, this concept of the totality is really fair and finds its practical application.

  • A similar ideal compatibility occurs between an introvert and an extrovert. Such a union has its own logical justification: each of these psychotypes balances and favorably complements the existing qualities of another type.
  • Ambiver, having excellent flexibility in interaction, is able to adapt to any of the pole psychotypes, organizing successful communication.

Thus, the ambiver has excellent compatibility with the introvert and extrovert, also based on the complementary of the characterological features.

Ambivert: Pictures

If you need to make a presentation on the topic Ambivert, then below you will find suitable pictures. It remains only to make inscriptions for slides and ready. In the pictures on the topic Ambivert:

Ambivert: Picture
Ambivert: Picture
Ambivert: Picture
Ambivert: Picture
Ambivert: Picture
Ambivert: Picture
Ambivert: Picture
Ambivert: Picture
Ambivert: Picture
Ambivert: Picture

Video: 11 signs of an ambiver

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