Effective memory improvement: Japanese neurobiologist's tips

Effective memory improvement: Japanese neurobiologist's tips

Improving memory and brain activity is important for each person, since the quality of life depends on this. Read about the advice of a Japanese neurobiologist in this article.

Memory is one of the most valuable qualities of the brain. A person is proud to remember a large amount of information. It happens the other way around, what was recently is forgotten and it always upset, especially the elderly. Scientists believe that our brain is a unique and energy -intensive organ, some compare it with a computer. It contains one hundred billion nerve cells and is able to perceive information at the speed about 430 km/h.

Read the article on our website about mnemonics - memory training and a unique technique for memorizing information. You will find out what exercises and techniques for remembering information exist.

Recently, powerful computers have appeared that could contain large volumes of memory, remember and perform complex operations, but it has not yet been possible to surpass our brain with artificial intelligence. How to improve memory? Read the advice of the Japanese neurobiologist Takashi Tsukiyama in this article, who discovered unique things to humanity. You will learn what negatively affects our brain, and what helps to improve memory. Read further.

Negative effect on human brain and memory: high pressure, atherosclerosis of the vessels

For twenty years, he has been studying memory japanese neurobiologist Takashi Tsukiyama. He studied the functioning of the brain for many years. Takashi Tsukiyama He believes that very often a person himself harms his brain. The scientist identifies several factors and conditions that negatively affect the human brain and as a keepsake:

Passionate habits - alcohol and smoking:

  • Very often, a person does not want to solve problems, tries to get away from them, taking alcohol in order to relax and forget.
  • This allows you to postpone the problem for a short time, but it does not go anywhere, you still need to get out of a difficult state.
  • The most important thing is that at the time of intake of alcohol, brain cells are destroyed.
  • Speaking of smoking, it must be reminded that the use of essential oils of tobacco for a short time gives a feeling of vigor, a rush of energy, while reduces the flow of oxygen to the blood, which is investigated to the brain.


  • Obesity gradually covers the entire planet.
  • Food, useful and harmful, has become available for use.
  • Studies have shown that with increasing body weight, the human brain size decreases.

Increased pressure and atherosclerosis of the vessels:

  • Increased pressure complicates the normal course of human life, causing discomfort.
  • As with smoking, with an increase in pressure, blood flow to the brain decreases, which causes spasms, severe headaches, forcing a person to take medicine constantly.
  • It is important to control your pressure, not to bring yourself to a stroke.
  • Clogging or atherosclerosis of blood vessels interferes with the normal flow of blood to the brain, which means it prevents its nutrition.

Head blows:

  • Often, young people, playing sports, in particular football or boxing, are proud to take a pass, beat off the ball with their heads or hold the opponent’s blow without thinking about the consequences.
  • Yes, our skull is hard, but no one thinks that this is not a whole helmet.
  • The cranial box consists from 23 bonesfastened with each other.
  • With a strong blow, the bones of the skull can be mixed, pressed, injuring the soft brain.

But good brain work depends not only on these factors, but also on the person himself. Read further.

Improving memory, brain activity depends on a person

Our active life depends on the work of the brain. A person is considered alive while his brain works, as soon as he dies, doctors state death. The brain works around the clock, analyzes our emotions, feelings, perceives and processes incoming information.

Scientists believe that a person reaches the highest level of his mental abilities by thirty -five years, and after forty -five years they deteriorate. In our power to change the situation in our favor and try to restore and improve your memory, brain activity. This is in the power of man. Read further.

Effective memory improvement: Japanese neurobiologist's tips

Their works to study the work of the brain japanese neurobiologist Takashi Tsukiyama He outlined in books where he advises how to maintain clarity of the mind in order to again feel the renewed, adequate, full of strength and energy by man. Here are his recommendations, the implementation of which will lead to an effective improvement in memory:

  • Do not sacrifice your sleep

Insufficient and inferior rest worsens memory, promotes the development of neurosis and depression. In a dream, the body completely relaxes, processing and consolidating all the information received occurs. Even a short dream restores strength, allows you to more effectively solve issues, overcome problems.

  • Follow the mode

It allows you to clearly distribute the work and rest of the whole organism, allows you to configure a clear functioning of the brain at a certain time you have.

  • Do not start mental work immediately after awakening

The human brain is ready for work only two hours after awakening. Start morning with gymnastics, talk with your family and friends, take a walk with the dog.

  • Pay attention to those around you

Relatives, acquaintances, all with whom we constantly communicate, affect our condition, and even the duration of our lives. If, for example, your friends drink alcohol, then sooner or later you will also begin to use it, and, therefore, poison your body and affect your life. If, on the contrary, your acquaintances lead a healthy lifestyle, run in the morning, go skiing or swim, then gradually these classes will be carried away, and at the same time they will positively affect your health.

  • Fill your speech with comparisons (metaphors)

Especially in old age there is a decrease in intellectual capabilities. To avoid a long pause in a conversation due to failure in memory, try to add metaphors to your speech, this will finish your thought, activates the brain.

  • Take care of self -learning

Interesting information is always in demand. The Internet can solve all your problems if you want to learn something new or just understand something deeper. During training, the brain works intensively, it absorbs information, as a result of which more and more new connections arise in it.

  • Perform gymnastics for the eyes

In order for a small surge in mental activity to appear, it is necessary to regularly perform gymnastics for the eyes. It consists in changing the direction of the look:

  1. Go to the window
  2. Look at the sun
  3. Look down and look at the ground, at the road
  4. Turn your gaze to the buildings on the right and left
  5. Then look at the form floating by the clouds
  6. Try to determine the color and brand of a car passing along the road

You can do gymnastics as shown in the picture above. These exercises help relieve eye fatigue and activate the brain. Each time, set new tasks for you to focus your vision - this will not improve it, but will give a positive impulse.

  • Switch your attention

If you work in an office or do a monotonous work, then at some point a feeling of hopelessness arises. To change the situation, activate the brain, you need to switch to other activities:

  1. Pour the flower
  2. Wash the dishes and put it on the shelves and boxes
  3. Turn the pencil
  4. Then return to work again

Success is ensured.

  • Regularly fix the necessary information

If at work you have to remember a large amount of information, making enormous efforts, there is a way to change everything. Take a notebook, start writing all the incoming information in small phrases or in separate words, the main thing is to maintain the meaning of the information. Such actions will allow it to be systematized, given the opportunity to reproduce at the right time, activate the memory.

  • Use working time effectively

Our brain gets tired of a long solution to the same complex problem. To find a way out of this situation, it is necessary to distribute the time to small intervals:

  1. Sketch a small action plan
  2. Determine the expected result of the solution to the problem
  3. Outline additional sources of information
  4. Check the deadlines for the task

Do not forget to allocate a short period of time to relax.

  • Eat correctly

The life of our body largely depends on the diet. They constantly tell us that you can’t eat fried and fatty foods, it adversely affects the heart, leads to blockage of blood vessels and, as a result, to obesity. Proper nutrition lies not only in a balanced diet, but also in consumption of clean water, an attentive approach to choosing products. It is necessary to include more plant foods in your diet, not forgetting to use complex carbohydrates:

  • Legumes
  • Groups
  • Unnecessary rice
  • Higher grades of wheat
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Roots

And no one canceled compliance with the diet. Eat regularly and in small portions.

  • Regularly undergo a medical examination

A neglected disease causes irreparable harm to the whole body. Preventive medical examination, at least once a year, will reveal any disease in time at the initial stage and take measures.

  • Get rid of bad thoughts

Negative thoughts poison life, they do not allow them to relax, recalling themselves day and night, as a result of which neurosis and mental disorders arise. Drop the whole negativity, walk along the park’s alley, stay in silence, read an interesting book, breathe, enjoy your life. Positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the condition of the brain.

  • Control the absent -mindedness

If you cannot concentrate your attention on solving a certain problem, try to solve several problems at once, then you have the absent -mindedness of attention. To get rid of it, you need to focus on one problem, try to solve it without being distracted by anything else. It is also necessary to control your thoughts, performing the most necessary thing that needs to be done at the moment.

  • Make an action plan for the day

Usually many things are accumulated that must be done today. Waking up in the morning, you understand that the brain has relaxed and does not want to work, but it is necessary. And even if you get up in the morning, start work, then be sure to find what you were going, but did not do today. Take the rule in the evening to make an action plan the next day, clearly indicate the functioning of the brain. With regular planning, a positive result will not be long in coming.

  • Learn to trust others

Sometimes situations arise in life that cannot be performed without the help and support of others. Yes, do not trust everyone indiscriminately. Gather your thoughts, analyze the behavior and attitude of others to you. Not necessarily a person who can be trusted will be your friend. Gather information about the candidate for a trustee, there is nothing wrong with this, watch his actions, evaluate the character, his actions in different situations. If he disappointed, then it is worth paying attention to the other. Do not make hasty conclusions.

  • Keep everything in order

Sometimes it seems that there is an unknown in front, and there is nowhere to return back. In a dead end, it is necessary to relax and switch your attention to the implementation of simple but useful work. You can remove on the table, decompose documents on folders, can even sign each, but generally put things in order. Performing this work, you will relax, remove the tension, let the brain rest. Gradually, your thoughts will return to normal in order to solve complex problems again.

  • Train memory

In order for your memory to be clear in advanced age, it must be constantly trained. Memory training develops the brain, and therefore intelligence. To good and quick positive results will lead to teaching quick reading. Having learned rapidly reading, you will increase your intellectual level, make the brain work more efficiently. You can not do all this, but simply buy crosswords or Sudoku in a kiosk, solve all kinds of puzzles. Or maybe it’s better to play chess? Your works will not go unnoticed. The research results showed that it is enough to spend fifteen minutes a day on such brain training, which will reduce the possibility of developing sclerosis and dementia in old age.

  • Play

You often scold the child that he devotes a video of the game a lot of time, or maybe everything is not so bad. Of course, for a long time at the computer, especially children, it is not advisable, just reduce the time for games. In these classes there are also their advantages. Video games help to develop visual and motor memory, the ability to quickly find a solution to problems, navigate the reading of schemes, and also develop coordination.

In our age of technology, the Internet and the endless stream of information, the human brain is quickly exhausted and tired. Stress, fatigue, irritability haunts everywhere and it is necessary to fight this. Stop, take care of yourself.

Important: Carefully read the advice of the Japanese neurobiologist Takashi Tsukiyama described above. Drink into each word and draw the right conclusions.

Following the advice, the memory will gradually improve, you will feel ready to solve complex tasks, the commission of crazy actions. Good luck!

Video: How to improve memory? Just about the most important

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