An elderly person loses memory: what to do? What to take older people from forgetfulness, to improve memory, how to train memory?

An elderly person loses memory: what to do? What to take older people from forgetfulness, to improve memory, how to train memory?

For full activity, an elderly person needs to maintain a connection between past, current and future events. Dress in memory violate social adaptation in society.

One of the problems of the elderly is increased forgetfulness. Age -related changes in memory entail multiplied attention and partial loss of acquired skills. From memory, both details from the past and events of yesterday can be erased.

An elderly person loses memory: what to do?

  • Young people do not always devote enough attention to health problems your parents. The loss of memory cannot be underestimated. Often repeated symptoms need high -quality diagnosis and course of treatment.
  • In 5-10 % of people over the age of 65, memory decrease occurs as a result Alzheimer's disease. The pace of memory loss in older people in each case is individual.
  • Let us consider in more detail how to train memory to an elderly person and whether there are effective drugs to improve memory.
  • When the elderly person loses memory, it is necessary to use complex therapy. Proper diagnosis and timely treatment allow partially or completely restore spaces in memory.
Memory loss
Memory loss

At the initial stage, a comprehensive examination is carried out:

  • General and biochemical blood, urine.
  • Electroencephalogram of the cerebral cortex and deep structures.
  • CT scan.
  • Ultrasound Dopplerography.
  • Duplex scanning of the vessels of the brain.

The doctor prescribes means that improve memory and recommendations for the correction of lifestyle. Self -medication in failures in memory is not recommended, since irreversible consequences are possible.

Bad memory in older people, types of disorders of age -related memory: Description

Depending on the volume of forgotten information, the disorder of age -related memory is divided into several types:

  • By the number of past tense:
  • short -term memory - a small amount of information is remembered in a short period of time;
  • long -term memory - the ability to retain large amounts of information over the past period.
  • According to the ratio of events to the past and present:
  • anterogrand - events from the past are forgotten, current episodes are well deposited;
  • retrograde - daily information is not remembered, but the events of past years are well tracked.
  • By speed of memory loss:
  • gradual loss of memory - begins with a partial loss of memories of past years;
  • a sudden loss of memory is a sudden erasure of large amounts of information.
Due to disorders
Due to disorders
  • In terms of forgotten information:
  • global amnesia - a person forgets his past and does not remember current events;
  • selective amnesia - individual episodes of past events pop up in memory.
  • Visual memory loss - An elderly person ceases to recognize his loved ones, perception of an external image is possible, but the loss of contact information about a person.
  • If possible, information restoration:
  • reversible memory - as a result of the restoration of systemic deviations in the body, memory is restored.
  • unreversible memory - as a result of complex disorders in the body, memorization, processing and storage of information is violated.

An disorder of age -related memory in an elderly person often occurs against the background of alcohol dependence and as a result of a stroke. In old age, the natural loss of memory occurs gradually in minor manifestations.

How the memory of the elderly functions, and what are its types of disorders: description

  • Most people believe that Memory loss in old age It is a normal natural process. However, problems with memory in older people cannot be considered an inevitable consequence of aging. Memory disorder occurs under the influence of external factors - mental disorder, lack of physical activity, prolonged medication, etc.
  • With a full lifestyle memory retains its functions With some changes in the characteristics of the work. In a person, the reaction rate decreases, the duration of information analyzing increases, the ability to retain large volumes of information worsens.
  • Of great importance is the type of activity and lifestyle of older people. In educated old people, memory works much better.
It is important to be busy not to lose memory
It is important to be busy not to lose memory
  • As a result of studies, it was found that Elderly people have a better logical memorythan figurative. Any information in which the process of thinking is involved is better. Memory for memorizing images without a semantic load gradually weakens.
  • Multiple repetition of the material Allows you to remember the information mechanically. Discussion of new events contributes to logical thinking. The more meaning an elderly person puts in words and events, the better the information is remembered.

You can find out more about senile dementia here.

Dressing and worsening memory in older people: symptoms

  • Deterioration of memory work begins gradually. At the initial stage, a person overlooks current events. In the future, the details experienced in youth begin to erase from memory.
  • At the most dangerous stage, old people cease to remember their personal data, which completely limits their freedom of action.
  • Often a premise to development of age -related amnesia There are deviations in the work of the vessels of the brain. Repeated strokes and ischemic attacks reduce memory performance.

Memory deterioration in older people is accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • The dullness of consciousness - In a person, past and current events are mixed, attention and concentration are reduced, important points are not postponed in memory.
  • Speech disorders - severe speech dysfunction, difficulty in the selection of words when constructing a sentence, not quite coordinated phrases, inability to finish thought.
  • Scattered attention - disorientation in space and time, inadequate assessment of the situation.
  • Headachearising against the background of head injuries.
  • Unstable coordination of movements, loss of orientation in space.
  • Chronic fatigue against the background of viral and infectious diseases.
  • Involuntary trembling limbs, aggravated in stressful situations.
  • Dizzinesslimiting movement.
  • Protracted depression and apathy to surrounding events.

Memory loss is accompanied by several listed symptoms. When ignoring the problem, the elderly increases the likelihood of getting lost on the streets of the city.

Short -term, sharp loss of memory in the elderly: reasons

  • In the process of aging, the body is launched irreversible processes, which significantly worsen the quality of life. Deterioration of the central nervous system is one of the causes of impaired memory. Slow metabolism slows down the renewal of nerve cells.
  • The exchange of information between the areas of the brain occurs using neural connections. The duration of memorizing various events depends on them. The aging of the body leads to the weakening of these connections. A short -term memory loss is developing. Old people cease to memorize current events in full.
  • Reasons for memory deterioration In the elderly, to the present, they are studied by doctors. It is difficult to answer the question why in some patients the memory is partially lost, and others completely.
  • A sharp and short -term memory loss occurs for psychological and physiological reasons.
Reducing memory is not uncommon
Reducing memory is not uncommon

The group of physiological reasons includes:

  • Malaise chronic nature accompanying the patient for a long period of time.
  • Strong blows and bruises in the head of the head.
  • Violation cerebral circulation.
  • Psychoneurological diseases.
  • Lack of physical activity, prolonged stay in one position during work.
  • Delayed metabolism.
  • Unstable nutrition.
  • Excessive physical and mental stress.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Long intoxication organism.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Disease Parkinson and Alzheimer.
Memory worsens for many reasons
Memory worsens for many reasons

The group of psychological reasons includes:

  • An unstable emotional background, depression, nervous overstrain.
  • Inferior rest and as a result, overexcitation.
  • Protracted loneliness, lack of attention And care from loved ones.
  • Regular immersion in yourself, renunciation of reality.
  • Monotonous lifestyle.

Dressing and worsening memory in the elderly: Treatment

The restoration of failures in memory begins with the elimination of deviations in the work of the whole organism, leading to dysfunction of the brain. In addition to taking drugs, elderly patients are important to maintain general health with the help of healing measures:

  • Physiotherapy on an ongoing basis.
  • A balanced diet with a high content of vitamins, trace elements.
  • High -quality night relaxation.
  • Rejection of bad habits, in particular, smoking and excessive drinking.
  • The development of intelligence, social participation in society.
  • Passing the annual examinations And the delivery of general tests.
  • Daily control of blood pressure readings.
  • Maximum removal from stressful situations.
You need treatment
You need treatment

If the failures in memory progress, then it is recommended:

  • Once a week discuss with the patient his biography.
  • Fix daily events in the diary in order to be able to restore information in a difficult situation.
  • Daily on foot overcome distances in the fresh air.
  • Diversify therapy with lessons drawing, singing, music.
  • Discuss the common events experienced, watching the film and the book read.

It is very important to maintain mental activity. It’s never too late to study new, the main thing is to exclude heavy loads. A competently compiled daily routine will help observe all of the above conditions.

What to take older people from forgetfulness, to improve memory, how to train memory?

Preparations that improve memory affect blood circulation and processes associated with concentration, attention and perception. Improve brain function with simple drugs that have no contraindications:

  • Plant drug Ginkgo biloba -improves blood circulation, neutralizes free radicals destructive cells.
  • Amino acid Glycine -provides protection of the nervous system.
  • Omega 3 -for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Vinpocetine- Promotes to improve metabolism in the brain. The restriction for admission is the arrhythmia of the heart.
  • Vitamins C and E - neutralize free radicals.
  • Nootropics- improve intracellular metabolic processes.
  • Vitrum Memory - A plant drug that prevents oxygen starvation.
  • Aminalon- Envals the dynamics of nervous processes, removes toxins from the brain.
  • Bilobil- Envals intellectual abilities, normalize sleep, eliminates unnecessary fears and experiences.
  • The memory of memory affects b vitamins deficiency and folic acidso they also need to be included in the diet.

For an elderly person with signs of developing amnesia, it is necessary to make a proper diet. The menu should have the first dishes on meat or fish broth, a large number of stewed and fresh vegetables, fruits.


The following products positively affect improvement of brain activity:

  • Puffed carrots with a steamed raisin flavored with sour cream.
  • Black chocolate in small quantities.
  • Seeds, walnuts.
  • Crushed horseradish.
  • Dairy.
  • Sea cabbage.
  • Baked and fresh vegetables.
  • Fresh and dried fruits.

It is necessary to systematically train the memory of older people, stimulate the process of memorization, for example, to propose sorting out a set of words into groups (insects, figures, colors). Stimulation of memory with regular exercises allows you to align the performance of memory.

  • The use of lists, reminders, the correct organization of the day allow you to compensate for the forgetfulness of the elderly.
  • It is very important to approach the problem comprehensively - to combine drug treatment, proper nutrition, uniform physical activity, and cognitive stimulation.

Drugs, tablets to improve memory in older people

  • To prescribe drugs, first of all, it is necessary install the stage of the disease. Restore memory by impact on brain activity.
  • Table products help to stimulate the nervous system. Taking drugs allows you to restore the active transmission of nerve impulses, which in turn helps to improve memory.
  • To adjust behavioral disorders allow antipsychotics. Preparations reduce excessive excitement, normalize mental disorders.
  • Overcome depression and apathy Antidepressants help. Effective result is have drugs based on fluoxetine, mianeserin, etc.
  • For a good rest of the body and the restoration of the forces spent, sleeping pills are prescribed.

Effective tablets to improve memory in the elderly:

  • Pentoxyphillin or tricental - Restore blood circulation in the brain.
  • Gliatilin, pyracetam, actovegin - prevent the destruction of brain neurons, improving the interaction of the nervous system and brain.
  • Glycine, memantine - They have a favorable effect on cognitive functions, help to better remember information.
  • For the treatment of vascular diseases, overcoming depressive disorders, increasing resistance to adverse factors, doctors prescribe a course of intravenous injections Cerebrolysina.
  • With repeated memory disorders, patients are prescribed Tanakanaon a long or permanent basis.
  • Medicines have a number of side effects, so the patient should be under supervision.

How to train memory to older people: exercises

  • To train the memory of the elderly, the participants of the open university of Skolkovo developed vicium simulators. For each patient, an individual program containing a large number of games and exercises is selected. The computer program fixes the learning process and gives out the statistics of the progress of learning.
  • Vicium Brain Semenses help to develop imagination, thinking, memory. Allow the elderly patients to preserve the function of mental work.
  • On the Internet, vicium simulators for the brain for free are presented. Part of the exercises help to recover after traumatic brain injuries and strokes.
  • Each game and exercise are adapted for a certain set of functions and have a scientific explanation.

How to train the memory of older people using simple exercises:

  • Mirror display of drawings - We visually divide the paper sheet into two parts. With our right hand, draw the figure in the right section of the leaf, repeat the pattern on the left side of the leaf with your left hand.
  • Visual recovery of the image - Close your eyes and concentrate on the image of a person you know. Stop in all facial features in turn. Imagine his voice, familiar movements, style of clothing.
  • We turn words into sentences - What are five items around you. Connect them into sentences with meaning. A consistent story should turn out.
  • Change habits - Try to spend the day with a new daily routine in which it will be the other way around. Prepare a new dish, become left -handed, make exercises with your eyes closed, examine the new streets of the city.
  • Color training for the brain - Using colored pens, write the names of colors without color correspondence and name. For example, blue write blue with a yellow pen, etc. At a fast pace, voice the real color of each word, ignoring the meaning of the written.
Color practice
Color practice
  • Make a permutation more often and change the state of things - A kind of charging for the brain. In the process of getting used to a new environment, you will have to recall where and what lies.
  • Conservative chain - Write several dozen words, read them several times. Reproduce the sequence of remembered words in accordance with the order of writing.
  • Studying of foreign language - Start teaching words in any foreign language. Get a dictionary for repeating the learned material.

Instead of reading the usual literature, acquire books that train memory. Trained memory retains its functions for a longer period, each of the exercises develops a specific type of memory, therefore it is useful to perform from a complex.

Memory tests in older people

A test for memory helps to evaluate the work of memory in older people. Consider several testing options.

Test for memory No. 1.Read the written 25 words for 60 seconds. Over the next 5 minutes, write down on a piece of paper all the words that you remember.

Wheat, road, door, quarter, train, cartoon, perfumes, notebook, drawing, travel, week, island, Tunisia, man, herbarium, motorcycle, square, illusion, woman, taxi, stomach, music, dish, medal, forget -me -not.

  • Reproduction of more than 20 words indicates phenomenal memory.
  • Removing 13-20 words suggests that you can rely on your memory, but you need to regularly stimulate the activity of the brain.
  • Less than 10 words indicate your pathological carelessness.

Test for memory No. 2.Write a list of contacts from your phone. 5-10 numbers are enough. Memorize them as a keepsake. Try to repeat and write them down on a new leaf without a hint. Return to this list the next day, a day later.

  • If you were able to write most of the contacts correctly, then everything is in order with your memory.
  • If the confusion in numbers begins already with 4-5 characters in the room, it is obvious that you have problems with memory.
  • If after a while you cannot remember a single number, then you only have a short -term memory.

A more detailed memory test in adults can go online on the Internet.

Another test
Another test

Dressing and worsening memory in older people, pills for memory to older people: reviews

Reviews about the worsening memory of the elderly:

  • Vladimir, 25 years old.My grandfather suffered a stroke. To improve brain function, the attending physician prescribed him the drug Biotredin. A few days later, grandfather began to think better, thoughts stopped getting confused, mental activity began to recover.
  • Anastasia, 65 years old.After 60 years, the first forgetfulness began to appear. To improve the work of memory, I prefer natural drugs. I take phytocerebrailizin-F, a drug based on ginkgo biloba. It helps to remember more information and puts the porridge in the head on the shelves.
  • Maxim, 55 years old.After 50 years, the first apathy, a breakdown and a deterioration in memory of memory began to appear. To maintain health, he began to play sports, perform daily walks in the fresh air, revised the diet. Immediately felt a surge of energy and improvement of mental activity. For freshness and clarity of thinking, I accept dietary supplements nootropic. In my free time I solve crosswords and solve logical problems.

Video: Is this dementia memory loss?

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Comments K. article

  1. Age -related memory disorders should not be afraid, according to statistics, they are found almost once. The question is how much you can slow down and reduce. The therapist said that it depends solely on my efforts. Well, I take the appropriate measures: I drink a ginkoma for good memory, I read a lot, I even undertook to pull up English. While the information is remembered and studies wonderful, I will continue in the same spirit.

  2. Well, the first thing that comes to mind, if for memory, is ginkoma. This is a great medicine that helps to establish mental activity, including memorization. Does this due to work with cerebral circulation, so it eliminates the cause of the problem, and not the consequence

  3. We begin to drink medicine, because the adult has so much pledged that nothing will help. Plus blood vessels, poor blood circulation also play a role. For a long time I did not want to accept this and tried to pump my brains with exercises and classes, but in the end I gave up and simply drank a reconnect in the course. The head earned better, dizziness passed and the pressure returned to normal.

  4. not bad

  5. I read many articles on the Internet .. and asked myself a question .. why are all those medicines that advise on the Internet ... Doctors do not prescribe in the clinic .. only coincidence is ordinary glycine .. with which there is no sense ???

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