Bad memory of a child: reasons - what to do? Drugs and classes to improve memory in children

Bad memory of a child: reasons - what to do? Drugs and classes to improve memory in children

The causes of poor memory in the child. Review of medicines and classes to improve children's memory.

In the past few years, the load on schoolchildren has increased significantly. This is especially applied by first -graders who, until recently, went to kindergarten, and had no idea that they would have to attend school. In this article we will talk about poor memory in children, as well as ways to improve it.  

Bad memory of a child: Reasons

It is worth noting that many children, or rather their parents, do not know about the poor memory of the child before he enters first grade. After all, it is at this moment that the number of tasks increases, therefore it is very difficult for the child to concentrate and prove himself as best as possible. There are several main reasons why a child can suffer from poor memory.  

First grader
First grader

The reasons for the poor memory of the child:  

  • Incorrect daily routine. The fact is to activate all brain centers, make memorization more simple, there is no need to put pressure on the child and load it with constant cramming. Try to make loads with alternation. That is, alternate physical as well as mental activity. Accordingly, the best option would be to deal with lessons for about an hour, then go for a walk or some section where a child can work out with physical exercises, running, or strength training. This is the optimal schedule. Pay attention to the time of falling asleep, as well as the awakening of your baby. Very often bad memory can be due to the fact that the child does not fall asleep well or to go to bed late. Accordingly, he lacks the amount of sleep, because of this he cannot concentrate and work productively during the day.  
  • Insufficient vitamins and minerals. The fact is that some vitamins, as well as trace elements, contribute to improving memory. Accordingly, their deficiency can provoke poor memorization. In this case, it is necessary to periodically give the child vitamins, as well as revise his nutrition, in the direction of increasing the number of useful products. Give preference to fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and meat. Do not forget about dairy products. You can not give a child a variety of fast food and sweets. Although there will be nothing wrong with two sweets. After all, quick carbohydrates in the form of sugar are an excellent source of brain nutrition. They will be very useful when the child is a little tired, and will help to include brain centers in the work.  
  • Insufficient memory training. That is, the child is pedagogically neglected. Most often, this is manifested in children with a bad speech. Indeed, the development of speech indicates how well the child’s memory develops. If the child speaks poorly, swallows words, it is difficult for him to express his thoughts, he thinks for a long time he wants to say. Most likely there are some problems with memorization and memory.  
  • Another reason for poor memory in a child may be neurological disorders. Most often this is due to severe births, cesarevs, as well as the prematureness of the child. Most often, such children, immediately after birth, are registered with a neuropathologist, and give drugs that stimulate brain activity. Accordingly, if you have no special problems in childbirth, but the child suffers from poor memory and all classes do not give any result, it makes sense to contact a neurologist. A really experienced specialist can prescribe drugs that stimulate the brain and help your child in learning.

IMPORTANT: It is best not to delay this, because over time, these problems will become much more serious and it will be difficult for a student to absorb a large amount of information. Indeed, and precisely starting from the kindergarten, in the elementary grades, the child’s memory is formed in order to prepare him for further learning.  

At school
At school

Bad memory of a child: types of drugs and their effect

Initially, you need to try to improve the child’s memory with training. There are whole complexes for this. The easiest option is to learn poems with children. This method is best suited for kids who go to kindergarten. By the way, this will be a good training for further preparation for school. Well learned poems, the child quickly remember the alphabet and learn to read.

However, if such methods do not give a result, and you have not moved from the dead point, the baby is still very difficult to memorize poems, and the small quatrain learns for several hours, then it makes sense to turn to drugs. It is worth noting that a huge amount to improve memory, their action can be based on different substances. The safest, harmless, special vitamins are complexes for memory. They contain a large number of minerals, and trace elements, as well as vitamins that contribute to memorization.  

On learning
On learning

Types of drugs with poor memory in a child:

  • In memory improvement will help soothing drugs, antidepressants. You will ask what the relationship of these drugs will help in improving memory? The fact is that scientists have established, people who arrive in depression really suffer from a worsening memory. This condition negatively affects the memorization and the functioning of the brain, all systems in the body as a whole, worsen. Accordingly, if the child suffers from depression, bullying or persecution is observed at school, then, of course, it is best to give the child antidepressants and eliminate the annoying factor. In addition, such drugs can act a little differently. Now, for this purpose, herbal infusions are given, as well as special plant components. Many of them are really able to significantly improve memory.  
  • Substances that affect the work of the brain, improving its activity. Most often, such drugs are prescribed for traumatic brain injuries, strokes, coronary disease. They are often given when recovery after concussion. However, these drugs are popular with a neuropathologist if the poor memory of the child is due to some kind of disease. In particular, this can be increased intracranial pressure, birth injuries, as well as some organic brain lesions. Perhaps the child suffered and hit his head greatly. In this case, these drugs will really help improve blood circulation in the brain, which will also improve the child's memory.  
  • It is worth noting that drugs that stimulate the brain, Sold exclusively according to a doctor's prescription. That is, they are not on free sale. But they are not recommended for children who do not suffer from neurological ailments, diseases. However, if the child has any indications for admission, then it is necessary to contact a neurologist. However, this most often happens in exceptional cases when the child has really serious problems with memorization, and within two hours he cannot remember the quatrains. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary to sound the alarm. We advise for your child who is absolutely healthy to use drugs based on medicinal herbs.  

Bad memory in a child: drugs

Review of drugs at bad memory of a child:

  1. The ginkgo-bilobe extract has proven itself, the drug is called Bilobil. The ginseng extract is well affected. It is also a pretty good tool and stimulates the brain. In general, ginseng improves the work of the whole organism and strengthens all systems.  

  2. One of the most effective drugs for depression is Glycine. This is nothing more than a sedative that improves the brain, due to the fact that calms the body. Accordingly, the drug makes sense if the child is very nervous, suffers from excessive loads, and is also in a state of depression. It is also prescribed to infants, if the child was born premature, as a result of this, he is very poorly sleeping, constantly cries and nerve tics are observed. In this case, this drug is really indicated.  

  3. Medicines that improve the functioning of the brain and stimulate blood circulation in it. Most often, such drugs are prescribed after traumatic brain injuries or as a result of very severe births. These drugs should not be purchased independently. Most often, they are sold according to the recipe, so it is unlikely that they will be purchased. They are most effective, shown only if the child has some kind of neurological violation. Among them can be distinguished Cortexin. 

  4. Intellane. This is a combined tool that contains extracts of plant plants. That is, there are no chemical, artificial substances in it. The drug contains ginkgo biloba and five more extracts of various plants. In general, the drug has a sedative effect, and also helps to improve blood circulation in the brain. Indeed, it is recommended to children who are behind development, they learn poorly. Since the drug is completely vegetable, only positive effects are observed from it, and there are practically no contraindications.  

  5. Piracetam It contains the substance of the same name, which is a synthetic analogue of aminomatic acid. Due to the effects of this drug, the vessels of the brain expand, susceptibility to different nerve impulses is reduced. Accordingly, the child thinks faster, remembers information. This drug is also recommended to be used before exams, with strong educational loads. The drug is also prescribed for older people to reduce the manifestation of sclerosis and other diseases associated with memory worsening.  

  6. Biotredin. This drug contains amino acids that improve the activity of the brain. Do not be scared by reading in the instructions that this drug is prescribed in the treatment of alcoholism. Yes, indeed, this medicine is prescribed to patients with alcoholism to restore and improve the function of the brain. However, the drug also has the appointment of adolescents, as well as children under 15 years of age, with excessive fatigue and memory worsening. Amino acids that are part of the drug also improve the condition of the brain, improving blood circulation in it. In addition, the drug is distinguished by a sedative effect and relaxes the whole body in general.  

  7. Cerebrolysin. This drug that is sold in the form of injections is a kind of ambulance to improve the function of the brain. Most often, injections are used for traumatic brain injuries, after a stroke or serious brain lesions. This drug should definitely not use absolutely healthy schoolchildren who suffer from increased fatigue. However, this is an excellent drug, if the child suffers from neurological disorders and organic lesions of the brain, nervous system.  

  8. Phenibut. This drug refers to psychostimulants, nootropic drugs. It is worth noting that it is prescribed in case of a decrease in memory, poor learning, as well as with increased anxiety. Most often, the drug is prescribed in the presence of nerve ticks, a deterioration in learning, as a result of enuresis, with stuttering, children after 8 years old. In general, the drug is sedative, and stimulates the brain, improving memory. The drug should not be used without a prescription. This is a medicine that is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and is taken according to indications. Most often, the drug is prescribed in the case of the presence of nerve ticks in a child, against this background, memory decreases. Absolutely healthy children are not necessary to give such a drug.  

  9. Carakson. The preparation contains citicolin. This is a substance that helps improve the brain. It is most often prescribed after traumatic brain injuries to improve brain function. In addition, it is prescribed for degenerative disorders in the functioning of the brain and the death of part of its cells. The drug is recommended after strokes, it is also shown to children who suffer from reduced attention syndrome, and are very poorly trained. Most often, this drug is prescribed after neurological disorders that were noted in childhood. It helps to improve the functioning of the brain, also prevents the deterioration of the situation. The drug is sold in the form of an injection, as well as syrup for children.  

  10. Somazin. This drug also contains citicolin, that is, it is an analogue of the previous one. They are prescribed for violations of memorization, as well as memory worsening. In addition, it is given after traumatic brain injuries to improve the brain and reduce traumatic syndrome. The drug is sold in the form of Sasha, as well as syrup. The drug is not prescribed for children, but neurologists give this drug even to babies under the age of 1 year. The drug stimulates the brain, also helps to significantly improve memory. Most often used in the treatment of children who have neurological disorders, because of this and suffer from a worsening memory.  


Bad memory of a child - what to do?

Bad memory of a child - tips:

  • If you do not want to give medications to children, you can try to improve it with special classes. If you see that your child captures some specific information much better, try to give it in this form.
  • It is not a secret to anyone that some children really have a better visual memory, while others, on the contrary, are much more effectively perceived by information on ear. That is, auditory memory is much better. Depending on the susceptibility of the child, choose the method of presenting the material.
  • That is, if the child has visual memory, then give him information in the form of some drawings, letters, printed text or some presentations. If the child has a developed auditory memory, try to speak more and read aloud.
  • Ask him to pronounce everything out loud when completing the tasks, as well as read the tasks aloud, so that the ears are caught in the information. It is worth noting that to improve memory with the help of exercises, a complex is performed, as well as special classes. If possible, give the child to the center of memory development. If not, he can engage in home on his own.
Bad memory of a child
Bad memory of a child

How to improve the child’s memory: tasks, methods

As for preschool children, it is best for them to present information in a playful way, as well as develop memory with the help of poems, tongue risk, interesting counters. Start with the simplest and cheerful. It can be some ditties, songs, poems. Everything that is to study in the kindergarten is done not just like that, but with the aim of developing the child’s memory and stimulating the functioning of the brain. This is a kind of preparation of the child for school.

Tasks for poor memory in a child:

  • The child can really grasp the information badly, but you should not be upset. The simplest option is the use of quatrains. Say the quatrain several times, and, starting the third time, ask the child to finish the offer. Make the child first pronounces the last word in the line, then the last two words in the line, and then three. Thus, the child will be able to completely master the whole poem.  
  • Oddly enough, the development of dancing also contributes to the development of memory. The simplest option is the dance of small ducklings. What does the dance have to do with memory? The fact is that in the case of studying dances, the visual memory of the child improves, and his attention is focused precisely on movements. Accordingly, the child captures oscillatory, progressive movement of the arms and legs, and will be able to play them. If a child does not remember poetry poorly, try teaching him dancing. This really helps to improve memory.  
  • Tell the fairy tales to the child. Try to ask somewhere in the middle or first to ask what the baby thinks about the protagonist, how he represents him. Such small digressions really contribute to improving memory and memorization. Next time, the child will be able to clearly tell you what the fairy tale was about, who is the main character. Tell the fairy tale about the gray wolf and a red cap, then ask what color the wolf wool was, the cap of the main character of the fairy tale. Attention to details is also developing in the child’s memory.
  • Try to ask the baby what he did in the garden during the day, what he ate today, and remembered. Dressing the child in a kindergarten in the morning, in school, focus on the color of underwear or some details depicted on swimming trunks. When the child comes from school, ask if he remembered what color he has the swimming trunks, what is depicted on them. Oddly enough, it really works, and helps to train memory. In addition, be careful and focus on the details during the weekend or during time at home. Ask where he left his things, how the wheels are versed, and what color was the bus on which they drove today. This all helps to concentrate attention and improve memory.
Classes with a child
Classes with a child

No matter how strange these methods may seem, but by the beginning of the school year the child will really show good success in memorization. Children whose parents focused on details and trifles, really quickly learn to read and are easily trained.  

Video: Bad memory in children

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Comments K. article

  1. First of all, the memory must be developed. We still teach poems from the garden, play words (develops auditory memory). But vitamins should not be ignored either. For example, Vitamins of Multi+, mine really likes. Moreover, you can even use in the form of encouragement, for a correctly guessed riddle, for example.

  2. And we give a child a baby formula of Mushrooms Multivitamins- and the son is very satisfied, because it is tasty and the shape is cool. And my husband and I are calm, since the memory really became better. Previously, there were terrible problems with this, the academic performance ... The teacher scolded ... now only praises) the five appeared)) Of course, without intellectual games for the development of memory and attention it is not possible ... but still)), it is not without reason that they say that it is important from all sides to solving the problem to approach, whatever it may be)

  3. Informative article. Omega 3 and Gingko Biloba gave her child.

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