How to improve memory after 50 years: drugs, vitamins, exercises for training, recommendations, reviews

How to improve memory after 50 years: drugs, vitamins, exercises for training, recommendations, reviews

Ways to improve memory after 50 years.

Memory deterioration is a common problem among people of mature age. This happens for a number of reasons that depend not only on age, but also of the ailments. In this article we will tell you how to improve memory after 50 years.

Ways after 50 improve memory

Initially, in a healthy person who leads an active lifestyle, regardless of age, memory remains at the same level. However, in most cases, people after 50 years develop a decent number of additional ailments that can affect the brain. Among them, diabetes, vessel atherosclerosis, head injuries, Alzheimer's disease can be distinguished.

As you can see, most people after 50 years old really suffer from atherosclerosis, and those patients who are fighting with diabetes mellitus receive bad vessels as an additional bonus. This is due to the fact that with diabetes, the whole body works incorrectly, so part of the nutrients and oxygen simply does not enter the brain. Because of this, oxygen starvation is observed, which negatively affects the work of the brain, in particular memory. However, this does not mean that there is no need to develop memory and fight for health.

Married couple
Married couple

To improve memory after 50, the following methods are used:

  • Medications
  • Special exercises
  • Sports
  • Proper nutrition
  • Regular medical examinations

How to train memory after 50 years?

The implementation of all recommendations will allow you to preserve memory and sober mind until the end of your life. Many will ask how physical activity and proper nutrition affects the state of memory? In fact, the value is huge, since a large amount of fats and simple carbohydrates increases the blood cholesterol, which increases the possibility of blood clots, as well as atherosclerotic plaques.

In addition, if you are at risk, it is necessary to take aspirin preparations for liquefaction of blood, because it is thick blood that causes brain atherosclerosis. As developing games, associations and memorization of objects are often used very often.

How to train memory after 50, Exercises for memory development after 50 years:

  • Association game. It is necessary to lay out several items on the table, turn away for 10 seconds and remember them. Now, after 10 seconds, it is necessary to turn and try to describe each item as quickly as possible.
  • Solving crosswords, as well as puzzles. Indeed, many specialists of neurologists advise older people to solve crosswords. This stimulates the brain and improves memory.
  • Pronunciation of the alphabet. You must try to say all the letters of the alphabet very quickly. Further, the exercise can be complicated, and come up with a word for each letter. For example, a - watermelon, b - drum, c - Venus. Try not to make intervals with a length of more than 10 seconds.
  • Besides, It does an excellent job improvement, But not in the usual order, but on the contrary, that is, from the end. Besides, it is recommended to learn foreign languages. Try to learn a few common words using a phrasebook.
  • It is best if one of your friends knows a foreign language, and you can practice with him in colloquial speech.
Active people
Active people

How to strengthen memory in age?

Another great option strengthen For the elderly, their grandchildren are. Together with grandchildren, it is necessary to teach a variety of poems and nursery rhymes, also songs. Try to get a children's book on the arrival of grandchildren every time and try to tell it from memory. To begin with, you can read the text several times, and then try to retell it, holding the written as much as possible.

Play with young children more often and communicate more with youth. It is believed that elderly people who often communicate with young people have a more sharp mind and memory. This is due to the fact that young people are developing rapidly and using new technologies. Accordingly, people aged can also easily use newfangled gadgets, iPhones and laptops.

There are many drugs that improve memory in elderly people. To improve memory, only training, especially if there are concomitant ailments that worsen the functioning of the brain. Accordingly, first of all, it is necessary to try to get rid of the reasons that provoked memory deterioration. It can be atherosclerosis, diabetes and alzheimer disease.

With such ailments, taking certain drugs is simply required, in addition to drugs that improve memory. Thus, a deterioration in memory with these ailments is a consequence of the disease. Therefore, if there is no appropriate treatment, then there will be no results from improving memory, and drugs for its stimulation are not enough. How to improve memory in children can be recognized here.

Rest for memory
Rest for memory

How to improve memory after 50 years: drugs

Basically, people after 50 years are prescribed not herbal preparations saturated with vitamins and minerals, but by drugs that stimulate the functioning of the brain and contribute to a good flow of oxygen to cells. Below is a list of the most common drugs for memory for people after 50 years. You can find out more about vitamins for memory here.

How to improve memory after 50 years, drugs:

  • Glycine. This is one of the most inexpensive drugs that are used even in infants. Including the medicine is effective in relation to the elderly. It calms the central nervous system, improves mood, helps to fight depression, and stimulates the brain. Thanks to this, a dream improves, which helps a person sleep, feel rested and better concentrate on specific issues.
  • Pantogam. The medicine is common, can also be prescribed even to infants. Improves the flow of oxygen to the brain. Very often used for atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain. It can be prescribed in hospitals, in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries.
  • Somazin. The composition of the drug contains certain substances that stimulate blood circulation in the cranial box. Thanks to this, it is possible to fill in the gaps and restore the connection between all nerve impulses. Thanks to this, well -being improves, and in general a person feels more cheerfully, memory improves, headaches disappear. The tool is often used for traumatic brain injuries, as well as in the disease of the central nervous system, including with atherosclerosis of the vessels and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Tanakan. These are drugs made on the basis of plant extract of ginkgo bilobe. Due to this, the medicine is as effective as possible, while it has a small number of side effects. It is often used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, with constant ringing in the ears. Basically, the effectiveness of drugs is tested in people who suffer from a violation of the connection between cells in the brain. Often the drug is prescribed for damage to the brain, including as a result of age -related changes. Unlike previous drugs, this medicine is made on the basis of plant extracts.
  • Piminon. This is one of the most effective drugs that are used to improve the brain. The drug has shown itself perfectly as part of complex therapy in the treatment of strokes. At the same time, older patients are often prescribed, as it helps not only to improve blood circulation in the brain, but also to calm the patient, that is, it shows the properties of the antidepressant. A prescribe the drug both independently and as one of the agents for complex therapy.
We improve memory
We improve memory

Reviews of drugs to improve memory after 50 years

Reviews of various people differ, since everyone suffers from a certain ailment.

Reviews of drugs to improve memory after 50 years:

Oksana, 52 years old. It became recently suffering from a deterioration in memory after she suffered a stroke. It was restored for a very long time, the doctor prescribed Somazin. I took it in the form of a syrup. Unfortunately, he did not suit me, as an allergy poured out. An analogue with the same active substance helped me, I almost completely recovered, and my memory improved significantly.

Alexey, 58 years old. I never suffered a decrease in memory, but for the past two years the condition has worsened. This happened after my retirement. No wonder they say that people who work a lot until old age live longer. Headaches began to appear and atherosclerosis found. I take a lot of drugs, I can note that to improve my memory, the doctor prescribed me a drug with an extract of ginkgo biloba tanakan. I am delighted with the medicine, as it is very effective and really helped me establish health, as well as improve my memory.

Vyacheslav, 55 years old. I work as a leader, so I have to remember a lot of information. Of course, I have a diary, but I also train my memory. Now I am taking curakson. This is a drug that is often prescribed after accidents and brain injuries. I was appointed a neurologist for prevention. To be honest, I was very afraid to take the medicine after reading the instructions. He calmed down when I found out that the drug was often prescribed to newborns to improve blood circulation in the brain. Personally, the drug helped me, I feel assembled, my memory really became better.

Memory deterioration
Memory deterioration

As you can see, there are many ways to improve memory even after 50 years. This can be done using exercises, training, as well as taking drugs. Excellent results help to combine all methods.

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Comments K. article

  1. Good exercises, thanks, it will be necessary to practice them with my mother, otherwise she will worry about the deterioration of memory. At her age, this is permissible, but if you can slow down the process, then why not. I also bought her ginkoma, a plant tool for memory, acts just for its intended purpose.

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