All about the signs on the human body, what they warn about when the forehead, lip, cheeks, face, hand, elbow, right, left palm, soles, legs, back, many moles, acne, “goosebumps”, and burning tongue, and burning the tongue choked, fell related to business, childbirth and child

All about the signs on the human body, what they warn about when the forehead, lip, cheeks, face, hand, elbow, right, left palm, soles, legs, back, many moles, acne, “goosebumps”, and burning tongue, and burning the tongue choked, fell related to business, childbirth and child

This article describes ancient signs on the body that almost have not lost their relevance and have been preserved so far. Or maybe they really warn about something?

“The people noted the signs for centuries, but to us, the descendants, gave it to the deadly,” so the great poet A. S. Pushkin once said. Everyone knows that our body is an “indicator” of health. Also, the body can warn about something, you only need to listen to your sensations and know their interpretation.

Our ancestors have been observing for centuries and the events that took place around, and therefore signs that came to us from antiquity necessarily warn about something. And what exactly say signs on the human body, and how to interpret them correctly, read below.

What are the ancient signs on the body warning: the forehead, nose, lip, burned the tongue

The forehead is it: what do ancient signs on the body warn?
The forehead is it: what do ancient signs on the body warn?

On the head we wear a headdress and forehead can scratch from long -term wearing a hat or from allergies. But, if the forehead itches for no reason, then it is a sign that indicates an important upcoming event in your life. Lips are such a part of the face that has high sensitivity.

So, what these signs on the body are warning - forehead, lips:

Signs related with tongue:

The nose itches Usually for the upcoming holiday, the use of a large number of alcohol. This has happened since ancient times, since the people who have reveled usually fell and lying down down. Hence the dirty or broken nose, which “felt” everything in advance.

Hiccuped, choked: what are these signs with the body warning

Ikit is a sign
Ikit is a sign

The unpleasant sensations associated with the mouth: Iklil, choked, spit, speak of upcoming traces, or vice versa, gifts of life. Here are in detail what these signs with the body are warning:

  • Swallow the midge - To unpleasant and unexpected guests who can bring debt.
  • Hiccuped -Someone was remembered with a kind word.
  • Saliya choked on -Someone rushes you.
  • Who inadvertently spat out himself - To be ridiculed or drunk.

Take into account the designation of these signs and be more careful.

Cheeks, face, acne: what are the signs associated with these parts of the body?

To get rid of acne, you need to wash yourself with silver water
To get rid of acne, you need to wash yourself with silver water

Our ancestors attached great importance to the face. The young beauties smeared the cheeks with beetroot juice for a blush, and if acne appeared, then they covered them with something by hand, for example, clay. Here the interpretation will be associated with these parts of the body - cheeks, face, acne

Signs on the body:

  • Cheeks burn with fire - To shame, and to bad rumor.
  • If in a dream a mouse ran across a person's face, then this person will not live for six months.
  • Scratch his face in a dream - To a strong shock.
  • Who wants to have a clean face, get rid of acne, he should be washed from silver to dawn on a pure Thursday.
  • Fly bit her face - To be broken or ridiculed people.

These signs that came to us from the ancestors. Later, other signs associated with the face began to appear. For example:

  • If a pregnant woman is frightened of something and touch the face, then the baby will have birthmarks.
  • If the girl washed the floor poorly, then her future husband will be with smallpox (Scars on the face after this disease).
  • Daughter steals the beauty of her mother, and she will have girls, age spots and swelling after the birth of her.

If, after visiting guests with a small child or another crowded place, guide the baby in the face with his hand and say “go behind the wind”, then you can remove the evil eye.

Signs related to the body: hand, elbow, hand itching

Climbs palm: sign on the body
Climbs palm: sign on the body

You need to be careful with your hands. For example, it is known that it is impossible to give money from hand to hand, since they will not be wound, you should not take something through the threshold and so on. Here are a few ancient and reliable signs associated with the body, namely with the hands, elbow and palms:

  • Do not give your hand through the threshold - There will be no peace in the house.
  • Do not give your hand through the window - Give a good luck from the house.
  • Do not twist a knife in your hand - You will be evil.
  • Crushed his hand to his own door - To troubles or to court cases.
  • The right palm itches - To the money, and the left itchs for deprivation of money or embezzlement.
  • Who wipes his hand on a tablecloth, that burrs will have.
  • The woman will hit the elbow - To tears.
  • The elbow will hit the elbow - To the disease.
  • Young girl's elbow will cross - To a new date.
  • The guy will cross the elbow - To part with Mila.

Everyone knows an unpleasant feeling when we hit the elbow. Basically, this is a warning about upcoming troubles.

Signs with the body: fall on your back, legs itch, soles

Her legs itch: signs on the body
Her legs itch: signs on the body

When we go, we do not think where we are coming or through what we are crossing, but in vain. Even banal falls on their backs can warn us about something. Here are signs associated with body and legs, a feeling of scratching soles, legs.

Signs with the body:

  • Who will fall on the back - Those will not be taken for three years.
  • Who will fall on the ass - They will drive him in vain.
  • The thigh is itchy -To some incident.
  • The soles are burning - You will run away.
  • Who in the cow's shit steps - It will be rich.
  • With his right foot hesitated - Wait for trouble.
  • Never come a trace of a trace for another person - Otherwise, the legs will hurt.
  • With his left foot hesitated - To a cheerful road, for a trip.
  • Do not step through a pregnant cat - You will lose peace.
  • The heel itches - A hindrance on the road.
  • When going on a long road, put on shoes from the left leg, otherwise there will be no good road.
  • Go on the road on Tuesday - Luck will be.
  • Who kicks pieces of bread, he will be worried in old age and will be the poor.
  • Who hesitated in the cemetery during the funeral, not to live for a long time.
  • Who, speaking of the deceased, waves his handsHe calls the deceased to himself.
  • Do not click your fingers “Otherwise, in your life there will be fractures.”
  • Do not step over the broom - Poverty torture.

It will take a lot of things related to the legs. Pay attention to them and remember to know what to wait.

Many moles, "goosebumps": signs with the body

Many moles: signs with the body
Many moles: signs with the body

A few more interesting signs with the body that came to us from distant antiquity. For example, if there are many moles:

  • On the face - To an early marriage.
  • On shoulders - To a calm life.
  • On the back, along the spine - Difficulties with marriage, marriage.
  • On foot - To beauty.
  • On hands - To luck, prosperity in life.
  • On the chest, stomach - To a good family life.

Other signs with actions and sensations:

  • "Goosebumps" Appear before unpleasant news.

Childbirth, child: signs

  • To make the birth easy - The woman in labor with bare feet should go around the table.
  • If the child does not start to walk for a long time, it needs to be during the Easter service, to hand over the hands between blood women.
  • Earlier, until a child is a year, he was not cut so that the baby had a strong mind.

When not to do something: signs

  • Do not sit on Saturdays - Hands will be broken.
  • Do not throw the egg above your head - You will be weak with brains.
  • Do not poke a finger either in the sky or in the icon - Fate will get trouble.
  • Do not strands at night - There will be no peace at home

As you can see, before the signs were different, and the ancestors believed in them. Many of these signs have survived to this day, but to believe in them or not, decide for yourself. Good luck!

Video: Folk signs. What is it itching for?

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