The meaning of moles. What do moles mean on the body and face in women and men on the right and left side?

The meaning of moles. What do moles mean on the body and face in women and men on the right and left side?

Each mole appears on the human body for a reason. If you believe the esoterics, then moles have a special meaning and can even tell about the fate of their owner.

In the past moles were considered a special sign of fate, and some even indicated witchcraft and connection with the devil.

Today the attitude to these marks is more prosaic and if you have somewhere a huge mole flaunts No one will burn you at the stake. Nevertheless, each mole makes sense of both medical and esoteric.

The meaning of moles on the body of a woman on the right side: on the neck, chest, shoulder, stomach, back

Every woman is a real mystery, but to unravel the character traits of a friend or lover will help moles on her body.

Perhaps someone will consider such a practice with a nonsense, but comparing character traits and The location of the moles The wife, mother, sisters or colleagues will understand that the connection is obvious.

A woman’s mole

At the same time, the most truthful information is carried by moles that are on the body of both women and men since birth. You should also not take into account very small moles - the most indicative formations are from 2 mm.

Many women can be seen Mole on the neck. If it is located on the right side, then its owner:

  • prone to betrayal
  • has a tendency to insincerity and deception
  • changing in views on life and tastes
  • can be picky and pedantic
  • a self -wise person who does not listen to the advice of strangers
Mole on the neck on the right

And here is a mole on the right chest says that her mistress has more positive qualities, among which:

  • fidelity to both man and business
  • strong maternal instinct
  • good spouse
  • altruism

At the same time a woman With a mole in this place has a tendency to alcohol dependence and she needs to be extremely careful in use alcoholic beverages. In addition, a woman can always rush to extremes without finding a golden middle.

Mole on the right chest
  • Mole located in the axillary hollow (both right and left) may indicate the generosity of its owner, her mind and judgment
  • Esoterics claim that mole on the shoulder A woman speaks of a heavy burden, a certain difficulty on the life path that is given for karmic misconduct
  • Some of the researchers note that such moles they can even be transmitted from generation to generation
Mole on the shoulder

The location is considered an unfavorable sign moles on the right nipple. A woman with such a mark threatens the risk of an accident, which may be disabled.

Right breast mole indicates that:

  • a woman has a business grip
  • it has a certain insidiousness
  • capable of any cunning
  • has every chance to achieve career heights

Localization of a mole on the stomach on the right can characterize a woman as a passionate person, as well as she has such qualities:

  • incontinence
  • the tendency to gluttony
  • temper, tendency to tantrums
  • greed
  • narcissism
Mole on the stomach on the right
  • If the mole is closer to the center of the abdomen, then her owner is very successful and has every chance to live a happy measured life
  • And here is the location moles under the right edge indicates that a woman is endowed with cowardice, laziness and rudeness, but a wonderful sense of humor greatly softens these qualities
  • Moles on the back The woman talk about her kindness, generosity and openness to people. If a the mole is located closer to the lower back, then she points to the hard work of her mistress and the fact that this woman receives all life successes deservedly

Video: moles on the mammary glands, their meaning

The meaning of moles on the body of a woman on the left side: on the neck, chest, shoulder, stomach, back

  • Moles on the neckwomen are always a favorable sign. But here their location on the left side characterizes such ladies as the personalities of lonely and detached
  • These women prefer solitude and are very often deepened into their inner world. They can also be inherent in bilia, envy, negative criticism of others
  • If the mole is localized on the neck behind, then she also does not say anything good about her owner

Woman with such a mole endowed with these qualities:

  • dissatisfaction with your life
  • confidence only on their own strength and disappointment in others
  • extreme pessimism
Moles on the neck behind

In general mole that have a pointed shape, as well as hanging moles on the neck They indicate that their mistress had a chance to survive many negative events, shocks that changed her life for the worst.

Many esoterics assure that mole on the right shoulder He threatens with constant lack of money. As a rule, the owner of the mole in this place characteristic:

  • hard work
  • endurance
  • great patience
  • devotion to self -denial

If your mole is placed On the left chest, then you are a very gullible person who has been betrayed more than once and entered into dubious enterprises and relationships. Also, such a mole can talk about success.

Mole on the chest on the left

Women who have mole on the stomach on the left:

  • selfish
  • self -confident
  • sometimes they show greed

Generous and good -natured are women who have moles on the left side of the back. They are moderately gullible, excellent housewives, faithful friends, professionals in their field of activity.

If the mole is located closer to the shouldersthan to the lower back, she emphasizes that the requirements that her mistress puts and others are quite high.

Moles on the back of a woman

The meaning of the moles of the woman on the face on the right: on the cheek, above the lip, on the lip, on the eye, on the eyebrows, on the head

Moles on the face Not only are a kind of decoration and a highlight, but can also tell something about their owner. So, mole -localized on the right side, you can decrypt like this:

  • on the cheek - professionalism, luck, success in business
  • above the lip - A woman is very sensitive, tender, and her dreaminess can lead to unpredictable consequences
  • on the lip - a sign of determination that manifests itself in all areas of life
  • the corner of the eye - quick -tempered young lady that can roll up an enchanting scene of jealousy
  • under the eye - Very sensitive
  • on the cheekbone - a woman devotes her life to noble goals
  • at the temple - Very good intuition, on the edge of psychic abilities
  • on the eyebrows - most often found in perfectionists
Mole over the eyebrow on the right

If the mole is located on the scalp on the hair closer to the forehead, then you are a wise woman whose mind is constantly busy thinking on philosophical topics. The location of the mole closer to the back of the head testifies to the secrecy of a person, his frequent desire to conduct a double game.

The meaning of the moles of a woman on the face on the left: on the cheek, above the lip, on the lip, on the eye, on the eyebrows, on the head

The location of the mole on the head and face on the left It has a completely different meaning:

  • on the cheek - A woman knows how to keep secrets and can often listen and give good advice in a difficult situation
  • above the lip - The owner of the mole will have a happy marriage
  • on the lip - symbolizes the weakness and inability to resist his desires
  • on the chin - speaks of the stubbornness of its owner, who can sometimes be combined with cruelty
  • at the temple - indicates sentimentality
  • on the century - The woman is very dreamy, often her feelings suppress the voice of reason
  • on the eyebrows - speaks of absurdity and desire to constantly enter into skirmishes and disputes
Woman's mole on a woman

A mole that is localized on the scalp is closer to the ear testifies to the boastfulness of a woman. If it is located closer to the forehead, then her owner suffers from forgetfulness and often because of this falls into unpleasant situations.

The meaning of moles on the right and left hand in women: in the palm of your hand, fingers

Moles on hand are a favorable sign. It is believed that if a woman has a mole on the outer side of the hand (both left and right), then it will certainly be happy in marriage.

If a there are two moles on the forearm the same size, their owner is a very faithful person who cannot betray under any pretext.

Mole on the back of the palm

Mole on the left palm He says that a woman is very hardworking and all her things go better than others. If the mole of the fair sex is located on one of the fingers, then this speaks of the sensuality of her nature.

Moles on women's wrists They indicate that fate has prepared an interesting work in which she will be a real acce.

Mole on the finger

Mole in the palm of the right hand He says that her owner loves to cheat, and sometimes lie. But such her actions do not harm anyone, because they concern minor things.

Mole that is placed on the fingers of the right hand, indicates some superhuman abilities that can manifest in subtle intuition, predicting the future.

The meaning of moles on the right and left leg in women: on the foot, on the fingers

Mole on the hip says that a woman was created in order to be a mother. If a on both hips There are such marks, the woman will certainly have a large happy family, and the mother will fulfill the responsibilities of the mother with real professionalism.

Woman's mole of a woman

Women's moles on the legs:

  • on the knees - indicate the absence of patience with the owner. If the mole is on the right knee, then a happy marriage awaits the woman, and on the left - the emotions of the fairer sex everywhere they prevail over reason
  • on the lower leg - A woman is easy to climb, she has many talents, including dance
  • on the ankle - optimism, ease of communication, strong energy
  • on the foot -The mole on the left foot speaks of the outstanding intelligence of his mistress, and on the right-about the tendency to travel and research something
  • toes - The woman is incredibly suspicious and has no opinion

The meaning of moles in men from the right and left side

Men on the body of men are as indicative as women can tell some facts about your chosen one. Depending on the localization of the mole the man can say that he is:

  • went through many difficulties that strengthened his character if mole on the shoulder
  • the soft in relation to others quickly “departs” after the quarrel and does not hold evil - if the mole is located on one of the buttocks
  • able to love correctly and selflessly if it has mole on the chest. If it is placed left, then such a man will also be a great father
  • mamenkin son, if a mole on the right thigh. Life with such a man will be overshadowed by constant introduction into your relations of outsiders
  • sincere and open if the mole is located on the back
  • a rich, respected and generous person if a mole is located on the right side to the groin. If On the opposite left side, then the man is very painful, which prevents him from making money
Men's moles

Of particular importance in men are moles located on the face. If you saw a male mole in the middle of the lips, he loves freedom very much and it will not be easy to tie him with bonds. And if the mole is located closer to the left side, then a great husband and father will come out of your chosen one.

Mole on the temple Always speaks of the ardor of nature - such a man will be an excellent lover. But unfortunately, often such representatives of the stronger sex cannot offer anything but sex.

Moral mole on the cheek

Mole on the right cheek Indicates that a man loves diversity and this applies not only to food and entertainment, but also to women. Such a man can easily go to treason if he is not very attached to his chosen one.

If a man has a significant mole on the chin, then she gives out in her owner a adherent of classics and traditions. He will become a good husband, because the family for such a man is priority.

Does something form a mole and hair on a mole?

Esoterics argue that the meaning of the mole has an effect on life proportional to its size. So, if you have a mole on some part of the body, then the mole's value described above will be insignificant if its size is small, and vice versa is very noticeable if the mole is large.

The size of the mole matters

The shape of the mole also matters:

  • mole of the correct shape with even edges - always has a favorable meaning
  • mole of elongated or oval shape - speaks of luck
  • mole of irregular shape or with sharp edges - The meaning of the mole should not be interpreted as truthful, there is a chance that it indicates the opposite meaning

Attention should be paid to Mole color - The more intense it is, the more unequivocal the meaning of such a sign on the body. A weak shade of a mole Or completely merging with the color of the skin, you can only interpret as a slight hint of the presence of certain character traits in a person.

The meaning of moles: scheme

In order to more accurately decipher the value of moles by specialists special arrangement of these signs On the human body.

The location of moles on the face

Moles - Not only the pretty decoration of our body and face, which add a certain charm or completely cause complexes.

They also indicate certain character traits, inclinations and talents, fate and purpose. At least you can believe these interpretations, but you should not take them for the truth in the last instance - each man is individual And it may not meet any standard norms and requirements.

Video: How to find out the character and fate of mole?

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