He burned the tongue, sky, lips, throat: what to do, what helps with the burns of the oral cavity? How to relieve pain pain and treat a burned tongue, sky, lips, throat: tips, folk recipes

He burned the tongue, sky, lips, throat: what to do, what helps with the burns of the oral cavity? How to relieve pain pain and treat a burned tongue, sky, lips, throat: tips, folk recipes

What to do with burns of mouth, lips, throat in children and adults from boiling water and hot drinks. What pharmacy and folk remedies to use. When to call a doctor.

He drank hot tea, took a spoon in his mouth with a soup just removed from the fire - it was unpleasantly baked, fell ill, and then the skin began to climb from the sky. The situation is common, taking place with each, and not once. Nevertheless, few people know how to behave with burns of lips, mouth mucosa or throat.

He burned the tongue, sky, lips, throat: what to do?

Depending on what caused the injury of the tongue, sky, gums or throat, high temperature or aggressive chemical, there are burns, respectively:

  • thermal
  • chemical

It is important to differentiate them, since the type of burn directly depends on what first aid should be provided to the victim.

Burn lips.
Burn lips.

Important: a burn of the oral cavity and lips is always painful, since in the mucosa in these areas there are a large number of receptors.

  1. If an adult or a child drank boiling water or a very hot liquid, inhaled the steam, came into contact with a heated object (cutlet with heat from the heat, hot spoon, he will receive the thermal burn of the lips, the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. The degree of burns and severity with the symptom depends on the temperature So, hot tea can cause irritation of the mucosa, accompanied by slight swelling and short -term moderate pain. But boiling water when led to the ulceration of the mucous membrane and pain requiring relief with special drugs.
  2. A chemical burn occurs as a result of the lips, in the mouth or throat of potent chemicals - alkalis, acids, chlorine -containing household chemicals, so on. It is dangerous that the destructive effect on the tissue will continue until the chemical substance is neutralized.

Important: with a chemical burn of lips, mouth or throat, an ambulance should be urgently called.

Language burn.
Language burn.

But, let's say, a household situation arose - she was in a hurry to work, grabbed a cup of coffee, took a sip, but the drink was too hot, he burned his lips, tongue, sky and even throat. What to do?
Do not panic! Try to pull yourself together and determine what temperature there was a drink.
If he has already managed to cool to a temperature of 50-70 degrees, most likely, the burn has the first severity, the mucous membrane is damaged by temperature only superficially. To relieve swelling and inflammation, do the following:

  1. To a burn on the lip from the outside, attach an ice cube. Contact time is 2-3 seconds. Take a break, after attach the cube again. Panthenol, Bepanten and other pantotenic acid -based products help very well with a burn of this type of panthenic. From folk remedies, you can use chilled cucumber juice.
  2. With burns of the lips from the inside and the oral cavity (inner surface of the cheeks, sky, tongue, gum), rinse your mouth with cool water or milk (even better, since it creates enveloping fat film). If it hurts a lot, drink ibuprofen or paracetamol.
They burned your mouth - rinse it with cold water or milk.
They burned your mouth - rinse it with cold water or milk.

In contact with the liquid, products and objects with a temperature above 70 degrees on the lips and mouth, burns of the mucosa of the second degree of severity occur. Simultaneously with pain and swelling, the appearance of vesiculas - bubbles from swollen leather filled with liquid on damaged covers. Since it is not possible not to touch them, the vesicles burst very quickly, exposing the wounds that hurt a lot. In addition to prolonged rinsing with cold water and cold compresses, local antiseptics and painkillers (anastocaine emulsions of 4% or a lidocaine solution 5% local) are also required.

In contact with boiling water, a burning of the third degree can occur, characterized by deep temperature damage to the tissue, accompanied by its presentation and necrosis. Here you can’t help yourself qualitatively, you need to call an ambulance and go to a hospital.

Important: until it has bought the oral cavity and lips completely, drink and eat hot, acute, sour and salty categorically cannot be.

First aid, if the child burned the tongue, sky, lips, throat with boiling water, hot tea

Cases of burns of lips, tongue and sky in children from boiling water, hot fluids or products most often happen according to the inattention of adults - they did not see, did not control. But what happened happened. You will blame yourself and work on errors later. Immediately provide your child first aid:

  1. Be sure to call a doctor. It is difficult to independently determine the degree of burn, let the specialist do it. With burns of the first, and sometimes the second degree, the child will not be taken to the hospital, but they will tell you what to do. If damage to the third severity, the child needs the help of specialists, it will be provided in the hospital.
  2. Before the doctor arrives, try to reduce the pain that the child experiences. Let him suck a piece of ice or frozen berry. If there is ice cream, it is also suitable.
  3. If the child knows how to rinse his mouth, let him rinse with water or milk from the refrigerator.
  4. As a folk painkillers and anti -inflammatory drugs, you can also use honey, but if the child is more than 1 year old, and he is not an allergy sufferer.
  5. At your discretion, never use anesthetic tools with a “freezing” effect - lidocaine, novocaine, others. Firstly, it will be difficult for you to calculate the dose by the age of the child. Secondly, the child can bite the numb cheeks and tongue. Thirdly, with improper use, the throat and larynx can be reproached, the child will have breathing problems.
A child’s burn in a child.
A child’s burn in a child.

Important: chemical burns of the mouth in children is one of the common injuries. Make sure that vinegar, iodine, whiteness and other household chemicals are outside the reach of the child. If the trouble happened, do not hope at random and urgently call an ambulance.

Keep chemistry in places inaccessible to children.
Keep chemistry in places inaccessible to children.

How to relieve burn pain: tips and folk recipes

To relieve pain from the burn of the oral cavity:

  • breathe mouth, cold air will act distracting
  • rinse your mouth with cold water
  • eat ice cream or yogurt from the refrigerator
  • with a burn of a tongue or lip, sprinkle the damaged place with sugar and wait until it dissolves
  • send a spoonful of honey in the mouth
  • dissolve 5 drops of aloe juice in a 0.5 teaspoon of water, calm down a sterile bandage in the solution, make a compress to a burned place
As an anesthetic for burns, you can use ice cream.
As an anesthetic for burns, you can use ice cream.

From pharmacy drugs help:

  1. Vitamin E in capsules. Expand the capsule and pour its contents into a burn.
  2. Lidocaine 5 %. Moisten in lidocain ointment into a sterile cotton swab, treat the burns with a swab.
  3. Anestene 5%. Dissolve it in a small amount of sea buckthorn oil.
  4. Novocaine 2% in ampoules. Use it according to the same system as lidocaine.
Lidocaine ointment is used to anesthetize the mouth of the mouth.
Lidocaine ointment is used to anesthetize the mouth of the mouth.

How to treat a burned tongue, sky, lips, throat in adults and children: drugs, folk remedies

To make the burn of lips, sky, tongue and throat faster, use pharmacy products that have an antiseptic effect, accelerating healing and epithelization:

  • Miramistin
  • Chlorhexidine
  • Decassan (buy in non -bells and do inhalations)
  • pantotenic acid products
  • hydrogen peroxide 3% (after use, be sure to rinse your mouth with water)
Lip burn can be treated with panthenol.
Lip burn can be treated with panthenol.

Also use folk remedies:

  • half your mouth with cold decoctions of herbs - chamomile, oak bark, calendula
  • apply propolis oil to burns

If the healing process is delayed, or you have a reaction to any of the funds used, consult a doctor.

Video: Thermal burn. Burns of the eyes, oral cavity in children - emergency assistance

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Comments K. article

  1. thank you for the substantial tips, running to the pharmacy!
    Thanks !

  2. I cooked here and burned my hand strongly. I used Panthenolsprey, to those who have a smiley and an inscription in the blue frame, which has been produced in Europe. Dexpanthenol contains, which heals the skin, everything healed well, without complications.

  3. If a burn of the first or second degree, you can treat it at home. And if more, here only to the doctor and soon.

  4. Olga, here I am the same, I cook, one awkward movement and burn. At home I have a panthenolspre, I also take with an emoticon and with a blue frame, which says that it was produced in Europe. It is convenient to use it, you mumble and the product itself is absorbed.

  5. If it seems much better than the doctor. Just a lot of things depend on the degree of burn.

  6. I cooked the soup here and took my hand by the stove, immediately began to process the place of burns with panthenolsprey. It contains Dexpanthenol, which has regenerating actions. I take only one who has a smiley on a pack and an inscription in the blue frame that is produced in Europe.

  7. When you burned your mouth and you urgently need information - where to quickly find the necessary information?

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