What are the cheeks burning for? Cheeks are burning: a sign on the days of the week and medical reasons

What are the cheeks burning for? Cheeks are burning: a sign on the days of the week and medical reasons

Suddenly “flashed” cheeks can tell about a lot. But where exactly to look for the reason, among the people's signs or in a medical director, only you choose.

Cheeks burn and blush in every person quite often. The sensations that the phenomenon of “burning” cheeks gives can be very diverse.

In some cases, redness of the skin on the face does not betray itself, and you can find it only by looking in the mirror, and sometimes, along with the “burning” of the cheeks, a person caught breathing, the pulse quickens and the head dizzy.

Also, the causes of this phenomenon can be very diverse: from banal overheating and mysterious explanations of the people will accept to medical factors. Do you know why your cheeks burn?

Are cheeks burning? The reasons can be very diverse
Are cheeks burning? The reasons can be very diverse

What are the cheeks burning for girls: what does it mean, signs

Folk wisdom confidently declares: "If your cheeks are burning, someone remembers you". Guess who exactly is not difficult for young unmarried girls. Surely there are several fans who sigh, recalling the image, dear to the heart.

If the girl has a groom, then the feeling of “burning” cheeks means that the guy thinks or talks about her.

However, not only a fan can be the cause of a blush on a girlish cheeks. Perhaps one of the girl’s acquaintances really needs help and support, wants to see her or recalls an unkind word.

There is a true, repeatedly tested Folk methodologythat allows you to determine the intentions and thoughts of the one who recalls you.

So, take a thin golden ring (you can use a golden pendant or earring), click the decoration between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand and, with a little pressure, draw on the cheek that burns harder, “show how you think about me” . Now look in the mirror:

  • after the gold jewelry on the skin remained black trace -One of the acquaintances or “friends” is slander, dissolves bad rumors about you
  • white trace - You are remembered with love
  • there is no trace or strip has a pinkish-painted shade - You are remembered by your act to a stranger and now he thinks of you

Important: you can independently determine who exactly remembers you. To do this, you do not need to look for an answer in folk signs. Remember your unfulfilled promises and irrevocable debts. If there are such, then you can doubt - at a time when your cheeks are burning, you are remembered by a person offended by you.

If the girl's cheeks burn, the groom or fan recalls her
If the girl's cheeks burn, the groom or fan recalls her

What does the left cheek are on?

If only one cheek burns, you will not have to guess for a long time. "Left cheek is on-someone says evil" - This is folk wisdom.

If the left cheek burns very often, then there are many envious or ill -wishers in your environment. Think about your behavior and lifestyle. Try to “open” less to people. Reduce communication with unpleasant persons.

What is the right cheek burning?

With the right cheek, everything is not as clear as with the left. Here, even folk signs did not come to a common opinion. Here are the three most common versions of the people:

  • « The right cheek is on a big scandal, a quarrel "
  • "The right cheek is on - the people say well"
  • "When the right cheek burns, someone tells the truth"

Another sign promises a quick romantic date for a girl who has a right cheek.

When the left cheek burns, someone says evil
When the left cheek burns, someone says evil

Why are cheeks burning on Sunday: in the morning, afternoon, in the evening?

If cheeks are on Sunday:

  • in the morning - by evening there will be funny guests in your house
  • during the day - do not miss an important phone call
  • in the evening - fun awaits you

What are the cheeks burning on Monday: in the morning, afternoon, in the evening?

Cheeks burn on Monday:

  • in the morning - to acquaintance
  • during the day - to the renewal of previous ties
  • in the evening - to longing

Why are cheeks burning on Tuesday: in the morning, afternoon, evening?

Cheeks burn on Tuesday:

  • in the morning - to disagreements
  • in the afternoon - to the omissions
  • in the evening - to a quarrel

Why do cheeks burn on Wednesday: in the morning, afternoon, in the evening?

Slooded blush on cheeks on Wednesday:

  • in the morning - to a love date
  • during the day - to the fast serious relations with the opposite sex
  • in the evening - gifts
On Wednesday evening, cheeks burn to gifts
On Wednesday evening, cheeks burn to gifts

Why are cheeks burning on Thursday: in the morning, afternoon, evening?

On Thursday, the cheeks are burning:

  • in the morning - to calm, calm
  • during the day - to pleasure
  • in the evening - by good night

Why are cheeks burning on Friday: in the morning, afternoon, evening?

On Friday, cheeks are on:

  • in the morning - to the news
  • during the day - to surprise
  • in the evening - to the proposal
On Friday evening, cheeks burn to the offer
On Friday evening, cheeks burn to the offer

Why are cheeks burning on Saturday: in the morning, afternoon, evening?

On Saturday, cheeks are burning:

  • in the morning - to date
  • during the day - to the meeting
  • in the evening - to a quick conversation

Important: if a burning sensation on the cheeks does not pass for a long time and causes unpleasant sensations, wash yourself with holy water. In the event that the cheeks have been burning for several days (weeks, months), consult a doctor - most likely you have to examine your body.

Cheeks burn: medical reasons

In a scientific redness and a burning sensation on the cheeks are called blanning syndrome.

If the cheeks are constantly burning, most likely your body thus signals the development of some of the following diseases:

  • lung defeat tuberculosis (blush is more on the side that lightly affected the lung)
  • disruption of blood circulation (In this case, not only cheeks burn, but also ears)
  • increasing pressure
  • problems with the thyroid gland
  • overeating, and, as a result, obesity (bright blush)
  • sugar increase (blush pale, muffled)
  • hormonal disorders
  • alcoholism

Important: if you are sure that alcohol, strong emotional excitement, experiences or a sense of shame, consult a doctor is not the reason for the blazing of the cheeks.

If the cheeks burn constantly, you need to undergo a medical examination
If the cheeks burn constantly, you need to undergo a medical examination

What to do if cheeks burn?

If you believe in magic and know that the cheeks are burning due to the fact that someone is slander and dissolves gossip about you, do the following: in the evening, at the sunset, spit three times in the palms, rub them, saying: saying:

“From my hands to (the name of the enemy). The ears were glued, their eyes were flooded, their teeth were sour. So be it".

A conspiracy from evil languages \u200b\u200bwill also help: "" My God, take the slander, drive gossips, gossip with them back! Angel is my patron, cover me with wings! Amen!".

If the cheeks are constantly burning, and the medical examination did not show any significant health deviations, try to solve this problem yourself in this way:

Do not forget that cheeks can often burn and blush in people who tend to be shy and embarrassed for any reason. If you are from these, do not look for a secret meaning or symptoms of diseases in this phenomenon. Also, cheeks usually burn in the cold.

Cheeks burn in the cold
Cheeks burn in the cold

Be that as it may, we wish to remain healthy and in a good mood at any time, and let the blush on your cheeks appear only from love confessions and unexpected achievements of the most secret desires.

Video: How to stop blushing?! Stress redness of the face. Blashing syndrome. Erytrophobia. Psychotherapy

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